This is a Netflix show

>This is a Netflix show
Why do gays try so hard to indoctrinate children?

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You know for years I called people who said that Liberals wanted to normalize pedos as "delusional" and "retarded" I see I was wrong the whole time.

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They can't breed naturally so they have to convert through molestation and propaganda.

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nah, you never thought that, and you're still just as delusional as you've ever been.

as its not like five months before shooting these boys loved sports, violence, and fighting, and were convinced to become faggots. little faggots like this always existed.

How many of those are girls? I see like 3


>all bending their legs in sexy way designed to please males

isn't this, like. oppressive ?

>Hating on Cowboy Bebop
You need to go back

Third from the right is sexiest

Look up a show called Dance Moms, it's been around since 2011

good 'mic (that means comic)

Its (((their))) way to get pedophilia legalized. Prepare for your children to get fucked haha

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>leftists want to turn children into prissy tarted-up fucktoys

gee how ever did trump get elected

And that's a good thing.

This is a show about literally just sexualizing and feminizing little boys, at least the other one could claim that it was about dancing.

Why the FUCK can faggots do this but if a straight man does it his life is over?

fresh young meat for fags.

Imagine being the father to one of these kids and signing the contract to have them be strippers on national TV,

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Because how else will they FUGG the patriachkie

It's run by Jews who are invariably gay pedophiles.

I was this naive when I was 9.

Because gays want the little kids to grow up to be faggots like them, but don't want to buttfuck them, while straight men don't want to turn little kids into faggots, but they do want to buttfuck them.


>we live in a world where at least 3/4 of these poor boys already had their shit pushed in by some homo creep adult

And the lefties cheer and applaud. I've often suspected the clear cycle of abuse where older trannies and other degenerates absolutely HATE children and their innocence, and breaking that innocence is all part of some deranged kink and catharsis.

>"Why should THOSE kids get to be innocent? I didn't get to be!!"

Fucking foul

Everything the left (read: Jews and their golems) does is designed to kneecap straight white males.

>white nationalism: gets you banned from Twitter
>black nationalism: gets you multi-million-dollar movie contracts

>promoting straight/nationalistic behavior in boys (Boy Scouts): forced to let gays and girls in, made tame and beta
>forcing young boys to become effeminate fags: gets you some prime time TV spots

Thanks! *slaps your ass*

>people itt defending it

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Look up the father of "Lactacia", he's indistinguishable from the average guy who does Marvel trailer react videos on YouTube.

I just fucking hate americans.

But when cameras are off, and he's alone with lactasha, the good stuff starts.

Is it even possible to be gay and not be a pedo? It's the same type of disorder effecting the same part of the brain, just one is more socially acceptable.

Do I want to google this shit?

Because you let them get away with it. Fuck your children.

I can't even disagree at this point. Most of our major cities deserve to be nuked.

Wtf, I love /science-tv/ now

And then, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power.

He's the top shota whore that the news keeps promoting, the one who stripped at a gay bar while fags tossed dollars at him.

>turning your own son into a gay whore to own the Nazis

I'll be honest. I'd fuck all of the, except the adult one

Only about half of gays are pedos, so yes.

>only half have gotten caught or act on their pedo urges
fixed that for you

I'd rather be buttfucked than become gay.

>This is a show about literally just sexualizing and feminizing little boys

No it fucking isn't, why are you telling lies?
There is like one or two faggy kids but otherwise its the same type of shit.

> Adoption agencies don't want to deal with faggots all the time

No one is fucking my kids except me

I see you like dangerous games

within 20 years 42% of these kids will be dead from suicide.

"Pedo Grooming: The Series"

Truly we are in the end of times.

those are all boys?
that's hot

>Implying you still wouldn't want to fuck Alyssa Edwards anyways

I always liked the argument about baking cakes: What if a KKK member wanted a black person to bake the cake? Should he be forced to do that?

>Listen bigot, being gay isn't a choice
>Fuck off homophobe,it's complete coincidence all these children who spend time with gay men turn out to be gay
>No, they aren't molesting them Cletus, there is no link between child molestation and being gay
>Women being raped/molested? That's literally worse than murder, it's life changing and ruins your ability to have normal sex

Because society has yet to self correct. Just be patient and let nature take it's course. No era lasts forever.

Not gonna lie, those kids are pretty hot

Is this even legal to air?


pedophilia is awesome

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I'd unironically fuck 3rd from left and center

So "striaght" peoples not actually straight, they've been just convinced to like girls?

>Implying this is the gays' fault.
It's merely a subconscious reaction to society's overprotective, helicopter parent attitude towards children.
Said overprotectiveness is a coping mechanism for society's own pedophilic tendencies, the classic channeling of libido into aggression

how cunny can even compete

how is this different from child beauty pageants that everyone denounced? why is this shit produced?

