Is he based?
Tom Green
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No. That's why his show was raided twenty years ago.
What is hedoing right now? How exactly hes paying his rent, because his career ended some time ago
Most influential comedian of the 21st century. Not the best, but the most influential.
He is getting better. Yea Forums gave him PTSD and has only in the past few years been recovering.
when he lost that youthful zeal he became just another canadian
He was ahead of his time for sure
Shame Eric Andre ripped his show off, couldn’t do it in front of a live audience though so Tom still has that
>Eric Andre
One of the most unauthentic shitheads in the business today.
Eric Andre is reddit.
>Tom Green
I still can't believe Drew Barrymore married this fucking retard LMAO.
late 90's and early 00's were crazy. You have people like drew marrying retard flash popular people like tom because he was the flavour of the month.
then there is Natalie portman dating Moby because that was his height popularity.
>thing I don't like is reddit
Hmm yes, tell me more
also just so you know, drew barrymore is worth 125million right now.
tom green is worth 40 canadian dollars.
>then there is Natalie portman dating Moby because that was his height popularity
You mean an old creep stalking an innocent young actress
Hey Tom, do a barrel roll
Why didn't his fame last at all when he's clearly so good at what he does?
Eric Andre is lmao so randumb quirky spork reddit bacon narwhal aspergers
A barrel roll?
Stop trying to make me feel old.
Because Freddy Got Fingered was an elaborate troll on the producers who actually gave him several million to produce literal garbage
A barrel roll
Nah he's a sóy slurping little faggot.
a bawawawow
he still is
I like that guy. The barrel roll guy, the guy that repeated it.
You mean Xenon?
The man is a fucking legend.
I liked the episode where the trolls embarrassed him in front of Wilmer Valderrama. Wish I could still find it.
>I still can't believe Drew Barrymore married this fucking retard LMAO.
she was a gold digger
The boomer who never grew up.
Yes. He wrote, directed, and produced the best comedy ever made.
Also is a decent standup, pioneered man on the street videos and podcasting
A barrel roll.
worth like 1000x more than your piece of shit ass
Calm down, Tom.
This is the best comedy film ever made. Prove me wrong; protip, you can't.
the chad is great
Kill yourself
>boomer comedian
I can't, not without my cheese helmet.
Tom cursing
seriously though, how does he pay for his 1 bedroom apartment?
Freddy got fingered residuals
tom Green was ahead of the curve on literally everything he fucking did and his movie is an underrated and under-recognized genius comedy. He was even ahead of the curve on livestreaming replacing old media, he had a podcast before any other remotely mainstream comedian.
>child actress known for role in iconic ET film
>from renowned old Hollywood family of actors with a prestigious name
>gold digger who goes after Tom Green a Canadian gross out comedian with a show on MTV while she's starring in fucking Charlies Angels
Yep, Adam carolla always gets credit for his podcast starting so early, but tom had him beat by years.
You forgot
>used like a fleshlight throughout childhood by directors and producers (including Spielberg)
Freddy Got Fingered is my second favorite film ever made!!! I really hope that he returns to cinema. He would absolutely be in my top 5 favorite directors if only he did more work!!!
i mean in a attention whore way because tom was hot shit back then
now I'm getting flashbacks to mid and late 00's era Yea Forums and xenon's call... I miss these days like you wouldn't believe, browsing in 2005 as a teen with my finger on the pulse of the internet, watching now classic and forgotten memes being born and spread
based, is pedophilia the key to being a great filmmaker? Maybe Polanski was onto something.
A legend. Anyone who says otherwise is dumb or a women.
holy shit what if this is true though
I remember Pamela Anderson being on and someone putting goatse on skype.
more of these please
Not very many clips anymore unfortunately. Years back either Tom or his company copyright claimed a ton of the clips and got them pulled down.
Not Yea Forums but Tom Green is literally the source of the Joe Rogan Experience.
there are movies that are considered comedies that i like more than freddy got fingered (well, one movie), but freddy got fingered is the best at being a comedy and making you laugh
he seems like alcohol ruined his brain. trying to watch him do interviews or anything is really hard
even more baffling is that he probably the first and only man to ever get something wiped off the internet.
Yeah, but TG wanted to have a traditional talk shower from the start. Even the revival in 2015 was a standard talk show, which is why it failed. No one wants to watch that shit. He should've done what Rogan's done for years.
lol he's the inspiration for a bunch of people who just did what he did but better
He seems sharp as fuck doing standup except I really really don't find it funny at all. Sorry to say but it just seems really dated. Then again all of stand up is basically a dying art and pretty much garbage nowadays anyway.
Still credit where credit is due. Rogan got the idea and just had the insight to push even harder past the norms enshrined by networks.
Freddy Got Fingered is a masterpiece
everyone ripped off Tom Green.
MTV created jackass based on tom green after they kicked him out.
He was kino.
Tom was a legend
used to tune in live for them.
That's not Chris Elliott.
joe rogan has always been a fake piece of shit
that was funny
i agree.
laughed a ton at it in the early 2000s.
fucking time has gone too fast
i'm sorry, tom
This fucking maniac was trolling locals in Japan on twitch the other month. He has balls.
This might be my favorite bit he ever did. Simple goodness.
Oh please. There is something to be said for chugging vinegar, but no one actually likes that guy.
Did he copystike all his live steam clips?
All the Yea Forums barrel roll memes are gone on youtube when I looked last time