Will the franchise ever recover?

Will the franchise ever recover?

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No. Just do the same with all these franchises, Ignore everything past 2.

Ridley Scott isn't the problem. Get better writers.

Came here to say this
Don't buy the milk from overmilked cows

what do you expect? it had two good movies. there's nothing left to be done that'd be any good.

>it had two good movies.
Just like the Terminator franchise

then when that doesn't work, they ignore everything past 1

Prometheus was based

the franchise was ruined the moment cameron left
you can get angry, shout at me, say whatever you want, but you know its true, and its the same with terminator

What else?


Alien Engineers's plot was kino and they ruined all of it to make two shitty movies with a nonsensical evolutions of the xenormorph.

at this point there is no interests anymore.
>We know that space jockeys were not giant biomechanic ancient elephants but white giants human-like beings on space suits.
>Xenomorphs are not even that old, they were invented or re-invented by some evil android practicing experiences on a planet using a black goo.
>the black goo is some shitty IA mutating every organism to make it creepy but the evolution doesn't make sense, if the original xenos were some kind of agressive ants who were engineered by the goos to become super-bioweapons parasites then why is the goo making human cum evolve into some shitty squid? why some shitty mushrooms make proto-xenomorphs from nowhere?
>the derelict on LV-426 has not interest anymore because the mythos was destroyed.
>Deacon is just alone on LV-233 and he his useless.

How does that fucker look once he grows up?

Prometheus put the Aliens franchise into danger territory. It really isn't a good movie, just like AVP2 and whatever the last alien movie was.

Alien Covenant felt so fucking sterile. The pretentious android scenes were epic cringe.

No. Ridley Scott ruined it.
You say it like Ridley Scott has no say and had a gun to his head when directing.

Alien 3 and resurrection killed the franchise, Prometheus revived it, covenant was a step or two backwards from there.

why the fuck did that require responding to every post?


Alien 3 killed nothing, it was just a dramatic conclusion but you can't keep making movies involving Ripley everytimes, the actress who play Newt would have been too old to stay a little girl and Hicks was just a random guy who survived.

Alien Ressurection was just a meme movie who take place too far after Alien 3 that you could even make sequels taking place before this movie on the chronology, the aesthetics were nice and Aliens here were just cloned mutants anyway, it was original even if the movie was more comedic and different than the usual alien atmosphere.

Prometheus and Covenant have a top tier art direction but everything else is so fucking shit.

Predator is fucking ridiculous trash now.
>mfw predators want to become autists

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the last predator movie destroyed it so much, it was painful.
at this point it was the only movie series with a mythos who still remained clean, and they did it, they ruined it forever, I believed The Predator was a reboot but it was actually a fucking sequel.

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>We know that space jockeys were not giant biomechanic ancient elephants but white giants human-like beings on space suits.
>Xenomorphs are not even that old
>the derelict on LV-426 has not interest anymore because the mythos was destroyed.

Fucking all THIS

Nothing like taking all the cosmic horror out of your cosmic horror, and making it into a shitty sci fi fantasy film


these franchises need successors not soft reboots, their lore isn't good enough to warrant all these movies

How did they manage to go so wrong after Predators managed to do pretty well (execution-wise anyway)?

at least Predators respected the mythos and add his own thing into, the first movie with actually "bad bloods" predators who kill for sports and not respect their code of honor, with another Predator fighting them.

and you get this comedic sequel involving global warming, asperger syndrome and predator armor, just see Alien Resurrection, it was comedic but at least it respected the mythos even if it was far from the original atmosphere, The Predator ridiculize everything and destroy everything, all on the Predator is now fucking pointless.

one of the main force of Alien's creepiness was the ancient origin of the creature from a death world imported by an ancient and mysterious ayy lmao on a death spaceship.

the space jockey civilization in my head was supposed to be something so out of our world, so fucking alien and strange to us like Giger's art, and actually extinct since eons.

and then you get those movies who tell you some evil Android do everything like 30 years old before the first movie, involving humanity or humanity's machines on this make it a lot less creepy and impressive.

No.I was on the "Xeno is too OP to not be a bioweapon" from day one and i think Prometheus/Covenant are crap.

If the public that already believes your core idea hates your product,it's DOA
It becomes a mountain.No,i'm not joking.

Alien -> Isolation -> Aliens
Ignore the rest of the franchise.

>Xenomorphs are not even that old, they were invented or re-invented by some evil android practicing experiences on a planet using a black goo.
Will never be true and Covenant doesn't matter. The pilot of the ship on LV-426 was already fossilized when the Nostromo crew showed up. Recently rewatched Alien, and I'll be fucked if that whole sequence exploring the ship isn't far more interesting than anything in Prometheus or Covenant.

Just play Alien: Isolation if you need your fix of xenokino.

Is there a classic movie franchise that hasn't turned into complete shit?

