Genuine Question.
Why would they do this?
Genuine Question
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You know why.
Youd think these Pharisees would have learned by now. I mean G-d cured his fucking cancer
Jesus Christ. The libs have no fucking shame.
>be rich so get the worlds best medical care
>doctors using most up to date drugs and techniques to get rid of cancer
>lol prayer did it XD
I guess it's for the same reason atheists pretend they don't believe in God.
I kept reading this as "player" as in a contestant on the show gave him some herbal cancer advise. I assumed he meant James.
haha what a total wacky wacko! Upvoted !
Why the fuck would you place emphasis on a meaningless coincidence?
Fucking kikes.
Probably because religion is bullshit and he got lucky
Religion is the new fedora desu
You deus vult larpers are worse than athiests
If he had said
>good luck
Instead of prayer, would atheists still be assblasted? I mean it's still down playing the work of the doctor
James reached in and took the cancer out of him because his job isn't done yet.
We need an experiment. I say we irradiate all christ cucks till they develop cancer and have them do nothing but pray and see how many survive.
because the people watching those stations don't believe in prayer, they believe in science
stop believing the conspiracy theory lies in this thread
Makes sense, all the old ladies who watch this show probably are pretty loose with their prayer chains
I mean it was stage 4 pancreatic cancer. That's pretty much a death certificate. For this to be in remission is crazy. A misdiagnosis would actually be more believable than it going into remission.
The placebo effect is powerful and unexplained. It's possible that prayer actually works, to a very limited extent. This would explain the universal phenomenon of prayer, ritual and other superstition around the world.
What are Godless networks & the Cronies that support them for $64,000 ?
>Fuck Hollywoodt
>stress is well-documented to worsen your health
>positive outlook = minimal stress
>a wholeheartedly Christian outlook is maximum positivity
>have higher chance of surviving cancer than some godless fedorian feeding his cancer cells with existential dread
>even if you die, you die content instead of terrified and miserable
>even if it's false hope, its positive effects remain and fedorians can't disprove a placebo effect
checkmate atheists
Doogie Hauser over here
>I mean it's still down playing the work of the doctor
Why when the doctors seemed to agree with him.
>“I’ve got a couple million people out there who have expressed their good thoughts, their positive energy directed towards me and their prayers,” he says. “I told the doctors, this has to be more than just the chemo, and they agreed it could very well be an important part of this.”
>He adds, “I’ve got a lot of love out there headed in my direction and a lot of prayer, and I will never ever minimize the value of that.”
>there is a medical cure for cancer
>doctors are underpaid and underappreciated
Because the media will never be able to fully control a mind that saves space for God.
doctors are rich as fuck in America. Only socialist hellholes have impoverished doctors.
Yeah, I'm sure that's their professional opinion and not just them being polite to Alex Trebek.
Imagine willingly subjecting yourself to existential dread and the company of fellow internet debaters and slut positive cunts.
Imagine the only thing you are looking forward to in life is the latest Nintendo console, then dying early from always maxing out your cortisol combined with never working out or enjoy life with positive people.
Imagine enduring all this just so you can "prove them wrong" by dying and falling into an abyss of emptiness rather than having hope that there is something more to life.
>they believe in science
I mean, they don't believe prayer, sure, but this part is not true, fedora
Our God is an AWESOME God
yeah a doctor is totally going to tell a cancer patient to just eat shit and die.
Science doesn't back up any leftist delusions.
Nonsense, science totally backs that people are born gay and men can become women
Why does god specifically need to be asked to make cancer go away? Presumably he allowed you to get cancer in the first place, so I'd figure he knows what he's doing.
He doesn't know that people don't want cancer?
>Instead of prayer, would atheists still be assblasted? I mean it's still down playing the work of the doctor
If medical professionals were being honest, they would tell their patients who suffer from cancer that a lot of it is dumb luck and that positive reinforcement/prayer does help the patients. There's a reason why doctors usually tell cancer victims the odds of their survival.
>t. someone who has many family members and friends who work in the medical industry
Based underage atheist poster
The ultimate brainlet question.
enlighten me
Imagine being a virgin
Nah dude. He’s drunk and slingin shit 24/7 you gotta be like “ yo god I ordered a triple baconator not a double also I didn’t want dick cancer could you make that go away? Thanks bud. PRECIATE YA
wow what a savvy and prudent insight. it must be hard to pull the wool over YOUR eyes...
