Do you really have to answer the call and be bogged to maintain a successful career in Hollywood?
Do you really have to answer the call and be bogged to maintain a successful career in Hollywood?
>Hey look guys I have boobies! teehee #Powerful #Woman @Neil DeGrasse Tyson
Fuck roasties
You do have to be built like a linebacker.
Good tucking skills can also help?
is she going anorexic?
Yes and it's Yea Forums fault
She is an absolute unit!
I never want to lose thicc Chloe
Me neither.
Is she the third Olsen Twin? Skeleton face inc.
Would you answer the call?
nice, now she can focus on her fist clem cycle
what a fucking whore
She should play Zangief in the Street Fighter reboot
She needed implants, can't say that about many women, but her, yes.
I blame the dress. Also that hairdo
this is shopped, right?
feel bad for this dude that they forced him to be a girl
Her face here looks like the Matrix twins that have that dump it/pump it skit that got all that botox or whatever it was. wtf
jesus christ she actually became a total bimbo, now this I can fap to, didnt care for her ages ago.
What timeline is this?
looks like she would suck your cock for a gram of coke
what the fuck went wrong?
nice shop haha
I mean, she STILL looks good here. I like the weird exotic features on her face and the pouty look.
What's the topic here? did she get Botox'dTFO. She's not looking so fridgey lately, and I'd happily pump loads into her
The best.
Since when do they advetise that they had work done? I thought people tried to hide those things?
sit on ma face already
>daddy am i beautiful now?
Hollywood is the most superficial place where you can work especially of you are an actor. Looks mean everything. Skill is good, but looks trump that. If you are lucky, you have both,
activate actor assimilation
>she STILL looks good here
christ she doesnt even look like she use to anymore
>braindead bewbfags will spam mongrel Chloe now
What did we do to deserve this fate?
is this real or not
I can't even tell anymore
yes its real, she bogged herself
No, she looks better. One of the few people to benefit from a greater artificial tit acreage.
That's a face I would nut on, but I admit, maybe without that dark extending makeup above her eyes, she might still look like a wide-head, yeah? Hard to tell.
I dig the look though
the guy photoshopping chloe moved on a year ago, all the recent pics are real.
user if you think she has only had tit work done then youre a fool, shes her nose, chin and cheeks done and god knows what else while layering on makeup.
are those bananas on her shirt/dress?
Looks like Ariana Grande with a beesting allergy.
You idiots are responding to shooped pics
if these tits are real then I would cum all over her plenty of times to be quite honest familia no doubt about it
I can't tell anymore.
her tabloid pictures are the same, probably worse, she is totally bogged
Isn't her dad a plastic surgeon
She didn't even show us the old tits yet.
Women can be so greedy.
would breed strong powerful offspring, thick forearms and large traps
If you were born with poor genetics there's nothing wrong with taking the bog-pill. Chloe is making the best of an unfortunate circumstance.
Wtf? I love Chloe Moretz now.
This plastic surgeon must have great coke hookups to still be getting work
I honestly can't tell anymore in regards to this mongrel
im 110% sure she lurks on here and got fake tits cause we told her it would balance out her fridge. we even said she should go litle by little so it isnt noticable.
Imagine peaking at 14
>empowered by the universe
i want NDT to fuck right off. this isn't a scientific statement. neither "the universe" nor "empower" are scientific terms in any strict sense nor does "us" have any rigorous scientific definition. this is quasi-mystic new-age bullshit. fuck him and fuck reddit.
this is a shop, right guys?
So just like 90% of females?
she unironically looks like a 30 year old transwoman I know, and yes, I have sucked her dick
has to be fake. no one actually ruins themselves like this. she looked lovely all natural. her bf is a complete jack ass for allowing her to ruin herself like that with plastic. should've chosen me as her bf instead. i would've cherished her natural good looks and that she doesn't need any "enchancements"
This is your brain on Kardashian
id grab em
lol. What a fucking normie.
No Bueno
Itt: fags, trannies and roasties
Her new tits look lovely
Seeth more
bros I love her now
Good thing I don't have too.
what the fuck is a canthal tilt? is it a new incel buzzword?
I call this look the "make me a famous celebrity because I am going all out family says I have one more chance then I have to give up"
>tfw Chloe has been photoshopped so many times to such varying levels of cleverness/exaggeration that you genuinely don't know what she actually looks like
Haha what are these crazy incels talking about now?? I'm not gonna Google it though,
We are god who created the universe to tell a story. Materialism is retarded, conciousness obviously came first then the "physical" world(just an illusion)
>tfw all those fridge memes and photoshops finally got to her
I can’t even tell what’s real and what’s fake anymore, what the fuck.
