Whats the most disturbing thing you have ever watched?

whats the most disturbing thing you have ever watched?

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Myself in the mirror.

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the grifter

painful memories in my head replaying over and over again at fast forward speed while trying to fall asleep

You must let the pain make you stronger.

>The agonies I have suffered night after night have made for a hell composed of infinite diversity of tortures, but - thought this is a very strange way to put it - the wound has gradually become dearer to me than my own flesh and blood, and I have thought its pain to be the emotion of the wound as it lived or even its murmur of affection.

Do you think it's the first thing your friends think of when they remember you? Why didn't you just say nothing instead of THAT.

young guy watching his dad being beheaded, then he gets flayed alive by the cartel

The one with the dudes mom eating a brick through a car window at 70mph.

Some liveleak video of a boy in India with about 500 roundworms coming out of his ass, worms are the worst

Tarrant live stream
made me rethink technology’s role in human advancement
hit me with a massive red and black pill


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>AAHH ECHHA ahem excuse me sir, sir you got a dollar. I need some food...

the state of my life right now

You forgot how they flayed the boy on top of his fathers corpse

oh fuck that one was so fucking sad, I hope hes doing better now a days

Where's that from, user?

That guy who split his face in half, after landing on concrete floor.

Yeah that one was super fucked up

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Seen all sorts of gore but this one gets to me for some reason

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african individuals...

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The cartel are absolute fucked up. I'll never watch those videos again, especially the dude getting decapitated by a chainsaw, or people getting skinned/organs getting ripped out while alive.

The Farce Awakens

I cant believe starwars is fucking dead, and filled with Hollywood propaganda

No Longer Human. The book is full of great quotes.

>During the course of my life I have wished innumerable times that I might meet with a violent death, but I have never once desired to kill anybody. I thought that in killing a dreaded adversary I might actually be bringing him happiness.

>Long personal experience had taught me that when a woman suddenly bursts into hysterics, the way to restore her spirits is to give her something sweet.

>I soon came to understand that drink, tobacco and prostitutes were all excellent means of dissipating (even for a few moments) my dread of human beings.

>I never could think of prostitutes as human beings or even as women. They seemed more like imbeciles or lunatics. But in their arms I felt absolute security. I could sleep soundly.

>Some nights I saw these imbecile, lunatic prostitutes with the halo of Mary.

Link? I always found flaying fascinating.


Dreamer Heaven Level's 1 Rains Demise of Reptile

at your own risk user

things were scarier before reverse image search...

They got that aztec blood in them old habits die hard

they really do descend from the aztecs

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The baby and the train. I've seen some fucked up videos but that one stayed on my mind for days.

I honest to god am close to killing myself, i cannot stop constantly reliving everytime i fucked up again and again and again, it started to happen in publick to the point where i caught myself shouting "oh god" twice in the metro... and these fucking shadows keep moving whenever i am not looking.

This is a bizarre video and that's what made it disturbing for me, I'll describe it and hopefully someone else here has seen it:
>It's a cam footage of what seems to be a bunch of african people walking around looking perturbed, not really panicked but not acting normal
>The camera looks at some guy holding a kid, the guy looks in complete despair, like the kid is dead; the kid looks asleep and not really hurt at all
>The guy holding the kid turns around and the kid has a giant ass hole in the side/back of his head
>A woman, whom I assume is the mother says something and seems like she's crying.
>Then everyone starts dancing like it's some sort of tribal dance and falling to the ground and standing up again.

That's all I remember

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Noted, and gonna check it out. Thanks user, this spoke to me.

lmao wat

That image.

I love the Funky Town Video.

what the fuck is that thing

if you ever saw me randomly wincing in public that's a cue I just had a compulsive embarrassing memory flashback. This happens to me several times a day. I'm just glad it's not audible.

You have schizophrenia

Unknown Russian Soldier back in 1999 before I was desensitized to violence

Recall painful memories you observed that happened to other people. Can you remember any? Are they that big of a deal? Do you even care about them anymore?
No. No one does. Get over it. People live their own independent lives that are centered around themselves. They don't get together 10 years down the road and hold a session to laugh at that one time you tripped down the stairs.

