Self important side-actor, or disrespect for loved character?

Self important side-actor, or disrespect for loved character?

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TLJ was kino
fuck the otfags

Disrespect. It was a shit death.


Imagine having taste this shit for the 10th movie in a franchise that died with the fourth movie

>died with the fourth movie
Revenge of the Sith and The Last Jedi are the highest kino in Star Wars, watch more films

"it's a wrap!"
>Cries in trailer for 30 minutes

Clearly a soiboy boomer

Didn't they do that because the puppeteer died, and his family didn't want the character in anymore movies?

At the very least, I think it was a pretty tone deaf decision to off him the way Rian did. I'd have felt more if he were the one to do the hyperram thing. Could have sold this as a veteran knowing his shit and doing a calculated one off thing that was only possible due to his experience, instead of something akin to a woman trying to maneuver into parking spot backwards and crashing the car.

No, the puppeteer is alive, and he's the one who's complaining in the article.
The voice actor died, which is why they killed off Ackbar in TLJ.

>crying over your one line role being made into a playful joke
what a fag

Gotta admit that's funny.

But Ackbar deserved better. Funny how they talk about diversity then shit on a character who is the very definition of diverse, a literal fish dude.

>“We were only given the script on the day when we were shooting that piece of script, so each day I would come to work going, ‘Is today the day when Ackbar gets something a bit more involving?’ And I looked at my script and I went, ‘Oh, Ackbar's going out of the window. Well, that's that then!’”

>“We finished all of our bits and they asked me to come down to camera. And I thought, ‘Oh well, maybe they’re going to say thank you for being one of the heritage characters and giving 30 years and all that.’”

>“But what they did was, they gave me a Millennium Falcon sign that had the day and the date on it, the scene number, and they said, ‘Can you look at camera and say "It's a wrap?" Because that would be really funny.’”

>“I was actually in tears in the suit because I thought - after everything, after hoping there’d be something, after knowing there wasn't going to be anything else, Ackbar's final moment before he went in to the box was a big joke about ‘It's a wrap.’ They just thought ‘Wouldn’t it be funny?’ And that was the sum total of my life as Ackbar.”

Obviously a guy who has a greatly over-inflated opinion of himself from being the star of any small to medium sized scale he's ever attended.

Walk up to ten strangers on the street with a picture of Admiral Ackbar, they'll have never seen him before in their life. Or, at least, they won't have remembered.

Kinda funny if true, considering they're now piecing together a role for a character whose actual actress died due to not laying off the coke for Ep9. "Oh noes, the voice of our puppet died! If only there were a whole industry branch of actors who make a living of modulating their voices for animated character speaking roles!"

>Where are my aliens? So much for the diverse left!

Newsflash: they're deliberately trying to deracinate the Star Wars universe.

While it's not always as explicit as Asian-analog Neimoidians, simply portraying humanoid characters who are predisposed to having certain traits or behaving in certain ways due to being of a particular species is implicitly racialist. I'm just a regular average joe and I can recognize that, so you can be certain the genderqueer diversity hires running amok at Lucasfilm are all over it.

They're taking two approaches to addressing this problem:
1) feature fewer aliens and make them bland and forgettable. Have them be unimportant and just stand around in the background. Hope nobody notices them (see earth-tone lineup of squinty eyed, droopy mouth face aliens).
2) when classic aliens are featured, write them in such a way as to break the racial stereotypes of their species. (see the Twilek from 'Rebels' as an example of this: a modestly dressed, resourceful, heroic, leader. Not a sexy dancer.). This would be fine, but it often ends up delivering a character which is just a human, but with forehead ridges, thus begging the question of why make it an alien at all?

I take it back, this is sad. Imagine thinking your real-life SpongeBob SquarePants character in a space suit means shit to anybody and staking your life and career on it, and at the tail end of your existence you find out you're a borderline meaningless, dumb joke. Ouch.

what the fuck

Fug... that's depressing.

Your brain is rotting from the inside out. It's almost too late for you.

TLJ was kino he should stop whining

Fuck... that actually hit me

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>put Ackbar in instead of Holdo
>it's a 1000x better film and you literally don't have to change anything except her shitty dialog because just like Holdo Ackbar is a renwoned Rebel commander and an old friend of Leia's

I mean the movie itself is one giant joke so...

