What's next for Dave Bautista's career?
What's next for Dave Bautista's career?
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>retard says something on twitter
>retard running blogs for 10 readers sensationalizes it
>retard on Yea Forums goes out specifically looking for blog that 9 other people read and posts it to Yea Forums
>another retard posts in retard thread complaining about retard antics
just fucking kill me already
gay porn
what's up with homos so obsessed with annoying everyone that they take it up the butt?
i have nothing against them, their choise, but why the fuck do they feel the need to share this important info with the world?
>people shouldn't be allowed to boycott things they disagree with
i wonder (((who))) could behind this
It's all they have
We need a whole month to celebrate gay people? Not a week or maybe a day.
Thug #3
Bodyguard #15
"Funny" Big Tough Guy
i have a question for gay men, it seems there is quite a few big fat guys, bears for example, how do they have anal sex without shitting and farting non stop during anal sex, because there is no way they have healthy diets to prevent it right?
How big is Batista's dick
I love how Christians following their Christian faith are now labelled homophobic, especially when it's the same in Islam, with the kicker being that in Islamic countries being a faggot is a crime and they actually kill the faggots
what did the Bishop say? I can't imagine any Christian supporting gay pride month anyway.
i guess i wont go to a parade
Jobbing at the next wranglemania
taking a cock full of feces out of another man butt is beautiful and we need a whole month of celebration.
people had the right to boycott whatever they want, arent these the same assholes who want to boycott georgia?
If your mom is a lesbian you have to be the highest test male possible, right?
>implying they care
is it possibly because you live in a christian country and not a muslim country?
Yeah but it's funny lol
*cuts a fags head off*
Steve Jops biopic.
Id suck Bautista's dick. No homo.
>christian country
Then why would this be something controversial? Why would a Christian country following their doctrine be something to attack?
>that they take it up the butt
That's actually not that common.
you cant argue with leftist user they will always branded muslim as oppressed group
these people don't even know what phobia means. nobody is afraid of fags. they hate them, and rightfully so
#fistpride worldwide
Guys who do anal usually clean themselves out beforehand.
>with the kicker being that in Islamic countries being a faggot is a crime and they actually kill the faggots
Depends where. There's only a handful of countries where it's a capital crime, and some of them require multiple witnesses.
you think someone that is obese is going to properly take care of their anus? or will even be able to clean out their colon properly due to diet?
t. Ahmed al-Saladin Emir Takbirallah Allahu Snackbar Muhammad al-Somali
cringe and bluepilled
i'm saying you are seeing a disproportionate reaction because you live in a country that is predominately christian. i'm not debating whether the reaction is valid.
don't get me wrong, i hate christians, muslims, scientologists all the same.
once doing anal becomes a normal thing on a person life, shit will be normal as well. fact.
anal sex and cropophilia - being aroused by shit - are one in the same.
no fucking way a fat faggot will clean his asshole everytime he wants to fuck, thats bullshit, thats the homosexuality that mainstream sell to basic bitch people.
>say what literally every bugman believes
daily reminder that his daughter made a sex tape with a nigger.
Not everyone with obesity has severe IBS and hemorrhoids.
>defends pedo
>it's BRAVE for him to defend even more pedos
wow, powerful
every leftists dream desu
I can tell you know nothing about gays lol
Generally gay guys are pretty OCD about cleanliness back there
words are fluid and meaning can change over time. don't die on this hill, user.
ooo triggered a fat fairy
how big is batistas dick
These people are dumb and disgusting.
>anal sex and cropophilia - being aroused by shit - are one in the same.
kek every gay guy I know has air fresheners in his bathroom. Most straight guys don't.
>these people don't even know what phobia means
>literally what it means
Phobia is irrational and extreme fear OR aversion to something, ya dummy.
>only gay people do anal
Haha le ebin trolling le libtards epic style dood XDDD!!
Afghanistan, Brunei, Iran, Mauritania. Muslim parts of Nigeria, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Yemen all have death penalties for homosexuality, only ones that are ruled by dictators or are a monarchy(Except Saudi Arabia and Brunei) don't have it
These kinds of people aren't known for their critical thinking skills.
nothing irrational about it, reddit-spacer
>I get to change the definition of words in order to make myself right!
>die on this hill
kys soiboi. Here's something that'll make you mad, racism has nothing to do with "power" either. Nigs can be racist, chinks can be racist and so can everyone else.
If the west was actually devoutly Christian, gays wouldn't have the cultural pull they do. They have the pull they do specifically because the west is NOT devout in any sense, beyond the entropic influence protestantism has obviously had on progressivism.
>inexplicable or irrational fear
There's nothing irrational or inexplicable about not liking fags when the vast majority of fags admit to having been molested as children and harboring sexual thoughts of children.
All of your words now mean nigger
Every homophobe is a moron, regardless of their "faith".
I hope you're not implying America is a Christian country.
Whats irrational about having an aversion to fags? Check the drug use, std rates and mental illness rates of the groul
>(((Zack Sharf)))
Look at this soiboi kike
nigger i'm not a liberal and i linked you an actual published definition, not my personal opinion.
literally educate yourself before you type with your fat fingers.
Those aren't exactly democratic countries. Funnily enough, Jordan (which is a monarchy) is generally more liberal and respectful of human rights than its nominally democratic neighbors. In most of the Middle East and North Africa, homosexuality is illegal but in a lot of places it's not a capital crime, and the laws aren't regularly enforced.
>uses bugman phrase of "die on this hill"
>acts like a bugman
>b-b-b-but i'm not a bugman!
