Helloooooooo I'm the Nostalgia Critic! I remember it so you don't have to!

Helloooooooo I'm the Nostalgia Critic! I remember it so you don't have to!

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Tamera and bbc actor barge in


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>Unfunny ad for sqaurespace/dollar shave club/some bullshit noone cares about


I hated him until everyone dog-piled on him and he stood his ground

what is it about an underdog that is so endearing?


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He is just as talented as, if not more talented than, James Rolfe.


so are there any news about doug since the great escape?

muh bison costume

Why doesn't he just wear a button-up shirt and properly do his tie? Because he's le wacky and laid back based film nerd?? XD

You know when your wife of 60 years has hated you for 50 of them and now nitpicks everything, even beyond reason?


Nothing important because Doug isn't important anymore.

At this point we need someone to remember Nostalgia critic so we don't have to.

>doesn't even mention Herculad in his review
What a dumbass


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Is latza still working at disney?

I could never make it past the song




Fucking Melvin. What the fuck was he thinking?

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He wanted to make cringekino, and he succeeded

Tamara is cute. I would date her.


>a bat credit card

She’s a top tier slampiggy

Talented? No. Diligent? Absolutely.

I think incessant is a better word for Dougs work


Unironically I don't really see the issue with it
Batman needs easy access to money in case he needs to make some kind of deal and obviously doesn't want to have his information linked to a credit card so he has a custom credit card just for him



He's a loser just like me and you


cringe and bluepilled

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You CAN'T just add the word "land" to something and expect it to be a fully developed, three dimensional world!

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I always had a thing for this qt. I actually quite like otaku culture too but prefer being on the outside of it.

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who nostalgia critiques the nostalgia critic? Is there a nostalgia critic nostalgia critic?


Why do people on the spectrum like him?

Uh that a man baebee

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No way, the stupid skits like in Super Mario Bros 3/The Wizard are so much better and more cinematic than any of the skits in early Nostalgia Critic.

One of his masterpieces.

JesuOtaku. She reviewed anime on TGWTG a decade ago. I don't know what any of them have been up to since like 2012 but I'm sure they're still somewhat active.

I was looking at the comments for his vids that were hit by people bringing up the controversy, and there was a comment with 1k likes that was practically BEGGING him not to ignore any of this. People were even saying he was trying the "coward's way out" by ignoring it.

And a year on look where he is. Millions of views per vid whereas Spoony lost his website's domain name. I honestly admired him a little more, after that. I still hate his content, but I really have to respect how the dude, alongside his fedora-tipping brother, still acts so high and mighty and perfect despite being the talk of the internet for months. I hope more people adopt the Douge strategy. Just wait and keep making content for those boomer fans that never gave a shit about TGWTG.

For a while it was Asalieri.

It honestly annoys me how hot I find her. She's so frumpy and I know for a fact that body is a sagging mess underneath the clothes she wears, but I just wanna fuck her so bad, especially when she wears her makeup really trashy.


Douge at least lurks here. He pretty has to. He's paid attention to situations like these, and learned the smart strategy- say fucking nothing. This society is full of people that talk too much, when the smartest thing is to not speak. In an age where you can be disenfranchised, your children taken away to pedo foster circle circles, and your wife forced to divorce you, just because you misgendered some ugly freak, silence is king.

Actions weigh more than words, and silence is golden.


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His rant about Twilight’s abortion themes makes me feel so bad and unclean for watching it.

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Mister Metokur

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She started uploading on her youtube a while back. She transitioned into a man and stopped doing reviews cause money and TGWTG was awful. Hasn't done much since but he is still alive.

Literally seconds in google user.

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yes retard

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he was doing so good, but then he did the video on angry Joe and it was nothing but him talking about Joe's most recent atm rant video for fucking 40 minutes.

>Hey user, come lay next to me.

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I thought Douge said once that this site had too much racism and violent and pornographic content for him and he doesn't like all the "trolls."

You can reach me from over here no thanks

Pretty much the only misstep in the series honestly, that and not doing a full Chick video.

Wish he dug into the mid-tier chumps more too, there's some good shit about them he could have picked apart.
Honestly I'm just shocked he never did a follow up after the ChangeTheChannel shit, you'd think he'd be all over that.

He did tease doing a Marzgurl vid/stream last time he was on Nick Rekeita's show so maybe soon.

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whats that obscurus one upto these days? last I recall she was verging on literally camwhoring to stay afloat

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Greetings citizens of Pharos city! It is I the great Linkara!