Yo how the Fuck did she go from this
to OP's pic?
Did she go on a diet?
>Activate le Bogpill
the bogs have taken another innocent soul :t
The future for all wh*te women
didn’t she get her back blown out by chance the rapper
Her dad's a plastic surgeon. Multiple hollywood celebrities browse Yea Forums. Chloe was literally dropped from Disney's live-action Little Mermaid when they realised she'd have to wear a swimsuit.
There was no way in hell she was ever going to avoid plastic surgery. I'm impressed she made it as long as she did
(she got it around september 2018 for anyone curious)
based tripfag
>you will never know if these pics are shooped or not
Pretty sure her ears got pinned and her nose hacked apart before that date
The top half of this image is cringe but the Yea Forums posts are spot on
she looks good here. bimbo kino
>a titty
Woah illuminati confirmed
business idea: make actresses film homo scenes and then oppose legalsiing gay marriage
Wow I never knew she was on this level of racism.
user wants milky
I've seen this before
Actually yeah. Daddy needs a taste of those tiddies
do famous actors really do shit like this?
christ, the teeth on the one on the left though
she smiles by mistake then spends the rest of the clip trying to stretch her lips back over those immense gnashers
Sure, they need to stay blotch-free
Ivory tower liberals aren't just a /pol/ meme
>all around me are familiar faces
I don't understand. I see shitloads of attractive non celebrity women everyday. Why the fuck do Hollywood women bog themselves?
Who did this. Yea Forums or normies?
y do normy girls hate her?
I don't know about you guys, but I think this is fantastic.
Fear of the on-coming wall and loss of job opportunities
how many hours of photoshop went into that abomination?
What the fuck happened to these two and how did their degeneracy not influence the other cuter one?
It's how she attracts her mates
I can't find any info on her surgery and barely any comments about her inexplicable completely different face outside of Yea Forums, it's like no one else is even aware of this except for us. It's fucking bizarre.
Bitch watched this
Cute feet
Yes, but she definitely got small implants.
Not if you have any actual talent.
pablito get back in the store!
blue board
>fake tits
oh no, no,... i feel sorry for woman that get it, I find it so fucking unattractive. it only looks good behind clothes. fake tits only please people that don't see you naked. it's a sellout.
>small tits/no tits>fake tits
i'm not wrong, you're wrong if you like fake tits. we agree Chloe looks better now?
Don't hate the french.
she looks like a pitbull
WTF is wrong with hollywood other than its infested by jews
The eagle has landed.
I require Ass Shoops
This was after the Kim K Taytay feud had just happened (which resulted in Tay getting btfo and quitting social media).
Chloe is a friend of Tay's so she tried to attack Kim by saying how she was setting a bad example for young women by posing naked in magazines.
So one of the other Kardashians pointed out that Chloe has herself literally done this, causing Chloe to apologise for slut-shaming.
All the Kardashian's fans turned on her along with anyone who wasn't a die-hard Tay fan. What you're seeing is the result
I feel like it would hurt to have sex with her. I still would though
I think I'm depressed
>I feel like it would hurt to have sex with her
yeah, she would crush you during sex
did it feel gay?
Good God...
Lost all my respect for you user
Until I see current pics of her on TMZ or some non-chan website, I refuse to believe any of this shit.
this exact meme got to her so hard she went full retard "must fix my looks" bogged route
Nah she was fucked from the start. Raised to be a child star, and her dad is a plastic surgeon, no kidding.
Her lips were never a coincidence.
what is the story about this? don't watch gay cgi superhero movies
Tbh her normal puffy sad face pre-plastic surgery was kinda cute
everyday the disdain for normies grows and grows
she's turning into an Olsen Twin
How is that women don't understand that lip fillers are immediately obvious and hideous?
>New tits! Check them outtt
This was also September 2016, peak of Chloe's exposure in the media because the dumb cunt decided to get political and follow Hillary Clinton around like a dog.
So all the people shitting on Chloe there are a combination of normies and Trump supporters enjoying her getting BTFO.
Chloe needs hip implants to fix her frame, not boggification.
this guy abandoned the fridge, feel bad for her
had a childhood crush on her now I reluctantlywould let her rape me to quench her sorrow
It's a mash up of Captain Marvel punching an old lady on a train and a movie called "The Campaign" where Will Ferrell punches a baby.
That's why it looks so weird.
Twitter seriously needs to be abolished and any who use it committed, except the porn artists who will merely be issued a fine for using such a garbage website.
Can they be sto
>i'm a firestarter
I HATE that look. The slicked back hair and duck lips and fake ass makeup is disgusting.