Ivan Ortega is trying to fix that in his better-late-than-never fan edit.

im not even a fan of star wars, i guess ive watched the phantom menace and the force awakens, both at the movie theaters, when they were released.

as not a fan, i still cannot umfeestand how low lucas films treated these characters.

the hate for them oozes from kk and jj and rian jonhson and the army of catladies and their pet minorities at lucas films.

MEN, like real men, old fashion men, would let politics aside and show professional courtesy to these guys.

im as far as possible from mark hammil politically speaking, but luke deserved more, the same way this character and his actor also did.

but that what you get when you let the pleb run things.

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Akbar isn't an important enough character to take time out of the movie for an onscreen death. There, I said it.

We are lucky he got a sendoff at all.

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Also wrong, the complaint isn't from the puppeteer. Its from the guy that voices Ackbar in ancillary media now since both the character and the actor are dead.

>the guy that voices Ackbar in ancillary media
lmao who gives a fuck

Read the fucking article, it literally says that it's the puppeteer complaining.

not truth, the whole its a trap meme is very important, specially in thailand brothels.

and i could buy that if it wasnt a pattern to put aside every element of the classic films and offer space to a bunch of non characters with non arcs to achieve at the end.

kylo ren is the only thing on these movies that wotk because adam driver is a solid actor and he has tragic elements that are interesting - not to mention the cool visuals.

all the rest is empty and soulless.

and its not like purple hair was more of a character than admiral its a trap anyway.

disrespect, he really should not have died the way he died

Didn't he admiral ackbar into another ship? or was that someone else? I think it was a fitting end

>not making him dab

The actor's role was subverted

20c has been deposited to your account.

>‘Can you look at camera and say "It's a wrap?" Because that would be really funny.’”

That is the most millenialshit thing I have ever heard in my life. Gas. Gas for all of them. They were all gigantic mistake.



The character meant something for real fans of Star Wars. You are not one.

It's not star wars without george lucas.

he was diverted, no one altered him

It’s a film for children

Nope, Ackbar got sucked out of the window. If my bro didn't point that out, I would barely notice.

>children are complete retards
>children are unable to recognize overarching themes


I flat out refuse to believe anyone could possibly hold this opinion.

Walk up to 10 American dudes age 38 to 46, and all of them know Ackbar, even Chad.

>implying nuStar Wars would give a single fuck about any alien character

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Nute Gunray's voice actor said he was going for Bela Lugosi. People who were complaining because they thought he was Chinese are the fucking racists.

Suicide bomber named Ackbar. Haven't we gone over this?

Fuck star wars

Sweet Vishnu, look at the milkcans on this bische!

thats what these kids dont get: being a professional and show professional courtesy to a fellow worker.

around all those really really worried people, that care so much for feelings, there wasnt one who tought: 'maybe we should buy this guy a cake or something.'

these people are shit.

day of the rope indeed

They care about feelings, but only about their own, even when they supposedly fight for others, they give a shit only about how it makes them feel, and that is why they viciously attack any pet that don't follow their script.

He is 100% right for all real fans.
And there is no debate.

>it's a wrap
>because of "it's a trap"
this is your brain on memes

This isn't news. He was pulled off stage at Celebration for trashing Admiral Gender Studies.

Also, he is the announcer in the Clone Wars, and the voice of Yoda in the animated things, so he is much more than just Ackbar.

wtf..... wow, disney has fucken destroyed this franchise

exactly. to out in perspective, robin williams did alladin voice act for not a lot of money, really cheap stuff.

money comes, massive hit, robin williams work being praised.

disney bought him a present: an original pablo picasso painting that worth a few million dollars.

professional courtesy is not for empty people who produce empty art and entertainment.

>giving 30 years and all that
He had four lines in a movie almost forty years ago. Selfish selfish selfish! Many such cases.

.......this user can't repel such a downer of that magnitude

Is there anyone from the original run to return that was actually happy with their new roles? Ford didn't give a shit, Hamil fucking despised what they did and a bunch of minor parts like Akbar seem real dour on it too.

I could see why someone would think Akbar is too minor for an on-screen death, though I disagree, but if that's the case why even include him? Either give him something to do or don't bother.

>libshit Funko Pop collector has no idea about his work on SW projects
How shocking. The smell of purple hair dye is overwhelming.

