Why aren't you pro-torrents or pro-physical media?

Why aren't you pro-torrents or pro-physical media?

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As with anything banned, this will just make them more alluring.

Dude, I gotta have access to those gay interracial Netflix originals

Torrents are illegal, user, so I do not use them.


im pro boner


We gotta do this again?

Nobody expected Song of the South to actually make it to the streaming service, and that's the first thing everyone joked about when they announced they'd bring every movie to the service. As for Dumbo, the end portion features the crows way too heavily to not have them. No crows means it cuts from Dumbo getting drunk to the circus event where Dumbo flies, and then it'd have to basically cut to credits after Dumbo starts terrorizing the shitty people of the circus.

As for the source, this particular article cites Screenrant and Boardwalk Times, Screenrant's article cites Boardwalk Times. Boardwalk Times is a no-name cite with no history of correct scoops and is the originator of this claim, and their citation for this is an "insider".

I am pro torrents, but you couldn't pay me to watch any of Disney's schlock, let alone pay for some most likely non-functioning streaming service.
Why can't the TV and Film industry pull a Spotify and just put everything on Netflix or Hulu or something by default. Seems kind of backwards not to.

Good thing asian people aren't complaining, or they might cut the singing cats in lady and the tramp.

I never done seen an elephant stream

>those depictions of blacks are offensive
>this isn’t

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Bluray is the White Man's media.

so are they animating a new scene to explain how dumbo gets the feather?

why don't they do this

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This. Boycott all blu-rays.

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based warner bros

protip: a 35 mm scanned version in decent quality is on archive.org right now

And to reinforce that shit, they make these un skip-able


>censoring an integral part of the movie

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Because money

This is bad bait

>White kid from a shit life gets to know some plantation workers
>Sympathises with their plight because of his own life
>They tell him folk stories from their culture
>He grows up and turns them into a novel
>Has the characters speak in a certain way because it's true to real life
>This novel gets adapted into a film that keeps in this way of speaking
>Both the movie and novel are now considered some of the most racist pieces of fiction ever because of this
Reminder, never sympathise with blacks or try to portray them accurately.

>un skip-able
Top reason why I don't buy DVDs.

>those views were wrong then and are wrong today


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That’s what I was thinking. That’s when he gets the “magic feather”, so it’s kind of pivotal to the story.

It’s only second or third generation Americanized Asian chicks who went to an Ivy League school who complain about oppression against Asians.

Civil disobedience

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The funny thing is that if you try to portray them in a positive light, they complain about the “magical negro” trope. There is no winning, you can’t even choose not to play the game, because they’ll bitch about that.

If they got rid of this line I'd agree with it 100%.

I'm not saying that as some racist edgelord, I just feel like it goes without saying that it's a cartoony depition of influences cobbled together to form these characters, and that will inevitably lead to things drawn upon that may be deemed insulting to some but not all of any given group. That isn't "wrong" because in the instance of these cartoons, "wrong" and "right" are meaningless, it's just pure entertainment. Cartoons are as low brow as you can get politically, and they fucking should be.

>tfw patents are holding humanity back
>as well as tariffs and interest rates
>to denounce who holds these in place would be anti-semetic


the pirate was not going to buy the bike in the first place

It wasn't even "wrong" then.

Every single human being from the beginning of history until about the 1900s was extremely racist, sexist, prejudice, and skeptical of out-groups. What makes them wrong and today's liberalism right?

I don't watch streaming services, or buy physical media. I only torrent.

>turner starts airing these on cartoon network
>drops speedy gonzales
>spics rise up and demand speedy gonzales returns to air time

I remember growing up hearing about how people wanted Speedy Gonzales was super racist and it should be taken off the air and then an even bigger and louder group afterwards was like, "Hey. Where the fuck did our Mexican cartoon character go? Bring him back!"

Only watched the first one, but she's exactly right.

I don't know. I appreciate that jokes about "people of color" can be hurtful, but it seems more complicated than just calling them bad. Many black comedians do racial humor all day every day, Dave Chapelle poked fun at everybody from whites to blacks to AmerIndians to Asians, and he doesn't get much shit from it. People complain about Mammy from Gone With the Wind, or the Vietnamese girl from that Downsizing movie, but the actors based them on family members. Stereotypes about races aren't forced memes; this shit was so pervasive because there was a lot of truth to it.