And then one day for absolutely no reason...

What percentage of gays and lesbians (+the other stuff) were raped and molested when younger again?

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How did we get here from this?

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I hope the irony of your post was intentional, or you're an absolute fucking retard.

>Fuck children
Ummmm yes please

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There is nothing gay about being trained by an older soldier.What happens in Agoge stays in Agoge.

Based Poland

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Straight is the default of biology, there is no convincing required. Gay is subversion or biological defect/mental illness

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Fuck time

Based comic. Love who you love and do whatever the fuck you want to your body, but don't fuck with kids nor make me change how I speak.

Is this a boy? because it looks pretty hot.
Would fuck desu

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Why did you allow this to happen.?

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We can't they legalize cunny love yet? Weed is legal in most states now, cp should be to.

How is this biological defect if can be caused by propaganda?


>Yea Forums pedos
>lefty /pol/
>telling /pol/ to fuck off

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Did you misread, intentionally misinterpret or do you not understand the meaning of the word "or"?

The good guys lost.

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>and adopt

You post stated that it is biological defect

drags are just people dressing in silly clothes for fun, there is nothing wrong with this. for the kids it's just another game

Hopefully with new tech like deepfakes ai learning and all that jazz, CP at the very least becomes legalized.

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Get this fags out of here, cunny hetero relations only

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>delete posts about how it’s moronic to freak out about this
>leave the thread though


You're right with that one actually.

OR subversion, either someone is born broken or made broken when they are indoctrinated or raped by gay men.
This doesn't mean they can't be fixed.

we were so close to greatness

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Based and redpilled[\spoiler]

>OR subversion
Yes subversion of default of biology. I get it budy. My question stand still. How can your biology be subverted by propaganda?

Take care friend. There is always another day.

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>I'd rather be buttfucked than become gay

The idea that sexuality is a born trait is politically motivated. It has zero scientific backing.

Thats how the reproduce. By fucking your kids and turning them into faggots.

Are you original poster? If so, why do sudenly act like you not the one who bring biology in the firts place?

>homosexuals reproduce via bad parenting


>pedos desperately trying to normalize this kind of disgusting shit
There's one group of people responsible for this, you may not like it, but...

Because biological organism's can have their natural instinct overridden by mental conditioning, or new instincts created.
I know you guys hate biology but are are you going to deny psychology as well now? Usually you love that shit.

Or you’re both idiots arguing form a faulty assertion.

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The little girl was okay, btw

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If it was normal they wouldn’t make shows about it.

>Impotent Fat Pedophile #1
>Impotent Fat Pedophile #2
>Powerless to stop /pol/chads

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damn, those are some ugly kids

>zhezhe deepfaked into a tiny4k scene
I feel like there's a site for cunny deepfakes that I'll never know about.

The picture you are posting is of a liberal model, he supports everything /pol/ stands against. Be an honest man and post real /pol/chads like pic related.

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It's how they reproduce

It's how they reproduce.

Vast majority of gays were molested as children

You so you can biologicaly change people by mental conditioning? And create instincts? Sounds like propaganda itself honestly
>I know you guys hate biology but are are you going to deny psychology as well now? Usually you love that shit.
Who are you even talking with?

I thought she caught some weird disease from the seal and died?

Yes, people are born blank and heterosexuality is an invention.
It's not like there are millions of years of biological history that only exists because of a genetic requirement for a male and a female to reproduce.
Every life form (not including single cell) just happens to favor heterosexual couplings in the most shocking and mathematically unlikely coincidence in history.

Nice, can't think of a response so pretend the conversation which is right there never happened.
Guess you got me!

Every gay is a pedo and should hang

You're talking like a schizo, dude. Not even him, I'm the 66th poster itt

Who you talking with again? I get it, you can change biology of man by tv shows and molestation, that's science.

So that's why the left loves physical beau....oh, right.

When deepfakes first became a thing I tried doing them but my PC was kinda crappy. I did a few tests, let my computer run and after a day and half or so it would overheat and my results were terrible. I upgraded a few month ago and tried deepfaking again but this time I have had a hard time getting the app to run. I keep getting errors.

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Your “history” is akin to stating “the lottery isn’t a scam look at all the people who’ve won!”

Humans are geared for adaptability first and foremost. Hard wired reproductive drives would mean population failure if any aspect of males or females changed.

>Yes, people are born blank and heterosexuality is an invention
Well you can change it by propaganda and touching willies so... yeah?

The Jews won.

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But user, they won. They wanted soviet cocks, they got it.

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