>“I was actually in tears in the suit because I thought - after everything, after hoping there’d be something, after knowing there wasn't going to be anything else, Ackbar's final moment before he went in to the box was a big joke about ‘It's a wrap.’ They just thought ‘Wouldn’t it be funny?’ And that was the sum total of my life as Ackbar.”

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>boba fett actor calls his death in return of the jedi a 'joke'

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They bought him a Picasso because he had pretty much fallen out with Disney over how they were using his character to promote and sell things. The painting was an attempt to win him over, not because they were thankful.

why does lucasfilm hate OT and PT aliens?

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That is actually fair but most fans will give a pass to anything from the original trilogy

That's depressing

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>Akbar isn't an important enough character to take time out of the movie for an onscreen death. There, I said it.

Here's why you're wrong. The Return of the Jedi made the character important. It's like in The Dark Knight, the mayor of gotham is important. He is not a strong character in the film, we don't follow his journey, but he's the mayor, he runs the city. Ackbar was the admiral and ran the fleet. It's obvious to see this with Lando answering to him.

He was a one note character, no reason to bring him back, no one demanded he come back. They brought him back. Why? Cause he's memorable. He could have died inbetween movies and that would have been more respectful. Bringing him back just to toss him away is pointless, it doesn't serve as misdirect, it doesn't do anything other than harm the audiences perception of the world you've created. You don't tell your audience "Look remember this character....THEY'RE DEAD!" it only tells your audience to not trust your story.

That was the guy who voiced the character in TLJ (the original voice actor passed away between TFA and TLJ so they had to get a new guy).
The guy from the article is Tim fucking Rose, the original puppeteer/actor who played the character in suit in RotJ and also performed Salacious Crumb's movements.

Ackbar was always a meme character. Literally no one cared about him until the ITS A TRAP meme caught on

It's just the running theme of the movie of subverting expectations, important/famous character gets an unceremonious death. You would expect one of the heroes from the OT to go out in a meaningful way.

Harrison Ford demanded Tim Rose be fired from RotJ. Ford heard Salacious Crumb talking shit after Ford got pissy about the aliens laughing over his lines, as they were instructed to. They didn't fire Rose, but they told Ford they did.

You have to be 18 to post here. My brother went as Ackbar for Halloween in 1983.

I'm not a Star Wars fan (good OT and kinda meh prequels, really awesome suite of games, but was always turned off by the fans), can anyone gimme the QRD on why Ackbar was an important character? Or why the actor was important? Just because he was a beloved meme character or is there more?

Dude, shut up. Harrison lurks here. Now he'll find out.

>not a Star Wars fan
>cares enough to want to know


Any guesses on how they manage to kill Leah with nothing but stock footage?

why not both?
still, TLJ was the most disappointing film I've ever watched

There will be fucktons of OT aliens in The Mandalorian. Screencap this.

You know for a long time I thought it would have been neat if Ackbar and Ben Solo knew each other prior to the war. Or if Ackbar could have been used to take front wheel instead of Holdo.

I hadn't the slightest clue of any of this.

For context? Dude is overreacting to a pretty small thing, was just wondering if there was more to the actor or character (even EU stuff) or if this really is a nothingburger.

Good baits

Does anyone else think these aliens would suit Doctor Who more than Star Wars? Like, they look like those rubber mask monsters you'd see in early NuWho.

Damn that’s actually pretty sad picturing the dude crying in the suit while everyone else thinks it’s a big joke


one of the top admirals of the Rebels, mon calimari leader

>TLJ was kino
>Fuck the otfags
Nigger the prequels are the kino and superb pleb filter

RIP stupid meme fish. You're a side character and if you weren't revelling in your meme status expecting to be the hero of the jewish star wars you're a failure as a human being.

>self important
you mean people with self esteem? How self loathing are you that trying to stand up for yourself is something you consider uppity?

You don't need a explanation. Whether the character is a meme or not, treating an actor like a meme is not ok. If you're going to disrespect the character no need to bring the original actor back and be disrespectful to them. They brought the original puppeteer back only to have him be the butt of some jokes.

I will guess they never kill her. Just a few blue holograms and off camera lines and you can close out the series with her still alive.

