Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

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Japan for lacking diversity

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cant tell really they all look the same

That one girl for talking during the explanation. Very rude.

>no african people
That's not scientifically correct. First settlers on Japanise islands were black.

The fat retard. Third row, furthest to the left. Fuck him.

Is 2nd row, 3rd from the left the chick from Kill Bill Vol 1?

Kiriyama. Who signs up to something like this for fun?

The protagonists were so whiny. Mitsuko was best girl

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That girl who poisoned all her friends.

Why? Why are Asian girls so appealing to me? What is it about those faces that turns me on so much? Have scientists cracked the code of Yellow Fever yet?

it's pretty fun

they're smol

if you like shlocky action movies with a dose of late 90s Japanese politics watch it.

It's Hunger Games but you actually care about characters and it's not all about an annoying white woman and her pet black girl

The guy with the crush on Chiaki Kuriyama, who he kills, but then does not proceed to fuck (her still warm body).

Holy shit, I just googled the movie just because of this thread and it turns out a local theater is screening it this Friday. Based. Thanks OP. I probably would have had no idea if it wasn't for you.

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yes, tirintino said br is the only movie he wished he made

Chigusa is bae.

Thank god he didn't

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>that basketball tournament flashback
I cried bros

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That ginger cunt to the right

The guy who stabbed Beat Takeshi

yes, that was the point.
How life was before society/government bodies crush the joy and friendship out of life.
the copy of the book i have has a foward about the context of why and when it was written.

No it was more about how they would always be friends, even though the government made them do these things to eachother

The guy who greenlit the sequel.

i like the wild card dude who just went around killing everybody he could find. he was playing to win

I didn't realize this was unique to the special edition. That should be the only version available

I watched this movie way late after battle royale became a meme in other movies and media, it felt kinda mediocre.

Was it significantly better viewing before BR went mainstream?

But just imagine all the bare schoolgirl feet we missed out on, user..........

Are Japanese schools even that bad? I'm sure any inner city school with a majority black kids would blow them out of the water. Those are the kids that need to be battle royaled.

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for me it's chigusa

but the friendships were destroyed from the actions they all took to try to appease the government/society.
the 2 people who went against the grain and made it out or to "adulthood" became outcasts and fugitives.

>Those are the kids that need to be battle royaled.
And that would be entirely uninteresting then.

thats like asking why you're attracted to attractive women
most of them don't look like actresses or pop stars

well, the society, of course

Who would win in a Dream Team battle royale? For me it's David Robinson.

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>but the friendships were destroyed from the actions
Friends can do terrible things, but they'll still be friends. That was the point of Keiko's death
>the 2 people who went against the grain
Most of them went against the grain to the best of their ability and nearly every character's actions were somehow justified or an attempt at justice.

>no sex scene

Is that Vic Romano in the middle?

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yes and no.
from what i understand. its not so much violence that is the problem. it is used for the story as an allegory for how competitive and cold Japanese society is/was. As kids enter high school they are expected to out do everyone to the point where it is common for friendships to end. people turn cold and push away each other as they focus on doing what is excepted by society regardless of if it is right or not.

Reminder that the director actually believed everything the teacher said

The entire live action adaptation that cut too much crucial material. Mango > Book >>>>> Movie

No kabedon scene

>Battle Royale 2 exists

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alot of them tried.
the group of girls in the light house is the perfect example. they tried so hard and made it so far, and what ended up happending? their paranoia and fear took over. destroying the friendships(killing the group).

Chigusa is best girl

>destroying the friendships(killing the group)
What I'm trying to argue is for the sake of the movie those are not the same thing

>their paranoia and fear took over
No, one girl was trying to make justice for the guy who died, but accidentally killed her friend. Then the other girls tried to make justice for the girl who died and they cracked. They didn't stop becoming friends.

Shuya’s dad for hanging himself with his pants off that shit was cringe and made Shuya hurl

>the manga
Are you a fucking nigger? That shit literally has the students flying around and shooting hadoukens at each other and shit.

Hey everyone look at this retard!

for the sake of the story ill give you that.
the idea is still
>Class mates get ready to move on to high school
everyone is friendly and normal. the basketball flashback.

>the expectations are to end relationships and attachments while YOU climb to the top
Battle Royale is their High School.
>if you dare go against cultural norms you will be punished
killing the girl in the start for making a fuss. the outcome of the escape.

>being an "adult" is being cold and unquestioning. surrendering to the way things are.
Takashi is just doing his job. he takes no joy from this(manga/book version is a different story).
for the sake of entertainment. yes this is all viewed though death and violence. the message is still there.

it is all allegory.
>she tries to get misguided revenge
>it backfires and harms unintended targets, her friends
>they turn on her
>the thing that held them together(alive). love, trust, and friendship was gone

>the thing that held them together(alive). love, trust, and friendship was gone
IIRC one of the girls' last lines were "idiots" rather than "traitors" so you get a greater sense that they failed each other rather than being malevolent and enemies. But whatever this could go on forever

Is Battle Royale 2 worth watching, bros?

>tfw Yea Forums actually gives you a kino recommendation that isn't utter shit

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Right you are, Ken.

Just ignore nu-release threads. The good thing about older movies is there's less shilling

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read the book or the manga.

pretty much this.
just be warry of hipster faggots.

It's not like an American school, but Japanese schools have major bullying problems that no Western country has had since at least the 70s. There's a lot of kids with behavioral problems: kids who won't talk, kids who randomly fall asleep (but aren't narcoleptic), kids who start crying or yelling in the middle of class. But the teaching model is still strict disciplinarian and conformist, so they just send the kids home for the parents to handle. And the parents do nothing, because it's embarrassing or because they just indulge the kid, which is how hikikomori happen. I'm pro-gun rights, but it's probably a good thing Japan has strict gun laws: a lot of students (and workers for that matter) live under such stress and strict emotional repression that shootings and suicides would far outstrip American rates if Japanese people had that level of gun access.