Quentin Tarantino Developing DJANGO/ZORRO Crossover Movie

>The story takes place several years after the events of DJANGO UNCHAINED. Django is still a bounty hunter, and since there’s a warrant on his head back east, he has mainly been plying his trade in the western states. After safely settling his wife, Broomhilda, near Chicago, he takes to the road once again, sending her funds whenever he completes a job. It’s by sheer chance that he encounters the aged and sophisticated Diego de la Vega — the famed Zorro — and soon finds himself fascinated by this unusual character, who can also hold his own in a fight. It’s not long before Django becomes Diego’s "bodyguard" and joins him on a mission to free the local indigenous people from slavery.


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Django was a good movie and the appeal, to me at least, was the idea that a free slave would take to killing evil people as revenge and nothing else. It had some historical fiction to it and it made it feel real. Crossover with a fictional character seems too farfetched. It's like Mel Gibsons character from Braveheart meeting Dr. Frankenstein

who cares

You're joking right? Django was over the top by the end. It was still enjoyable, but it lost all realism.

No. Fuck off. No way would he make this his last film.

>A bounty hunter with a warrant on his head
The ironing.
Also Django was kino

Will Zorro be a nigger too?

Zorro is THE hispanic hero.

What will be his last film? SciFi? Napoleonic? Godfather type gangster movie? Return to his roots with 90s LA gangsters.

A Chipmunks sequel.

his last film was Jackie Brown. he's only made flicks and joints ever since

>this is his last movie instead of kill bill vol 3 or a Nam film

I’d never watch this faggots movies again he pulled this shit

only interested because it's zorro, and it's been fifteen year since the last good zorro content

He's developing it, which means he will produce and not in all likelihood direct. Capisce?

3 cowboy movies in a row, what the hell.

This makes so much sense. Tarantino's talents is for pastiche. The gig was up after Jackie Brown. While he's limited, his films and joints are damn entertaining. Hell, I even dug Death Proof!

I Love Death Proof.

Inglorious basters and Jackie brown are kinos. Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction are films. Death proof is a film posing as a joint. All his others are unapologetic flicks.

Didn't he say he was doing the next Star Trek movie next?

>save the local indigenous people from slavery.

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Kill Bill is the ultimate meta, making it kino

He does that all the time, remember when Tarantino wanted to make a Bond film? I doubt that Tarantino would ever want to be creatively limited by the restraints of another franchise.

>his last film
fags unironically believe this

No, he's a White Mexican.

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i'll believe it when i see it. along with the vega brothers movies and kill bill 3 and star trek and every other thing tarantino claimed to be making.

Tarantino founded the Spaghetti Southern. He's in the same line as Sergio Leone. Son of a bitch pushed so hard he created a new genre.

Only if it's Banderes


god I hope he gets cancer and dies before he can shit out yet another of his self-absorbed turds

But it's the same thing only with black people sprinkled in it?

>not so fast...

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you don't know what you are babbling about you low iq wigger

Didn't he just announce retirement.

after his 10th movie, once upon a time is his 9th.

>1 movie is an entire genre

I only care about whites and black females. Black males can eat shut and die and I hate redskins with a passion because they are a disgusting and savage race. Also fuck beaners as well.

cringe. just stfu retard.

Zorro, was a white Spaniard.

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You do know he has a 70s movie coming out this month, right?