Can we get another before and after thread?

Can we get another before and after thread?

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Other urls found in this thread:

are those eels?

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If I’m ever famous I’m gonna go out like Nicholson and Brando and just eat myself to the grave when I hit my 60s

to be honest he needs to be addicted to something. rather it be food than coke.

Who looks good at 82 though?

already working on it, and I'm 30.

Friendly reminder to workout and eat healthy and never stop. I know a guy in his 60s who’s jacked as fuck with a six pack and looks badass for a 60 year old. Or you can be old and frail and thin/over weight and walk around slowly always complaining about your aches and pained. Up to you


its both

Can I do this while also drinking a bottle of hard liquor a night and vape, having the occasional cigarette?

I'm probably going to kill myself when the NEET money runs out in my 40s anyway. I've already experienced 3/4ths of my life.

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I look like her when she was young and I’m a dude, it ruined twin peaks for me

Post pics (with dildo in ass).

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>when it hasn't been your day, your week, your month, or even your... decade

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nuuuhhuuu french champain

Still looks wholesome. I wanna hug that fucker

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Looks like he is walking his drunk dad.

would kiss Fraser's forehead.

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Are you a rich and famous actor?

>Marriage,not even once

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He's worse now.

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alcohol to heroin?

lol, what do you think. I'm just done

I feel like we're losing him

She turned into Bruce Vilanch.

Literally my transformation over the last 8 years except I'm way younger lol

>Hey Doc, gimmie that Michael Myers look

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Rich and still gets to scale this smoke-show every night. Life is not bad for little people as long as you are rich.

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He has Jesus on his side.

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love this breeding sow

post feet

>imhotep caught up with this nigga

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Gladly for him,he has great beard genetics

Doesn't even look like the same person.

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Still looks good

She just had the excess fat and skin around her eyelids removed
Brie Larson did the same thing and a nose job just slowly over a long period of time
Only reason zellweger was so noticeable was because no one had seen her for years and suddenly she looked like that

Ba haha!

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Whatever happened to this guy?

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I don't think a heavy alcoholic could get it up.

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Nah they'll both have heart attacks. Just go for relaxed walks

I was surprised that a woman was aging so much better than a guy until I found out that she's almost a decade younger than him.

They can’t. :/ Then they get their feelings hurt, maybe cry a little, pass out, and blame you the next afternoon after they emerge from their black out.

He won woman of the year a couple years ago

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ya seethe?

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That man has aged incredibly well good damn

I don’t remember her looking as good as on the left

that's not a bald spot
the goddamn jews burned a yarmulke into his head

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Good Lord he's fucking disgusting.

Post the after-alimony pics...
His shit has recently been thoroughly unfucked.

>just eat myself to the grave when I hit my 60s
Nicholson is like 88 years old

looks like one of those super realistic old man masks

Seriously guys, how the fuck do I avoid JUSTing myself.

don't get plastic surgery and don't eat like shit when you get older

it basically is a mask at this point

Winona has aged very well regardless.

>Don't Drink
>Don't Smoke
>Don't Get Married (to a Cunt)
>Work Out
>Wear Sunscreen

I'm probably skinnier than him. Fug.

I still wonder how we'd think of him if he maintained that wall he hit back in 2013

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>don't drink
>don't smoke
>too ugly to get married
>it's never sunny here
Just got to lift some weights then

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>old man does whatever he wants

Fucking delete this

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still hot

Fat Keanu is best Keanu. He looks so happy!

I know this isn't an original bit but there's a part of me that's convinced the Yarmulke is designed the way it is because of how common that pattern of baldness is among Jewish men.

I should know, I have it.

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Wtf. He packed it on and somehow still managed to look ten years younger. What sort of black magic is this???


Welles was never good looking
In Citizen Kane when playing young Kane he was just as made up as when he played old Kane: he wore a toupee, fish scales pulled back the skin of his face, he wore a girdle

Welles always used a lot of make up in films, and especially fake noses
Only 1 film has him with no make up or even a fake nose: The Third Man
And he is very haggard in that


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There's an entire episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm about this.

watch out he's gonna rant about using drugs

Based hapa genetics.

based john fortnite

Looks like Brian Wilson

whats wrong with his hair
too much booze

Mel’s still got it


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how did her eyes get narrower?
I didn't think they even made tom waits tshirts

It's like her nose and mouth is bigger than the rest of the face

did you never see her in the 1990s?

the absolute FUCKING rotundity

did she get hotter?

I'm horny for hapas lads

>you'll never marry a solid 10 cute who'll still look great at 50

he deserves it

You can drink in moderation just fine

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Hair plugs probably

The secret is to never be super fit, so you can gain and lose weight and it’s not a huge deal. I was really fit in my early 20s and now that I’m 31 and chubby it’s very noticeable.

>tfw the Chantix kicks in

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Uma Thurman was ugly even in 90s, she was never pretty, just elegant

Its still criminal that he was overlooked for Fury Road.
There was no need for a replacement considering Mel has kept himself in shape the whole time. Could have even fit the next installment if they went though with it.