>Because the media will never be able to fully control a mind that saves space for Jewish mind control.
Sometimes God gives cancer because it's time to die and sometimes as a test of faith
he's busy watching reruns of the super bowl where he helped score that winning touchdown
It's all fine and good that he credits prayer for his recover, but this sends a very bad, disingenuous message to people since there is no scientific or logical basis that suggests prayer will save your life. It's the same shit with the "alternative" medicine tards out there who could very well be saved by modern medicine but instead choose to chug wheatgrass and align their chakras or whatever.
>yes goy, you don't need to bother with real medicines or treatment, just pray and you'll be completely healed from a deathly illness that has claimed the lives of millions!
hey it worked for steve jobs... oh wait. Guess we now know what god things of itoddlers.
If it's that easy, why do rich people die of cancer you dumb faggot?
yep that's why poor people have the highest cancer survivor rates because they have shitloads of time on their hands to pray.
Well all this would make sense if he wasn't getting actual medical treatment, which he is, and still thanking the people for their prayers.
Trebek is smarter than most rich people. He pays someone to pray for him constantly, so he's effectively immortal
Easy way to get plebs to stop harping about health insurance.
>dude just pray, lmao!
Its a dr fuck up, a lie that hes doing better, or an example of rich people medicine being that far ahead of pleb medicine
Well, why did NBC and CBS take out his mention of prayer? They left in the talk about good thoughts and positive energy. Nobody has a problem with that but with prayers that must be censored?
positive reinforcement (prayer) is used all the time in therapy and no god is required.
In many cases its not willing. We want to run and hide from reality.
he prayed for the treatments to work, which the usually dont especially for that kid of cancer
there is only one god under capitalism
exactly. Brainlets pray that the cancer goes away instead of praying that the treatment helps the cancer go away. God sometimes gets lost in the details so you have to be specific.
Even if you dont believe in a god, studies on placebo medicines when the patient knows its bunk shows better recovery. So what he says could be rationally explained.
Also why not allow a man his opinion, stop banging people we should be adult enough to critically think and decide for ourselves instead of spoon feed.
the power of prayer is no joke.
Jesus Christ is the ultimate redpill, the truth and the life.
nothing scares the satanic kikes more than good men and women worshiping the real God and savior of mankind, Jesus Christ.
100% chaste and breadpilled
>Also why not allow a man his opinion
because then modern science would not even exist.
Image is accurate. All you have to do is believe in what Jesus did. That's literally it.
Based Rabbi Yeshua
holy shit
where can I get the "cry to god" shirt?
I'm not religious and even I can see how spirituality could help through psychosomatic action. Fuck this turds for being so butthurt about Christianity while sucking off Islam.
Because they're brainlets, unlike me.
Imagine being this guys oncologist and against all the odds save this guys life and instead you he thanks God
Gets me every time, his noodle arms wouldn't even put a bruise on that guys face. How can you be so weak mentally and physically?
Beating cancer is highly mental. Depression or excessive stress weakens you too much to survive it. Anything to provide comfort or assurance increases the odds of survival significantly.
>Anything to provide comfort
so that's how Blacked got so popular.
Doctors are all hacks. Medical school is a sham. When you're older you'll know
That's what's going to happen regardless of what you trick yourself into believing
At the most all doctors do is take very good guesses.
This. They call it an "art" which is codeword for we don't know what they're doing lol.
inclined to agree
I'm just glad to hear he's gonna be OK. I didn't have the heart to follow what I thought was going to be the rapid decline of a man I've seen my entire life, so 'controversy' be damned, I'm glad he's doing well.
>what is chemo
Dude weed and vitamins
literally poison
So they won't trigger derka allah muhammad jihads
I never thought of trebek as a religious guy. Could it be that he was just turning a phrase, or that this whole story is made up? Both sound plausable to me.
>hollyjews hating christ
a real mystery
My mother had the same condition. She died after aspirating her vomit while she was in the hospital for a minor procedure.
They cannot hold the position that prayer cures illness. Its a liability issue.
Like the message before certain programs that says" "the opinions or views expressed by this asshole coming up are not necessarily those of NBC Universal etc."
