Post flopkino. Films that lost money but are actually good

Post flopkino. Films that lost money but are actually good.

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Titan A.E., Blade Runner 2049

John Carter.

I saw this at a friend's. It was surprisingly good, and very stylish.

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Speed Racer was good but that fat kid's wacky antics ruined it.

The Room

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Avengers Endgame

Did it really lose money though? Maybe in the short run, but it's become something of a pop culture phenomena.

The kino-est of all flopkino

Was a commercial success but so expensive it was a loss for Fox

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I haven't seen it. Is Elizabeth Taylor hot in it? I kind of have a boner for Egyptian stuff.

It is really good but long.

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this fucking movie

was ghostrider a flop? im not gonna look up every movie. i enjoyed ghostrider. neat hero, nick cage is himself, the devil was cool, and tits that belonged to eva mendes during prime years.

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>blocks your nuke

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what? no way that flopped, literallye veryone loved it

Fucking christ this movie is a trip. some of those race scenes had me almost convulsing.

something definitely flopped in that film

a classic

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Fun fact: they actually had the controls to the cars rigged up to a simulation and the data was used by the animators, so that the actors' and movements would match the way the cars were moving.

That ending was cinegasm.

Oscarbait is never kino

If a movie loses money it obviously isn't a good movie

It was like a visual representation of what nutting feels like.

>what? no way that flopped, literallye veryone loved it
Everyone on Yea Forums and Yea Forums...

It did terrible in the box office though, didn't even make it's budget back.

they made a sequel so it couldn't have been a flop
yep that's why they never made any sequels

Everyone loved it when it came out on rental. It was pretty much ignored in the cinema.

that's a lotta effort

Lost money. Lot of it.

If only we lived in a world without scarce resources or required marketing. Alas, we do not, so the quality of the movie is not usually the deciding factor.
>Stop posting 90IQ.

its so much worse than oscar bait, it's hugh grant masturbating to himself, repeatedly.

awesome movie

They sort of made a sequel. It was more like a soft reboot, although it still stars Nic Cage. I thought it was better than the first movie desu.

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is it good?

no fucking way

This is one of those movies I just plain can't believe flopped. I saw it in 3D the week it came out and I was blown away. It was like, the best action movie of the decade.

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That was such a dog shit movie.
The only thing I got out of it was recognising locations.
They shot it in Australia because I guess it looks enough like Texas on screen.

for me, it's Yoona-939

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(Unfortunately) nobody cares about Judge Dredd as a franchise, and it came out in the middle of the comic book movie glut.

Ghost Rider was okay for a dumb Nicholas Cage movie. But the sequel Spirit of Vengeance was complete shit and almost unwatchable. I'd heard good things but it sucked major ass


Jesus, where to begin. Off the top of my head:
Blade Runner
Blade Runner 2049
Heaven's Gate
Steve Jobs (2015, not the shitty Ashton Kutcher one)
Suspiria (2018)

pls add to list

Where the hell was Nick Cage during End Game, anyway?

They let Cage go full batshit for the second one, it was a definite improvement over the first. The first was so meh nobody could muster any enthusiasm for the sequel, though.

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>argumentum ad populum
also you can't /thread your own post you arrogant swine

Why did this movie have so many generals

Alita: Battle Angel.

Incoherent shit

>Blade Runner 2049
this deserved to flop even harder than it did. good thing dune definitely will.

Eyyyy fellow sneedposters.

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You should watch Drive Angry, it's basically exactly the same as Ghost Rider but good.

Nick Cage literally drives a car out of Hell.

Is 'Alita' Japanese for 'Lolita'?

Based as fuck

lol, that would have honestly been a quip id appreciate. just immortal fiery head nick cage confused, angry, and wanting to do the right thing. then sam elliot comes over and sips a coors banquet.

on topic, the warriors way is way too fun. i know it builds up almost entirely to the final 10 moinute long fight, but damn was it fun to watch

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sounds fun

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out of all the films i have seen in my life this is still the only one that warrants a re watch now and then

Based. Speed Racer is probably the best anime adaptation ever made. It's at least the best Wachowski Trannies production.

It deserved better.

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Normies couldn't get past the big eyes.

