You are given the rights to the Star Wars brand, and you have complete creative control. How do you save it?

You are given the rights to the Star Wars brand, and you have complete creative control. How do you save it?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Make a 3 hour long film of me having sex with your mom
Release it as Star Wars IX

Remake the prequels.

Sit on it for 5-10 years and let people forget the stench of the recent movies. Make a new series about the adventures of a galaxy-trotting jedi that's equal parts Zatoichi and Flash Gordon. Use it to integrate/pay homage to old canon lore while introducing new artistic visions that are both respectful and groundbreaking. Revitalize Skywalker Ranch as a haven for visionary auteurs the way Lucas intended.

Make the entire last jedi a force vision that Luke see's if he doesn't take rey on and actually train her. De-marry Sue her ass and have her face actual stress and struggle by not having her win at everything at the first try. Make Luke an actual Jedi master and aling with rey face the New order together building a bond btwn the two.

That should be a good start to un fucking starwars's life

HBO series about the Mandalorian war after I crucify d&d on location in Croatia as a warning to the writers.

Declare everything made by Disney non-canon, bring back the EU continuity, and maybe hire some competent writers to make a couple of spinoff movies.

Release the Star Wars Holiday Special theatrically

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I would immediately cancel all Star Wars related projects, and not release anything Star Wars related for at least a year, maybe longer, to avoid franchise fatigue and give people time to forget about Star Wars.

I would halt the production of Disney Wars in its tracks. There would be no Episode IX.

I would pull all Star Wars material from store shelves and streaming services. I would completely and totally wipe the slate clean. The movies would be unavailable to watch online, and unavailable to purchase at stores. I would copyright strike any uploads of scenes from the prequels or Disney Wars and have them taken down. I would try my hardest to make people forget.

After enough time had passed, I would screen 4k restorations of the original unaltered trilogy in theaters again, and release them on DVD and Blu-Ray, with the original cover art, except I would remove the IV, V, and VI numbering and just release them as Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return Of The Jedi, like pic related.

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get Lucas to do the microbiotic 7-9 then, release whatever else interesting was in the works and let the licensing/eu run freely as usual to keep everyone happy. After 7-9, absolutely no more movies though.

Oh and get ILM to do a live action version of the Muunilinst arc from Clone Wars 2003 in the vein of H2A blur cutscenes. Just as a fun test. See what comes of it.

and by licencing/eu, I mean the original EU and not disney shit

I will "decanonize" everything made by disney

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I forget the past. I kill it, if I have to. I end the series so it cannot be ruined again. No more Star Wars, ever.

sequels were just a dream

boba fett and darth maul have to escape from prison together

Stop film production.
A TV series on Fox would be a good start, with supplemental web content. Something along the lines of the clone wars but set immediately after episode VI, with the original trio recast.
Let that gain cult popularity and then 10 years from now release episode X, the first movie in a new trilogy (of trilogies with 15-20 years between each), all completely disconnected from the prior 9 episodes.

2 words:

Jar Jar Binks Standalone

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Decanonize and disown the sequels. Have all copies recalled and destroyed.

Release the original theatrical version of the OT in the highest possible resolution.

Make video games out of shit from the EU.

Young and handsome Jedi main characters


A new trilogy based off of my head-canon

Jar Jar could be a war veteran, teaching his son about responsibility, and how he was carefree till he helped a future Jedi.

I immediately resign and live off my golden parachute severance checks for the rest of my life.
I don't give a fuck about SW anymore. Disney completely killed any passion I once had for this franchise.

I go brainless buddy action first as a palette cleanser. A couple renegade Jedi bros on an adventure, killing Sith, battling droids, banging sluts and trying to one up each other's one-liners across the galaxy. Lightsaber battles make heavy use of the (reimagined) force and also incorporate blasters.

In order to come back from the dead the odd couple of Mace Windu and Boba Fett must team up to kill Deputy Emperor Jar-Jar Binks!

That's easier said than done when your ghosts!

Hilarity ensues and its laughs galore in the Star Wars sci-fi buddy comedy trilogy.

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Extremely high-budget Star Wars themed softcore porn featuring alien sex slaves some of whom might get fed to a rancor at some point, who knows

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Pretty much this.

I’m pretty sure that’s 4 words

Maybe Jar Jar Binks is one word

Go on all the internet forums and ask what they want and give them EXACTLY that. If it ends up sucking, I tell them it's their fault because all I did was "listen to the fans."

Crossover with the Avengers

Honestly with all the ironic millennials and the so bad it's good crowd. A jar jar Binks movie might not seem so far fetched

This but only wipe out 1-3 and 7-9. There are ancient OT joke videos on youtube that would be heartless to take down.


Nien Nunb standalone where he has to safely deliver the kyber crystal that would become Luke's lightsaber to the rebel alliance. Admiral Akbar and Chewbacca as the deuteragonists and Greedo, Bossk, and Jabba the Hutt as the antagonists.

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Pretty much
Or either do a Star Wars 3 act anthology, in which a couple aliens just sit around a campfire and tell their tall tales/situations they were in. Or retell the prequels on a streaming service. Basically, get a bunch of movie directors or fans and have them interpret the prequels in a different way for 30 minutes while only allowing them to keep 1 aspect and nothing else

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Twi'Lek porno series. Also one for whatever Ahsoka is, starring Ahsoka

Declare everything other than the original trilogy non-canon

>muh franchise fatigue
no such thing exists, nu-wars is just shit
If they were great movies no one would get tired of them
There was constant Star Wars content in the 2000s and sales never dipped like they did now.

