what is the best 60s movie Yea Forums?
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The Day the Earth Caught Fire (1961)
2001: A Space Odyssey, L’avventura and 8 1/2.
Austin Powers
2001 or Planet of the Apes
To kill a mockingbird, 2001, Psycho, Vertigo etc Really cant choose
Dr No.
manos hands of fate
The Graduate
I know most people don't like them but I loved ALL the Planet of the Apes sequels. They all try something different and are interesting even if not all ideas are as great as the original.
I actually cringe when people say they loved the reboot. It has no ideas of interest at all. It's just a totally generic rebellion film with stupid mocaps and humans that fall for really obvious tricks and are there to make the stupid audience believe these apes are smart. The original films didn't have to force it down my throat because they weren't written by dudebros
Dr I dunno lol
The Cow is my favorite
2001: A Space Odyssey.
Same here user
I even like the ones that were set in the near future of the 1970s
Spartacus, easily.
I watched the sequel and still don't know why it exists. It was basically Lin Manuel Miranda ft. Mary Poppins.
2001 if im talking to kinolords. breakfast at tiffany's if im talking to grills
Lawrence of Arabia
>the one where the black guy joins the apes
Still the best bond cuz of its simplicity
How woke is it? Tell it to me straight, huge fan of Mary Poppins and curious about the sequel
Emma good
Nothing good came from that garbage decade. You people actually like this old shit?
Well the white bank manager is evil and moneygrubbing. He has a black assistant that helpd the family out at one point, that's all I remember. To be honest the film is just a waste of time, it adds absolutely nothing and all I can remember is the amount of scenes with Lin Manuel Miranda in them and thinking Why the hell is he even in this scene right now.
Boring movie.
How much of a brat do you have to be to be bored by LoA?
best Emma
what software did you use to make this piece of art?
Beneath and Escape are great. Conquest and Battle are a bit wank. Burton's movie looked good but was dull. I haven't seen the reboot movies.
I agree.