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It's a big grave

>The game was rigged from the start

Fuck, that would have been so kino. And I bet it would have opened bigger, too.

You'd think Miller would have been ok with an older lead considering he's ancient, too. I guess he was too bluepilled to go for it.

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>tfw I don't look half as good as those guys in their youth
>can't even imagine what will become of me when I hit 40 ~ 50

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looks like steven tyler

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Honestly I'd rather fuck the one on the right, she looks like she enjoys a dick in her ass.


is mike trying to catch up to the rest of the fat fucks on their channel? he's chunking out fast

2012 might be during her heroin addiction.

courteney loves the cox

That nigger looks like Neil Patrick Harris.

It's 10x worse to have experienced peak looks/sexiness and then have to face 40-50 years of slow descent into ugly oldness. This is why you shouldn't put a ton of stock into looks, they are fleeting and half of your life will be spent without them.

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I can only assume its cause Mel was still heavily blacklisted by Hollywood at the time

She disappeared didn't she

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based and MUUAAAAAAHpilled

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nooooooooooo she looks like a fucking ayy now.

look like eels

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Here's the updated version. I think she went a little too far this time.

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Fury Road has a pretty obvious feminist subplot and the girls in the movie are pretty hardcore feminists irl like Kravitz's daughter and Theron
It'd never happen with Mel
Even George Miller is against him now probably

did your OG childhood waifu survive, Yea Forums?

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he's only 48

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Ahh so this is why Rodgers left

but why post yoko ono?

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He wasn't satisfied with just one woman. He really, really likes women.

only if you dont take care of yourself
>drink water
>exercise fairly regularly
>stop drinking and doing drugs like you did when you were in your twenties after you hit 30

put a little bit of effort into self care and take the edge off

>I didn't think they even made tom waits tshirts
that's why it's cool


>Amanda Bynes and Lindsey Lohan
>not even fucking salvageable at this point

14 year old me would be devastated

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i wanna eat her ass

I want mommy Hillary Duff

this one got me

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i dont know who third from right is but she seemed to do pretty well


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Yes user Jack Nicholson is eating eels at a Los Angeles Lakers game

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Did you click on Mel on accident? He looks like shit it's just the beard covering his face

>not using a picture of her from Goodfellas

Is it worse to go full wraith mode like Depp or to get fat like Fraser?

Obviously the ideal aging mode is to remain creepily unchanged like Leto / Keanu but they're fucking freaks, most of us are gonna have to go one way or the other.

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Best outcome is to die relatively young


Isn't Amanda Bynes batshit insane at this point? Someone over at Nickelodeon sure diddled her hard (We all know who).

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Based Dolph

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>Tori Amos got plastic surgery and looks like a freak now
>Lara Flynn Boyle got plastic surgery and looks like a freak now
>Zellwegger got plastic surgery and looks like a freak now
>Mickey Rourke got plastic surgery and looks like a freak now
>Courtney Cox got plastic surgery and looks like a freak now
>D'arcy from the Smashing Pumpkins got plastic surgery and looks like a freak now
>Munn got plastic surgery and looks like a freak now

when will they learn

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I don't know, man. Those old fat bastards seem to love life.

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He could if he wanted. He probably has a eel guy on staff.

I wonder why he's not cast in more stuff
Schwarze and Stallone are still around doing movies and he looks as good if not better than both
>Expendables was 10 years ago

don't you dare make fun of him
he's a good man

Literally looks the same except for the hairstyle, what kind of forbidden magic is this.

Don’t smoke or drink regularly. Oldest lady in the world a while back had a few cigs a week. A cigar and wine every now and then is perfectly fine.

was it depression?

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shit's not even funny dude
he legit has horrible health problems

Gandolfini was never hot though so he technically never hit the wall

He better thank God for those hair genes.

It's still an inevitability. I'm saying don't put so much stock in vanity, work on things you can maintain.

this is fine because she had a daughter that almost looks like her clone

still hot

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He doesn't want to, he's still focusing on scientific research first and holding onto his dream of winning a Nobel, for real. He's delusional.

She only looked good in The Mask.

That's fucking crazy
It's like he aged 40 years in 4

i'm liking where this is going

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I think I'd rather fuck Charlie than his angel

Seriously? That’s an actual shame. I gotta look it up. I always liked Jet.

Moral of the story seems to be you can get old and still look good, but for the love of god just don't get fat.



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Dad bod is the ultimate form when you're older. Just a bit of fat and muscle will do you good.

Cameron Diaz has always been an overrated whore. She didn't even look that good when she was young.

haha imagine if she was farting haha

I drink a lot and lift and tan, but have great age genetics. What cancels what out?

That's what ruined it for me. Nothing against Bane, but god damn would it have been insanely good to see Mad Mel in this scene

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he broke his knee dude

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Depp is literally a meth addict. Being a little pudgy is fine.

Dude what

AIDS is a helluva disease.

Which version would have more heat?

