ITT: kino stations

pic related

Attached: neet.jpg (900x664, 264K)

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living the dream

Black or wants interactions with blacks.



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I refuse to believe this

>brother keeps the apartment at 60 degrees all summer
jesus fuck i hate this kino station

Attached: get on my biohazard level.jpg (1746x2328, 1.08M)

Why? As long as the screen isn't obstructed it literally does not matter.

You'd best start believing in shit posts, you're in one.

fucking kek


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this guy is probably dead now

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user drugs are bad

This is why I buy my stuff used, for the adventure it lived through

I have a friends desk like this. Hands get glued to the table by weed resin.

what drugs are those?

What are all those wrappers?

Heroin judging by the looks of it

Jesus christ. I really pity people like this, god bless.

Guarantee you're american.

Is the brown shit on the spoon usable or just residue?


guarantee you came here from rèddit if you’ve never seen this picture before

Attached: On-This-Day-Philip-Seymour-Hoffman-died-at-46.jpg (975x650, 52K)

Sometimes it's worse.

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This guy is 100% dead already

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Yep, this is going to my What the Fuck compilation.

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maybe he has diabetes

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Yea Forums actually.

a guy i know linked this to me
what actually upset me was how hostile the redditors are, normies cannot understand the plight of a neet

oh okay, reddit then Yea Forums then Yea Forums

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Is heroin really that good? I've edged while on 3 hits of acid before and that was the best orgasm in my entire life.can heroin top this?

maybe American's have to inject themselves with freedom?

>edging on anything but an amphetamine

Attached: localmemorabilliasalesman.jpg (1280x720, 96K)

Yes, but your first time you need to do 10x the normal amount in order to get past your resistance wall. I did 20x the first time to be sure.

ouch, user

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Reported to the FBI

have nice day

I really want to lock myself in chastity, plug my ass with a vibe, cross dress in fetish gear, take some tablets and then lock myself up.

Thanks for reading my blog.

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Is that from the cumdumpster guy?

Am I the only one that read the screen?

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the who

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Guy with the trashbin that looks like it was glazed by cum

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Some people believe objects can absorb energy- especially negative energy... ghosts, demons.... Have fun.

The only way that was cum is if it was clinging to his turds

Some people believe everything they see online. Some people are fucking retarded and act like they just discovered the internet for the first time like a 12 year old retard in the year 2002 jacking off to cartoons on newgrounds.

Cum will turn into different shades of brown if left long to aerate enough


meh. 20 minutes of clean up tops

i thought there were empty boxes of feminine products strewn around

i'd pay to adopt a demon. at least something would be paying attention to me

I haven't inspected the pic that much

I think I've already seen a very similar pic being posted here, but I am still amazed. Godspeed, drugman.

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God I wish that were me


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nice cat

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Heroin is the greatest, be careful.

Yea me too

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how'd you get a clear pic with all the gnats that must be in there?

my friend came over to visit!

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Resident evil 7 VR edition looks pretty dope desu

I got a boner reading this.

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this one makes me really sad

its from a girl newfaggot. the shit on the can is stomach acid and other shit she'd cough up

ay that's my future your looking at


real post

rate my just-out-of-college poorfag setup.

Attached: room full.jpg (2880x960, 1.95M)

Comfy minus the dead bird on the wall and anime

>big tv, console, big pc, two screens, fish tank, doggo


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yep just the typcial nuchan LARPer that will always have daddy when things get hard

>tfw dad's been dead 12 years this July

Nah. I've paid for all my own stuff. A lot of what you see has been cobbled together via rummage sales and auctions, though.

I actually fuckin did that

I'm not so much surprised by the piss bottles as I am nervous that the guy is going to knock one over and set up a chain reaction of piss all over his desk, his computer, his xbox etc.

Actually getting anxiety just looking at the pic

same.. heroin is the best thing this shitty life has to offer

If that's poorfag then i'm a homeless.

Nah you bourgie as fuk

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You have no concept of what poor is.

Imagine the smell

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I have that same wheel, Logitech Driving Force GT
The cheapest wheel you can get that actually works

probably wont be able to get hard on heroin

What the fuck was this used for