Of course it'll be construed as an attack on religion...
damn nigga you a lawyer or something?
steve jobs died of aids, he was punished for his faggotry
>steve jobs died of aids
wikileaks published his medical files soon after he died
Because it's irresponsible to lead viewers into thinking prayer can help instead of modern medicine?
shit, i thought your brain forced you to wake up in those situations. like when you wake up gasping for air because of sleep apnea
Because if it convinces even one person that they should just pray instead of go to the hospital, they don't want to be blamed
I see you, Rabbi.
She was very weak. She didn’t choke to death. She got a serious infection and went into acute respiratory distress syndrome. I decided that she should not be recessitated because if it wasn’t the infection that would kill her it would be the cancer
i don't get it
and by suppressing it that definitely will happen.
fucking kek
has someone edited this with repent zoomer?
Upboated, and Yea Forums Gold given!
You know damn right.
You're misunderstanding, they dont want to be blamed, prevention is not a goal.
True, that's why it's just best to pray because God always answers everyone's prayers, especially people in life threatening situations. Except I guess when he chooses not to, for whatever reason.
It still cures cancer in some cases.
For whatever reason, at least for me personally some of the most religious people I knew growing up went into medicine.i didn't even grow up in the Bible belt or anything, this was Minnesota. These guys also went on those medical/religious trips to Africa and everything. Are all doctors in this country Asians, Jews, christans, and alcoholics?
If I had to hazard a guess, it would be because a lot of intellectuals, and psuedo intellectuals, watch Jeopardy! and a hefty portion of those people may be fragile enough to stop watching if religion entered the equation for the show in any way (other than in the show content). With statistics, as well, showing that Atheists now out weigh (self kek) groups such as Catholics or Evangelists, skipping on mentioning god may have been a smooth way to avoid the subject all together and get on with the show. Now that this is out of the bag, though, i don't see Jeopardy! losing many viewers. Probably the opposite.
he worked at apple
Libs = Jews
Libs are just easily manipulated women and their beta orbiters. The Jews pull the strings
>Atheists now out weigh (self kek) groups such as Catholics or Evangelists
lol what. Not in America.
>And then one day, for no reason at all, the people voted in Hitler
Snoyboy seething, had to include his jab in because hes getting bodied out of Yea Forums
How odd they let "good thoughts and positive energy" despite it also being a potential liability as well, or that every network adds "The views expressed on this show are not indicative of [Company]" regardless of the content shown.
They need to be because they have to pay off their vast student debt. And as a kicker they can't unionize (same with air traffic controllers).
Meanwhile nurses get paid comparatively very well for their investment in training, can unionize (and are quite adept at it too) and get much more favorable hours.
Many variations, look around
What does the network have to do with it though? It's not their business to censor him.
Why would they allow him to claim that the good will directed towards him was what helped him beat cancer according to his doctor?
Honestly anyone who's even middle-class can get top-quality medical care in the U.S. Comfort and a lesser-chance of having retarded nurses kill are the main benefits of wealthy healthcare.
it's their platform not his
Yup. But see it like this
Say you got a body with 330 million cells, but 13% are malfunctionning and killing you, then a poison that only affect that 13% and reduce it would actually help you.
It's their show, they can determine what airs. If Trebek wants to talk about prayer he can do it on his own show.
That big guy reacted so fast it seems, or did the cuck display what he was going to do before throwing that punch?
>You're welcome
I think trebek is a conservative. They do not want any controversy that may open up questions about his political affiliation
>haha just start your own jeopardy bro
i literally cannot imagine a more cucked answer to questions like these
no its called use your twitter account
Drugs that super charge your immune system. Many people become suicidally depressed when on that treatment. Some people think that this is evidence that chronic inflammation is a common cause of depression
Yea Forums """christians""" are by far the dumbest people on this website
back to whatever /pol/ recruitment subreddit you crawled out of you fucking zoomer trash
Only if that 13% caused 52% of the damage to the body
Its ambiguous enough.
And that's not odd.
Simmer down, boy.
wow who knew that poisoning your body could cause depression
Its a combo of fundamentalism and tinfoil hat faggotry that is its own flavor.
aaaaah yes, the sky faerie works in mysterious ways........
*dips menorah*
>tinfoil hat faggotry that is its own flavor.
Though it's mostly just salty.
