What would have happened if Jon didn't killed her? What would be the first city to get LIBERATED™?

What would have happened if Jon didn't killed her? What would be the first city to get LIBERATED™?

Attached: 1558804608217.webm (1280x1080, 745K)

Other urls found in this thread:


God I hope it's Winterfell

Jon really should've gotten in one last fug before he 86'd her.

My future gf

Attached: 16956937-1523-41C2-9A8D-5B878D246A01.jpg (818x1200, 175K)

>first city to get LIBERATED
My heart

Attached: 1558642305143.jpg (500x751, 64K)

I hope it would be Wintefell. Nothing would make me more happy than see Sansa burning to ashes.

Attached: 1558472877794.png (924x859, 133K)

pls burn the norf khaleesi

Attached: ACA0B062-4881-4FE5-90FC-FBC1FF7BE9F1.png (940x1039, 691K)

dude mother of burgers lmao

Why would she even have to keep going on a conquest if taking the Iron Throne makes her queen of everything now?

>liberates slaves from tyrants
>not likeable
>kills 100s of thousands for no reason
>likeable for the first time ever
I've been a fan of Dany all the way, but you people need help.

She Smol

Attached: 1559060548576.jpg (1280x1920, 899K)

More like Dragonfirefell

Attached: 1559233768643.jpg (927x960, 106K)

She's so cute in that outfit

Attached: cuteinterview.webm (1280x720, 1.4M)

rule with love

Attached: dany and jorah.gif (349x262, 2.29M)

She was only queen of westeros and mehreen. Not the world.

>chewbacca's feet
are these canon? feel like i've never seen them before

Attached: 27C08B9D-3DE6-42E6-BB4D-AFEEB78E4E05.jpg (897x751, 84K)

She's such a terrible actress lol

Why does she have huge wrinkles whenever she smiles? She's not even in her 50s yet.

Ahhhhh I need a tiny Emilia that I can carry around with me everywhere I go

She carried season 8

God she looks soo pretty here.

I like how she restrains her eyebrow movements in the later seasons. They were out of control in the earlier seasons and she looked dumb as fuck because of it.

Post a photo of yourself smiling.

>Hi, user

Attached: Me.Before.You.2016.1080p.BluRay.x264-DRONES-[18.07.547-18.08.881].webm (820x720, 708K)

blessed smol coming through

Attached: 8C619B21-26E9-426C-9059-83CDCC9A854C.jpg (1136x3000, 393K)

>Why does she have huge wrinkles whenever she smiles
That happens when a person smiles too much

Attached: 1559508336236.jpg (720x1080, 116K)

Not an argument and even if I did look like her, doesn't change the fact she aged like shit either way.

Oh hai John

Attached: Auntie door Dany.webm (1320x1080, 2.75M)

You aged like shit

>tiny emilia
Isn't that a bit redundant?

yeah totally like shit

Attached: Italian Emilia.jpg (670x960, 118K)

another day and still no emilia gf

I mean so tiny that I can carry her around in my pocket


every time

Attached: 23454321234.jpg (600x902, 105K)

She literally carried season 8 nigga

Attached: 1559353467792.webm (840x1080, 2.95M)

Pretty much, yeah. You can just about make out his toes under the hair. His hands fuck me off too

Attached: d9v0n7s-6826f8dc-498a-4e18-88d8-f44fe360b158.jpg (650x1149, 444K)

you just KNOW

>2 aneurysms
>couldn't say the last goodbye to her father that died of cancer because she was filming got
>multiple brain surgeries
>32 years old
>still looks cute
Dude, you must be a salty roastie. It's the only explanation

Attached: 1559541406370.jpg (568x753, 95K)

*rolls into your heart*

Attached: 1558824500094.webm (640x742, 969K)

Her conquest wouldn’t have lasted long. Dragons were surprisingly easy to kill and she on,y had one left. She had no one who knew anything of sieges and the majority of her army would have been garbage in them, with mounted units being worthless and unsullied being much better at defending than attacking, especially with their shield walls.

Hopefully Dresden since it's the only way we can save pregnant Anne Fran-errr I mean Meera Reed without raising the entire Confederate Army from the dead.

