Can we get a before and after thread
Can we get a before and after thread
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I actually worked with that dude on Poison Rose. He's weird AS FUCK and barely speaks english
>Poison Rose
Why is John Travolta still getting work? He is made of plastic and a fucking terrible actor. "Speed Kills" pretty much sums him up at this point.
Brendan, please
Erin Marie Adam born 30 November 1987 in Michigan.
Height 5ft 4in
I'm too lazy someone post Haley Joel for us please
Jackie Stallone, mother of Sylvester Stallone.
Because he works with a specific group of producers that only have money in mind. They're all low budget, and Travolta knows this, but he's been a star for so long that he doesn't know how to be anything else. No bullshitting, he was showing me his surprise at the internet... this was last year. He JUST started using the internet because his daughter got him into it. He was baffled by it. He knew it existed, but never used it. He's had everything brought to him and made for him for most of his adult life. So, without the Hollywood lifestyle he'd probably die.
He should play G in the Street Fighter reboot
cringe tattoo
can people who were fat as kids ever grow proper facial hair?
That french women will do to you
All tattoos are cringe desu
he has coke nose
>face stayed the same size
how can someone willingly botulize there face jesus christ
now he looks fucking awful
Tattoos are supposed to have meaning.
When I was in the army, I didn't even think about getting a tattoo until near the end of my deployment. I've seen and done some horrible things in my life so when I came back to the states I did a lot of volunteer work which prompted me to get two tattoos of the words "angel" and "devil" in chinese on my left and right wrists so that I can remind myself that I am capable of doing both good and bad things.
10 years from now I'll look at my wrists and still have profound thoughts of what went through my mind the day I decided to get these tattoos but the idiots who got them because they like a tv show or a movie will only see an outdated, obsolete franchise.
Potato Willis
fucking cringe blogpost more faggot
>Tattoos are supposed to have meaning
kys bootlicker
Goy to joy
this is by far the gayest shit i've read all day. i want your dubs on my desk by the end of the day
>and your other dubs
that jacket is dope af tho
user go get help
wtf is this gay shit
>written in chinese
Any reasom for the chinese?
he's trying so hard to run away from himself. i give it another 8 months before he's forcefully put into rehab or before he eats a gun
the greatest tragedy in modern time
I bet he has Finnish ancestors.
where's the subway sandwich edit here, Yea Forums you aint got no game any longer
The way he speaks with ebonics is so fucking disingenuous and cringy. He never used to talk like this.
Holy shit
>I killed some half-blind sand niglet for the Jews so I got list items from a chinese menu on my wrists
those male infants blown the fuck out
he's bulking so he can gomad
>parking lot
This cant be real...
She was getting good kind of THICC before
He sounds like a literal retard.
>"angel" and "devil"
>probably means "faggot" and "up my ass"
>just breathe
I know this is bait but it is pretty funny that people get tattoos to remind themselves of a sentence fragment worth of thought.
>nigger music intro
>cut to child actor being grappled with and touched by unrelated adult Jewish man
I don't like this video.
He knows the film industry very, very well. Outside of that, he's super cringe, honestly. His jokes are lame and he doesn't understand what a regular person's life is like. It's bizarre.
>met a qt girl from hinge
>we go to have sex
>dont see any tattoos
>feels goodman
>she takes off her socks
>ugly cursive foot tattoo
>have demi Moore as a mother
>get your father's Uber masculine looks
Good thing she has money
>he doesn't understand what a regular person's life is like. It's bizarre.
What do you mean by that? Any examples?
Man this is possibly the worst case of Hank Hill ass I've ever seen.
>freckles on her upper thighs
ho-lee muh dik
>garlic ginger glazed sticky pork
Didnt he go full christfag? Probably got raped into oblivion.
>All these newfags getting trolled by an old as fuck copypasta
Uh, YIKES! Y'all can go back now
I gotchu senpai
Yeah it's at least 4 years old. All the summer redditors took the bait
is this someone you murdered or something user?