>why has this historically mistreated group have higher rates of risky behavior
wow, he's wearing problem glasses
>Those aren't exactly democratic countries
Middle East as a whole isn't democratic, what are you talking about?
t. butthurt traditionalist Catholic
>Those aren't exactly democratic countries.
Completely irrelevant. Don't try to move the goalpost.
>in a lot of places it's not a capital crime
You just said it was 'a handful', and then you got your shit pushed in and now you're backtracking.
>the vast majority of fags admit to having been molested as children and harboring sexual thoughts of children.
Fake news. Most of these reports come from propaganda agencies and religious organizations.
>Generally gay guys are pretty OCD about cleanliness back there
That's why their STD rates are astronomical and there are entire communities and lifestyles dedicated to spreading HIV, all of which have the express approval of anyone flying the "why do you care what people do in their bedroom you bigot" flag?
damn you are a pathetic
>CDC is a propaganda and religious organization
Imagine being this delusional
>You just said it was 'a handful', and then you got your shit pushed in and now you're backtracking.
You're both trying to misrepresent me and claiming you win the argument with your pilpul. Get lost.
He should be the next Batman desu. Would be kino.
>You're misrepresnting me by quoting me!
jesus fucking christ
Not all paedophiles are gay, but all gays are paedophiles.
Fags reproduce by abusing children
Look what you prod cucks did to Euro. JFK was Catholic and you killed him for it.
I see you've been taking unsourced /pol/ infographics at face value
>JFK was Catholic and you killed him for it.
Excuse us for not wanting President Pope Paul to be in charge.
can you actually type a fucking reply without regurgitating memes?
you incorrectly state a definition, are given ample evidence you were incorrect and then start flailing your flabby feminine arms trying to change the subject.
that's enough television and film talk for me today. see ya in valhalla you little fag.
'gay guys are very clean' there videos of gay pride parades with men shoving their arm deep into another man asshole, like a puppet.
the obsession with being clean its just a natural response coming from people that have a sex life that orbit around their assholes and poop.
reminder that assholes are not even anatomically projected to get cock and will collapse.
yeah, lets celebrate that, the whole month. nice.
Don't forget all the videos of them pissing on each other in the streets, cumming onto people from balconies in public and so forth. Very wholesome.
>That's why their STD rates are astronomical
Depends on which statistics you're looking at. Generally that's a sensationalist way of putting it.
>there are entire communities and lifestyles dedicated to spreading HIV, all of which have the express approval of anyone flying the "why do you care what people do in their bedroom you bigot" flag?
>bugchasing aint real!
Yeah turns out that the data from the CDC doesn't lend itself well to tinfoil hat wearing morons.
>What's next for Dave Bautista's career?
I don't know why they can't just keep their fetishes in the bedroom. I've never felt the compulsion to insist that the world know that I like to cum on girls' soles, or insist that the government interfere in a """free""" market and enforce laws on employers to consider my foot wanking status as sacred.
I live in a town with a large gay pride parade and I've literally never seen anything like that. Most """evidence""" of that comes from literal Russian shill sites and Plebbit
I never said it didn't exist. It exists but it's rare and pretty much universally seen as disgusting, for obvious reasons.
Reddit is pro-LGBT, what are you even smoking?
He always came off as another Liev Schreiber to me. I can see him making his son dress as a girl and kissing him on the lips too.
Fuck Bautista
A bunch of subs aren't.
those threads always pick up during american hours, you can't help yourselves being drones
>san francisco's folsom annual parade is part of a russian propaganda campaign to make fags look like degenerates
Only a closet homo would spell like that.
yeah, the russian get a black dude the fist fuck the other man. cmon dude. you can be gay, whatever, but lets not act that there is fucked up shit out there.
just the instinct of men, that want to fuck all the time, make gay relationships different.
Contrary to what the far right likes to say, most Americans aren't on their side, particularly regarding gay people.
Buttista's main source of protein is semen straight from the source.
>There's only a handful of countries where it's a capital crime
>literaly gets a list of places where it is a capital offense and people are being killed this very day for it
>stop, i never said that!
That's not particularly surprising considering the propensity for democracy to descend into tyranny of the masses. "Practcing" monarchies actually tend to perform better than other "types" of "dictatorship"
That's not just a gay thing. A lot of straight people take part in it too.
>A lot of straight people like to be pissed on by the same gender and enjoy having fists rammed up their asses by the same gender
any good anti-sodomite kinos? or documentaries?
there are videos showing all kind of shit, including kids at these parades seeing nude men dancing, there this video from a gay parade in brazil with a boy dancing that shouldnt have more than 12 years old.
its fucking degenerate. its stuff that in any other context would put a person in jail, bur its fine if it is on a pride parade.
Again, you're misrepresenting me. There's probably less than a dozen countries where it's a capital crime. That's less than 1/6 of all the countries where it's illegal.
This, I know a girl that loves to take cocks up her asshole.
The Middle East didn't exactly get to this point because of democracy.
>muh politics
just shut the fuck up burger nigger no one fucking cares about your non-culture war
I live in the UK
Christ, fucking educate yourself you dumb shit.
Stop moving the goalposts. Urolagnia happens with both gay and straight couples, but we're talking about that specific parade, which is a leather and BDSM parade.
Oh, so a muslim country
If you want to trigger LGBTQLMNOP people, just eat Chick Fil A during June. Apparently you're not allowed to enjoy a good chicken sandwich while people are celebrating butt fucking.
Fair enough, but Monarchy does tend to be better than, for example, military dictatorship or theocracy.
So your "identity" is mere sexual fetish? Sad!
I was off by two. That's still 1/6 of the countries where it's illegal. A lot of the countries where it's illegal have gay culture that exists underground.
It was the haters persecuting that gave thrm aids