Fuck all women that follow this trend
They were child stars, Liz was not. As a result of being child stars in Hollyweird they went off the rails as anorexics and drug addicts but eventually were able to leave Hollyweird for good, starting a fashion line and leveling out a bit. They're now super fucking rich, more than they ever would have been otherwise, because of their very successful fashion line.
Her tits look normal in other shots from the same shoot but I'm no professional.
Imagine having a threesome with Chloe and Daisie Williams
But all the gay men and straight women stylists tell them it looks so good.
I wonder how demeaning that must feel.
is possible to reduce her linebacker shoulder with surgery?
that's fake faggot.
I laughed at this for like 5 minutes after I spotted Pablito
I would fuck her given the chance
>fucking chloe
i dont think you know how this works
Holy hell looking like a 70s porn star
Massive 11
>she's going full bimbo
>chloe taking the bogpill
fuck, all that shitposting must have gotten to her, she has complained about people calling her a fridge on twitter. well at least now pablo doesn't have to wince so hard anymore.
She went for too big of a size implant. Women are dumb.
she's a big girl
>too big
Virgin detected.
this is not a shoop no meme a true pic of her
Goddamit, I wanted her to play she Hulk (no CG required)
Looks like a tranny.I can see why Yea Forums is into her.
>people are genuinely shocked that Chlomo took the bogpill
Honestly, I don't care.
lookin' good Chloe.
100% of the time she comes off as a child trying to look and act more grown up and only appears more naive for it
She is doing the right thing.
She has a nice face, but a horrible body. I hope the tits help her.
Do you think she got Pablo fired/killed for starting that meme about her with his reaction?
More photoshoped chloe pleaaase this is so hot
user want milk
He's still around.
a damn cute unit
Is there a guy hiding behind the curtains on the right?
Its pablito
she's starting to look like a cross between meghan mccain and kim kardashian
imagine peaking before 18 and hitting the wall at 22
God white people age like shit. How old is she now
Jewish producers control her by pointing out her flaws and making her insecure.
every time i see ChloeMo's hands this song comes to mind
You young lonely faggots are going to be old lonely faggots like me if you seriously consider Chloe to be anything less than a 7/10, and you’re fucking stupid and an embarrassment to your father if you don’t pounce on and claim a 7/10.
I would hit that with the force of a million suns.
Why are there so many faggots in here? wtf
"7" is a high number, and I have a strict rule against getting with any woman that has had plastic surgery, but yeah, the standards are way too high in both male/female camps nowadays.
Chloe looked fine before the facelift and even though I would rate her at about a toss between 4 and 5, I think it's perfectly acceptable to marry a 5 in fact I even recommend it.
Everybody gets old, everybody gets ugly.
Do you think you can beat Chloe at her peak fridge body in a 1v1 fight
>mfw non cunnybros act surprised when girls peak at 12
Looks like Max Landis
Yes I could beat her at her peak but I would lose on purpose to fulfill my sexual fantasy of the battle.
Literally just needs to workout and get a haircut, maybe a slight tan
Looks like my trashy 15 year old sister.
I would surrender instantly so she could use me freely as a sex slave.
Honest question, would you guys feel bad if she killed herself?
I'd oil her for her bodybuilding shows
she only got one?
Let's be real she turned out better than lindsey lohan and amanda bynes did
she looks like a sexy tranny
only the 2nd one was scary. 1 and 3 are even cuter with the chubby faces
thats a low bar
like verne troyer level drinking hole
is that forehead shopped
10/10 would bag but feel self-loathe quickly after
Generally, current men’s taste can be divided in two camps and it regards some porno girls (all men consume tons of porn and base their crippled views of sex and women on it): those who prefer Riley Reid, and those who prefer Nicole Aniston. Many men like both, but they never like them equally, and they always find one of those women the peak. This proves that men are either pedophiles who want chubby 10 year olds (which Riley looks like), or a full plasticpill thot that has no human qualities (such as a personality and facial expressions) left(Nicole).
Fashion models are very aesthetic, but men can’t appreciate such things and are always like “muh little girl” or “muh plastic bimbo” when thinking about/discussing women (notice that both these situations imply that men hate women with agency or mental development). I’ll have to get unhealthy surgeries to compete.
This would all be fine and dandy if men weren’t complete psychopaths with mysogynist rants about the cock caroussel (cunt caroussel is much more real) and other stuff that maybe applies to 0.5% of women even though the similar male stuff applies to 100% of men. At the same time, a lot of death and destruction is caused because of men’s horniness, and the social world is being destroyed because everything has to cater to men’s sex wants. Whores being treated too well is the result of men’s retardation,
By the way, if you want to talk about crime and terrorism (as many people here do), take a look at what percent of perpetrators are MEN lmao
Pic related, it’s what men consider normal and desirable. This woman has a mainstream career of being “bautiful”. The only alternative men know to this is fucking CP.