Steve Jobs was great but that faggot Jew Seth Rogen shit all over the film and brought a lot or bad press to it. Sorkin was the screenwriter btw

thats a good point, havent thought about that film in years. dad and i rented it one night, we had a couple beers and really bonded over how cool that thing was. it's absurd, badass, creative, and really has that feeling of "as if i give a shit" that makes you want to contiue watching. i think theres boobs too

I haven't seen it but I heard it was actually pretty good. I guess there just wasn't that much market for a big budget Power Rangers.

I liked it when I saw it in the theater but I also recall it wasn't great. I am absolutely sure it bombed spectacularly.

I jerked it to the pink ranger. ngl

Good movie, very touching

It took a little too long to get to the Power Rangering (a problem lots of origin stories have), but the actors were great and it was pretty well received. At least Hasbro will be making a new movie, though not likely a sequel.

It was straight popcorn, and it was poppin every second.

masks are too creepy

this movie

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Speaking of flopkino, I thought GI Joe Retaliation was great. It's too bad that the mixed reaction to the first film rolled over onto it, because it was a much better movie. The same thing happened to Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows. They actually listened to a lot of the criticisms of the first film but the damage had already been done.

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Interesting, I'll watch it tonight

I wouldn't say "great" to either of those, but yes I would agree that both improved drastically on the first ones by listening to the fans.

Watching this in 3D was great

and I don't care for 3D

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i need to finish it, like you said, it took too long to get to the power ranges. i know they cant quite remake the awesome cheesiness of the 90s, but i didnt quite care for the dark take they went with.

Seeing this in the theater in 3D was a treat.

>that first booming bass note and the long shot of Mega-City One

Simple explanation.

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The first one was cheesey and forgettable except for this hot ass chick with the sexy glasses and leather suit

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i liked both. they had pretty solid casts too.

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It's pure kino but it's not even gonna make its money back

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damn, had no idea that was a flop. riddick is the best modern adaptation of the quiet, uber-powerful rogue.

I thought the first one sucked but Retaliation was really fun. I got dragged to it by my brother who watches nothing but garbage but I actually liked this one

Director's Cut, I agree

Theatrical cut is shit

While we're discussing completely insane Cagekino I'd like to mention Vampire's kiss which is maybe still the best thing he's ever done

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Yeah, it is why the third movie was scaled down. Gotta love Vin Diesels dedication to having these movies made.

This wasn't great but was a lot better than I expected after the rotten reviews. Great cinematography.

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a movie for 12 year old boys just before puberty, and men who never escaped puberty mentally.
perfect for Yea Forums[nel]

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The 13th warrior

Opened to negative reviews and became a box office loss. Now it is a classic shown every Christmas on network tv.

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pretty much. loli face and loli brain on a young woman body.
it works


Flopped hard but is actually a great western. It has it's flaws but overall it's one of my favorite movies, and I refused to see it for years because of all the negative press around it upon release.

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I loved the original Speedracer, I always watch it on MTV before it got cancelled because of fucking Ferrari being faggots.

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It still lives on in biology classrooms with substitute teachers all across America.

doesn't look like that axe wound is gonna heal anytime soon

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Director Capra was also accused of being a commie for this one. Unironically one of the top movies of all time

The costume designer from chronicles is doing Dune

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because he was/is a dirty red

>how to make the longest thread ever

Should watch if you haven't seen this. Viking kino.

good, always thought the necromongers were like what I wanted the sardukar to look like

Still made the most patriotic US film to date.

When's the sequel? This shit was rad

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pinkos aren't welcome here

Oh nevermind it was a tv-series my bad. Keith Urban want's to star in it too.


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Based, a shame the marketing team was filled with people who thought plebiest of dubstep would make a good appealing trailer for a gritty action film.
Used the lamest sounding girly brostep in a time when people were still shitting on the genre as a whole.
Remember this marketing team, so that they may never work on anything.

yea if its any good I think he'll be happy to at least cameo occasionally

stop licking jew banker ass, go back to r/the_donald

loved both of these

I've seen that shit twice or even three times and I still don't know what the fuck it was about.
Too many drugs in the writing and editing rooms.

I'm surprised he agreed to do the movie in the first place knowing that his face wouldn't get shown

Bad Lieutenant is my pick

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jesus how did they manage to make the trailer boring

Because Urban is a real actor, who cares more about the role than his own ego.

The two video games were also really good too.
By far the best movie-games i've ever played.

