/comfy/ SUPERNATURAL thread

forever trapped in a carwash edition

last threads

also hoping they will feature some blue oyster cult in the final season
>(don't fear) the reaper youtube.com/watch?v=Dy4HA3vUv2c

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will try to not abandon this thread, like I did last one. also, I need this thread to be extra comfy

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So i stopped watching it after they killed death or something and deen lost the mark of cain, i think it was on season 10 or 11, whatever. What happens after it?

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that was season 10 finale and that was the most kino episode between season 7 and 10

basically the same answer you got before

>deAN I have mental issues

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>SAMMIE hand on!

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do you guys think we'll have the same amount of threads when supernatural ends as GoT did and still does? g-guys...?

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so i was watching "bloodlust" from season 2 today and the actor that played Benny was a vampire named Eli. he didn't have the dumb accent and i think he got away but i'm not positive because i was doing stuff and didn't see every minute. all of which begs the question why didn't they just have him be Eli instead of that cajun dork with the indecipherable accent later in the series

also checked

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benny wasn't the worst thing that happened to tis show but he had the misfortune of being in season 8 so evrything I remember about him blurrs together with amelia and that dumb purgatory arc

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If the user that makes the supurnatural apus shows up pls make a vamp apu. I don't think there is one and i remember him saying he ran out of ideas for new ones

blessing the thread

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thread theme


Been watching this on Netflix. Does anyone stay dead on this show? The constant fan service is pretty annoying

only thing that stays dead for a long period of time is the quality. but even that comes back to life, so the show is based even though the core and most vocal audience should be sent to facial abuse.

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I would also like apus based on the deAN and SAMMEH memes if that kind of editing is possible

fuck this I'm out