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The one on the right looks like me and it hurts to look at it

Looks like they put her head in a vise and squeezed....

>he broke his knee

And ate too many calories...

Watch Dangerous Liasions, she goes full nude and it's a kino movie besides

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I'm glad that ERW is doing OK

He clearly has AIDS

Then do something about it.

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that daughter IS her clone and its not a daughter its a tranny son. the real Uma was killed after filming of Kill Bill Vol 1.

illuminati clones

He doesn't look filthy rich

Good Lord, she became a tranny!

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>thicc mommy give milkies XD

wife material

I refuse to believe that.

you know what dude

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He ended up looking like Artie Lange


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serves her right for breaking trent's heart. on the other hand, we got pretty hate machine out of it

W2c Tom Waits shirt?

the olsen twins are skeletons that only come out in the sun like once every three years alexis bledel is still pretty hot so id call it a win. she was my favorite anyway

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the same Biel after many years

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....mmmhh.... WELCOME.... MEGATRONNNNN....

Even a bloated Mel would have brought that silent intensity Max needed. He was great in The Expendables sequel.

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Jack had his fun. He was apart of Hollywood when it wasn't a Liberal/SJW cesspool. When actors were actors and not activist. He is allowed to eat drink and fuck before he meets the maker.

He's been in plenty of stuff lately.

reminder that keanu is immortal

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he was in creed 2, but it was shit.

Hold my hand

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Absolutely caked in make-up.

When you have no fats there is no where for the wrinkles to hide. Like a 65 year olds abs; better days were 40 years ago but you're still king of your age bracket.

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why does life have to be this way?

he looks like he has assburgers

Probably caught Charlie's AIDS.


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I know he'll probably never reach his prime form, but fuck am I glad for him to be free of alimony. Maybe then he can try and reach that form once again.

Uma was always kind of odd looking in the eyes. She looks great for 50, probably takes care of herself.

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Perpetual stroke

Is this shopped?

oh man that's sad

She just was in one of those diary movies a few years ago and she looked great. Wtf happened?

looks better now. naomi is based

for you



Father time is coming. For all of us, motherfuckers.

Enjoy your youth to the fullest, and squeeze the enjoyment out of every day you can.

I'll be a no kiss shut in loser and play videogames, thanks.

why is she smiling so aggressively that her face is about to explode?

God I love the chan...only place I can find my exact sentiments regularly posted by others.

This is called
"Plastic surgery for one angle without considering another"

Very common problem. I bet she still looks amazing straight on.

>Age genetics
Disregard until you're old enough to know if you got the genes or not.

Intentionally tanning is godawful for your complexion in the long run. If you're Mediterranean, SE Asian, etc you'll be better off than an Irishman but you're still getting a radiation burn when you sit in the sun, even if you don't see it. Eventually your skin forgets how to properly repair itself.

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>Enjoy your youth to the fullest
but i'm ugly lmao

is her face trying to tell us that her lips are jewish?

My keys

Going to use that a lot more.

>Oldest lady in the world a while back had a few cigs a week
Some people nerver smoke and have horrible cancers
if you wanna drink and smoke go ahead, but don't fool yourself

Perfectly fibe, good for him

He looks better

Imagine all the pussy he slayed during his golden years.

that’s like five years old, he’s fine these days

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It's funny because he's in that movie

Why does he wear the mask?

He looks like that one friend who would always pick you up in his car

who cares loser? What a pathetic and depressing blogpost

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>just turned 32
>still in shape but tired
>literally zero benefits

Can I stop now?


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Is that App that removes makeup from peoples faces still around?

Wasnt it removed because it was sexist? Or some other insane reason

Welles had the most kino senescence though

he actually looks pretty good there

Looks better. Right is a trustworthy boss, left is a quippy tard with stupid hair.


Fraser is /ourguy/. Class act.

This is especially unsettling because she used to seem so down to earth and easy going. In interviews her sense of humor is dead.

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fucking tragic

wrong, they cremated him and through the ash into the ocean, he's water now

wraith for sure

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It seems like fasting and meditation can subdue some stress, that and eating healthy

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four sebens

Who was it?

he just got old. so what

10/10 reference smoothskin

It looks like he stayed out of the sun during his adult years.

The sun ages you.


he was just bulking

>had to marry a good charlotte mallpop fag

this is what a rapetrain from the pussy posse does

it also lead to that bobcat marriage

that was for a role

This physically hurts me
Why do they always fall for the marriage trap lads


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is that Neil Patrick Harris?

>those hips
>those legs
>those milkies

she turned into Rosie O'Donnell

Chantix, not even once


I've wanted to fuck her since Freaks and Geeks.

still fucking hot

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it wasn't the marriage, it was the sexual assault, he said it himself

What a lovely woman. She's transitioning from MILF to GMILF very nicely.

The dark rings under his eyes makes him look like an opiate addict

Still would.

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Lol yeah same

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Hes always wearing eye liner too. Looks weird as fuck

he became a fucking wax figure

he's a literal ubermensch

Is she in witness protection?