Attached: Anne Frank.jpg (701x1979, 387K)

*keeps rolling further into your organs*

Attached: Emilia roll 2.webm (1280x720, 2.25M)

>mfw it's 9 o'clock and user hasn't come home yet

Attached: Me.Before.You.2016.1080p.BluRay.x264-DRONES-[15.57.333-16.07.969].webm (956x720, 2.42M)

>Chewbacca is her favorite sw character
She keeps getting better

Attached: auntie3.webm (1240x1080, 2.74M)

Drogon was the biggest and powerful dragon

*rolls on your dick*

Attached: 1559077800823.gif (428x424, 47K)

>that look
My god she is adorable

*slips into your balls*

Attached: Dany slips.webm (853x480, 341K)

Attached: sleepaway-camp-ending.png (1200x675, 1.02M)

better loop

Attached: auntie3-2.webm (1240x1080, 2.54M)

Attached: Sadling.jpg (1280x720, 102K)

There is no poster on Yea Forums(el) I despise more than you. Every single board you infest with your hideous anne frank CSA fetish like the biggest pozz faggot.
Even the most obnoxious tripfag and absentee janny is better than you.

Attached: cute.jpg (1996x3000, 919K)

i think she can't even carry a fully loaded M4. So small

me in the back

Emilia is NOT for lewd!

Attached: 1558513168035.png (1001x948, 574K)

Oldtown because the (((Maesters))) and their Hightower shabbos goyim must be purged for being dragon poisoning anti-magic kikes.

just recorded my wife and my son playing lol haha

Attached: im filming btw.webm (612x480, 492K)


Attached: Emilia lewd article.png (655x758, 462K)

>Of course I frequently post in /ecg/. What gave it away?

Attached: 5465464577847.jpg (800x450, 32K)

Unbelievably smol

Me in the left.

Attached: mby.jpg (3000x1996, 928K)

so this is the legendary roastie cope then

Ah yes, i am a avid /ecg/ poster. How did you know?

Attached: 1556632660984.jpg (1080x1331, 135K)

What is she drinking?

I want to carry her around on my shoulders

Attached: 1559518956154.jpg (468x431, 27K)

>One was just a list of all the sexual acts he wanted to do to me. In text speak.
Which one of you did this?


Attached: 1558736266971.png (540x800, 637K)

Probably Pentos since it's the closest free city to King's Landing.

Wine i'm guessing.

>In text speak.
Based boomer Emilia

>I did not burn them, it's not true

>sending lewd copypastas to emilia
absolute degeneracy
emilia is too cute and perfect to be memed on like that

save it for warwick Yea Forums at least the midge has it coming

>she reads all the lewd comments

Attached: 23378d9f539ca22e6693e60bdc31017d.png (128x128, 30K)

Blood of anons.

I want to PUNCH the dick who did this

They're expression lines. Anyone as naturally emotive and animated as her will get them. Plus other factors such as tanning, stress, and having 2 fucking aneurysms doesn't help.

Her appearance isn't the part of her that captivates me. As long as she's happy, I personally don't give a shit how she looks.

Attached: Emelia qt.webm (700x502, 2.93M)


Attached: 88765.png (723x720, 401K)

Monitoring this thread. Slagsafags and manlet posters beware

Attached: Me.Before.You.2016.1080p.BluRay.x264-DRONES-[47.16.672-47.24.388].webm (576x720, 1.46M)

iced tea

And season 8 was fucking shit just like her acting

Strawberry juice

Is that what fuels her eyebrow powers?

>In text speak.
So, just a regular comment online? I don't know why she felt the need to say it was "text speak" when she already prefaced that it was on Instagram.

I love her so much
Please tell me this is obtainable

Attached: B584AE23-6438-49F0-A3E4-BBD52A477A83.jpg (710x1003, 105K)

If there's one thing that was good in S8 was Mad Dany nigger

I love how Me Before You is basically Emilia being Emilia for 1 hour and 50 minutes.

Attached: mby.webm (514x394, 728K)


uno farto @ 1:14

If you are tall not an actor and have a beard you got a chance bud

Reminder that S6 Dany was a fatty.

