What are some tragic comedies?

what are some tragic comedies?

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>that backshot
god damn that shit is fucked.


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She could beat that old geezer's ass t.bh

Literally what do you do jf your kid becomes a tranny. I know you can disown them but then they still carry on your family bame with your surname and keep in touch with lther family members etc

Didn't realize Dr. Phil did a Contrapoints episode

Hmmm could you possibly go along with it, tell them to have their own identity by changing their male name to a more feminine one, sneak a last name change in that bitch, and then turn around and disown them after?

It's not like your family name is worth jack shit anyway. Just look at you, it's already dead.


Would you rather have a tranny son or a 600 pound son?

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A 600lb tranny son because if you're gonna fail then you may as well fail spectacularly.

I wouldn't have either. My son would be born of my blood, the blood of CHAMPIONS. He'd be 7ft tall and built like an oak tree. He'd roam the earth fucking and sucking until one day he was president.

Disownership is disownership. Period. And it's not like the tranny's bloodline will continue.

I hurt myself today
To see if I still feel
I focus on the pain
The only thing that's real

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>being gay doesn't hurt anybody!
>literally devastates the people you should care about most
Hang them all.

Itll probably change its name to Peaches or something anyway

There was an episode about that on this season of fatkino.

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Not their fault their dad is some sensitive crybaby

>sensitive crybaby
>his only son thinks hes a girl and wears dresses and shit
There are 1000% justifiable moments where men are allowed to cry.

Wow, a second one on the show.

Disown and banish from the house.
Don't even wanna know where he ends at.

Auto accident

He got Denise from Twin Peaks.

why do white people do this

Niggers do it too but nigger trannies pass better on account of the fact nigger women already look like men.

*Until one day he will sell his small business to Sneed

It is literally impossible to stop white people and semites from mutilating themselves.

Absolute JUST

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don't these people have any self awareness?


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>father clearly in anguish over the state of his boy
>portrayed as the stubborn villain

It wasnt supposed to be this way bros


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Its your fault if your child is exposed to the things that result in this.

i was listening to limp bizkit when the tranny walked out.

Kep me laughingi tell you in a sad oment

Yeah, that's why they kill themselves so often

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I wonder how many years will pass until mankind looks back in horror at what we are going through now

the whole reason we are on this path is because of importing people that cannot introspect or retrospect like that.

If niggers were capable of self reflection Africa wouldn't look like it does

I don’t care anymore about the future.
My only hope is that I’ll die quickly of a heart attack.

my mother broke it to me yesterday that our cousin (female) just became a tranny via surgery. That's the first person in the (large) family that has shown any atypical sexuality. I really had to break it to the boomer parents that day that it's not the 60s any more and this is the product of their mistakes, trash blue-state insanity, and literal indoctrination our generation faced at all levels of education. I stopped short of mentioning what books the nazis were burning.

Never. Don't you know it's the current year and surely the enlightened beliefs and values deemed appropriate today will be kindly looked back upon by future generations since this is clearly the peak of human development?

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I'm always confused when these freaks mutilate themselves on which way they went. So it was female and got her tits lopped off?

this shit cracks me up so much

I would love and support them in their decision, but then I'm not an insecure bigot who feels like they should tell people how to live their lives

Dude it's completely socioeconomic factors an colonialism, bigot. Literally imagine not being a race realist in 2019

>I stopped short of mentioning what books the nazis were burning.
This is why I keep coming back to this bosnian wife beating enthusiast forum and I'm not even a /pol/ack

Yes I cry for him as well


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Danke mein Bruder

What books did the nazis burn?

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Tranny books at a tranny institute founded by a Jew.

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Their most famous book burning, the one always shown to middle schoolers to demonstrate the evil nazis burning "facts" was when the SS stormed the Institute of Sex Research and torched tranny propaganda.

200 probably unless there's a massive scale war, you won't live to see it

In 20 years people will be able to gender switch on a genetic level, and these will be seen as the dark ages just in terms of how primitive the technology was.

This goes to show how far morality has fallen, even evil fools knew that God created them man and women.

has anyone said "your face" yet?

Hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha oh my goodness how uninformed you are.

d i l a t e

damn I am laughing so much

600 pound one

genes don't make you regrow bones dumb nigger

Your passive-aggressive bitchy attitude says otherwise.

Kill them

ATTN Yea Forums is for alt right only libtard

Was parading his mentally ill son onto a TV set for the entire world to see a
part of a master plan of sorts?

I always think I've found the bottom to how much the modern world can horrify me and then I stumble on shit like this.

god I miss early 2000s internet humor with Chuck Norris and Bill Brasky exaggerations

laughter was all we had. before the dark times

I’d euthanize either one.


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how is pupper today?

Uhhh, sisters? What do we do now?!