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Covenant fucked up a lot of shit, but only really with the implication that David is the creator of the Xenomorph.
The black good however, makes sense. It re-constructs organic material around it into producing a facehugger like organism that then requires a host to produce a xenomorph.
In Prometheus this produces small maggots (presumably bare basic face huggers that can hardly infect) and hammer snakes (which might simply be poor at passing the embroyo since they force their way into their hosts killing it). The only successful face hugger we see is the Squid. It's design was meant to be misleading, as you don't realize it's a face hugger until it latches onto the engineer.
In Alien Covenant, the protomorphs were sired by what seemd to be microscopic face huggers that were probably spawned with the mass infection of the engineers.

Point being, the black goo makes sense, it corrupts life into an into being parasitic and self-destructive.

I would have preferred more focus on Weyland-Yutani and their creepy space antics and left the Aliens to be mysterious creatures with questionable sentience.

Because Ridley Scott made the film with malice towards Alien fans for not liking "Jesus was an alien" the film. He should have basically hired a good fucking writer and not the retard who wrote Lost.

Just ignore it. If you feel the need to retcon it then just write a story where the pale giant in Prometheus found Xeno on a planet and adapted it into a weapon.

Hot Shots.

>when you can love and appreciate every movie in your franchise's history

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Space Jockey's as elephants is fucking worse than the big pale handsome squidwards. If you look at the concept art the original Jockey had a breathing tube emerging fro his sturnum. If anything can be taken from Giger's design, it was something flawlessly integrated with the tech in the chair.
Fuck off with the "elephant" shit, they should have looked like Giger bondage giants.

Bladerunner but they only made two, and they both lost money.

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It really would have been better to do like on the Alien Engineers scenario, showing us the original facehugger and protomorph wild species (beluga xenomorph) and then showing us the modified species who is the Xenomorph we all know, with also the Ultramorph coming from contaminated Engineer.

it would have been simpler than David performing various experiences with tons and tons of shit we will never see on screen.
putting tons of Xenormorph-like creatures could have been nice but they even failed it.

>Giger bondage giants
who are they?

The "elephant" designs were so much cooler than humanlike aliens

Genetic modification of the xenos could have been neat if they weren't so stuck on making it the explanation for how they exist everywhere else in the franchise. It's such a fucking mess explaining their origin. The whole point is how Alien they are, that's part of the mystique.

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It doesn't look like that, faggot

and the whole point of those prequels was what the hell happened with the ship on LV-426 on the first place.
it doesn't make sense that David created the Eggs reserves from the derelict, this shit is here from millenias, the space jockey is fossilized and his race is now extinct, we don't even know why he carried eggs, probably to bomb Earth according to Ridely's logic, not even some ancient space war.

so to save this shit you should confirm that David was just trying to re-invent Xenomorh and they already existed on the past, but it will make everything really pointless.


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we are talking about Biomechanic organisms, basically the space jockey helmet should be their faces and not a space helmet.

Replying twice to my post doesn't make you right

Yes this.
Or even make their space suits look more like they are permanently fused with their bodies.

Like the "elephant trunk" could have been a modified facehugger that was repurposed for use as a respirator mask or something.

Is this the evolutionary form of pic related?

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The Naked Gun

>someone too the time and effort to make this for brapposting

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The ones from the comic? No, they looked like shit, they clearly missed the point that the Space Jockey was fused with the chair.
I'm saying something that would look like how Giger drew most humanoid figures that didn't look like Xenomorphs. Something you wouldn't quite grasp as an organic being, some sort of overly sexual humanoid fused with technology, like some sort of sexy version of the Borg but bigger and with less humanoid features.

At the very least, the ONE thing Prometheus did right with the engineer was having its space suit seem fused to its skin.

>his nose goes directly to his stomach
>he can smell a brap the nanosecond that it's created

Is this a joke reference alien from Orville? Do they make a Seth McFarlane joke about the purpose of his trunk?

jurassic park

hopefully not. there's only one good alien sequel and it's only well-regarded because it's a slick james cameron action flick. the 'mythology' is putrid, the creature itself hasn't been scary for 30 years, the art design is played out, and the 'themes' are throwaway shit. Alien 1 is the perfect one-and-done, it's good but there's absolutely nothing about it that i 'need' to follow-up on and get more info about. every single alien movie will boil down to 'we're stupid and trapped some place with this thing', stop making them.

The andriod did invent the xeno you brainlet he merely cooked it up with engineers iingredients

The android did not invent the xeno you brainlet he merely cooked it up with engineers ingredients

Why does it seem like there's a nefarious, coordinated effort by Hollywood to destroy every single iconic 80s sci-fi/action franchise?


What's going on here? I refuse to believe that this is just bog standard reboot cash grabbing. There must be something else at play.

The long march through the institutions is nearly completed.

It's all iconoclasm at this point.

instead of a meritocracy you have
decades of incestuous nepotism hiring by the jews
, jews hiring other jews , you end up eventually with too many medicore jews in every top position writing and producing utter garbage as they srew ayran qts on the casting coach

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