Why do wokenigs unironically think this is a great movie? It's not even the best 2018 Marvel movie

Why do wokenigs unironically think this is a great movie? It's not even the best 2018 Marvel movie.

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Black people don't unironically think that Black Panther is a great movie. It's very obviously not.

We just don't like hearing white people criticize it.

I'm using that from now on.

Your WE WUZ movie is shit faggot

Seething cumskin general?

It was boring as shit and the cgi was horrible.


Yeah, pretty much.

A lot of the time when white critics handle it as a film, their complaints are levied against the logistics of Wakanda and how this fictional country and its fictional technology is the absolute last straw, for which they absolutely cannot suspend their disbelief. It's all so condescending and awful.

cum creates life. shit is bodily waste.


why is AIDS a thing in the mcu

I don't think it was that great of a movie, but I liked the afro-futurist aesthetic Wakanda had, it's unfortunate that only like 5 minutes of the movie took place on the actual streets of the city and that the final big dumb battle fight had to happen on the plains right outside of town.

shit creates life

Why is this board so obsessed with black people seriously

Is that why life is shit?

I found it incredibly underwhelming compared to the hype

Their iq even with on average 20% euro DNA is 85. Who fucking cares what literal animals watch.

All capeshit is trash and posting it should be a month ban.

Why do incels unironically think Blade Runner 2049 is a great movie?

Woke niggas aren't even woke.

Why is Hollywood so obsessed with black people seriously? No other minority is that much represented. No Hispanics, no Asians, etc.

Unironically no one thinks it's great

>condescending and awful.

The movie is literally Blaxploitation, it should feel condescending.

Some white people see people of color on TV and it makes them feel like they are becoming a group among many. It's a subconscious fear, not being the "default".

They want easily manipulated white women to breed with niggers and eventually have a 90 iq shitskin race to rule over. Why else do you think 99% of couples on netflix are niggers with white women?

This. There's more Hispanics in the US so it makes no sense to force nigs unto the audience.


I work with a lot of black people. They all seemed more hyped over Endgame and whatever the Avengers movie from last year was called. I don’t even see anyone meme Black Panther or bring it up anymore

That's because you dedicate your life to having temper tantrums among strangers on the internet as a joke instead of attempting to improve any aspect of your life, or take the smallest sliver of agency.


this but unironically

Low tier acting, Muslims, lead Character not Gay, only the tech girl was good

Yeah because nigs make up like 50% of all people on tv. Europeans also say that they thought the US was around 40% black because of how over represented they are. Niggers are just fucking cancer, they can score around 400 points lower than an asian on the SAT and get into the same school, get benefits without even trying, have affirmative action and are pretty much a protected class but “muh racism” yeah fuck off.

It's just tv dude, no one is taking anything away from you. Chill out :^)

/pol/shitters criticize the film due to muh niggers

Yea Forums kino connoisseurs criticize it for the lackluster CGI, mediocre acting and awful fight choreography

Yeah, propaganda isn’t a real thing. Sorry you were born inferior. XD

you know, your odds of having sex would increase exponentially if you stopped taking /pol/ so seriously

It's just tv dude, no one is taking anything away from you. Chill out :^)

>hate "y wh*te pipo" etc. threads
>constant general statements about "wokenigs" and niggers
Why are you fags so hypocritical?

No no no. It's niggers in fictional television stories that are preventing me from being a healthy, socially well adjusted young man who has sex. THE NIGGERS AND JEWS.

Meant for

are there literally seething niggers on tv, ahahahah, okay nigs, heres my review for black panther, black panther is a movie written for functionally retarded children (the average black adult) by jews to part from you the few dollars you have (the average black net worth is zero) and further radicalize you into your designated life role as subhuman attack dog against white civilization. during the next economic crises 9 out of 10 africans are going to starve to death and the chinese are going to grind their bodies into fertilizer. oh and the africans who got enslaved literally won the lottery, literally every african american has a higher quality of life than the average african thanks to white civilization you ungrateful niggers

why are wokenigs so cringe?