There’s truth in this. The Marvel films too had many, many releases year after year yet nobody called fatigue on them.

Imagine all the "franchise fatigue" hot takes journos will shit out if Ep9 earns less than TFA.

I would have combined the Thrawn trilogy with the New Jedi Order-- simultaneously have Thrawn uniting the imperial remnants and retaking systems from the new republic, while Jacen Solo succumbs to the family curse over the course of 3 movies, and the series ends with his death. It would have rhymed with the prequel trilogy rather than trying to rhyme with the originals.

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I wanted Episode VII to be like this but in live action.

That is what popped into my head when I heard Episode VII was being made. Sadly, Star Wars keeps getting smaller and smaller. They can't think outside the original trilogy. The sequels are the biggest waste of potential in cinematic history and I feel ashamed of myself for expecting anything more than that from Disney and the director of Star Trek Into Darkness.

Go back to George Lucas and ask if he wants to make a special edition of the prequels and improve on things he didn't like. Go over the entire prequel trilogy.

Completely fuck him over and improve the writing, reshoot entire scenes with CGI actors and voice over artists. All while incorporating some minor changes George wanted while pushing the improvements in the media. Rewrite Jar-jar as a competent buffoon, get the voice actor to down his voice and remove the slapstick.

Destroy the negatives of 7 and 8. Publicly so. Rian Johnson will never work on a star wars property ever again.

Go back to the drawing board and recreate a baton passing movie where the original cast shows up for the first 30 minutes, then all of them but Luke fuck off.

Make a new generation of heroes for a new generation of fans. Voila. Trillions made hundreds of millions spent.

Simple story with likable characters on a journey to stop and unlikable villain. Few jokes here they’re dark twist at the end of the second act, and the good guys win at the end of the third act cut the credits.

This is all Star Wars has ever been all it will ever be in all it needs to be

Pretty simple, you don't even need to change the sequels...yet.

Start it as a cold open, go the ff6 route, basically it's decades later, everybody is down and out and the war is raging with Kylo looking liek the winner against the rebels (really the new space political power despite what JJ did) then you have it as Rey getting teh band back together for one last rally against the enemy. Then you shove in the character arcs that retard Rian ditched in his movie and give the characters closure except for Rose and pink hair because they were pointless characters.

At the end you have a chocie to let the sith and jedi die but rekindle a new way of being going forward, but you still need that romantic core for the old high fantasy feel.

When it does well you can then rewrite and recut the prequels.

instead of this we get the throne room fight, the old republic is the only hope for star wars

Add Jar Jar Binks into sequel trilogy. Instant improvement. Make him the lead of the next trilogy. Make Jar Jar Binks is Snoke theory true.

the prequels had a solid story skeleton, but it needed work, remaking them properly with teh political backdrop could work.

Star Wars Band of Brothers for HBO and Disney's streaming platform. Then make a spiritual sequel after 4 years that's basically about the Empire in Star Wars Generation X.

Give Zack Snyder full creative control

Sorry if this is disorganized

Remake episode 7 & 8 with a few key points:

TFA has multiple Force sensitives popping up across the galaxy instead of just fucking one. Snoke essentially being the big bad of the movie with him learning powers from ancient sith to drain the life of entire planets (essentially make him Nihilus). To show how much of a threat and why everyone is so scared to fight back, I would have Snoke drain the life of everyone on coruscant with a massive force storm, killing the entire planet but it makes his condition worse making him look even more decrepit. In addition they find that the first order has so many ships and weapons because they are secretly using the Star Forge to construct their weapons and that essentially takes the place of Starkiller Base and follow that plotline ending after a great fight of Rey and Finn dueling against a wounded Ben on the station with a sun being absorbed by a nearby black hole in the background. The movie would end the same way with Finn being BTFO'd by kylo after he shows himself to be force sensitive as well but not trained at all.

The last jedi would have no fucking 2 hour chase scene, instead have the rebels being hunted down across multiple systems by Ben and the Knights of Ren after they shut off the First Orders main resource. Rey finds luke same way and the only thing I would really change from that act is the fucking milk shit and I would have Luke just BTFO rey even after she tries to pop the lightsaber out by having him stun her with force lightning (showing that it's not an inherently evil ability). The rebels meanwhile would gradually end up in the same location and held up in the fort with the scene ending pretty much the same way. The big change I would have though is during the whole Rey infiltrating the ship thing would follow essentially the same route but instead rey would be struggling to not die (losing an arm in the process) while Ben lives up to his name and goes full force awakens.

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>Remove SJW pandering/patronizing garbage
>New series of movies based on KOTOR with Jake Gyllenhaal as the lead
>Have shit tons of Jedi Vs Sith lightsaber fights

There! Not only fixed, but also credibility and most importantly kino restored to the franchise.

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Remake the originals

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>It's 1995 -- You are given the rights to the Star Wars brand, and you have complete creative control. How do you save it?
Fixed it.

They would be awful. Literally what would you do?

Wait until 2007 to start the prequel trilogy and end it in 2012. Shit would have been absolute kino.

Would he be Revan?


I would also throw in a snoke v luke force battle which goes just full on Thanos v Strange levels of stupid with them popping out new force abilities every fucking second with Luke slowly getting the upperhand on him.