Attached: khaloreesi.jpg (500x741, 60K)

user, I... I have some bad news for you...

godspeed user, i'm saving all of those

That movie hurt my fee fees.
>ywn be that cripple


this Also you will need to love her unconditionally youtube.com/watch?v=hmlfBGXjq_o

I want to pinch her cheeks

cute smile

I do already but I don’t have a big beard
Can i make it?

Attached: 5B849937-C01D-4C08-9002-F02AF3A2E9F4.jpg (2000x1333, 647K)

>Also you will need to love her unconditionally
I am willing to make that sacrifice. For the greater good, of course.

She’s a cutie in any state :)

>mfw i'm a 23 yo 5'6'' with no beard

my father cucked me

Attached: 1534642621722.jpg (720x762, 65K)

I don't know her yet so that's asking a bit too much...

It was very heartwarming, user.

Attached: 2908479.png (1107x804, 974K)

If you're a regular down to earth guy, yes

I swear she raided her own wardrobe for that movie.

You admit to being Neville Longbottom? lol

She would have flown north and killed Sansa. Then she would have crossed the "insanity" threshold even further and would have started to literally burn down every single keep/hold/castle in Westeros. From the small little local lords, to Highgarden, Storms end etc.

>ywn buy emilia bumblebee tights

Attached: tights.webm (1920x804, 2.26M)

What's she seeing?

Attached: Me.Before.You.2016.1080p.BluRay.x264-DRONES-[56.10.915-56.23.135].webm (758x720, 2.36M)

If you could spend 10 minutes with Emilia, anywhere, doing anything - what would you do?

laugh heartily

holy shit user, how depressing.

Attached: file.png (335x307, 120K)

Me arriving

Breaker of Scales

A mozart concert

I cant take this cuteness anymore

Attached: 938E28C6-63D4-4696-978F-607ECE54C310.jpg (1984x1811, 504K)

me :)

fuck jannies
I'm free

Do I have a chance? Me on the left.

Attached: Me-and-my-gf.jpg (828x1037, 661K)

the virgin neville longbottom vs the chad cripple

t. robot

you married Kravitz's ex roastie instead of EC Momoa, you wasted your chance

Probably Pentos or any of the free cities bordering the Narrow Sea. Volantis is the end game. Salsa isn’t stupid enough to declare independence after hearing about Kings Landing

Attached: wot.png (569x467, 366K)

fookin cucked by a halfman

do you guys think that already Mamoa fucked her? I think not


>known actor
Sorry bud, tough luck.

gods, she was cute then

Momoa is like a big brother to her

The usurper manletposter
The usurper S*nsafag
The usurper roastie

Attached: usurper.gif (600x327, 3.77M)

*unzips her feet*

Attached: auntie0 (2).webm (1014x1080, 2.83M)

>t. roastie
I know little kids who get those.

No, Momoa is her big brother.

Attached: DanyHusbando.jpg (567x626, 54K)


Attached: script.webm (1280x720, 2.64M)

He's really a big guy


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Attached: (You) on the back.jpg (1999x3000, 761K)

For Emilia

damn she's beautiful

Is that Pedro's aunt?!

lol this photo makes her look 3' tall

Neville plays her brother or does he get cucked by the cripple?

>even the black lines on her clothes are fat


Attached: 1559574684365.png (646x748, 428K)

>tfw too shy to talk to user

Attached: Me.Before.You.2016.1080p.BluRay.x264-DRONES-[].webm (768x720, 1.31M)

This video, man

Attached: 1.jpg (664x530, 107K)

first day huh? enjoy your stay

Attached: DAFF7A9C-1DA5-435F-AB79-01C29BB52530.jpg (828x825, 509K)


He's her bf, so yeah... cucked.

He get cucked. you should watch. Isn't a meme, the movie is very good

Proof Dany possessed by Emilia is peak female performance.

He's a asshole with her though

no, emilia, we LIKE your big fat ass!

Bf, /fit/frog BTFO by a Chadriplegic

Attached: danybendtheknee.jpg (1080x1080, 181K)


She is

Attached: A81AA359-6E73-403E-9A28-C032D521CEB3.jpg (1079x932, 139K)


My knees are already bent yer grace.

trips confirm

anyone got the picture?

