Shitty things you're waiting for

Just eager to see how they fuck up Near/Mello

Word on the street is they're gonna be girls

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Is this a sequel to the one they already made?

already came out - it's retarded, but I guess it's like 5.5/10, judged on its own merits and not as an adaptation of the manga. Judged as an adaptation of the manga it's like 1/10.

Whut? Are they really make a sequel?
Can't even remember what happens at the end of first one, did Misa dies on the wheel??

the ferris wheel has a crash. The famous 'death note ferris wheel crash' scene that everyone loves so much, thank goodness they included it in the movie.

There's no way there's going to be a sequel to that thing.

Just googled:
>Netflix is developing a sequel to its live-action Death Note anime/manga film adaptation. The first Death Note movie was directed by horror filmmaker Adam Wingard (of You're Next and The Guest fame) and premiered on the streaming service almost exactly a year ago, in late August 2017.


OP here, i didnt have a better picture. There is not a single bit of promo material for the sequel even though the sequel was aimed originally for 2020.

The sequel will never come out and is quietly cancelled.
It was hated by everyone. Critics and audiences. No one wants a sequel. It is dead.

This was great. Fuck everyone


Up there with Mute as Netflix pleb filters

t. ultasoi protag sympathizers

Nigga what

Its a good film IF you dont compare it to any other Deathnote media.

Heck we have 13 books. 3 other Live action films. A Anime, a couple light novels.

One "shitty" americanized version wont ruin the originals. Just bring more fans to the IP. Im happy it wasnt a exact retelling. The two part adaptable was great and shouldnt be replaced!

Just going to state the obvious:

if these movie came out in the 80's and the manga never existed, it would be hailed as a classic teen thriller

sorry, i don't speak incel

I don't. Never seen the original, went in blind and genuinely blindsided by the twist at the end. I did watch one episode of the original a couple weeks ago

I want a sequel. I prefer it to the overpraised source material, which has the worst fanbase in anime history. And that's saying something.

we're getting a sequel and there's nothing you can do to stop it

I hate that you are right.

>name your movie after a famous franchise
>"ur not supposed to compare it to the rest of the franchise!"
How about no.

please fuck off

>Misa is the brains of the operation

Sometimes I really do wonder what they are thinking

>Light is just a horny boy
>Mia is a psychopathic thot who was using Light to gain access to his notebook
Seems realistic desu.