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oh lol I hope this is true


of course


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thankfully the nhs still regards sexual disorders are medicatable

It isn't, none of that shit was covered in the first place. Hormone treatment has always been expensive as fuck and not covered by insurance.

Statistically, it's more common amongst blacks and hispanics, which is ironic since they are usually socially conservative.

Fucking based. They also said video game addiction is a mental disorder now so if you play vidya you can now use that to get NEETbux while trannies are our of luck.

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Nah, mine is covered at the moment but I have no fucking clue what's going to happen now.

>dream of making your sister into your own broodmare since youve rendered yourself biologically incapable of having children
Fucking hell

>In 20 years people will be able to gender switch on a genetic level
No they won't

>Literally what do you do jf your kid becomes a tranny.
Train them to be a champion female athlete.

8/10 try again

Sort of like a WWF attitude era entrance theme. He's got that slow walk like kane or the undertaker coming up on stage

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why is it always whites. you guys are fucking sick

Restless. She didn’t get to hang any tranny fuckin shits today because of the weather

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I'm 100% serious though


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I don't mean to alarm you user but I think I'd take my chances with the trannies over cannibals.

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I really hope the possibility of impregnating Ari many times is the ulterior motive to explain why Ahmir fell for the tranny meme.

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you'll die without loved ones

christ at least shave your hair down all the way

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Was gonna post this

That only happened because >she deceived him. Don't fuck with slavs, they're insane.

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I'm a based and redpilled tranny though


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the only right answer

how many discord servers are you in? how many are about activism ?

Do you know what Africa looks like?


Discord is almost as much of a cancer as twitter and I'm only in one with my wife and personal friends so we can chat and share stuff. For the record I think leftists aren't human and I'll gladly step up to the gallows on the day of the rope if you let me help tie the other nooses first.



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>I'm a based and redpilled tranny though

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The baseosity and redpilledness of this tranny cannot be denied, I believe we should immediately give >her access to all of our super secret daddy Trump Discord channels where we discuss the extermination of undesirables

He also conducted research on the sexuality...of children....
On things like, Can children achieve orgasm, do children enjoy sex, that sneaky jew raped hundreds of kids and got away with it by calling it science.
Very strange how these fag activist just leave this research out of their propaganda.

So he's sucking off dudes?

>fucking and sucking

Hey, I just saw people sledding on this while watching Atomic Blonde

Jesus H. Christ

>Literally what do you do jf your kid becomes a tranny.
Kill yourself. Not even memeing. You are very likely the reason they became a tranny.

You forced us to do this

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lmao at that fucking powerwalk

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Post this video. I want to see it again

You haven't seen anything yet.

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I hope he has a spare son.

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That person will never not be "a nigga wearing a dress"
It bothers me that some people demand the world make them feel good

kek, I was just thinking of this exact video

please link the video on that guy


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>the whole reason we are on this path is because of importing people that cannot introspect or retrospect like that.

You mean third worlders who mostly come from very conservative/religious backgrounds?


This and make tons of money off of the fact that most women are vastly inferior to men physically

Buddy, you're body is made of 1,000,000,000,000s of cells, all of which contain your DNA(genes) which all determine what gender you are.
that small any time soon, you're dreaming.

I dab on the West's fucking grave.

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I'd honestly fuck the shit out of that monstrosity while he wails in his horrific masculine tranny voice. I'd feel his muscular male ass tighten around my dick when I pulsate strings of my cum deep in him, run my hand across his cheek feeling his stubble, taking his chiseled chin to turn his face to me and kiss him on his rough lips and whisper "no homo"


>statements that make literally everyone hate you

erotic comedy

thats my favorite

Where the main antagonist has a job but receives no income from said job

you got memed into the conservative/liberal dichotomy. The truth is that only 1 or 2 races can produce and/or maintain what you call a civilization.

Honestly I think I would still help my son if he was a tranny, and help him with whatever he wanted. I mean he's going to kill himself by 25 so until then I would just have another kid and try again.

Then I would dab on his faggot grave.

it takes so much failure to get to this point. they shouldn't even know it's a possibility.

I remember when the likes were enabled on that video for a split second, was fucking hilariously terrible ratio

Eventually feeding and seeding.

shit I don't know if I could disown my son but i'd be really depressed



the father is bald weak and effeminate

enjoy your STDs, homoboy.

Homos aren't even super riddled with STDs anymore, thats just black people and drug users and the elderly.

yes my son?

>D-dad can I get pregnant?
>Do you want a backhand? Shut the fuck up James....

probably kill myself knowing I failed as a parent

>hates jews
>LOVES jewish media
what do they mean by this?

Theyre both commiting suicide anyways, one is just in slow motion.

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Pear a cute

OP's life

God will judge you if you don't turn toward christ and accept him

idk maybe don't make some people born with brains that think they're the other sex then? Seems like quite an oversight for a deity.