>tfw she goes back to him after CrippleChad dies.

Attached: emno.png (366x351, 221K)

Read the books

My heart, lads. I don't think I can take this anymore

Attached: Me.Before.You.2016.1080p.BluRay.x264-DRONES-[].webm (608x720, 1010K)

>when all of his limbs work
>when he's not related to you

Attached: 3.jpg (642x666, 129K)

Drogon is only a few years old and still growing. Balerion was over 200 years old and his skull was bigger than an SUV. He only died of old. Eventually their scales will be too tough to penetrate with ballistas. The only way would be to shoot it through the eye.

Attached: game of thrones dragon skull.jpg (1575x973, 600K)

King’s Landing. If Jon didn’t kill the bitch, the real king would.

Attached: 877BC36C-628A-4ADB-8DB0-0672968E6ECC.jpg (650x657, 293K)

I had a dumb smile nearly the whole fucking movie, this woman does things to my brain...

I love the way she looks like a tard


Attached: 6DA3C22A-56E8-44CC-B40F-5D5B0EFBBACE.jpg (2500x1739, 798K)

Cucked but the guy is a tool so it's fine.

Attached: patrick.webm (1920x800, 2.63M)

>cripple doing anything

Attached: 1552757140146.png (1920x800, 751K)

Me before you is the most painful movie i ever saw. Salo aint got shit on this

Attached: Me.Before.You.2016.1080p.BluRay.x264-DRONES-[].webm (626x720, 1.96M)

kek thanks user

>This will never be you

Attached: wedding.webm (800x333, 2.74M)


Were her eyes actually purple in the last season?
Or is this edited to make her look closer to the book version?

>rastafarian targaryen

at least i'm not a cripple

Attached: Rasta.gif (720x404, 3.87M)

could you make a better res webm of her during this scene:

Is it because of the ending?


It's edited, they kept her natural colour in the series.

Attached: 1558976508858.webm (904x1080, 2.76M)

>that eye twitch

Because Emilia and all the cute thing she does. I haven't watched the ending yet

Attached: C84CF3F6-50EB-4232-89E8-0F27F7182B4B.jpg (828x820, 530K)

>Is it because of the ending?
she literally made his life a worse hell than it was before

Attached: lastscene.webm (800x333, 2.7M)

D e v i l i s h


Attached: 33F38655-E59F-4D04-975B-C00D79FDF9EF.png (1079x932, 1.52M)

*warged into Drogon*
Psshh, nothing personel

Edited by a user
Showing that HBO could do it without a sweat if they wanted it

Attached: 1558804608215.webm (1440x1080, 568K)

that is the perfect female face don't even fucking @ me

Got two this week, get on my level :)

*stabbed helplessly in his chair*

Attached: 2BE3EBC0-AA79-427F-9425-F03374446251.png (970x546, 475K)

So would you guys accept being crippled if it meant Emilia would wait on you hand and foot?

Attached: emwave.png (939x661, 1.24M)

I'm dreaming about her since these threads started send help

>being useful
psshh, don't think so kid

Bran can't warg dragons

Never got that impression until the last 15 min.


What kind of cripple? Can we still sex and kids?

Hell no, I love kicking things.

got you senpai

Attached: Me.Before.You.2016.1080p.BluRay.x264-DRONES-[].webm (1018x720, 2.64M)

you can't warg dragons, only retards like hodor and animals

I want to call her "Clarke" like that cripple does.

I don't know, forcing her to spent the remainder of my life cleaning out my shit bag every day seems a bit cruel.


Attached: 13.jpg (623x388, 187K)

Call her Khaleesi for the ultimate turn off

She makes that silly duckface like Merry from LOTR.

Attached: merry.png (1090x791, 1.12M)

She’d fuck off back to Essos.

>thread making fun of Emilia
>janny deletes it and gives me a warning
>make a literal general for waifufags to dump their folder
>it goes on for hours and hit bump limit
nice double standards, janitor

why is she so perfect bros

Attached: 76C308F8-DE80-407D-A837-7E0E1BCA9BD6.jpg (939x779, 126K)

That's what the gay nurse is for.

