to say I am disappointed is an understatement. FUCK! He should've stopped making those shit piddling $9,812 or $11,914 bets 20 games ago though. He left too much money on the table.
And now I don't care about Jeopardy again. He changed the way the game is played, though. Anybody who doesn't use his strategy from now on is a fool and is wasting their time.
How many DDs did you get today and how much did he risk on each?
he only got the first DD and bet the maximum ($1,000)
we knew about this since saturday
well that means he sucked in DJ and wasn't able to choose as much then.
I missed the DD in the first round, but the gal who won got the 2 in Double Jeopardy. She risked everything on the first one and $3,000 on the 2nd one. She was in the lead going into Final Jeopardy, she got the answer and she risked enough to win even if James went all-in, which he didn't do. He risked $1399.
I hope Trebek dies now lol.
He didn't miss a single question all day, he got beat on the buzzer and the woman who won got both DDs
fuck off james
How did he lose wasn’t he miles ahead of everyone else?
someone did a true daily double to squeeze past him and then did got another and bet $3000
Maybe, few people can successfully use that strategy though. Unless you almost never answer wrong on the DD it won’t work.
Literally rigged. He's easily cleared 60k on nearly every show he's been on. One show away from beating Jennings and he loses? Jennings mafia did this.
>jennings mafia
He choked. He wasn't what he was hyped up to be
I'm just talking about going for the high-value questions first and working your way across and then up the board. The producers will have to start changing where they put the DDs from now on as well (I noticed in the past few days, the DDs have been on lower-value questions, which is somewhat abnormal).
>thinking he could beat a woman
he came across an autistic lesbo who got the daily doubles
Yea she’s a librarian at U Chicago. That’s the most autistic profession at the most autistic university in America
>Pirating Broadcast
Do you steal library books too?
So how long until we see him in a champions tournament?
I hope James fucked her afterward. They would make a cute couple.
>don't download the uninterrupted source that is already out, just wait two day to watch it with commercials after every news site has told you what happens
>Caring enough about Jeopardy to bother pirating it instead of putting it on as white noise during dinner.
>Still going on news sites when it's just been "WAAAAAHHHHHAAAAAHHHHH!!! I HATE TRUMP!!!!!" or Right-Wing rebuttals to it for a while.
fuck off tranny, you're not a woman