Is this as kino as everyone says?
Is this as kino as everyone says?
Kino these nuts, muthafucka.
Who gives a flying fuck about this MLP-tier tumblrite garbage and its highly cancerous fanbase
Yes it unironically is
Can we just ignore these Sneed shitters and try to actually have a comfy Steven Universe thread? Post your favorite characters I'll start. In no particular order:
Earth Beetle
Dr. Maheswaran (formerly PA)
>Can we just ignore these Sneed shitters
>Dr. Maheswaran (FORMERLY PA)
You first.
It has waifus, some likable characters and a cute art design.
You can enjoy it if you look past its glaring flaws
I know this is bait, but no, it unironically is not kino. It is a mess story wise, where characters flip flop personalities on the regular and events are blatantly retconned to serve where the writers want to plot to go, rather than dealing with what they've already set up in a logical manner. This flip flopping makes a lot of characters insufferable and the retconning makes the story hard to take serious on the ultra rare instance that the plot progresses. As far as semi-serious semi-serialized childrens programming goes, Adventure Time is leagues better than Steven Universe, watch that instead.
I can't stand even 2 episodes, why this garbage show get so much praise?
I disagree completely
You need to get through the first season to truely understand
Sneedven chuckverse
go to Yea Forums for this shit
but as a person who watched it
aside from the meh waifu material its pretty much shit
shit art direction
shit characters
shit action
shit songs
shit ending
Whats with all the trany propaganda aimed at children lately?
its because it has all the things that every person who is PC loves
disabled people, race mixing, lesbians and fat people
>comparing based MLP to Dilaten Trannyverse
VERY cringe
MLP is unironically better than Steven Universe. Not even Tumblr is happy with how the show progressed.
Don't reply to me, freak
Based dipshit
>literally shills for steven universe
>implies he's not a freakish mutant
>Steven universe? Of course it's kino!
If you have to get through an entire season for the show to get good, it's a bad show.
>If you have to get through an entire season for the show to get good, it's a bad show.
That's stupid.
>If you have to get through an entire season for the show to get good, it's a bad show.
Tell that to breaking Bad.
Or moral orel
>No good snow has ever had a rocky first season
Okay retard