I've always wondered, do they beg for their family members to be spared in those vids or just calmly accept it? Messed up either way.

Don't watch it alone in the dark.

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Not joking or memeing, you have schizophrenia. Get some help, please, like right fucking now.

fucking white boys no respect for life

Can’t pick just one off the top of my head but the Funkytown video was one of the first rekt videos I ever saw and it changed the way I see humanity.

Dead's suicide in Lord's of Chaos really hit home. That restlessness you get just trying to sit around and relax was too familiar.

He’s fine you Jew. Stop trying to trick him!!!!!!

So tired of saying “I hate niggers” but just can’t help it. They’re so fucking awful and it pisses me off we have to share this planet with em.

I am 12, and what is this?
No seriously. What is this?

this wojak image keeps getting worse and worse everytime i see it

Lol fook off

Collateral murder released by Wikileaks

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Its reddit don't bother

saw a dog get hit by a shovel

Yea when I was like fucking 13,

T. zoomer
Although they can still be entertaining

Please link, I need more evidence of niggers acting silly

This goddamn fucking bullshit. I still can't believe it actually happened.

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It was a picture on here. On Yea Forums back in 2007. This woman had a cluster of bugs living within her breast, and she was proud of it, people kept replying moar moar. I couldn't believe people got off on that sort of thing. I had to take a shower. That's how I learned about vore

The demon .gif that gets posted every few months

rent free

This but unironically


Pure kino
>I am the God of hellfire and I bring you... FIRE
>Perfectly timed with running executing the Muslim on the ground

3 guys 1 hammer fucked me up. I regret watching it. I thought it was going to be another one of those "how long can you watch this before throwing up" type videos, but it was actually a full-blown real murder involving an old man being beaten to death with a hammer while being stabbed with a screwdriver. He was also drowning in his own blood.

To say that fucking video has a psychological effect on me even today is an understatement.

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The fucked up thing is that they discussed as people went by if they would kill them or not. I remember they said they wouldn't attack this guy because he could probably kick their ass

Same. No woman has ever been able to make me orgasm as hard as I did watching that video.

webm on /gif/ of the aftermath of a car accident i think. guy had crushed sinuses so every time he breathed the air inflated the skin that was left on his face.

This is fucking drivel, user

fuck off nigger lover.

Niggers cant swim

I usually let out a "fuck" if this happens. I really hope it's never been loud or public enough for anyone to notice

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probably this

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why is it called funky town?

>and these fucking shadows keep moving whenever i am not looking
Ignore them. They can't hurt you. Get some sleep.

a webm of some guys putting eels inside a japanese girl's anus

Whatever you have seen, you can't imagine what Arnold had to endure.

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And people still ask why we need to build a wall.

back when the hiddenwiki was still up, my friend and i went on there when we were 16 and watched actual diddly doo

Have you not listened to the background music of the video?

that porn vid where they were putting little bugs in a womens cunt.

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There was a Reddit user who believed himself to be the savior of the world and that he needed to chop off his dick to save it from some unknown apocalypse that was coming. He was legitimately off the rails, definitely mentally ill posting in all of these weird spirituality subreddits for months. Every few months he would ask one of the medical ones about a painless way to commit suicide by chopping his dick off.

Everyone either was too weirded out to look into it, wanted him to seek help, or didn't believe his schtick. He posted a video on YouTube of him cutting what looked like a dick stump even further before chickening out half way. So this like... bloodied cut dick stump is just hanging there while this dude is screaming and telling himself that he needs to do it, that he can't do it, and he's clearly insane. The video ends after just about 30 seconds. I'm pretty sure he deletes it, not YouTube, and as far as I know no one saved it. His last post was about a year ago. I'm pretty sure he committed suicide.


You, you made me laugh.
Thank you

Fuck man....

Gangrape Cuntpunch.

I literally had to pause the video and go contemplate my life.

I can still hear her screams.

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>trust the shadows goy they can't hurt you

>t. someone who has never suffered hardship in his life ever

There used to be a video of some guy crawling around naked on his hands and knees wearing a pig mask and he had a huge gash on the back of his neck. That and he was either screaming or someone dubbed the sound of a pig screaming in pain in the audio. Any anons know of the one I'm talking about?