Everyone else in the movie is a suicide bomber. The bomber at the beginning, Holdo, Finn attempted it, Rose crashed into Finn on purpose, and Luke killed himself to troll Kylo.
Meanwhile, they knew Ackbar was one of the favorites, and literally threw him out a window while no one was looking.

I just hate that I have to watch the final part and validate their shit decision to keep her alive

Right but the ACTOR isn't the butt of any joke. Or it doesn't SEEM like it. I get that the guy might take his role seriously and be attached to the character but come on, he wasn't a main character and the 4 lines he delivered previously WERE hammy, and they DID come from a guy in a goofy space fish suit. The context here IS important. Like I get that it can be kind of embarrassing for people to guffaw and demand you do another trick, but crying over it? Just have a good time with it, man.

Although i'm sort of sympathetic, the fact that he's amounting his whole life as a side character is really sad in itself. He should be grateful his character is loved for being goofy, is well known and beloved. Not a lot of people get that.

If he thinks his death will be any different than what was depicted he's in for a surprise. At most he'll get droves of facebook comments or something, but it will be just as quiet and unimportant.

>literal who
>played a toy prop who turned into a meme


it was already a very jew disney at that time, so ok, that makes sense.

still, at least they made it look classy, even the PR was better.


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Why would you try to ride this until you're crying in a suit? Why not pursue other things with your career, or find something new entirely? Its his own fault he's a negative faggot

Why the fuck couldn't Ackbar have taken the place of Holdo? Most of the problems with her would be non-existent with him, and we'd actually be sad at his sacrifice.

The actor is not in on the joke, he's a guy who 30 years ago portrayed a character and was asked to come back. He takes pride in his work, he was on set with nothing to do and felt cheated an defeated. He actually isn't even the voice actor for the character. Imagine that, asking him to deliver "It's a wrap" line, when that's not what he does. They didn't respect him or his work, 30 fucking years dude. It's worth crying over. He's old, he had no idea what he'd be doing day to day, they withheld the script, but he said yes. You don't bring an oldman down to sit around in a fish costume and laugh at him. They didn't let him in on the joke, it's fucked up.

thats it. but, again, it is the core of this trilogy: they use known characters just to appeal to the old fans and offer them nothing.

worst: they killed luke and han - ford want his character killed, fine - betting on carrie fisher/leia to be important... and she has an overdose on a plane and dies. after bitching about having to lose weight.

on the other hand, hammill was a pro a get a dragon dildo on his ass.

I 100% guarantee it's because Disney didn't want any allahu akbar jokes.

Nigger the prequels and the last jedi get the same exact meme hate against the writing and directing and everything
the preuqels are not all kino but ROTS is and so is TLJ

Well it's not like he can't pick up on the joke. 30 years? I mean ok, 30 years, sure. 30 YEARS and he never had it cross his mind that Ackbar is a bit of a joke? He really thought the character was a super serious OG up there with Darth Vader, Han and Luke? Not kinda... one step above Jar Jar? I agree that yeah, maybe they could have just TOLD HIM they had a playful send off that fans might appreciate, but the dude went to pieces because he went 30 YEARS thinking he played a badass fish? Dude.

Long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...
[Star Wars theme starts]
[Crawling yellow text]
General Leia Organa has died on her way back home, leaving the leadership of the resistance in the competent hands of Rey, the last jedi.


Manufactured drama for the OG onions fans

the guy was humiliated by a bunch of retards, he has the right to get piss as much as he want.

im sure he is self aware of the importance of his character, wich doesnt make him a clown whos there to be mock.

and that coming from the WOKE KIDS, the new social justice star wars, the movie who cares about diversity and representation.

bunch of assholes. cannot have a trailer with more views than sonic.

He was a unique, recurring character in a key authority position in the Rebel Alliance who appeared in several important scenes in Return of the Jedi. He had a cool design and a nice presentation.
He was then expanded on in official Star Wars comics, books, and one of the videogames and TV series, as well as being the The Force Awakens.
He was well famous before the memes, and after is one of the most recognisible side characters from the original trilogy. Add to it that his actor is an extremely well renouned expert puppeter in the industry and did multiple alien roles in Return of the Jedi, and has basically been part of the team for 30 years.
At my work we've had cake and a whip round for people who lasted less than 6 months. This guy deserved far more for his character and in recognition of his service to the franchise.

