Film? No thanks, literature is the craft of the thinking man

Film? No thanks, literature is the craft of the thinking man.

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>yeah I'll be right over to watch some kino with you babe I just have to brap post in this guys gay thread real quick

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Is the brap posting the most patrician art form?

>nah, films are boring. For me it's video games

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Recommend some books, faggots.

holy based

A poem book

War and Peace

A Game of Thrones

American psycho

>im getting a movie night together
>you in?
how do you respond

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The Forever War

The thing followed by Jurassic park and wrapped up with a movie of your choice? Count me in

The Manchurian Candidate

The Brothers Karamazov
One Hundred Years of Solitude
Kafka on the Shore

Infinite Jest

What a legend. Thank you for blessing us with your presence this most glorious day

An invincible memory

Clifford for President