I cannot believe nobody has brought this up

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The sad thing is people aren't like that anymore

It was aimed at retarded Mexican children and it deserved to flop

Because Urban is a fucking nerd and knows Dredd never ever exposes his face in comics.

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This shit is very underrated

oh fuck, that one was beautiful. stupid stupid audiences.

Still not as good as its source material

shes hot ye

I don't think it did well in the theaters, but I watch it everytime it comes on

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I fucked the yellow power ranger.

Vampire's Kiss was funny but Bad Lieutenant is peak Cage

also can't believe no one has posted this either, another one I turn on Everytime I see it's playing

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>the part where Racer X does a flip over the opponents car, slaps him in the head and laughs at how stupid it was

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nice, i like this one

source was weebshit right? can't be worse.

RIP Carolco

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but it lost 20 million

That's what speed racer is about my dude. Corny scenes.

the worst part is, every 15 second teaser, such as an ad on twitter or on someones' feed would be that brostep song.
Any boomer would be turned off right away.
Comic fags would be turned off because it was dubstep/brostep. So it lost a big portion of the audience it was going for.

I'd never seen the trailer for it before but I think its great, maybe perhaps because I already know the movie is great.

He insisted, he the writer the director and the producer refused to make the movie if they showed his face, everyone involved was a huge 2000ad fan

that was legitimately good, not just fun. clever acting, clever enough plot, didnt just pander to people who recognized te older actors. very respectful. that william stryker guy was fun

kinda what sorta ruined suicide squad, aside from a number of things.
They could've hired any nobody actor to play deadshot, and satisfy a lot more fans by making him keep his mask on


that wasn't a flop, the sequel was

Allam ascended to god-tier in this movie

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This was awful

My mom and brother raved about this, but I've still never seen it
most kino moment in film

he saw lasers n spaceships n shit

its ok, malkovich tripping on acid the whole movie is entertaining

Before its time

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>No martial arts

They didn't have a clue.

I just think they needed to go even campier with the using the theme song thing. Like really go for it and do a 90second cut of the entire song, have them punch along to the lyrics and have lots of Reddit Approved Applause Moments. Reddit could have then carried it to at least 100 million more box office.

I feel like Vin Diesel is embarrassed about this series for some reason.

This is the greatest cast per lost dollar ever.

Yo if Disney backed a Remo Williams movie I bet people would watch it.


gattaca flopped? shame


sign me up

It is a weird movie but good.

She was the best thing about the movie hands down.

I forgot did that nigga really shoot a white phosphorus round within the apartment complex?

She made a profit

I think this was a box office loss but google isn't helpful.

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dracula was horrible
cgi was overwrought
protags were great
music was great
aesthetic was great

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This movie was great. If they had started with this movie instead of the piece of crap we got, the entire face of super hero movies might have changed

vampire boobs and crossbows. the dude who was the friar was decent

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You must be a seriously shit googler

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I'm still fucking salty.

I love this movie (aside from the fake burnout tire smoke). Probably not a flop, just under performed.

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Dracula had the wrong look but that actor did a great job in the role. This movie was hugely shit on by the critics at the time, I didn't see it because it sounded like a joke, but seeing it now its almost a classic horror/adventure movie. As the guy said, way ahead of its time.

>John Cusack meets Matthew Broderick
80's protagonist kino

>Dracula had the wrong look but that actor did a great job in the role.
corniest shit I've ever seen in my life m8

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I unironically love this movie and will defend it until death.

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What a fucking drag. How do you fuck up so hard?? Hope they got fired

Yeah, but this did more damage:

So is monster verse Kia?

Dude that fucking picture lololol

I think the movie was supposed to be partial parody but not everyone realized this

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>bonding with your bro actually making an effort
i'm proud of you user

This one is good too

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I don't think you understand how bad white phosphorus really is

What makes it good? Sell it to me

I'm so fucking ready for Gilliam finally getting Don Quixote out the door

The word you're looking for is pastiche

I show him some movies I like sometimes with mixed results, but I showed him Heat and it's his single favorite movie of all time now. feels pretty good

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Jesus, I forgot that movie hasn't had a release yet.

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Shoot em up is fucking action-parody kino
also, Clive Owen is based

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my favourite action movie hands down

It references or pays homage to almost every single great western movie ever made, and the train chase finale is genius. Might help to be really high.