God I wish I were either one of you in that scenario
>plastic surgery to look like Kim K
Hollywood needs to stop itself.
What the fuck the second one is hardcore
Are you happy now Yea Forums? Your bullying and trolling lead to her anorexia and plastic surgery.
>causing Chloe to apologise
they never learn
always double down on anything
just look at trump
I'm positive this dude lost his job after you fags sent her those shoops
I heard he was deported.
shut up femcel
> I once served Chloe at a seafood restaurant up in Maine.
> She ordered the snow crab and when I brought it out I realized she didn't have a little hammer or a pair of crab crackers
> Chole responded " That's ok I don't need them"
> I walked to the back for a bit before I heard a loud bang and then screaming.
> I rushed out to see several patrons bleeding and crying around loved ones.
> It looked as if a crab bomb went off. Crab shrapnel littered the restaurant. People trying desperately to stop the bleeding on those that were still alive.
> Just then another loud bang rang out and I was knocked off my feet. I looked through the haze of butter in my eyes.
> I see Chole using her gargantuan hands to smash and tear at the crab. I look to my left and see the hostess clutching her neck as a crab claw has severed her jugular.
> I look up to the ceiling and then Chloe appears over me empty plate in hand and she only says one word that still haunts me to this day.
> "MORE"!
Have sex
Name a more iconic duo
Does she take big Asian cock?
lol this thread is still going?
cokehead dyke chloe is by far the worst iteration
That was scary.
But I still would. Unironically.
oh thank god
looks good desu, can marvel give her a comfy capeshit role yet?
Have sex.
Got cut your dick off tranny
Looks like Michael Jackson
Nice meme, shitskins age even worse.
How is this thing still going? Is Chloe our girl?
>Good trucking skills
I unironically think she IS a tranny
Propaganda. This never existed
>mental whiteoid gymnastics
re-attach your dick
That's good to hear at least. I bet they have some stories to tell.
>Tfw the bait is so effective because it's almost true.
Who else is only really into the pornstars that are unambiguously trying to look as underage as possible? Shit, most of the best girls on hookup hotshot look like they were casted at an all ages EDM night.
Pablo needs to be here mi amigo
Head like a fucking orange
Nah she'd still catch this D. All's well.
not joking, that's got to be a tranny
Dudes, she's actually fucking cute wtf is wrong with Yea Forums? Jesus.
The only reason I'm not full time jerking it to Dolly Little is she doesn't do enough anal
For the last time - leave Chloe alone
This is not your first warning but it will be your last.
If this behaviour persists I will have no choice but to unsheathe my katana, which is prohibited by ancient custom from returning to my side until it has been stained with the blood of the unrighteous
I have been fair, perhaps unduly fair. But this stops today.
What the fuck is wrong with usa where women want to look like mongrels
will she ever go "nude"
why was her role in Louie's movie so tame?
i was honestly expected louie to make her do some really slut type shit or say some lewd stuff
loooks like this was the last role of her offensive roles
someone post the chloe fuckdoll that made her leave twitter
louie hides his pedolevel so as not to be watched by child authorities
he only lets that shit loose on stage because
>lol im joking haha
I see nothing wrong with her teeth and she's pretty but yeah, she is basically trying to align her mouth in order for the upper lip to stay just above the teeth when she smiles. You can see the second smile at second 4, it's just like a reset, then she makes 2 attempts to see if she can reach that position again (from normal to smiling). Thinking: next time I have to smile, I will be ready.
>2 gay brothers
>hardcore feminist
>only doing activist movie roles
she was in the room when they said the word nigger so, there ya go
>bogdano...oh sorry wrong number
why is her voice so asmr in this video
Ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?
Why so serious?
what the fuck
Can somebody tell me where men posting on Yea Forums gets all of those memes? This town needs an enema!
Is this why Asian girls have bangs? To hide their insectoid faces or what?
easy pickings for anyone who isn't that game of boredom chick.
You did this TV, why did you bully her?
>she unironically looks like a 30 year old transwoman I know, and yes, I have sucked her dick
Its like his skin is too tight
in 2012 i ran into chloe at a bar in new orleans. when we went back to her hotel room she rimmed me for 2 hours
Incels btfo'd
Have sex
I miss her so much. I wish she was still a good girl.
not really, it was less than 3 inches
just the right amount