Less than three weeks away until Netflix get's this kino, redubbed

Less than three weeks away until Netflix get's this kino, redubbed

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I was looking forward to it until they mentioned redubbing the show

>eva discussion can only get worse from here on out

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>watching dubs

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Netflix redubs are an abomination. Ever see death note on Netflix?

I think you're lost, sweaty. This is a movie board.

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Watching dubs is for plebs.
>Oh yes I enjoy the works of Mizoguchi by eviscerating the film by completely removing every line of dialogue he actually directed

Why do you want to hear whiny chinamen? I dont understand how majority of faggots like sub. Sounds like insects

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>"Welcome to Good Burger ! home of the good burger ! can i take your order?"
best quote of the entire show, so deep.

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My favorite part was when Shinji finally used the Eva to defeat Mondo Burger

>doesn't want to hear whiny chinamen
>listens to whiny mumbling Americans


What was the director trying to prove with this scene?

I loved so much when Rei defeated the Angel Burger performing wrestling techniques on him.

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He's trying to show how little he cares for the franchise, how derailed it was because of the otaku fandom, and at the same time how eager he is to make his retarded fanbase by selling out

>that episode where Asuka unironically fly to the moon.

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>giant mechs
Woah enough bait already

I dont remember this but I do remember auska ordering shark fin soup. Wtf?

come on it was a good scene, unlike the moment where Rei became like Ritsuko, it was cringe and edgy.

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They redubbed death note?!

shoo shoo weeb

How could they do that to Asuka's VA? She was actually in love with that character.
Everyone who works or pays for Netflix deserves death.

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Anyone remember the scene where Ritsuko femdom'd Shinji with her pantyhose and feet?

Who's even the cast of the redub?

No it was probably the original dub. Still shit

yes you faggot

what was wrong with the original dub?

sure it was hard, but Asuka becoming a pokemon trainer was the worse moment of the show, her larping was awkward to watch after being mentally shocked by the angel.

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cry moar cuck.

I dont give a fuck about eng dub nor its shitty actors.

So how many times will they (((correct the record)))

Good, fuck Evaniggers and fuck ephebeophiles desu

>How could they do that to Asuka's VA?
Yeah, to a level of downright creepy and cringe.
Her voice was easily the most grating of the dub team, and all of them sucked.

Careful now ...

Its gonna be the censor version? tv one? or Director cut?

The setting of this show is cool but then again that's why we have numerous Ultraman series.
I fucking hate whiny teenager protagonists.

Fucking based and dubpilled

The original dub was shit. The original dub BUTCHERED key scenes, like the kiss between Asuka and Shinji in Episode 15. They added moans. Why? Why??

And don't even bother with the clogged and overflowing toilet that is EoE's dub. Amanda Win Fucking Lee, Rei's VA, was allowed to direct it.

Forget all the liberties taken with lines in the script
>I'm so fucked up!
>(black Hyuga)

Forget the mistranslated in-universe explanation for what the fuck is happening that Misato gives Shinji
>oh yeah humanity is actually the 27th angel and Adam was born out of Lilith. Right? Yeah, that seems right to me.

What kills me are the added sound effects and lines of dialogue. It makes the film worse and is just disrespectful.
>Misato's SPLAT when she headshots the JSDF
>the added "hit 'em again" flamethrower
>mass production Eva SPLATs
They did this shit in the TV dub too. Flipping a slap with a gunshot sound effect and totally ruining a scene.

Win-Lee said in the director's commentary that she added the sound effects because they were funny. She took a milestone in animated cinema, had one job -- to make it intelligible for an English-speaking audience, and took a shit on it for laughs. And now she pisses and moans that her dumb fucking dub isn't being brought to Netflix. Fuck her.

Gendo's original American VA is sorely missed, though.

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The old toonami trailers were pure kino, not sure why they didn't reuse them

If you read what her and her husband have written about the show it's clear they don't understand it on even the most superficial level.


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>nostalgia for the 90s
implying any of these faggots even heard of it until this year

wait didn't you already make this thread you entry level pleb?

The evas not being what they seem is a pretty big spoiler. Only makes sense to advertise it as mechs.

>be american
>be literally unable to enjoy any foreign media because tiny mutt brain cannot handle both subtitles and action on the screen
>try to act smug about listening to literal who garbage can "voice actors" blunder their way through lines, the exact same guys and 40 year old roastie voices that appear in literally fucking everything that gets dubbed
Every dub vs sub discussion, summarized

It was never very good to start with

You act like Eva was the first mecha series to use organic mecha, fucking casual.

Yeah fuck her honestly. The Kick Vic shit made me see her as the true self righteous cunt she is.

yeah its way better to just lazily lie in the blurb way to excuse the conduct of over-salaried retards good job

I just want Gendou and maybe Asuka back. The rest are incredibly forgettable.

>hyping for a rerelease of a 24 years old shitty series that already had several runs in USA
>hyping for it for 6 months

copyright issues would be my guess

somebody post RoboShinji

>a show about depression, social anxiety, self-worth, abandonment, what it means to have a soul, running away from your problems, and understanding how people view you

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american nukes are the only reason such a show exists you retarded jello brained incel

They could have just got the original actors to do redo it then.