Thanks to International Gross it didn't flop

it has, april 10 2019

this screenshot just made me realize it's a virgin vs. chad flick

This was most ultimate cringey shit. Like a big budget film school movie.

Doesn't count, it had weird issues due to WWII and is now the 23rd highest grossing film of all time when adjusting for inflation

This right here

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What happened to cat posting?

when Yea Forums was drowning in GoT threads.

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>the monologue where the camera is rotating around him

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‘The Wolfman was kino.

How old are you? How is it incoherent? Do you know what incoherent means? How old are you? How old are you?

This was definately Kino.

>flashback within a flashback


Annihilation still makes me mad because they give you 30 minutes of pure eldritch kino, but you have to sit through an hour and a half of Syfy tier garbage beforehand. Could have been a genuine classic if they'd put more effort into the first two acts.

Speed Racer was peak kino

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thanks for reminding me to rewatch this; it's been years

Under the Silver Lake

This is the true Castlevania movie in my mind.

I remember seeing the trailer for ‘Cutthroat Island’ and really really really wanting to see the film.
Then, like a year and a half later or more,
the film comes out,
stays in theaters for like a week,
And disappears.
I had to see it on VHS, on a small tv.
To this day I’m still pissed I didn’t get to see it in theater.

Only flopped because people said "ugh theyre remaking that shitty stallone movie again" anyone whos seen it can tell you its fantastic.

It's basically a Castlevania movie and better than any movie that actually bears Castlevania's name. With a few tweaks or waiting a couple of years it would be held pretty highly

Cringe, but redpilled.

Thts why I skipped it, but a friend made me watch it months later. Luckily I still got to see it on the big screen after that

The soundtrack alone is kino.

Was this really considered a flop? Made 16m on a 2m budget.

>so are you just a pussy with a gun in your hand?
>no i'm a gun with a pussy in my hand
love this flick

Can we please talk about Solarbabies?

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Mr Calhoon, Mr Calhoon

>I feel like Vin Diesel is embarrassed about this series for some reason.
Riddick was literally based on a Dungeons & Dragons character that Vin played in high school.

My dad took us all to see John Carter, because it was basically the story of his favourite book when he was a kid. Edgar Rice Burroughs' "Tarzan on Mars". It was so funny to see my father so excited about some film when he rarely gets stoked about anything. Based boomers.
I began to love it too and was pretty perplexed when found out how it had flopped.

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Captain Ron

top stuff. that fucking scene where hes booby trapping the warehouse and the security guard sipping coffee loudly pisses him off.

Synecdoche, New York

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Shoot 'Em Up came out around the same time as Crank, but I thought Shoot 'Em Up was much better.

I was surprised how good this actually was.

Oh hey I watched that youtube video. Was that you? The tryhard shill who tried to convince people that That movie was some kind of great happening in film? It was alright, wasn't terrible, nothing to write home about.


I like the pony tail kill

Was just about to post this

Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel

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I saw the director at a panel at Comic Con back in the day talk about what a saga it was to make that movie. He talked about trying to get it made for years and how he basically drew an entire flipbook of a scene of the movie (I think it was like thousands of drawings) to pitch the idea. He seemed so genuinely happy about how it all finally came together. They showed a scene from the movie and all the nerds there flipped out. I thought it was pretty stupid and something only like a 12 year old would like, but whatever.

Then of course it flopped and it disappeared from the public conscious forever and that dude has basically never worked again. Really sucks for him.

Bad Times at the El Royale

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(one of those flicks you need to watch a youtube vid afterward to figure some details out)

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It was a terrible, terrible movie

this is a terrible, terrible post


coherence was fucking great, but was it a flop? it's budget was like 50k$

I watched this, i remember it being good, but other than that i forgot it.

Time Lapse

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I liked this

Nicholas Brendon (Xander from Buffy) is in it. Wonder what the real budget was (in coke and other party favors).

These were both fucking amazing and deserve all of the hype they didn't get (until it was already far too late).

Uma Thurman is insanely hot in this

Haha my bio teacher showed me this movie. Thanks Ms Llanes!

$2 mil was just the production budget. I think when you factor in marketing and the $10 mil the studio paid for distribution rights it definitely lost them money

I have no idea how much this cost since it was pretty much all out of pocket for the director, but there's no fucking way it made its budget back.