It's mine now? i sell it to whoever has more money, before that make disney wars non-canon and make it a rule that Han Solo can't die and lived on.

have you ever heard the tragedy of darth plagueis the wise?

Hire Eric Butts as the main director/ writer/ actor.

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Release original trilogy cinema prints and Holiday Special. Burn everything else.

This. Complain about the PT films sure but it was still a pretty great time for Star Wars as a franchise.
That was probably due to Lucas being (rightly) obsessive about a saga's solid story skeleton, which is almost always based on classic myths, fables, and fairy tales. Read what Lucas thought about why Titanic did so well at the box office. It wasn't just envy.

Everybody now knows about how Lucas was a big proponent of Joseph Campbell in the OT. However, the PT, underneath the political backdrop, still has that fairy tale like skeleton. A tragic story of a hero succumbing to villainy, only to give way for a new hope and redemption is something everybody's familiar with. Nu-Wars has nothing.

This, and it's unironically what Disney should do. Imagine the prequels but with good writing and likeable characters. God, what a kino trilogy that would be.

>possibly prevent the existence of KotOR
I'm unsure if BioWare, the way it was back then, would have lasted without it.

Keanu won't ruin his career with fucking Onions Wars

>EP7-9 is retconned to being a joke book made by Luke and telling the story to a class of Jedi. His order has thousands.

Can I just sell the rights for like 1bn and do something else?
The Star Wars franchise is fucked.
But since you've tasked me with saving it, actually, TLJ painted it too far into the corner, best you could maybe do is have the Luke that died actually just be another force projection that had been living there for years, and have the real Luke come back somehow setting up some other plotline, but who even cares enough anymore? Its like when you keep talking about something long after the person listening lost interest and keep trying to convince them that what you're telling them about was interesting, its fucking done, the whole series was created for people who are probably over 50 by now, why would their grandchildren care? Or think that its still cool?

literally this and only this

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Sell it to Adam Sandler at a decent price, or sell it to Sony for full price.

Not a bad idea.

>Stop George from giving up on finding someone else to be his director for the PT
>Force George to go through some very harsh feedback sessions on his scripts
>Age up Anakin in Episode I so that Hayden Christensen can just play the character in all three movies.
>Keep the deleted scenes from Episode II in the movie
>Make sure that Episode III can be the 4+ hour epic that it was meant to be, include everything from the novelization that got cut from the final movie
>Throw in an intermission right in the middle after Anakin falls to the dark side, let John Williams go wild with an intermission track

gods, the fucking potential this series and universe created, only to waste it on mary sues and hyperspace ship attacks

Good idea.



First Dark Empire.

Then KOTOR prequels.

I mean, shit is so easy, Disney is stupid.

You can’t save Star Wars. What’s done is done. This isn’t like capeshit, where you can just reboot the franchise. You’re stuck with Disney’s direction and they missed the biggest opportunity they had. They literally had everything. The money, the original cast, lucasfilm, even George Lucas himself and they just fucked it up. Han Solo is dead, Luke Skywalker is dead and Carrie Fisher has passed away. It’s time to accept Star Wars is over.

I like what this guy has going.
Now to secure $

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But its not over yet. ithink i have a radical idea.

Abandon the movies and double down on production of novels and video games.

>new artistic visions that are both respectful and groundbreaking.
>posts this vague shit
>gets pressed to deliver such artistic visions
>they are shitty Ben10 and Star Trek maymays
and that's why threads like this are bullshit, spoiled brats sperging about other people's work.

I declare all of it public domain and free for everyone to use and make money with and establish a foundation/website cataloguing all that is created for Star Wars by anyone on earth, including ratings system etc. I make it a giant community of creators, and other big studios can create Star Wars stuff too, anything goes. The market forces the shit ideas out and keeps the good stuff in.
Maybe I make a movie of my own, who knows.

>rhyme with the originals.
>shot-for-shot rehash is now a rhyme
there is no hope
>oh yeah it's all so simple i'd just do this then that
You'd go broke and blame everyone else for it.

>The market forces the shit ideas out and keeps the good stuff in.
But what if the market wants stupid shit, user?

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Teek's Gambit.

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Complete creative control ? Rebuild a competent team to assit me. Retake control of the game ip from ea that also damage the brand. Destroy prequel and sequel .Only the original trilogy remain .Hire experts on star wars book and lore to help me and my team create.Build from the groung up with new adaptation and new tv-show .After i reinvigorate the franchise and at least 10 years as pass Make a cinematic universe.

I'd watch that.

>movie where we follow the protagonist who carries a lightsaber and his intentions are questionable and at the end he has a red saber.
Wouldn’t save anything but I always thought if done well enough it’d be a cool book of Eli esque twist

Then idiots can watch idiotic shit and based people watch based shit, since nobody is stopping based people from doing based Star Wars shit

But that's just Anakin's story in the Clone wars cartoon series

Use the extended universe as a background for pulpy crime dramas, space godfather and heist movies. Mostly disconnected but building up on the same universe, characters in movie 2 know about the big heist that happened in movie one, that sort of thing. As a separate continuum, Jedi adventures. You come to know of the different Jedi from the different movies but each one works standalone. Honestly don't know how they fucked the new movies up so bad, all they had to do was loosely connect the new characters and the old, and then have some NEW and DIFFERENT stories. But nah they got that gang back together, some new shitters, and rehashed the ot.

