Dumpster fire

No more John Connor, killed by nu-Skynet
Legion is not even a super computer but a company run by greedy white men
New latina don't need no men John Connor will save wamen from evil white men from the future


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>female version of star wars is shit
>female version of ghostbusters is shit
>female version of oceans is shit
yep, gonna be shit too

whats nice about women is you don't need to make a good movie, as long as its filled with women they'll go see it, meaning you can cut costs on everything except for special effects, but considering they usually have less action its not a big deal

>forced shit is shit

i just think its fucked up they let dylan roof star in a terminator movie while he's on death row for massacring an african american church.

There's something you should have, sweetie.

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Please stop making these movies.

OTOH I thought Salvation was actually pretty awesome even though it was cliched to fuck, so then again maybe just make ten thousand more so we can get 3 or 4 more decent movies.

They've already CGI'd Arnie so they can keep making them forever! BASED!!!

>I thought Salvation was actually pretty awesome
yeah, time to kys my man.

Extremely rude. Please do not embarrass yourself in my good company further.

I actually agree. Nothing is on the level of T1 and T2 lets make that clear. But T3 was fine with a kino ending that leads to the future war. Salvation gave us a taste of that and had its trilogy been allowed to continue it would have been Bale shouting kino. Genisys was shit because it rehashed the originals and Dark Fate will suck because it's ignoring the sequels yet rehashing them.

> Jude Collie as John Connor
He's just a child in flashbacks. The future is female. And why is there so many mexicans, looks like it's going to be a political statement to fit contemporary narrative because you aren't allowed to escape reality even in the dark room

Salavtion was very good, but hamburger fed morons want more of the same. her's your grandpa arnie, grannie Hamilton, here's your gender neutral robot, here's your wemen and minorities, eat this shit, gag on it

Exactly my perspective too. Also it took me two tries to make it through Genisys it was so bad. Not even funny bad, just terribly boring and generally awful. T3 was entertaining and to your point had a great ending, Salvation was dumb but had fun shit in it and the sound design and effects were cool and I wish there could have been a more elaborate followup.
Dark Fate is absolutely going to be shit. I can't even place exactly why, but watching the trailer it's obvious to me. If there's anything redeeming about the movie whatsoever it will be the dual solid/liquid terminators, save for the fact that they take the absolute least intimidating possible physical appearance out of literally any of the terminators so far.

>. T3 was entertaining and to your point had a great ending,
>John Connor is a loser junkie cuck
>Terminator is a bland unintimidating female that has T1000 and T800 properties which is dumb as fuck
>Arnie is old and out of character

I literally only said it's entertaining and that it had a great ending. I don't deny that the things you said are true.

>Im goooingg hungtingggg
And that's how i knew it was gonna be shit

>Skynet realizes nuking everyone was counter-productive
>Settles into the long game of enslaving mankind with cybernetics
>Skynet supports neoreactionaries because third world immigration is lowering IQ too much
>All the undesirables have to band together to stop it

There’s your plot

What's that?

Absolutely agree, Genisys and Dark Turd is when the franchise took the turn from "getting kinda stale," to "fucking horrible."

>We'll never get that dark ending where the heroes fail and SkyNet begins judgement day
>We'll never experience the catharsis of a 30-45 minute sequence of ICBMs lighting the skies and obliterating major cities
>We'll never get a standalone movie with the tone of the T2: Judgement Day 2029 intro scene

Instead we get
>Strong, independent women fighting a knock-off T-1000 for the sake of female empowerment
>An old, tired Arnold returning for a paycheck
>Another soulless Terminator movie to further dilute the franchise all just to get money from American mutt audiences.

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They did, and you hated it.

Salvation was a great concept, but bad execution. They didn't need wooden faced Sam Worthington as a co-lead and they should have gotten a directtor who wasn't garbage.

James Cameron got PEGGED

it made sense, John would become a mess not knowing if judgement day is coming or not, he would always feel like running, T-1000 is a prototype & T-X was the full version

Arnie wasn't that different either, just he wasn't going to be John's toy robot anymore

I wish Y the Last Man could happen to me but only so I could watch society fucking crumble

>Legion is not even a super computer but a company run by greedy white men

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Get in the c-c-c-car if you want to l-l-l-liiiiiiiive.

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The trailer didn't look promising at all, so I'm not surprised that it sounds like shit on top of that.

previous movies portray the future as some futuristic grim dark wasteland with humans being hunted down with laser beams.

none of that happens in Salvation, it was a huge letdown.

This, but salvation is kind of cheating by having Bale.

>nothing actually plot relevant leaked
there's nothing to see here, move on

Did you not see Salvation?

>nothing relevant to the plot
>just the whole motivation of the enemy and the dramatic resolution
fuck off cameron.

>major character dies off screen
>not plot relevant

You "people" are unbelievably pathetic.