Stay toasty faggot


I'd liberate her all night long if you catch my subtly-implied meaning

>no one has posted it yet

Attached: thicc.webm (854x480, 2.72M)

>making fun of Emilia
Why ? she is harmless :(


Attached: getdabbedon.webm (854x480, 571K)

For me it's the eyes

How has no one made sweet love to her for the purpose of procreation yet?

>You stand in the presence of Daenerys Stormbowels of House Lardgaryen, the Fattest of Her Name, The Unburped, Queen of the Handles and the Rolls and the Third Chins, Queen of McDonald's, Caloriessi of the Great Grease Sea, Breaker of Chairs, and Muncher of Dinners.

Attached: request__emilia_clarke__got__by_xmasterdavid_d8xrs3p-fullview.jpg (600x905, 89K)

Because giving birth would kill her.

I have become one with gosling

Attached: Me.Before.You.2016.1080p.BluRay.x264-DRONES-[].webm (348x720, 1.24M)

She has a great risk of dying if she gives birth because of the aneurysms

she has very nice and cute voice, i love this cover from her:

Attached: 1559175300643.jpg (900x1200, 479K)

Thanks bro!!

Attached: kween2.webm (860x1080, 2.44M)

I want her to smash my head with those thighs

Attached: 1523205692369.jpg (690x1012, 103K)

Why would someone make fun of Emilia?

embrace it

Attached: B7514082-B6A6-42C0-AC6F-51067646566D.jpg (882x960, 76K)

So can he warg into dragons or not?

Attached: 15593128158340.webm (1280x720, 2.8M)

The Valyrians had thousands of dragons, much larger armies, and way more technological advancement.
I'm pretty sure Dany wouldn't stand much of a chance conquering the whole world

Then why not a surrogate? I'm giving the word 5 years to give her a kid or God as my witness I'll take care of it myself

>Why would she even have to keep going on a conquest if taking the Iron Throne makes her queen of everything now?

Attached: 92d.jpg (211x239, 5K)

>Then why not a surrogate?
Because she didn't married me yet

He can't, he can warg only into animals and retards

Attached: DBF0D3B9-24C8-4C85-9DEE-2E22E73CAB4C.jpg (1719x3000, 420K)

Attached: baseddrogon (1).webm (1280x720, 2.8M)

>a tiny pic of tiny Emilia holding an even tinier Emilia.

You have a webm of just Dany smiling and enjoying herself in that scene?


Attached: 8DED6AD6-42F5-49F1-AC5F-0D5C834F1321.jpg (540x538, 63K)



Attached: 1558208141484.webm (1220x1080, 2.68M)

fucking kek

Can you be fat too? Please yes.

Attached: playingtoys.webm (640x360, 2.44M)

Attached: Me.Before.You.2016.1080p.BluRay.x264-DRONES-[].webm (568x720, 2.07M)


not an option

Attached: CC9AE440-3784-40AA-A2A3-410A45E77B77.jpg (1280x720, 106K)

yes, but you need to have a big benis then

Why Jon was so fucking gay?

sorry you gotta have ABS and a 6 pack

she loves abs, she mentions kit's all the time

you wish
impossible shes dead
you're heart will have a sword through it shortly
she's gone, she isn't burning anything
she dead actually
Dany "the unburt?"
more like Dragon cunt the stabbed
rule with a sword through the sternum
blessed stab coming through
>carrying anything but her own fat rolls
*rolls into your blade*
*slips into your steel*
better image of stab
more like rotting corpse
her on the left
more like carcass
Monitoring this thread. waifufags and dragonwhore posters beware
I hate her so much
please tell me she's gone for good
I love how S8E6 is basically Dany being a terrible ruler for 1 hour and 30... oh wait, she dies 40 minutes in.
>she will never know you even exist
as it should be for all /dragonwhoregeneral? posters
the point of this blade

Attached: DIE DRAGON CUNT.jpg (1280x720, 367K)

Gently kiss and giggle about sweet nothings.