>Adding an operatic intermission for the music

I never knew I wanted this, but now I do.

Like he never needs to use it, and just politics and force tricks through a movie? Sounds based af

yes please

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Honestly didn’t know and never saw it.

make the force small again and not a natural talent that you're born with but like.. more analogous to watching a dvd of 'the secret'. Keep it so there's always weird monsters learning THE POWAH OF THE DAWK SIED and becoming part of oppressive regimes. but don't make them nazis.

Like the first movie, aka Star Wars, is about a kid who watches a dvd of the secret and then like.. uses his power to fight the man, but there are other people who watched the same dvd but decided to join the man. that's basically what it's about. just keep doing that and try to keep the story as small as possible.

Letting Williams go wild with an intermission would keep people in their seats an NOT go for popcorn!

It is something I'm sure George would have liked to do, he always loved calling back to these random antiquated conventions that have died out.

>TLJ painted it too far into the corner
Fortunately nobody actually watched TLJ.

HD restorations of the original films, no special edition nonsense.

Then continue milking it with medium to low quality toss like Disney do, I've already saved the movies that matter, who cares what I do next.

Easy, stop all production on everything from movies, to tv shows to games, etc. Then, pool all resources into making a perfect virtual reality simulation (think Ready Player One) but just a Star Wars universe version and let all the faggots lives out their dreams of being whoever they want in the universe, while I basically enslave the population through subliminal messaging.

cringe but redpilled
Though, why bother with HD restorations, there's already 4K scans of the theatrical 35mms

An intermission serves its purpose whether people actually use the opportunity to get up and leave or not. Even if people stay in their seats, it still provides a mental break and lets people get back into the movie with renewed focus afterward.

Because those scans are both really shitty and grainy garbage, and/or are also tied to awful 'restoration' projects that muck with the coloring and other aspects.

True. True.
Also this user has a point, as well: Has Lucas still been doing his low profile film school?

Add multiple universes so 'legends' and disney shit is equally canon, and people can like whatever they want to. Release a new series set in a different universe, that doesn't have disney stuff in it. Work on making it actually good, probably hire someone like Feige that is interested in giving the fans what he wants (I doubt he'd do it, but maybe he could recommend someone.)

Honestly it's only gotten worse with every iteration past the original trilogy. There is no "saving". Which is a useful thing if you're a director with a vision because you can basically do anything with it at this point. It's no longer an untouchable thing. Indiana Jones is the same way. You're probably not going to make something that people outright HATE any more than what's been made and you're probably not smart enough to make something better than the best of either saga.

Too bad Disney is less capable of doing that then Lucas.

Make it actually about the war, we start years after the empire destruction, the new republic or what ever is doing fone, rebuilding, etc, they are diveded in 3 factions, the first one is the revels faction, they won the war and they have the power, the remainds of the empire faction, a faction formed by the planets that become rich thanks to the empire, they are weak now because the revels took the mayority of their property and they lost too much woth the 2 death stars, the last faction is formed by the races that were made free thanks to the revelion, they are poor and trying to recover, but they are alsp the most numerous faction

We take a time skip from the last movie, the focus is on some decendant from luke, an hybrid of human with some alien that happens to be a girl, the jedi organization is kind of reformed, but they are hiding, not involging themself with politics anymore

Anyway the story is about how the old robot army from the clone war has suddenly appeard and has started to expand itself, they are fast, and had been seen using weapons from the empire and the old republic, asimilating any technology they encounter

The revels faction (dunno how to call them) are having troubles dealing whit this old enemy, they have the weapons but not the man power necesarie to carrie out this war, they are losing, the remains of the empire are avoiding taking part in the war, but they still provide food, materials and weapondry as needed, the last faction doesnt want to participate in the war, they know they are not prepared and their only position in the revels army would be as the meat shilds

Whit this weak respond the robot army get the oportunity to expands itself to a point that the other faction start considering it a threat, this is were our story start, just before the biggest war since the clone wars

>have everything but the original trilogy declared non-canon
>license the series out to a bunch of studios, authors, comics, toys/collectibles, and vidya publishers with no exclusivity
>let fans fight and decide what is considered canon in their minds
>rake in the dough
why? why was this so hard to fuckin do disney? fucking why!?

>Age up Anakin in Episode I so that Hayden Christensen can just play the character in all three movies.
I dunno, he would've been like 19 by' 99, and the show he was on that attracted Lucasfilm would be in production at the same time as episode 1. I say rewrite child Anakin as a smarmy little brat to bounce off Obi Wan's friendliness and uncertainty, and maybe cast another kid from the audition sessions, like the bright blonde kid

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How is this in any shape or form shitty or grainy?

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literally would have required no effort to do this

Having Anakin as a child is a big mistake, his starting point should heavily mirror Luke's in ANH. Teenager to young adult, frustrated at where he is currently stuck in life.

>why was this so hard to fuckin do disney? fucking why!?
because they want to micromanage their brand and insert a consistent amount and type of social injustice propaganda

>Having Anakin as a child is a big mistake
It would mean he's brought into the order at a far later time. He would have lived far more of a live outside the Order.

