*fixes Yea Forums*

>*fixes Yea Forums*

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Now this is based


If you get rid of phoneposters almost all our problems would be solved.

So what ? Blacked and Cunnyposting everywhere?

Fuck off fatty

lmao butthurt liberals
nothing wrong with pol

Propaganda in media is on topic.


There is a 50% chance that getting rid of mods and janitors will improve the quality of the board and a 50% chance that it will end up as Yea Forums. /trash/ has no mods and is one of the most civilized boards on the site (if you don't count the spammers, though almost no one there pays attention to them).

No /po/ so no BLACKED threads.

>Cunnyposting everywhere?
It's board culture, so it's ok.

>they’re not eating up the propaganda
>make them disappear like my fav villain since Darth Vader does by snapping

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What's up with the paper folders and their obsession with interracial porn? That's unhealthy.

Just make a new, /kino/ board with a rule where no movies made in the last 10 years can be discussed, like /vr/ and /his/ are for Yea Forums and /pol/ respectively, so Yea Forums can keep it's capeshit, normie tv shows and celeb gossip while people who actually want to talk about movies can talk about them.

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Snap co too. Full of trannies like v

Getting rid of all Yea Forums and /pol/ posters would unironically fix this board.

one is based and one comes from /pol/

>bitching about /pol/
This chart never fails

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Then it would be just capeshit and celeb gossip.

Is there anything less masculine than being asian?

Pedos should die unironically

I literally only come on Yea Forums to shitpost
Its the best board to shitpost
Talking about movies when I get bored

Cuckmeron is reddit incarnate

Good then I won’t have to listen to some limp wrist pussy cry
>hur HURRRRRRRR p-puh-pol!!!!!!!!!!
For any little thing that goes against this political affiliations

still works I see

get with the times grandpa.
the future are smart phones and tablets. no one has time to sit on a laptop for 7 hours


I agree with this list and i've never been outside of Yea Forums. Checkmate incel, have sex.

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based and redpilled

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I spam racist off topic shit every chance I get and I have never been to either one of those boards

Remove frogniggers

This. Sorry you little effeminate faggots but Yea Forums isn't a place where people are gonna respect your precious feefees. If you actually wanna talk about movies go to fucking Reddit

/pol/ are the sissiest fags around, they're always playing victim about something. You can smell how much of a fat pussy every poster is there over the internet.

>limp wrist pussy
> effeminate
Someone's manboobs are chafing lmfao

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>Niggers and pol
Pic rel
Can squeeze 500 b movie tropes in one movie and I personally like it but i understand he's a stealing hack
Get the rope
Based and the pinnacle of Yea Forums.
No talent, fapped to her tho
Literal cuck
Also Yea Forums sucks, i wish i could leave.
Even better, i wish i never learned about this shithole in the first place.

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go back to Yea Forums


>implying Yea Forums itself isn't just as cancerous as those boards
The only good board left is Yea Forums

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This is a shitposting board dumb shitskins. Cry more

>he thinks other boards like niggers
Your redditing above legal limits.

Very true
The entire sites quality would increase instantly as well

>he's not apolitical
you shot yourself in the foot there user

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if only

Nigger just rename it Yea Forums at this point so you can shit up this domain with your mentally unhinged psychosis too. You spam cunnyshut, blackedshit, waifufaggotry, pedobait, fapbait all fucking day, talk about how you would do this or that for just a drop of pussy, then start crying to your "brehs" and your "lads" about how you want to die before LARPing as someone who does have sex before starting it all over again the next day. At least pol fags keep to their threads, all 2 of them that come up a day. Just kill yourselves. Unironically kill yourselves. You do no one ANY favors by continuing to live, you just make everything worse.

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This is how you spot a Redditor.
The whole "le Yea Forums is only for le shitposting, not actual discussion! xD" attitude didn't exist before the Reddit influx.
The fact that people usually add-on "serious discussion is for Reddit, Yea Forums is for shitposting! xD" to this opinion is just further proof that they are, in fact, from Reddit and are crossposting here because they think every Yea Forums board is Yea Forums, like the average newfriend.