Chewie, Jabba, C3P0, they all are non-human costumed people. They didn't need bring back the original actor is really the point. He didn't know what he was gonna do too. Had they told him what his role was, he might have said no, but they asked him back and he said yes. He thought he'd get to do something, instead he got be an extra, die, and be made fun of. He did less than his first appearance, they didn't use his talent, so why even have him there? It's a mockery of what he does, he had been a puppeteer for years and that work died in the age of CGI, being brought back for it probably lit him up, only to crush him.

I'm not going to defend the nuwars cast/producers but I'm also not leaping the defense of some weeping pedowood puppeteer
Work is work, and he got to make people happy, and it sounds like his role here was proportional to his role in previous films

oh, my mistake

Ackbar's original voice actor died before TLJ came out.

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Admiral Ackbar had multiple scenes in ROTJ, they were technically heavy and pioneering in merging set design and practical effects with actors.

This is like the guy who played Jar Jar Binx whining because the character ruined his career.

Then they would have complained about islamophobia or some shit because his name is Ackbar and he’s doing a suicide mission.

as much as i enjoyed starwars, i was never too big of a fan, nor did i follow it that hard. how big of a character was ackbar in the series?. was he really he that big of a character to justifiably get angry about?
the only thing i vaguely remember of him was like 10 minutes of him in the original trilogy, and the its a trap meme.

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why is ford such a prick?

>character was never pivotal
>sequel for the most famous trilogy of all time made 30 years later
>they invite you back for the second even though your old fish ass isn't getting bums in seat
>kill you in the film that killed Luke Skywalker
>feel you can pull the heartstrings because you got paid to do the same thing you did but this time as a geriatric but they the told you they didn't want uppity back for the third

Sure give the guy a card but don't act like your legacy was destroyed

See. You're missing the mythos behind Ackbar. He was the one who taught Yoda the force. Ackbar helped Vader develop his armor. And it was Ackbar who smuggled Boba off the planet after Fury killed Django. Plus he makes a mean shrimp stir fry.

>‘Can you look at camera and say "It's a wrap?" Because that would be really funny.’”
What the fuck dude?

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I'm 100% sure a focus group decided twi'leks were sexist

If the actor were a minority it would've been handled differently.

>Fuck it, this is sad, I'll read more about the character
>Look up Ackbar
>He is leader of a species called Mon Calamari
>Mon Calamari
If your character's species is named after food as a joke you can't really expect to be more than a meme, Anons.

I enjoy this slow twinkle of behind-the-scenes stories from TLJ.
It will make a good book/documentary one day.

This is actually unforgivable.

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>yfw disney does everything in their power to keep suing anyone who tries to make such a documentary so that it can't be released, Room Full of Spoons style

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This is just awful.


the costume designer guy in the making of movie was right
this whole elegant casino aesthetic just seems so out of place in a star wars movie

most people claiming racism are projecting

> Work is work, and he got to make people happy, and it sounds like his role here was proportional to his role in previous films

It wasn't.

I wasn't going to reply, but I just want to clarify that there's a huge difference between leading the charge in the decisive battle of the franchise (at the time) as an authority figure and walking on camera only to be blown out into the vacuum of space just to shock all of the people who liked you.

And people did like Admiral Ackbar; there's a reason they brought him back, and there's a reason they killed him. It was to elicit an emotional response from his fans.

I think the idea can work, the problem was that the whole scene felt like something from a low-budget early 2000’s Sci-Fi flick and not Star Wars because everyone was in fucking tuxedoes and normal dresses.

..My God.
What the fuck is wrong with them? This is kind of fucked up.

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disney, why....

Obey the mouse.
Just be glad you were chewed up and spit out by its mighty jaws.

>mfw i grew up watching the OT and I didn't even realize Ackbar was in TLJ and I seen it twice.
How much screentime did he have?

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millenials in a nutshell. no respect for the past just references for likes

He should have sex.

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>Revenge of the Sith and The Last Jedi are the highest kino in Star Wars

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Your lack of digits disturbs me.

Disrespect. People loved Ackbar because he was a memorable character, something that disneywars has yet to produce (excluding based kylo)

RotS and TLJ are polar opposites mate

Okay, that's just disrespectful.