I scoop up all of the writers responsible for writing those faggy novels, tv shows, games and other dumb shit Star Wars fans love. I tell Hollywood to go fuck itself because money isn't made in movies anymore. I let the writers go wild with making some balls to the walls true-to-StarWars script. New characters, worlds, old characters, worlds, whatever--I don't give a shit. I consult with Lucas and art co. to make sure the new characters and designs will fly off the fucking shelves. Announce a new original series on a network station that can reach as many people as possible on the cheap. Every fucking Saturday people tune in to watch the new Star Wars. It's bigger than Sopranos. Than Lost. Than Game of Thrones. I pay a little extra to make sure no commercials are aired because I don't want people leaving the fucking screen. Merchandise flies through the roof, I give free creative control to whoever loves Star Wars and wants to make gay nerd shit and sit back and reap the profits.

Something pro empire seen through the eyes of say a normal/sof storm trooper or a officer.

>Incredibly grainy, barely any detail visible what is supposed to be a 2k image
>5% to 10% of image covered with hair, dust, other imperfections
>Frame not even fucking centered properly on the scanner
Complete shit tier

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I don't deny an older Anakin for the trilogy. But I feel like the bigger problem with the prequels being a miss organization of planning behind the scenes. Rumour has it, Lucas wanted Leonardo DiCaprio as Anakin so he cast a kid actor who looked like him, but when DiCaprio denied, they had to search for another actor. I feel like Hayden needed more acting time to really churn himself up for something as big as Star Wars. If we hypothetically alter the timeline, Hayden might've been rejected after auditions or even be an abysmal actor for the prequels

Hire the guy who made the Raid movies and hire the best martial arts actors and have a fast paced pulp action movie .

Which makes the Order's reluctance to train him, and their general attitude toward him in the later movies much more believable.


Plus the twist at the end would be the dark lord would be unmasked to reveal Shatner

Have a cgi obi wan woken up by a cgi quigon shortly before they arrive to the trade federation ship in phantom menace. Cut to episode IX title scroll

Adapt Darth Plagueis book.

New trilogy, the next to come to the movies?
It would end with ...
A long time ago in a very distant galaxy and would put the stories in the present day
The next Luke would be from Earth and ...

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Hayden is a good actor, he just didn't have great material to work with in the PT dialog wise, and Lucas is a terrible director when it comes to directing actors on set. Both of those problems are solved if Lucas hands off the director's seat like he wanted, and if he gets locked into a room with a bunch of top tier screen writers and he isn't allowed to come out until he's taken their criticism of his script drafts to heart.

They have enough reason to reject him. He's already had a small life outside the Order. He's not a blank slate for them to indoctrinate anymore. 9 or 10 years is already enough for many Jedi to reject. Their attitude outside is just a bunch of hypocritical Jedi rulelawyering. And even Kenobi called them out on it a handful of times.

Their initial rejecting of him in Episode I is perfectly fine, but the scorn he gets in II and III just doesn't feel right. He's spent more of his life inside the Jedi Order than outside of it by the start of Episode II. That treatment is more believable if he is older in Episode I.

The scorn he gets is thanks to his attitude. He's already this
>Okay, this is tense!
kid before. He's lived a life and has emotional connections and pride which the average Jedi would be trained to avoid.

It also shows how hypocritical the Jedi are. I remember hearing some stories of foreigners in Russia or some other country. They were constantly treated as outsiders, even when their kids grew up in that country & were functionally no different. I hear they even spoke the home language better than the natives.

Part of the scorn is the chosen one problem, which honestly should make sense. He will never be perfect enough for the order but they need him.

>Star Wars Episode XI: The Force Fucks Off for Good
>2.5 hour title scroll that quotes Alec Guinness:
>“‘Do you think you could promise never to see Star Wars again?’”
>credits follow afterward

make a park where there are 23 year old girls walking around dressed as Rey and you can talk to them and after you get moved along still look at their butt

>Talk to Lucas about making Obi Wan Kenobi the lead character
>Don't do sandy samurai aesthetics for the Jedi or the world around them, but emphasize the pulp space adventurer aesthetic. If Star Wars is WW2, then the Prequels are all the wars predeceasing WW2 with space pirate aesthetics
>Ask to provide character driven interaction more
>There needs to be a dominant villain in the way of Vader, not 3 lackey's doing 1 man's dirty deed
>Talk to Spielberg, Jeffrey Boam, Lawrence Kasdan, and whoever else for advice
>If George really wants Jar-Jar, then he needs to be with Obi-Wan, who will be his annoyed straight man, at all times of Jar-Jar's appearance

All fight scenes are like @ 16:24

Make only episode 2 canon

You're fucking retarded. Enjoy your messed up revisionist colors then

Where did I say the bluray was perfect or even desirable? That's the entire reason an actual restoration of the original would be worth doing. Existing fan scans of OT film reels are complete garbage. I'll take the fucked up bluray version over watching scanned diarrhea in motion any day.

Episode 9
>Rey confronting Kylo Ren, who has clearly consolidated his power
>It's a close battle, but Kylo ends up winning and killing Rey.
>40 years later
>the aged Emperor Ben Solo, who discarded his sith name, has led the galaxy into a time of relative peace without the Jedi or the Sith to bother it. His Red Blades, an elite group of force sensitives who wield red lightsabers and the dark side of the force, seek out and destroy anyone who threatens the empire or its citizens. Their commander is his adopted son, the young man (and our main character) Cecil.
>Cecil has always been loyal, but recently the emperor's orders have been growing more and more erratic, and Cecil begins to question the things he's doing
>The emperor strips Cecil of his command, and orders him (along with Cecil's best frend) to go on a mission to deliver a package to a planet inhabited by people with strange powers.