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Shut the fuck up. It's an adaptation.


The Triangle

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The constant generals make me hate this movie


Good monster rampages and cinematography as you say, but everything that isn't that was forgettable as fuck.

>budget 30mil
>US Gross 2.3mil
yea i'd say it flopped, great film tho

>Starring Elizabeth "Sticki my Dicki in" Debicki.
I will watch it for that.

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Sucker Punch

liked 855 more

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Any Terrence Malick film. I think he is an arthouse money laundering operation.
Song to Song is good tho

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I fucked the red one.

Absolute kino
Made a little more than its budget but just didn't seem to get a ton of attention

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one of the worst big budget movies ever made

>32m budget
>31.9m box office
absolutely unjust

It got press at the time, but was forgotten.

They're Watching

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>scenes where that guy is using his various clones to get his buddy out of the building
>that fuckin thot patrol at the end

This movie was awesome

gotta consider some laundering in all those hollywood numbers

It's still famous for the car chase

Punch Drunk Love

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The El Royale hotel was a custom built set but I get what you are saying. None of the official numbers are 100% accurate.

I like Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

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Fucking based

Is there a name for that kind of mask?

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Not sure why this movie isn't more popular. I want to say it was pretty popular on the DVD and cable market in the years after it came out, but I think it's been pretty forgotten (other than for the car chases).

Kind of feel like people thought it was a retread of Mission Impossible, which was popular for years after it came out, and no one bought Robert De Niro as an "action star."

Real bummer, because it's a well-made, well-written movie with a ton of good actors.

Tarsem Singh Kino.
Tarsem still directs movies including a recent one,’Self/less’ starting Ruan Reynolds, so not all bad for the director.

This movie could have been directed by Gaspar Noe and I would believe it.

You retards need to stop shilling that flick. It needed 30 minutes cut from its runtime.

dunno if they were "flops", but Jack Reacher and Scott Pilgrim are both in my top 5. I think hulk (2004) was a LOT better than people give it credit for. Spider Man 3 as well.

probably the best example

I haven't seen it since I was a kid, but I remember thinking it was just a good all around movie. Critics hate carpenter for some reason.

legit good movie

it flopped?

that was an awful movie

>the twist on one of the most well known twist ever
>the twist about the twist wrapping back around to being faithful
I really enjoyed that.

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Nah. the director's cut is a pretty decent watch. it's ambitious enough for me to forgive some of its shortcomings. It's just a kitchen sink approach which dazzles people and prevents them from really getting what's going on. Isaac's performance is god tier. Fight scenes are great. Girls are beauteous. But Snyder being the sad cunt that he is, managed to make a movie that would piss off absolutely everyone.

Like looking at hot girls kicking ass? well so does the filmmaker, but he also feels guilty about it so the movie will trash you for doing it.
Like female empowerment? well so does the filmmaker, but he also recognizes that it's basically just a fraudulent concept and women will always be victims except in their own imaginations so that's what the movie shows.
Like fantasy? well so does the filmmaker, but he's also obsessed with fantasy as a meta thing so he's not just going to make a fantasy movie
Like the real world? too bad, the filmmaker thinks it fucking sucks!
Like rape? yeah you do, you naughty slick dicked fuck

He basically couldn't have alienated a higher percentage of his audience if he tried.

This movie + LSD = ???

it was two aging actors trying to portray badass sociopathic secret agent types in a story where the protagonists and antagonists are all bad guys

Did this really flop?

Weird yet boring movie

My childhood :')

that's actually pretty based and red pilled
Looks like a gay porno.

December 17th 2021, tick tock...

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The most fucked up horror kino in recent history.

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I watched this because I think genetic engineering is neato, but it was an awful movie.

>because I think genetic engineering is neato
splice yourself you freak

would if I could, biiiiitch

I read 'INCEL'
God, I gotta get off.

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You're even scarier than the movie and you don't even realize it.

no, sorry, we're busy talking about other movies

>"Tarzan on Mars"
It's funny how often that gets repeated. Burroughs actually created Carter years before Tarzan.

imagine being this intelligent.

lynch is a hack. change my mind

Titan AE

Factual and Mousepilled

Only incel freaks will attempt to refute this

Lynch may be a Hack, but ‘Dune’ was Kino.