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so you can call me out on twitter?
I know your game

Hummina hummina hummina bazooooooooing! *eyes pop out* AROOOOOOOOGA! *jaw drops tongue rolls out* WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF *tongue bursts out of the mouth uncontrollably leaking all over face and everything in reach* WURBLWUBRLBWURblrwurblwurlbrwubrlwburlwbruwrlblwublr *tiny cupid shoots an arrow through heart* Ahhhhhhhhhhh me lady... *heart in the shape of a heart starts beating so hard you can see it through shirt* ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum *milk truck crashes into a bakery store in the background spiling white liquid and dough on the streets* BABY WANTS TO FUCK *inhales from the gas tank* honka honka honka honka *masturabtes furiously* ohhhh my gooooodd~

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what did Jones do to deserve this?

i'm-i'm good

more please

i get most of them from here

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Two trannies

can you even make a practical living being a low-mid tier youtube reviewer? checking some of these people's video pages most of their reviews rarely ever get more than 2-3 thousand views tops
can't imagine you'd pull in virtually anything from that and the videos can get demonetized at literally the drop of a hat with no recourse for the ULer

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pissed off josé

based latzaposter

It's very difficult, nowadays. Keep in mind Douge started in 2008, and dudes like Spoony started in 2007 (and who fucking knows when James started, 2006?) And they've also been sort of supplanted by guys like RLM. Unless you're a part of that old guard clique of reviewers, you need to subscribe to that more assessment style type of video, and that can take a lot of effort to pump out enough to live on.

>*HMMMMMMMMMMMM intensifies*

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>sushi expert

I bet you this whitu piggu bitch eats sushi for regular occasions and the chef gives her the worst slices of nigiri....hell nevermind, I bet she only eats rolls

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did he crap another fedora?

>and who fucking knows when James started, 2006?
First couple of videos he made in 2004 but didn't upload until 2006.

ahh, how the time flies by

>Daddy issues

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When was this from?

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I wish I could save her

Because they are unfunny meme-spouting faggots

More of a phelous guy. Wish he would review more non animated shit. His animated reviews are goid but he really has had some reviews/series of reviews where he really shines. It is an absolute must to watch him from the very start because so many of his jokes are callbacks to old reviews.

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>That brief moment where TJ was part of TGWTG...

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Always had a thing for marzgurl and pushinguproses. Never watched any of their shit though.

Still dating phelous and leeching off of his site and the whole change the blalala controversy.

she looks like Nick Cave

Ok Id fuck her

He #changedthechannel before it was cool. Seriously this just makes the #changethchannel people look even worse because they stuck around for another three years until #metoo happened and they thought they could do something similar.

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>even TGWTG hated his annoying self-centeredness and fedoraness

>against gay marriage
>is a tranny

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say what you will about doug walker but even ironically his videos are quotable as fuck especially compared to rolfe where the only quotable thing is ROLLIN ROCK ON THE ROLLIN ROCKER

He used the MSM tactic of ignoring something that'd make him look bad rather than owning up to it. It works because he always has more to lose than the mob has to gain, so the mob will tire out eventually.

He consistently delivered good shit the past decade I have watched him. If you havent watched his And the movies from mac and me go back and start binge watching. I usually fall asleep to phelous.

wasn't he fucking an effete teenager at one point or am I misremembering that?

phallus has such an annoying voice

Oh Gawd, this guy. Even when I was an edgy teen atheist he was too cringe for me. His Douge love video was pretty neat though, very different from all the other "*big sigh*" videos everyone else made.

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>tfw watch his podcast from time to time because he shits on pauly shore, vanilla ice, and a bunch of other tards with his bro and friend



Dreamworks, according to his LinkedIn

You sure about that chief?


>co-worker starts playing Nostalgia Critic reviews to show everyone in our break room
I'm starting to understand where a lot of his mannerisms are coming from.

She has a vagina and isnt hagrid looking if she was here in my room dtf I would fuck her. Not gonna watch a gay youtube video about wigs

Have you tried watching his reviews or do you not understand that his delivery is also part of the joke.
>Phelous is meta down to the point where his gimmick is that he doesnt think you should/want you to watch him or any reviewers for that matter.
>If people bitch at phelous for hia delivery, overuse of a joke, or Lupa he doubles down instead of backing off.
He doesnt talk in a monotone and I can honestly think of hundreds of people IRL, on the internet or movies/tv that have a more annoying voice than phelous. I put up with rich fucking evans and I cant stand the pitch of his voice or when he laughs ten times louder and longer than everyone else but that dude also makes me laugh so I tolerate him

I only watched AVGN and not this guy back in the day.

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dont care its still fucking annoying and retarded

Guess which one ended up a multi millionaire?

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What do Doug's parents look like?
Do they know what he does for a living?

What reviews have you even bothered watching because you are entitled to your own opinion but your opinion is shit.

Aren't they both multi millionaires?

His dad is usually on his show. It's the old guy with glasses

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Game Grumps is the funniest fucking thing ever. For some inexplicable reason Egoraptor decided to purchase not only one office space but two including one in Los Angeles.
Two offices even though literally all he does is play games with his friend.
God I miss when it was just him in a room with Jontron.