They can't. Trust me.

>a painless way to commit suicide by chopping his dick off.

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jesus camp

I have literally orgasmed to that porn before, with both a single larger eel being put in a rectum, and then one where they shot a number of smaller wriggly ones, then put a fiber optic camera and a monitor in front of her and she was like "no no I don't want to see the shame in my ass"

I think they also squirted a pretty significant amount of mustard or something in her ass as well

Battlestar Galactica Season 4.

Maybe. I've seen a few murder videos where they kill people dressed up like pigs in a barn

I mean yeah, he clearly didnt know what he was doing

Porn is brain poison

Man I think I saw this once, was there other people in the room watching him?

Dagestan massacre

Salo or a serbian film I guess. Other than that disgusting shit on liveleak from india and china.


yeah i think there was someone yelling something at him the entire time.

What really bothers is the decapitation not being clean, fast and smooth

The shadows can’t hurt you unless you let them. Fight them. Fight the man. If you’re gonna an hero don’t go down without a fight. Show the world the truth. Livestream yourself shooting up a synagogue. Take some of them down with you.
Note: I do not support murder so don’t arrest me CIA neggers.

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Bad syndrome is no laughing matter you fuck.

money is a hell of a drug

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Gee, i wonder what etnicity these fine specimens are from.

Women aren’t people happy to help.

A video of a murder inside a brazilian prison cell. This guy looks at the camera like he's being caught doing something wrong. One more second and you find out that he is being stabbed in his chest by some redheaded guy, the size of a 14 year old boy. The guy being stabbed doesn't look desperate, he's just distressed, like someone having to go through a daily, casual, ordeal. I see that scene in my head, very often, before falling asleep.

I know a way to sleep forever. The Others will tell you not to but I am your Friend and you can Trust me. Do it. You know you want to.

I once tried to peek on my sister in the bath and she was pooping, it was the most disgusting thing ever.

even if you know how to swim its easy to kill yourself trying to save someone drowning
the laughing is retarded though

why was she pooping in the bath

Liveleak stuff, there was a cartel video of some father and son, where they rip the kid apart with a boxcutter first then work on the father.

As far as Yea Forums related things this one is a pretty fun watch when you have nothing to do at midnight.

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I am trying to fight back, i carry a knife at all times, sometimes i dream i hurt people, but i woud never in real life, very convincing dreams though, even dirty shoes even


fuck radiation and shieett

Yes, because whites don't commit evil

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I don't recall anything that happened to other people. Nothing embarrassing happened to other people.

Is that the MAMA one or just a random mexican cartel

Yea Forums related or real life? I saw a guy get wrapped around a PTO shaft running at 6000RPM. Imagine someone wrinkling a soaking bath towel, but replace the water with blood and the towel with flesh. Nothing's shocking after that (in terms of bodily harm.)
If Yea Forums related; the home invasion scene in Henry; Portrait of a Serial Killer is pretty disturbing.
The thing that makes me wince is that his blade isn't sharp. Like wtf, man. Couldn't you get a sharper blade to do this shit? Giving yourself more trouble than needed.

Committing kino you mean.

I ain’t clicking that shit breh

They had zero intention of helping him and didn’t even bother to call for help and decided to use thier phones to record his death instead. Unlikely help would have arrived in time but helping him was clearly never considered

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>teeth fucked up
>can't afford going to the dentist
>their decay accelerates

GOD why did it have to be this way


With white boys it happens ever once in a year, with black kids its fucking always everyday forever since the invention of black people.

because they're listening to funkytown while they torture the guy of course

Reference as to what a PTO shaft looks like to people not living around heavy machinery. This is going low speed

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I’m an oldfag and I’ve never even heard of that

What does your house look like?

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oh yeah that shit is super fucked. I remember a jap one where they were using eels man.

two bombs was not nearly enough imo

This sounds kino

Could you possibly describe the smell?

That doesn't even seem so bad after this

It resembles sister shit

we live in a society

my post
you take that back - the eel porn gets the job done.

outwardly I'm chad btw if that matters

Thats jenkem paradise.


sounds like that video of the aftermath of a bombing in syria. no idea what its called though