His thetan count is higher than everyone else's, that means he needs to be n movies
what in christ's name
bag needs to be subway bag as well
>seen and done some horrible things
Probably a "culinary specialist" who undercooked some chicken and made his unit sick once
it looks like someone shopped the 8 year old face onto an adult
blessed image, blessed numerals
I need a pornstar with this exact body type and hair color. Freckles are a must. Who?
High school let out early in your area huh?
on the before picture of course
>same voice
>same face
How the fuck
women are fucking demons
from that nose damage at least it was good coke
Incels fear the tattoo
>inb4 degenerate with a tattoo
I actually don't have one, I just find it funny how much they annoy virgins.
soul vs souless LMAO
i know that one girl i've seen on /gif/ all the time but i didn't save it. she seems kinda popular, many freckles and big tits and also very puffy nipples.
HJO is based as fuck
french women
not even once
Went to middleschool with his daughter lol
i remember she did some public stuff like in some lobbies or libraries with other girls being "slutty" if that helps the search
Xenu provides.
Good for her trying to make her son feel less bad about his face.
t. never got the call
I would
Well enough to be on official court record as saying sex between dudes is preferred by elites, that he hated sucking dick but was smart enough to learn to enjoy it, and that sucking dick is how you get ahead in Hollywood
>Implying you wouldn't a thicc Anita
You're thinking of Faye Reagan
I would both tbqh
Too bad she never did a real anal vid.
Still looks friggin cute
I'm a past fatty and I have a full beard so yeah. Or maybe I'm just an exception idk
I have a glove fetish and unironically used to jerk it to promo images of her from teenage drama teen (pic related), shame she had to do that pic in her current state. I would have jerked it until my dick fell off if that were in her prime.
Faye reagan!
How the fuck is this even possible. Surelly drugs alone can't flatten your chest and give you hank hill ass right?
Poor bastard have leprosy or something? Jesus Christ.
semen demons
>t. dude who didnt see her video with Rocco.
Beans from Evens Stevens.
absolutely based
Cocaine + living in new jersey
I've only lived in two states. Georgia and Florida. This is the body of someone who lost weight and then her old lady body started to kick in. This is a really common sight, especially at the beach.
Based. He is great in Bruiser
Based CS faggot
That jacket instantly made me think of filled dog poop bags.
>that vintage camera hanging by his hip
what a tryhard faggot, jesus christ
Dammit user, I'm trying to watch less porn and you drop that on me.
Some things never change..
Possibly one of those new mirrorless cameras. They designed them to look old school, and his looks like it doesn't have a single bit of wear on it. So, I'd say new mirrorless
Either way, if he cared about his equipment, it'd be in a bag. He has it around purely as a fashion accessory cause he wants to look like a sophisticated auteur.
the "after" picture got deleted (she does porn now)
Look at Demi Moore again. She got the jaw and cheekbones of both her parents, and it got exponentially worse.
Where's this from?
how so weird? any stories?
the gosling was adorable
Beans from Evens Stevens.
>and barely speaks english
Speaking with an accent doesn't mean that he barely speaks English.
Long time no see, my dear tattoo pasta
When you get the call DON'T, I repeat, DO NOT pick up the phone
Another tragic case
I would say JUST but it never even began for him desu
Fucking zoomee newfaggots
>not picking up call
The consequences to understanding the eternal truths of the universe are well worth it
This, but I'm glad every normie is getting one because it makes me the special one for not having one
They all do it to be "unique" but when everyone's super no one is
why the fuck havent this """person""" killed himself?
Annika Nielsen
nigga turning into a blobfish
sometimes i wish i had no tattoos but mine don't bother me overall
Because there's still coke in the world.
He is immortal. He cannot die, no matter how hard he tries.
All them baited (You)s
Gooble gobble
You know what fuck you! I usually make deliberate, thought out baits and only get a few (you). Can't believe this old shit got so many.
he looked better as a fattie
Is that Corey Feldman?
