Germans like to call it "Fotze".
I want to creampie mature women. What do?
Get on tinder. If you're young and halfway decent looking, it's easier than you think.
>halfway decent looking
well, there's the problem
Get a hooker then
I want to creampie Julianne Moore.
lol just bee yourself bro
I'd try but people would recognize me on the streets, it's embarrassing.
Do you live in a town of 1000 people or something?
Them tinder streets?
How good of an idea is it to compliment or try to flirt with the milfs cashiers?
Fuck women who feel grown up
They're working, leave them alone.
vaginas are gross, they look like a flesjy venus fly trap that shits out babies and bleeds once a month, also they smell like spoiled milk
>flesjy venus fly trap [sic]
That's exactly what they are?
And I'm saying that as a 38 yo not too socially awkward guy, especially compared to Yea Forums(nel). The "venus fly trap" page on Wikipedia should start with "did you mean "vagina"?"
They would be on tinder too
That's the idea and he's just stupid enough to have gotten it either.
I don't feel like I wasted those quads.
Is this surgery or thot trickery?
More trips. This is average female trickery, my dear friend. Like "uuuuh, those are some nice tits!"....three hours later you go "oh shit, I'm in flatland!".
I don't mind flat, but people should know.
*it's almost like I'm on /r9k/