It seems like the official party line is to say that people are all individuals, and you can't possibly generalize about groups of people, like pointing to the WNBA in shock and outrage that someone would suggest that men are taller than women, but it's hard to convince people that "men are taller than women" isn't a valid observation. Seems like it would be healthier for people to just know their own height and not take things that aren't specifically about them personally.

Which goes for actual racists / sexists too. It's not sexist to think that men are taller than women, but if you're a Joe Pesci type walking around the locker room at a WNBA game joking about how you're towering over the women there thanks to your manly manliness, you need a reality check.

The bullshit they bog down dvds with unskippable ads and logos, 5 different versions of the same movie you have to buy separately, terrible vhs to dvd translations, and how fragile the physical copy is to being damaged how can you not? Fuck dvds and fuck jew corporations trying to squeeze every last ounce of money out of their consumers.

That's what I'm saying. People expressing their beliefs isn't wrong, especially when it's for pure entertainment. People can be racist as fuck for all I care, as long as they aren't being violent or intentionally abrasive in a way to stoke violence. Make fun of my roots (Italian, Germanic, Irish) all you want, it's funny as fuck. I get that this view isn't the same as everyone, and I get that times change. Let's not intentionally stifle the past and hide ourselves. We're still the same humans that they were. Stop giving a fuck so much. That amount of anger will inevitably lead to conflict.

What was racist about speedy gonzales?

People have been bitching for 40 years to get Fantasia uncut with the nig centaur girl and yet with every release she never shows up

I think people know that there's a layer of prejudice comedy that is acceptable. You can rib someone without being truly mean about it. The delivery of that is what matters.

There's a major (and to me pretty noticeable) difference between comedy meant to anger and comedy meant to make fun of. We make fun of the people we truly care about, that doesn't mean we're insulting them. At the same time, the people we care about have limits.

What I hate the most about this shit?
That for businessmen
>Not making money=losing money
>Even assuming that the production cost is 0

paranoid whites were afraid hispanics would think he was a racist caricature because he would wore a sombrero and said shit like ANDELE ANDELE and ARRIBA and even had a lazy mouse friend that also wore a sombrero. but spics love taking the piss out of themselves

yeah, spics don't really care about stereotypes. they don't see them as offensive, but as actual jokes and they can laugh about it (though not in a "lol yeah that's us" way, but rather "lol that's totally my brother juan i'm gonna call him 'speedy' from now on" way)

my favorite bit is the assumption that because someone has pirated something that means they would have otherwise paid for it and therefore cost the business money. like fuck off if I don't want to pay for it I won't pay for it, the only difference here is whether or not I get to watch the shit or not

>(though not in a "lol yeah that's us" way, but rather "lol that's totally my brother juan i'm gonna call him 'speedy' from now on" way)
I want to go back to the time lots of people were like this. I hate it here.

I watched song of the south, and I don't really see the issue
Yea they were slaves, but they weren't portrayed as bad in anyway
Maybe the way they spoke might be considered offensive, but the cartoon rabbit was worse than the black uncle guy

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It's like uneducated people (who were intellectually robbed any chance of learning) sounds stupid or something.

Notice how that didn't make them inherently evil or bad? It's almost like that's not the issue?

They're unironically mad that a children's movie didn't show slaves being abused like you're watching Roots or something.

I thought it took place in the 1870s?

whats racist about tom and jerry?

The woman who owns Tom is black and talks like a black woman, which is racist.

she was a rich old lady
whats racist about that?

Streaming services and even download services are censor's dream. Books and movies as a service, not a product, are a means of control. There is a reason why Ray Bradbury never wanted Farenheit 451 as an e-book. No need to burn books if you can just take them off a server.

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>paying Disney for 75 year old movies
torrent chads just sit back and laugh

Modern "black culture" has been manufactured by rich media moguls to keep them dumb and buying stupid shit.

Literally what is racist about the crow song?

They called me speedy gonzales when I was a kid cause I could run fast.

movie takes place during reconstruction, not slavery

Any argument about piracy being illegal/immoral ultimate boils down to "muh shekels"

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Does anyone have a mega link for Song of the South? I don't think there's any way to legally see it other than VHS tapes made for fucking South America or some shit.


Not the song, they're black people being depicted as crows because of Jim Crow. Nothings even wrong about their depiction, just liberals upset about the Jim Crow part.