Blue board, user.
based beans
Maybe you should give up on baiting. You're obviously shit at it.
Man is transforming into Marlon Brando
Or am I?
>>Teleports behind you
Can someone explain to me how drugs can make your ass deflate and go inside you?
why do men unironically wear a neckbeard? like if the hair doesn't grow a bit on your face shave the middle at least so you just have sideburns wtf
I once saw an old man with jowls the size of a tangerine.
This is a beautiful transitioning.
He's achieved everything and has done everything. Now he joins the legends like Orson Welles, Elvis, and Marlon Brando by getting FUCKING FAT.
The drugs keep you from eating right, making you lose all muscle definition and fat deposits as you go longer times without eating, while making your stomach and face look a bloated mess.
you're missing the final puzzle user
Beans made out ok in my book
this post is like poetry
(or like ching chong ching ching like they say in chiense)
I would love to keep it up to date I am too lazy to edit an image
he's fat AGAIN??
As i look at this a high pitched trombone note plays in my head.
he peaked
Does anybody still think feminism is about equality or has everybody realized it's just misandry?
No. It's just the coat. The smoking and the hepatitis from the tattoos will keep the weight off.
what happened, except for the nose he looks better and healthier than ever
>takes 60 years to age the same as women age in 10 years
gets out before grade school you little piece of cuncun
>>There can be only one.
>completely bald by mid-20s
>ugly as sin
how can genetics be so cruel to a man?
Avril Lavigne keeping it tight.
he's tried
Wonder Gal
She was always going to smack that wall face first
These guys look great for their age though.
How can men look the same for 3 decades?
This one breaks my heart.
yes yes you're a general faggot we get it
this bitch looks like a splicer from bioshock
That's not a woman that's a Jew.
>this isn't considered fat in America
Why do girls seem to peak before they're even 20?
>or has everybody realized it's just misandry?
100 years later and we are getting there
I think he was in some kind of supervised work program
Artie's nose is the universe. It rapidly expanded and then collapsed in on itself
like every five minutes on set I'd get a weird feeling and turn around and he'd be there like just inches away from me, staring at the back of my head silently
It's jewish Qabbala voodoo.
Because that's how it's always worked up until recently
dude you can actually see his liver failing through his skin
>publicly shame you because you don't want to die in a war for Jews
Why are women so evil, as well as being highly prone to Jewish subversion?
honestly didnt know you could do white pigment in tattoos. no way it will hold for any length of time before it turns pale yellow
he's just an old fart
God this hurts. I spilled quite a bit of serd to Eurotrip era Michelle.
I don't know, but it's terrifying to see.
most peak before that but you never notice because of makeup
how can you tell. looks like a normal nose
you can not like something and not be afraid of you you absolute sperg
btw go dilate
She’s pretty, her face is just extremely expressive so it’s given her a lot of wrinkles.
Looks like an Oblivion NPC
He allegedly snorted heroin with broken glass in it.
He snorts heroin just like cocaine ‘cause he’s so fat that he can’t find a vein
Still is
probably actual lesbians that just want all the bulls out of town
Reminder that these dumb cunts worked to get prohibition passed.
Fish speaker lantern jaw
>thread asks for before/after
>posts a picture of before/waaay before
based (You)farmer
based lil goose
is he working in a coffee shop or something?
>Mother of Frank Stallone
It's a Home Depot.
No, he looks Irish. A lot of them have gook eyes. Just look at Rob Mcwhatever from Always Sunny
Keanu banged that tranny.
holy shit, how is he 25 here
>only one sandwich
You are clearly unfamiliar with Jonah.
redpilled comfykino
He looks like a fucking elve from santas shop.
Totally looked like John Candy on the left
>He looks like a fucking elve from santas shop.
How the FUCK have we not cured baldness yet?
And now you know how women feel about you
>as well as being highly prone to Jewish subversion?
Why do you think we have the story of Adam and Eve? Eve succumbs to the temptation of satan.