Bake the cake faggots
>implying it isn't because he has unlimited amounts of money to throw at it
You mean like Steve Jobs who refused modern treatments and decided on "alternative" medicine?
no i mean edited in the video
Look at the big guy's eyes. He's clearly reading what the kid's about to do.
think you for making these christfags sperg out
my bad, god cures cancer, you're right
I bet if he had brought up his Rabbi he would have been given extra time.
the thing is it's not the poison that causes depression its the bodies response to the poison.
Poison is considered poison BECAUSE of the body's response to it.
In fairness I doubt any of these pretend believers could even understand let alone practice a Christianity that Jesus would have regarded with anything but disgust.
>prayer works
>ah fuck, I meant prayer *doesn't* work
Over HALF of doctors in the US have witnessed a miracle in their practice
Say what you want about the jews, but the serious religious ones are probably more disgusted than you by the degeneracy of the goyim and the secular jews holding the leash.
>le Pascal's wager
Because putting into people's heads that you can pray cancer away would be a very irresponsible thing to do.
you mean trolls right? there are no christians here. There might be a few people who larp as them on /pol/ but they are pretty obviously not religious. It should be pretty obvious from trump himself that he isn't a christian and hasn't been to church, outside the random wedding for the last like 20 years. kek. Even obama is more religious than trump. That's not even a negative thing either. Obama's god is a world government, trumps god, is some sort of sex god or something idk, lel
>lol bro you OWNED the funDIES
>n-no your salty
Reddit, dial back your claims
no his god is israel which also happens to be the american christian god as well
I don't think catholics pray to the same idol that evangelicals do.I'm no expert, but I don't think those fuckers have a faith boner for jews.
godfags BTFO
Honestly, I don't believe in anything and I hate religious nuts but the man has a right to believe and if he thinks that prayer is what got him out then so be it, who the fuck are they to censor it??
Because everyone knows it was the rich people treatments and not God that is dicking his cancer in the ass. I'm sure they have him on an IV of the blood of virgins and they don't want the public looking into his treatments too hard.
If that were the case, we would still have Jimi.
Based Trebek.
Retard. My grandpa had pancreatic cancer and got it treated and lived. He was a cab driver and then a security dispatcher. He was a far cry from being wealthy and was fine. Pretty much all Americans get world class healthcare despite the memes that say otherwise.
>God should only act the way I see fit
>Otherwise, he doesn't exist
or maybe you don't see the full picture and you're tantruming like a spoiled brat.
>Pretty much all Americans get world class healthcare despite the memes that say otherwise.
is that before or after they go bankrupt?
We do believe God exists, we just don't think he's real.
Here is my hot take: God is actually all these things but he doesn't care about humanity.
Catholics in my experience are either polish or mexican, and no they don't give a shit about israel.
It always surprises me when people find it weird many Europeans are atheist.
There are a lot of sites here that predate Christianity or the arrival of the religion here.
Sure we have lots of churches but the signs of it being introduced here are also very clear.
I don't think it's some invader's religion, the previous ones also didn't come by choice so you shouldn't rule one religion out, but it's easy to see why people don't believe here.
That's not a hot take. There are sects of Abrahamism that accept that God just created the universe and then left everything to its own devices. Which is certainly more respectable than any doctrine I have read. Even though I'm a total atheist (no edginess intended).
based AA Lewis
>worlds best medical care
it's cancer dude
oh okay so it's alright to censor the arthur episode
Lmao exactly. I went to the ER for alcohol poisoning and was given a 20,00$ bill. The materials used to treat me was literal pocket change in actuality but I was driven into debt because of this shit.
There's an ant under your house right now proving to all his homies that you don't exist, so you better pay attention to his little opinion.
No one is surprised that Europeans are atheists
>that lapsed catholic italian girl you dated in college that you still can't stop thinking about
Because America no longer respects elders.
You'd be surprised.
Fuck the elders. A thousand years ago they were great for passing on traditions that were valuable to the next generation. That's it. We have digital storage for that now.
I am torn. As devout a Christian as I am, I also feel that relying on faith healing and rejecting medical care is a danger too many Christians in America are open to.
Really, with cancer, sometimes even the best medival care is not enough. Your own fucming cells and dna is turning against you. There are so many things that can go wrong. Sometimes you pray for it to jot be too pajnful because you know it will not get better. Ypu just pray your family member can be at peace.
And if you are lucky enough to survive like Trebek did, I don't blame him for thanking prayer and all the people who prayed for him. Heck. I probrably said a little one to wish him luck when I heard the news.