>It's a close battle, but Kylo ends up winning and killing Rey.
just kill the bitch and be done with it
she doesn't have training for fucks sake

look I gotta give the basedlets something. I need their money for my FF4 movie and sequels.

if you kill rey, you won't get the money either

I start from episode one and remake the series.

First i will have jar jar fuck anikin in front of his mom then ill have him say "mesa say clean yourself up" Then ill have the duel of fates but right before darth maul kills quigon ill ahve sheev teleport behind maul and say "there can only be one ..." then chop his head off. Ill have quigon die before the next movie off screen cause people love that shit

Episode 2 will all be about anikin recovering from getting raped by jar jar. He will go to nabu but be followed in secred by jar jar. As anikin is confessing his love to padme, jar jar will jump out and yell "oh boy mesa gonna have a treesa" and fuck both of them. Also the clone war starts but no one cares as its mindless robots vs mindless clones with lots of splosions. Also sheev manages to get kidnapped.

Episode 3 will be all about protecting sheev's ass from jar jar. Oh did i mention obiwan got raped too... ya that was after the darth maul fight happened off screen. So anyways turns out jar jar had super aids from fucking a wookie. So anikin has to wear a bubble suit. Anikin is so afraid of jar jar that he enters witness protection program and name changes to vader. Also padme is preggo but she is carrying jar jars kids. So yoda dies of aids cause you know rape and the fact that short people aint got no reason to live. Also windu died he already had the aids on account of being a nigger. So ya sheev becomes emperor by promising jar jar all the younglings in the world. But since he is afraid of jar jars he name changes to senate.

20 years pass

Luke sucks off a green walrus and makes blue milk how and why dont fucking ask me. He meets 2 gay robots and they tell him a tale of fucking his sister. Hes on bord but then he meets this old guy that also wants to fuck his sister. They travel and find the sister but have to escape the death star before obiwan can beat vader again he dies of aids. I dont remember where the fuck i wasgoing.

>3 hour

My enthusiasm for this franchise has completely evaporated. I have neither the ideas nor willpower needed to resuscitate it. So far as I'm concerned, this is like asking how we can avoid the iceburg while the Titanic already half submerged.


I actually liked Jar Jar. I know that puts me in a tiny minority but fuck it. Thought it showed that Lucas doesn't take himself too seriously.

>Twi'Lek porno series. Also one for whatever Ahsoka is
No - one series starring both.

>Rewrite Jar-jar as a competent buffoon

This gets me depressed every time I see it.

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Hire Eliezer Yudkowsky.

I sell the star wars rights for billions of dollars and live like a king in Fiji.
>How do you save it?
Can't be saved.

Luke comes back in the corporeal form and literally beheads Palpatine with his lightsaber. The end.

That's not the Jedi way.

Mercy kill it. Enough is enough.

Basically adapt Old Republic stories in a competent way. I need Bastila put to screen. Or anything else from the era really.

I don't think that's the first post.

Exactly this. Once again the most accurate posts get ignored because the truth doesn't bait anyone enough to actually reply.

>that loop at the end
It's like the fight restarts.

I would create completely new characters, stories, and settings that have nothing at all to do with any of the previous movies. It could still have lightsabers, droids, and other types of previously seen technology, but it would be used sparingly. If I made a trilogy, a lightsaber might be seen once, in the final act of the final movie. But there's so much you could do with an entire universe. You could make a bounty hunter movie, a detective movie, a comedy, a horror, a drama. Not everything needs to be a CGI space battle spectacle, and not everything in the galaxy needs to revolve around the force, or the jedi/sith.

The opinion of a plebeian. The Force is the one aspect of Star Wars as a setting that makes it actually unique. Works that ignore that fact are just piss poor examples of science fiction that piggy back off a license and a preexisting universe because they can't actually stand on their own.

I don't hate the force, I agree with you that it's a unique idea. But not every movie has to incorporate it. I'm sure there are interesting ideas for stories that don't require it. In some stories it would feel hamfisted and that's what I would avoid. The problem with modern Star Wars is the need to appeal to nostalgia, but then fucking everything up in the process. Might as well do your own thing entirely instead of treading on the feet of great stories that came before you. What Disney is doing right now is tarnishing what came before.

I said trying to rhyme. I didn't say succeeded at.

See I understand where you are coming from, I think every fan of the franchise goes through this line of thinking eventually to some extent. The Force and related stuff can certainly feel tacked on to some Star Wars stories, but at the same time stuff that neglects those aspects feels like it is going out of its way to neglect the heart and soul of Star Wars as a setting.

Scene 1: Opening scrolling credits
Scene 2: The brutal execution of that pointless fat Asian bitch that was in The Last Jedi
Scene 3: End credits

This while keeping episode 3 mostly untouched. Or focus on a tighter story, but keeping the Anakin/obiwan/palpatine stuff intact. Maybe remaking parts of padme's parts.

There's some good fan edits out there.

Fucking excellent. What stuff in the novel was cut from the movie? I know there's the Yoda landing scene that was added in fan edits.

If you've actually never read the Revenge of the Sith novelization, go read it. Or listen to the audio book version. It is really good, just imagine if Episode III was two hours longer, that's everything that was cut before they started filming.

Edited a bit. Hopefully better quality.