Attached: AD842DC9-B452-4A38-8BAC-511507144C10.jpg (1920x1080, 150K)

>being fat

go to a gym, bro

I would like to think eventually there'd have been a massive war but lets face it her and drogon would have literrally just raped everyone to death. And her followers would all be die hard fanatics for her even Yara was still riding for her at the end there. With Tyrion gone there would be noone left to reason with her and Jon would just be her slave


You sure she's dead user?

Attached: Dany will return.jpg (1365x2048, 233K)

Her action figure is THICC.

Attached: qira.jpg (1500x1500, 122K)

>someone lost their time making this post

Attached: 1558366698436.gif (245x280, 1.3M)

probably Winterfell since Sansa was probably her last remaining serious threat

he mad

Attached: 1559259477103.jpg (563x589, 16K)

Tickle fight, wrestling, a little chase around the house ending in kissing


Attached: emilia laughs.gif (416x261, 854K)

>mass reply
not getting any (you)'s from me nigger

Attached: FAD5663B-B7A6-453A-BBFB-B2E09CCB1894.jpg (516x680, 37K)

Attached: 1557141407748.png (959x1105, 1.4M)

Look at this level of C O P E

Attached: emlaugh.jpg (508x504, 84K)

Wow, bravo! You wasted few minutes to write this incoherent mess! The problem with you is that you should embrace Emilia and Dany into your heart, she will cure you from all the negative feelings.

Attached: 1559314854497.jpg (1280x720, 83K)

>serious threat
>the Northern army is away and near King's Landing
>they hated the Lannisters anyway and gladly joined in killing people
>Sansa's in Winterfell with nothing

it's pretty funny desu

Attached: qt.webm (810x1080, 2.62M)

kek and saved

I'll bend to one knee

Only if you are black

>Confirmed /fit/izens posting in /ecg/
>Video editors who create their own content for /ecg/
>Regular creation of sonnets and poetry about Emilia in her threads
Is /ecg/, dare I say, based?

keep the (You)s rolling in, stroking my Longclaw right now
only thing that is seething is Dany's dead boy back in Essos, she'd be lucky to get the blood rights of most every Khal and Dothraki to make it the Night Lands to meet Drogon and her son, emphasis on L U C K Y

Attached: ded.jpg (600x400, 42K)

One of her best outfits in that movie.

imagine hating emilia so much to lose time writing this

Attached: 1431508426776.jpg (800x450, 36K)

Mad Queen Dany is the first time the character has been anything more than self insert feminist bait


Attached: Classybond.jpg (299x376, 26K)

>Then let's go somewhere, anywhere in the world, just you and me
What do you do?

Attached: Me.Before.You.2016.1080p.BluRay.x264-DRONES-[].webm (734x720, 1.89M)

not kill myself

New Orleans, hitting the bars, listening to music, eating as much seafood as we can.


Funny thing is, Dany was never self insert bait. That's always been Sansa. You can even look up fanfic of both and realize Sansa eclipses Dany completely and has the crazies pairings you can think of



Attached: ecgbased.png (956x998, 1.96M)

If only she could see our unconditional love.

kill self so she never forgets me

Until she meets her next bf.

Read the books


It's always a pleasure, gentleman.

Attached: 1553685598124.jpg (633x711, 23K)

Go to her house and watch friends

Which episode?

why would you give him a (You) then
his time was trying to get just that and (You) gave it to him

Attached: (You).jpg (700x1120, 150K)

all seasons while eating oreos

Rather simple: consolidation.

TargaryenJugend, followed by the Establishment of the Targaryen Labor Front, expansion of the Army to 100 Divisions, a Dragon breeding program, and of course, Fuhrerprinzip and a Targaryen Cult Of Personality built around Daenerys herself.

Naturally her allies, Jon, et al, would be sent to Labor Camps beyond the Wall or roasted alive one by one as Dany consolidated power.

new thread

All of them to spend the most of my time with her

this is strange, i just realized that i never will meet a woman like her haha

I love her


because he funny guy

Attached: dany.gif (245x341, 804K)

Attached: 1558872708573.jpg (720x526, 55K)

the absolute madman posted the links. the thread will be banned soon