Consider it a condensed allegory of human experience, women are prone to fall for things because they're agreeable. They'll avoid confrontation if they don't want it.
looks like elvis
you're right. i thought it was a light tan and bad lighting. he does look better than before though, but that's probably just the haircut and clean shave
Ah so he is that kid. Didn't know he actually was being an elve in that pic, just makes it more hilarious though. Fucking look at him.
there's literally no existence more cruel than the one he has
>shitty wagie job
>undoubtedly small penis
now you might be saying 'well that sounds exactly like me, that's not too bad''
WRONG, not what I meant
it's the fact that he's all of those things AND has to get recognized for it all the time
instead of blending in the background with all the other manlet, dicklet, hairlet, autist, you have to stand out and have pictures taken of you and have people pretend to be your friend so they can laugh at how far you've fallen behind your back
I would literally kill myself
how much high school pussy was teen Gosling slaying?
It destroys your fat cells so when you gain weight the fat has to go somewhere else.
It's pretty common for most celebrities who were famous before 2000ish to be completely clueless about the internet. Eminem didnt know about internet porn in 2011, he was still buying magazines. Apparently porn on the internet blew his mind.
We did, but only pussies bail out from baldness, true man always take the bald pill.
All of it.
Every last bit.
kino post
The amount of unironic (You)s from people who didn't recognize this pasta speaks for the quality of this board.
It truly is reddit central
Now post Maggie
Jews without logos really spiral.
Did you take this picture with your teeth? Also thanks for fighting for Israel.
It hides double chins
Lana on the left was GOAT
> remind yourself
> getting the tattoos upside-down, so you can't read them yourself but everyone else you show it to, can
eh I thikn he looks better with more fat one him, less haggard
read about a soldier on leave getting one of those feathers while on a bus. cleaned his pipe with it while saying something about how they were never issued a pipe cleaner in the trenches. Pissed off bystanders drove the woman off the bus
still looks great she just has a silly smile on her face and no baby fat.
only crazy thing about this one is his hair. how could his stylist (assuming he has one still) allow that mess?
benefits of not being a wage cuck and rich as fuck
>Jeremy from the quartering here
has she hit puberty yet?
poor things
all of them abused
It's Mick Jagger. He's fucked more women than everyone browsing this site combined. Who the fuck are going to tell him what hairstyle works?
>not wanting to go full-on jabba the hutt mode when you're rich and successful
c'mon now user, this man is living the dream
>yea they are all mindless sheep, unlike me!
Nice reminder to stay away from french women if you want to keep your soul from being crushed, that poor guy.
That woman looks like a Jewish man
That's a Leica M10 with a 35mm f/1.4 Summilux attached to it. One of the most sharpest combinations in the entire world of camera. You better pay respect.
based obelix
well I mean... she was cute sure
Good job on the bait. gets em every time.
looks like her son
Tragic, she got so fat
when you hit the wall and just keep going
Fuck thats bad
He lived in my city in Russia for a year or so. I bet he still has nightmares about it.
Fuck he look just like my Norwegian cousin.
>now you might be saying 'well that sounds exactly like me, that's not too bad''
kek, based kino post
I've seen this pasta like a 1000 times before, how the FUCK this is even possible
Hes like 80 years old.
Even his hand is fat.
she looks like the lady in the radiator from eraserhead.
Oh what the fuck!
She needs to sue the plastic surgeon
fun fact he was roommates with al gore at college
these dudes are like a hundred years old and don't look half bad imo.
Omg not her, the food jews got her...
lmao he was fucking drew barrymore when he was like 75
What makes Artie's nose bulbous
How old was she?
And he's not stopping any time soon
Cancer, AIDS, and snorting broken glass.
21 or something
Having crushed glass in his nostrils while being shaken down by his wise guy friends in NJ for owing money
Post the Gilmore Girls,that shit is fucking terrifying
>Good job on the bait. gets em every time.
>white women in charge of aging
There are not enough numbers to count the times I dreamt about her.