Wokenigs: The Movie

Wokenigs: The Movie
Just watched this turd. How come this won Best Picture? kek the asbolute state of America

Attached: Moonlight_(2016_film).png (220x319, 112K)

how was it woke?

hello i am gay

What was even the plot of this movie?
Gay black is gay and also black, for 2 hours. There was no conflict

They wuz brave and stunning.

Well it was this shit or that gay musical with Goose.

It was a shit year.

At least the musical had catchy music.

>be black
>be homosex
>during segregation era
I would honestly just commit suicide

Manchester by the sea, hell or high water and Arrival were all good. La la land was decent but not best picture tier. Moonlight was actually bad, not even that we'll acted or directed

I despise woke shit and idpol but I thought it was actually a pretty good movie, if you can enjoy what's basically a 2-hour character study. Him being black was far more about the effects of growing up in poverty and violence than any "fuck wypipo" stuff, and the gayness was handled tastefully, which is incredibly rare for any movie where that's a major topic. The movie feels more like a picture of growing up while struggling to accept yourself than it does any sort of political statement. Some of the stuff he said in the third act reminded me of Confessions of a Mask.

>if you can enjoy what's basically a 2-hour character study
m8, in order to be a character study, the protagonist should be someone with the slightest semblance of character (i.e. be worth giving a shit about)

It's been a shit year for a couple of years now.

>Confessions of a Mask.
>gay minority movie reminds me of book by gay minority writer

It looked like a student film. Checked the all of the right boxes for those dopes at the Academy

Please explain

LLL was kino and you know it

Never seen it. All I know is its about a literal niggerfaggot, so I hate it

america was a mistake. daily reminder.

paste and bradpitted

It was very amateurish, like a student film. It was also very blunt in its approach, literally telling the audience, "this is act 1", "this act 2", "this is act 3". There was no real depth or nuance to the characters, so it can't really be called a character study. It was just a series of bad events that happen to a gay black kid. He doesn't learn or grow from any of these experiences. He doesn't resolve any conflict. The movie is pretty bad.

As far as the Academy, those morons literally don't even watch all of the movies they vote on. This had themes that perceived as progressive, and this was the year after #oscarsowhite campaign

movie was a solid 8/10, the acting and cinematography 10/10, fuck you

Manchester by the Sea and Hell or High Water, user.

Mishima wasn't a minority in his country you fucking dunce

>LLL was kino and you know it
It might not have been an amazing film, but it was much better than Moonlight and much closer to the classic films that used to win Academy Awards.

t. wokenig

Rip off of Three Times by Hsiao-Hsien Hou.

Bet you 100 most of the arthoes that worship Moonlight don't even know who he is.

>imperialist and faggot in Japan
>not a minority

way to move the goal posts faggot

Not even him and I hate wokenigs but it's a different thing:
>[Three Times] features three separate stories of romance, set in different eras, using the same lead actors, Shu Qi and Chang Chen.

>muh goal poztzzz
not an argument

not woke, just award bait. I thought it was boring at first but I liked it on reflection

>He doesn't learn or grow from any of these experiences

Spotted the brainlet

El estado del cine de america

>It was very amateurish, like a student film
You didn't explain anything, you just restated your premise.

>It was also very blunt in its approach, literally telling the audience, "this is act 1", "this act 2", "this is act 3".
It's a story about his life. How else would you delineate the stages of his life?

>There was no real depth or nuance to the characters, so it can't really be called a character study. It was just a series of bad events that happen to a gay black kid. He doesn't learn or grow from any of these experiences. He doesn't resolve any conflict. The movie is pretty bad.
Did you even watch the movie? He goes from a weak kid to a gangbanger because of the events surrounding his sexuality. The only father figure in his life is not an ideal role model and he doesn't stay in his life for long which has an effect on his idea of identity. He has a contentious relationship with his mother with whom he finds a sense of closure. even if it's bittersweet. He reconnects with his childhood friend/love after many years and starts to accept what he is and what he's got after years of running away from it.
So your entire argument boils down to "it's bad because it's a student film and that's pretty bad".

why are so many blacks gay

>literally telling the audience, "this is act 1", "this act 2", "this is act 3"
There are many movies which use this and it's not necessarily bad, and they weren't the acts but the stages of his life. Still it was a shit movie.

there's homosexuals in every race

Its a coming of age movie where each segment was a slice of life.

>be black
That'd be enough for me to commit suicide.

>Coming of age
Childhood section, nothing happens, get talked at.
Teenage section, touches a dick for the first time, fairly significant.
Adult section, literally nothing happens, talks to his old bf.


lol u are supremely retarded

Cinematography and acting were both 10/10

It was okay.

Ironically, I think woke whites were more into the film than blacks.

imagine being this much of a brainlette and believing your are actually smart

it was big shite

It won because the year before people said the oscars were racist. So now they give awards to anything black which I don’t think they realize undermines their entire existence

he is right you know

>The crux of story is all about what happens when a sexually confused black kid doesn't have a proper father figure and is left to struggle through adolescence with a horrible single black mother.
Isn't that /pol/'s version of "woke" though? How do the kids call it, "based and redpilled", I think?

Ironic, since "based" is a term coined by a black rapper.

He transcends the constructs of race though

>Wokenigs: The Movie

being gay and black is cringe.

christ you're a fucking pseud

whites are the most deprave and despicable faggots of them all. if there was a faggot raping a new born baby at this second he would 100% be white.

nothing about it is political have sex

t. butthurt wokenig

I thought it was pretty good. Did anyone else notice any subtle homoerotic undertones though?

well meme'd

0 gay sex in a gay movie . the gay cowboys was better