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>How do you save it?

rogue squadron TV miniseries with battlestar galactica production values

I completely agree with you.

>Episode DCLXVI: The Last Edgelord

Lucas left before his male fans become utter jokes. At one time a star wars guy was, if not loved, at least condoned. He left them high and dry as middle aged losers, because he didn't go further with the edge.

Star wars needed a different direction. Contrary to autists, sequels or prequels don't ruin movies with a clear and resolved story. Just ignore the shit you don't like and embrace what you do. Deprivation of attention crumbles walls, emboldens ruin and crushes souls.

>user from Yea Forums actually has great ideas
>gay cocksucking Jews are the ones given power

Ruin it further. For everyone. I will make it really low budget and campy like old Sentai shows. And only cast white people

>there's already 4K scans of the theatrical 35mms
Is that so? I don't really care about 4K but if there's a better quality 1080 version of Return of the Jedi than the Grindhouse edition I'd be interested in that. I'm fairly happy with the Grindhouse version of Empire but I suppose higher quality is always better. What would I want to search for in these cases?

i burn it to the ground because its been since since 1980 and even then it was barely passable garbage

Just remake old samurai movies with lightsabers, it's literally all you have to do.

They already have with the Force Awakens bro

4 hours of steamy uncensored reylo sex. Triple the ticket prices knowing it'll be seen anyway, and smash Avatar off #1 box office.

Adapt New Jedi Order (Yuuzhan Vong) and Legacy of the Force (Darth Caedus)

Also this


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>good writing and likeable characters

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Sequel trilogy is scrapped. Expanded universe before Return of the jedi is returned to canon. Animated sequel trilogy is created to replace the disney sequel trilogy.
Anyone who dares suggest making it about rebels vs empire again gets shot

Yes! There is. It's called 4K83, check it out. They got a special high quality print (used internally for screenings or so) struck directly from the original negative for it, as far as I understand. It is a million times better than the Grindhouse.

Noice. Thanks m8, I very much appriciate that info.

>buy whole disnay empire
>make every single ip made and own PUBLIC DOMAIN

Do nothing and make surely LEGALLY no one is allowed to touch it or do anything with the brand after my death.

Yojimbo but with gangs of Jedi and Sith wannabe?

Make everything but the first 2 original movies non-canon.
Don't do anything else. That's it. SW saved and can never be ruined again.

No more rebel shit no more empire shit. Have it take place anywhere else in the Galaxy. Just another original story utelizing anything else. Star wars doesn't need to be only Jedi sith rebel shit

As deepfake tech becomes more viable, have a series set during the 30 year gap between RotJ and TFA, with young Luke, Han, and Leia. You can even deepfake voices now.

You can't it's way too late.

Also did yo know Disney spent a billion on their park to make the new star wars area? Now they have to make 5 billion to make up for this shit and the reviews for the park are not good!

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I would make a trilogy chronicling Sheev's discovery and descent into the dark side, from the time he was a teenager in Naboo all the way to the killing of his master Plagueis and end the last movie with his election as chancellor.

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Buddy Cop film with Old Luke and one of his apprentices, with the role being reversed ( the young apprentice being the serious one and Luke being the joker ). Also serious apprentice gets killed by Kylo Ren at the end.

>show hot Jedi
>their fate is always to get pregnant

It doesn't surprise me that early reviews aren't great. It's crowded as shit, and not all the attractions are open. It's in a glorified preview period right now, and little more than a themed mall. That said, it looks like it has the potential to be kind of neat down the road. I was hoping that once Episode IX was sharted out, they would gradually shift the park over to an OT theme, but they've thrown too much money into that Rise of the Resistance thing to just turn around and renovate it again. I'll eventually check it out, but it's going to be in 3-5 years.

TV adaption of Tyber Zann's rise to criminal hegemony.

Declare the Sequel Trilogy as well as the Anthology films non-canon.
Then never make another SW movie / tv show ever again.



Jar Jar. Jump Jar Jar.

>good writing and likeable characters
too bad Disney can't do either of them

I do nothing.

Star Wars ended in 1983.

I block anyone from ever making another Star Wars product of any kind ever again.

>Emperor Returns
>Kylo tries turning Ray darkside with Empies help.
>Empy kills Ray easily like Snoke should have.
>Kylo goes into Exile, is trained by Luke.
>Contrived situation where Kylo has to give his own life to kill Emperor.


>logh with light sabers
>logh with different intelligent species

Remake the films, starting with Episode One. All practical effects where possible. Remove all of the retarded aspects and rewrite parts that divide the fanbase. Make Anakin less of a cunt, make Sheev more competent with a better plan, no fucking Ewoks.

Once episodes 1-6 are done, I'd set the original cast aside and do the Kotor films nerds have always wanted. Start the films in medias res with the first game's story and have flashbacks to the Mandalorian Wars. Follow the canon through to the second game with all the cut content. It would easily make for six additional films.

Once those are done, we would go back to the original cast and proceed into episodes 7-9 with the not retarded story of Luke as the new Jedi Master and the return of the Empire under Thrawn, inevitably resulting in Luke's turn to the dark side. Episodes 10-12 would be the story of the main cast's children fighting against the Dark Side to save him.

Once all that is over, I'd just take script ideas from nerds and make side stories into infinity.

