Is this Millennial or Zoomer?

Is this Millennial or Zoomer?

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100% millenial. What zoomer has heard of this?

Frankie Muniz is insanely hot.

>came out when zoomers were 2 years old
yeah definitely zoomer

Pretty much anything with Muniz is late millennial.

The oldest zoomers were 5 when it came out technically.

Me. I'm 20 for reference

You were 3 (unconscious) when it came out so it technically wasn't for your generation, even if you saw it later

97 fag here


Is this zoomer kino

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This film used to feature pretty prominently on the Universal Backlot Tour

What do you think?

this is just dogshit

>that 15 minutes after MITM ended where Frankie Muniz was cool

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what, you didn't like agent cody banks?

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I am 18 *wink wink* and used to watch it a lot

saw many times as a kid

t.born in 1997

ironically yes

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It's crazy how gray goo just fell out of the cultural zeitgeist

As a kid I really hate all Fankie movies, he is Malcolm, the fact that he didn't act like Malcolm in those shitty movies makes me angry.

she got a nice pusy

You were 1 when it came out so it wasn't for your generation.

Watched this recently with the gf, was such a blast to the past.

97 is the cutoff year for millennials imo

t. also born 1997

It's difficult to put a hard year on it. But if Ben 10, Hannah Montana, and iCarly were a big part of your childhood, then you're an Early Zoomer and disqualified for being a Millennial.

How is Amanda Bynes doing? Does she post here?

i just remember him going straight into Stay Alive and crying/laughing myself to sleep. Only person who could survive MITM was Cranston and he had a career already.

Doesn't she have legitimate mental illness?

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1989-1993 is it's own mini generation and the most slimed and greenpilled.

I've always considered pic related to be core zoomer media because I remember when it first aired and I had the stark revelation that cartoons weren't for me anymore and swiftly made the jump to south park lol
so yeah I can see those shows being early zoomer then.

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I feel bad for Barry Bostwick.

got to make a jodelle movie, he loves camp and garbage though.

Is this movie good? always wondered why the guy was colored blue

This is correct but I am 21 and I remember watching it when I was much younger.

dye in the pool

It's not a bad movie, but it would be entirely forgettable without Giamatti's character.

He basically has dementia now and cant even remember any of his time in MitM or movies!

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Our trivia team name was Special Agent Chody Banks and we actually won one month because I knew what an annular eclipse was from reading Infinite Jest but we never cashed in our free drinks.

Dox me.

what did user meant by this?

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Your name is Faggy McFaggerson and you drink at the Rainbow Anus on Tuesday evenings and Thursday afternoons

Would be a terrible way to go

>From the guys who wrote 1408, Man on the Moon, Ed Wood, Big Eyes, and Problem Child 2