>literally all he does is play games with his friend.
Never gonna make it.

Remember when Dougie used Kickstarter money to pay debt instead of that game show?

The fear in Douges eyes.

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He shills stamps now


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Sad her hollywood aspirations went nowhere.


I've hated him from the start and still do because i'm not a weak minded contrarian. He will always be the budget James Rolfe.

>Dave Coulier's Peter Venkman voice sound so stupid and annoying

Phelous, have you heard your own fucking voices

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Have you tried watching his reviews or do you not understand that his delivery is also part of the joke.
>Phelous is meta down to the point where his gimmick is that he doesnt think you should/want you to watch him or any reviewers for that matter.
>If people bitch at phelous for hia delivery, overuse of a joke, or Lupa he doubles down instead of backing off.
He doesnt talk in a monotone and I can honestly think of hundreds of people IRL, on the internet or movies/tv that have a more annoying voice than phelous. I put up with rich fucking evans and I cant stand the pitch of his voice or when he laughs ten times louder and longer than everyone else but that dude also makes me laugh so I tolerate him

>Not understanding that was part of the joke.
Thanks for turning something I wrote into copypasta. Its the truth.

>his delivery is also part of the joke.
Yikes this is "CinemaSins is satire" levels of cope, chief.

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What reviews have you watched? I get what you are saying but a voice has never made me nope on anyone.

>mfw all the phelous hate

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You can't make his voice not annoying to me. It's like if I said I hated fried pickles and you when on a rant about how I don't understand how they taste good. People are wired differently. We're not all going enjoy the same tastes, sensations, smells, sounds, etc

I've never understood why people give this unfunny person clicks or money. And his cadre of orbiting trainwrecks are equally terrible and somehow more damaged.

Why, people

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>spam tgwtg/ca threads for years with "yeah but phelous is based tho desu"
>be surprised when people take a look and discover he's a a big pile of shit
This is why I don't talk about Film Brain, I don't want Yea Forums to bully my beautiful boy.

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Film brains pretty alright when you get over his speech impediment. He was someone whos cameos. As far as your other statement this is the first TGWTG thread Ive been in. I dont post on Yea Forums you fags are responsible for Sneedposting, the mass influx of capeshit spam and constantly spreading GOT everywhere that you perpetual faggots can. I came in on a raid thread and saw this on Yea Forumss page one.
>Phelous is better than every single reviewer except maybe James Rolfe.

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not sure if posted but holy fuck this comp had me in stitches I love you Chris you autistic Irish fuck

>I came in on a raid thread

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My board is much better than this shit.

But it has raid threads?

Occasionally we spread our influences and memes elsewhere. Our raid threads usually hit bump limit or get banned by irate jannies. Please stay here though I am glad you are not on my board

>Occasionally we spread our influences and memes elsewhere. Our raid threads usually hit bump limit or get banned by irate jannies. Please stay here though I am glad you are not on my board
Sounds like stage 4 cancer.

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What weird fucking people

Man I love Tamera posting

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Trust me when I say Stage 4 cancer patient wish they could know the kinds of joys I know.

who has the nudes

The joys of being cum inside? Please stay on your containment website you obnoxious redditor.

Fuck reddit its for fags and trannys from the way you post sounds more up your alley.

What has our boy Linkara been up to recently?

>Raid threads ala Yea Forums circa 2006
Yeah nah you belong on reddit if you aren't already talking about r/Yea Forums

>spreading meme's and influences elsewhere
>wearing this as some kind of badge of honor
You are literally on the level of fucking bronies and facebook atheists.

Kindly ventilate your brain you absolute fucking retard.

>You are literally on the level of fucking bronies and facebook atheists.
i mean this IS a fucking channel awesome thread. difference is we usually shit on them while this fag is defending phallus lmao.

I really didn't know what I expected I was just thrown by the notion that he came to Yea Forums to "raid" it.


What's her ethnicity?

You have the nerve to call me reddit while you type in reddit spacing as reddit as possible. My board is on Yea Forums you faggot. Manipulating people on other boards to talk like you is hilarious.
>All raids ended after the pool was closed due to aids
How long you been here faggot? Did you post on Yea Forums when it consisted of mainly childporn motherless links selfshot teens? Because if you say anything after 2008 you are a faggot.
Was banned for 15 mins thats why this took so long. And I didnt delete it I got you faggots so mad you reported my post.
I am leaving to go back to my utopia where the mods dont cater to crybaby faggots who report "off topic posts"
I take solace that on Yea Forums there is a beacon of hope, where good OC is posted daily, and the shitposting is fun every single day. We are free from you dumb faggots and I know deep down inside yoy wish you could be free but you are stuck here or on another gay board. Thanks for all the (You)s ya dumb cunts

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Have sex

>mobileposter as well as being reddit