Blow something up so the whole galaxy is post apocalyptic

Don't crucify them here, it's sacrilegious. Hang them from a willow tree instead.



cast my wife as the new Mary Sue

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2 words:

That’d be amazing

>the original cast shows up for the first 30 minutes, then all of them but Luke fuck off.
>Carrie Fisher is dead
>no having the droids in the rest of the trilogy

Shit fucking idea to be honest.

>emphasize the pulp space adventurer aesthetic
These are the retards who hate the Prequels.

>space pirate aesthetics
That's gay.

>All fight scenes are like
They did that in The Hobbit m80.

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>have Kennedy issue a public apology to the real fans
>fire her
>hire Georgie in a permanent advisor capacity
>give the first 10000 fans who post a pic of themselves with their OT VHS tapes a free Vader Force FX Lightsaber and all-access backstage passes for the next film
>fire anyone even remotely connected to the nuwars films, except for ILM people, set designers, make up artists, fx supervisors etc, you know, the people who do actual work
>declare all nuwars films not canon
>restore the EU's canon status
>revive LucasArts
>revoke EA's vidya license and give it back to LucasArts where it belongs
>spitefully cancel the Mandalorian before it even airs because fuck Favreau and fuck nuwars fans
>put Filoni in charge of any future TV shows and give him full creative control
>burn the entire stock of nuwars toys in a Skywalker Ranch global livestream
>revoke Marvel's comic book license and give it back to Dark Horse where it belongs
>hire only talented people who respect and understand the franchise and aren't part of the social media outrage culture
>ask the fans for input in moving forward
>take a five year break
>make a comeback with a truly kick ass movie to prove to the fans that Star Wars is back and regain their trust
>succeed in restoring this legendary and beloved franchise to its former glory

>After enough time had passed, I would screen 4k restorations of the original unaltered trilogy in theaters again, and release them on DVD and Blu-Ray, with the original cover art, except I would remove the IV, V, and VI numbering and just release them as Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return Of The Jedi, like pic related.


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Soldiers whose souls have been scarred by the horrors of war and have lost their connection to the Force. Stranded, they meditate and reconcile with the flashbacks, where the only action is. Directed by Malick.

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>How do you save it?
Standalone heist movie with no Force users, no Skywalkers, no Empire except on the periphery. Basically a remake of some WWII "steal the Nazi gold" flick. Let the characterization and locations and memorable character actors do the heavy lifting and no prophecy bullshit or scenery chewing. Occasional lore fellation here and there. Also, AR tie-ins by the people who did AI's (which was infinitely richer and better than the actual movie). Standalone video game that ties up any loose plot threads. No online or microtransactions. Pay the bad lip reading guy to do something eyewateringly hilarious. The female is occasionally funny without being annoying, like Sigourney Weaver's character in Ghostbusters.
This isn't rocket science, it's just not being afraid of risk while keeping scope and expectations reasonable.

Kill the Force

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by never making any more films and only allowing cartoons and books to be made

I don't know about saving the franchise but a full adaptation of the Yuuzhan Vong war would be pretty amazing to see.

That sounds like Solo...

Rogue Squadron series

Assuming episode 9 is already released, I'd cancel the DnD trilogy and the Rian trilogy

For Episode 10, I'd set it 1000 years in the future and hire Shane Carruth to do 10, Fincher to do 11 and Inarritu to do 12. But instead of them making them write their scripts seperately I'd have some kind of story map that pieces them together. I'd also continue with the "star wars story" brand films but have them feature prequel characters more prominently and have them be even more self contained, starting with Obi Wan, Windu and Yoda

Didn't see it but I'm not surprised, I've been saying this for years now. It's a viable setting for a number of stories but suits are absolutely autistically hyperfocused on high stakes good/evil stories where the same beats and plot points are endlessly recycled. Pity.
Was Solo any good


>I'd set it 1000 years in the future
Your optimism that this would prevent legacy characters from reappearing is heartwarming

>high stakes good/evil stories where the same beats and plot points are endlessly recycled

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A movie about competitive podracing and specifically the rivalry between two ace pilots. Could be set during some in-universe historical event.

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Fuck off Kotornigger
Just because you have a character say "lol isn't this all so dumb?" in-universe, it doesn't make your story great

just add blood, gore, violence, more incest
some sex scenes with jedi masters and young padawans

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gritty and dark thriller
no fucking jedi

I would ironically enough save Star Wars with a prequel.

Set 15-20 years after Return Of Jedi and 15-20 years before Force Awakens, Star Wars : Dark Empire finds a newly restored republic under leadership of Queen Leia and projection of her brother King Luke Skywalker, master Jedi of newly formed Jedi Knight Council. Make The Crimson Guard the bad guys who's home world is some gas giant planet whose dense atmosphere was once used by Empire to build Death Star in secret and away from prying eyes of rebellion.

Now they're turning whole solid metal core of this planet into one giant impregnable Death Star and it up to King Luke and his band of Jedi Knights to find this Death Star and destroy it before it's too late. For a special extra twist I would even have leader of Crimson Guard, Luke best friend from first Star Wars movie, Briggs Darklighter.

Declare Disney Nu-Wars non-canon. Restore canonicity of non-Disney Extended Universe. Give George Lucas unlimited budget to make his original vision of the Sequel Trilogy. Recast original actors with actually good older actors for the Sequels (the way Obi Wan Kenobi is portrayed by different actors in Prequels vs. Original Trilogy).

>save it
for what purpose? it's dead