In netflix statistics, Frasier has the lowest viewership of any sitcom in the 18-49 category. Friends has the highest ratings followed by The Office.
How do we make Frasier more appealing to modern audiences?
In netflix statistics, Frasier has the lowest viewership of any sitcom in the 18-49 category. Friends has the highest ratings followed by The Office.
How do we make Frasier more appealing to modern audiences?
It's impossible unless you have a time machine you can use to go back to the 90s to make Frasier a likeable person
Neck yourself zoomer
Nice apostrophe, retard.
>How do we make Frasier more appealing to modern audiences?
make them whiter
It went over a lot of people's heads. Other people with professional backgrounds and non-poverty lifestyles loved it.
I mean it's better than friends but that's all I have to say
Fraiser is just too esoteric for that demographic. Why does it have to have high ratings? Shows shouldn't have to cater to every demo. Let the writers tell their stories.
Not enough lgbt representation, people of color and strong female role models! ITS BASICALLY AN ALT RIGHT NAZI SHOW FOR DRUMPF SUPPORTERS!!!!
Why did Frasier and Niles speak with british accents?
Zoomers are stupid retards that grew up on Youtube and social media garbage.
I'm legit shocked they like Friends because of "muh white people" and "muh laugh track".
Frasier is
>Is responsible for almost all his own suffering
>Fails to learn from any of his mistakes
Lol user, Frazier is not a food.
They didn't. They talked with "upper class" accents.
so this is basically Mad Men for older people
He's also empathetic, helpful, and generous to all his friends.
>Frasier more appealing to modern audiences?
have Frasier live in a 50 dollar a night rented bunk in a stinking commune in San Fran
Honestly it's just to smart for them, which isnt saying much. Look at the humor that appeals to zoomers.
He's also available on DVD (Buy it now)
I'm waiting for it to come out on Blue-ray
I’m waiting for them to make the all female all brown people reboot! WHITE MEN have had their time its OUR time now! Bye Felicia! Nobody likes white people or men and it’s about time everyone realize this
They talk with accent british
He was most likeable with the mullet
Why did Daphne speak with a british accent?
Literally my dad.
shim engler was
my dad hates frasier. He tells me to stop "living in the past" when I always put it on netflix.
get rid of fraiser and nials