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>phoneposters can view threads
>can't post or create their own threads
Nothing about this is a bad idea and gookmoot would still get ad money from the lurkers

Literally what makes Yea Forums so great is how much it triggers Stick in the mud redditors like you

This is right but I'm fucking sick of that nigger who posts the same 3 threads about his waifus with webms from when they were kids that he goes around spamming in each thread as well as the pornzombie paypigs from reddit that come here to post about cunny and then cry about politics ruining the board.

The real cancer is fucking generals. Why do we still have /got/ and /alita/? Fucking ban these cocksuckers, or do like Yea Forums and create a separate board for cancerous fandoms.

Yeah your right, it's the true oldfags who want to have heavily moderated on topic highly intellectual discussion about kurosawa films. I mean that's the essence of why we are all here right? To combat racism and crime statistics and those mean old sneedposters!

This happened, but I went back in time and fixed it. Fuck your destiny.

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If they ruin the catalog like they do on Yea Forums they should actually be tortured and killed unironically

This user is positively based and redpilled on the state of affairs. Great summary user.

What's wrong with /got/ generals?

/alita/ got nuked to shit a few days ago, next to go is the dany waifufaggots hopefully.

Both of those boards are better than Yea Forums

Nice reading comprehension, you are literally dumber than a nigger, stupid faggot.

The idea of /pol/ being masculine in any way is hilarious to me. Bunch of fat pussies crying about being victimized and ignored 24/7.

Still not as obnoxious as
>g-go back to pol!!!!!!!

*nods respectfully*

I tip my hat to you, how do I donate Yea Forums gold on this site?

this. /pol/ is basically /r9k/ 2.0.

I agree OP, pic related. nigger faggot

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>that pic
This is why the GoT threads after Episode 5 were the fucking best content on this board in ages. All these termites BTFOd into oblivion and then rushing to damage control for their decade long investment in some fictional bitch.

Funny how there was that and shitposting before you reddit meme hustling shitskins joined Yea Forums because of bane

>have sex
>discord tranny
>controversial screenshots
>more than one active thread about any movie or show at any time
>off topic shit
>/r9k/ faggotry

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>cries about /pol/ in response to a post that has literally nothing to do with /pol/
Yeah dude you aren't a huge fucking whiny pussy or anything

>If I call others a redditor they'll never suspect me
>Do I fit in y-yet b-brehs?
You're too obvious you fucking soiguzzling happa.

Im just glad all the sour grapes of Yea Forums can get together in one place and gripe about how much their vaginas hurt.

>retarded cartoonist thinks /k/ doesn't hate niggers 24/7

It already is and the /pol/yps are here, they are the ones posting it

After a certain age posting on imageboiards is actually detrimental to your growth and IQ

Go eat some Doritos to feel better you fat pig

Nobody mentioned /pol/ until you did tranny.

Yeah and you are Mr. Cool guy for whining like a faggot about shitposting


I don't use pol and this is still a blatant giveaway you fucking cuck. Go back to wasting away in your subreddits and handing out your fat pig wife's naked photos to randos.

Schizo or so new to the site you havent figured out reply chains and poster counts yet?

who are you quoting?

Even worse, they're stormfront jr.
Which is a site founded by KKK chicken fuckers from Alabama. Literal hillbillies using the internet, fucking miracles.

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Wait I might've been wrong. You might actually be a spic.


the eternal redditor strikes again

>Fuck you for being on topic! We want OUR safe space to be a shithole!!

>while people who actually want to talk about movies can talk about them.

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>that IP count that doesn't increase
Awfully suspicious how all these forum sliding hapa meta threads are samefag city.

Yeah waifuism has been a cancer on this site since the start, its why the phrase "have sex" shoudn't be totally disregarded, some people here obcesses over untalented pussy beefs because they lack physical contact for so long, they fantasise about the new whore of the week obcessively, then they move on to another one once a new one is avaliable.

Its why any smart girl here should start a whoring site specifically to 4channers, gonna make a million, lemme tell ya.

>I don't like fun (no sex)
>those who like funposting(had sex) must be minorities
Coping mechanism?

that's rite sweaty. Sorry you don't have one. Have sex.

Its too late. This site has already been swarmed by the braindead refugees of Gamergate and the US Presidential Election. Theres no going back.

How did you manage to get hold of a computer in the retard clinic?

Get rid of all the sneedposters too
