Character is about to experience something extremely embarrassing

>character is about to experience something extremely embarrassing
>pause movie, pace around, pull out my phone to act as distraction until scene ends
I'm not the only one, right?

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why are you such a pussy?

It has to do with having massive capacity for empathy

>character about to do something embarrassing
>turn off the movie and never try to watch it again

How many movies have you left unfinished?

like 30 or 40

>character about to do soemthing embarrassing
>mentally scream FUCK as you remember something cringy YOU did

Jesus, user. How many have you actually finished?


>character about to shit himself
>shit myself too in solidarity

>underwater scene
>hold breath with character

but how does the scene end if you paused the movie tho?

>post something in thread
>realizes it's wrong and stupid
>leave thread and never look back

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Around a couple of hundreds.


>pause movie, wait until scene ends
See you in two kalpas.

I dont think this is the case. I also cant bear to watch cringe videos or in movies, but I have almost zero empathy or concern for others in real life. Is this autism?

This one is painful

Aversion to emotional pain. You're a coward.

>watch movie with family and friends
>sex scene comes on

Attached: trust noone.png (1593x1418, 252K)


>watch "incel"core shit like Her
>proceed to listen to sad/gloomy "ambience" on YouTube(or just the Her OST) for the rest of the night

>living alone
>not watching sex scenes because it's boring and embarrassing.

How do I get rid of cowardice?

Kill a physically superior Male through force

literally me

I do this way too often

>post the best joke since baneposting
>thread dies in three minutes with not a single more posts

When I used to watch nickolodeans doug I would hide behind the couch when he would do something weird or awkward.

>not telling your family how horny the scene makes you

Yeah, I’m thinking you’re unbased

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Dude, the protagonist was fucking married at some point


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What are some movies with scenes that make you guys feel like this? Only one I can think of offhand is pic related.

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I thought this was a great scene, watching nigglets get BTFO by not getting their free shit for once.