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Ugh. I don't need a 40 year old fish dude to tell me what "didn't work for him" in my hyperspace ramming plan. It wasn't made for him.

>"it's a wrap!"
I don't get it

>The Mandalorian

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Nice synthesis


Wait, he dies? I don't remember that at all

when they blow up the bridge and Leia ends up in space

nuWars is trash and its fans are worse.

It's practically and off screen death. Easy to miss, which is probably what Rian was going for. Sweep some of the old characters under the rug and hope no one notices.

It will be fascinating when a sincere analyst manages to compare the moral structure of the prequel and sequel trilogy

Harrison Ford almost got him fired at the time, what a cunt.

>some weeping pedowood puppeteer
Your opinion is trash and not worth the replies you got.

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Look at all these newfags who don't know Ackbar is on our official seal of approval

Brown is the most diverse color.

It literally doesn't matter. Ackbar is the 20th credited character in the credits of Return of the Jedi. He's a meme character.

sorry disney shills but nobody believes your lies anymore

maybe you should try marvel shilling instead, the onions still love that capeshit


That's not humiliation, you fucking idiot.

>reddit spacing
>no capitalization or punctuation
>caught in the word filter
Go back.

it's all become so meta

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>It was the RUSSIANS!
>It was the ALT-RIGHT!
>It was the RACISTS!
>It was WHITE MEN!
>It was /POL/!
>It was Yea Forums!
>It was Yea Forums!
>It was REDDIT!
>It was DC FANS!
>It was BOOMERS!
>It was INCELS!
>"People hated Empire back then, too!"
>"Dividing the fanbase was intentional!"
>"It did something DIFFERENT!!!"
>"I love how it subverted expectations!"
>"It made me rethink my views on life!"
>"It emphasized muh diversity/inclusiveness/feminist quota!"
>"It was an 'intellectual' film!"
>"It made some people uncomfortable. GOOD!"
>"It was expected to not make much money anyway!"
>"lulz it's just a movie turn your brain off!"
>"China doesn't matter anyway!"
>"B-but muh sexist MRA cut!"
>"It makes some old white men angry online, but they're always angry anyway."
This is the most damage controlled Star Wars movie I've seen since any of the Prequels. The Disney shills are in desperation mode, and it's hilarious what lengths they'll go to. I haven't seen this much shilling since Hillary's failed campaign.
No amount of self-reassurance will EVER "fix" this movie. It was a complete abomination, and the defenders know that deep down in their hearts.
Disney's nu-Wars was made to pander to SJWs/baizuo and it is this very pandering that will ultimately destroy the franchise at some point in the near future. Deal with it.

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>Oh boy! I can’t wait to come back to play in Star Wars and reprise my character!
>Disney: Fuck you! Your character is DEAD! Now smile at the camera and shill, you dumb slave!
Every time!

The only people not screwed over by Disney was Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher.
The former because he wanted to die.
And the latter because Kathleen had a hard clit for Leia because feminism (even ignoring that Carrie was a drug addict that could die any time).

this year people born in 2001 turn 18

How can you even be a Star Wars fan and like the sequels more? Why would you even watch the new movies if you weren’t a fan of the old movies?

....Disney needs to burn.

This is the best year to spot zoomers, honestly. Zoomers can't remember 9-11, for instance.

>Disney killing off and disrespecting all of the old characters left and right
>even then nobody cares about the new characters that much

Damn dude sounds really pissed in the clip

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Only fucking nerds care about this literal meme character.

>You talk to people that haven't experienced 9-11.

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>It's a wrap
lel, that's kind funny.


Fandoms are all cancer

Its the ugly truth, they just hate the classic aliens from the Saga (six movies)

Same with the Geonosians, one of the most important (they build the CIS-army and the Death Star, according to Lucas the second one too) and interesting looking "bug"- species that doesnt just look like overgrown ants/mantids, Disney just made them extinct BECAUSE FUCK THE PEOPLE WHO ACTUALLY LIKED THEM, THATS WHY.

The story how the got extinct was also fucking stupid. Killing them to keep the Deathstar a secret? That thing is built in space, every ship that accidentally enters the system will see the goddamn thing. Countless imperials worked on it too, why didnt they kill them too? And then: Eradicating a advanced alien species by throwing some shitty gascontainers at them because LOL LIKE BUG SPRAY BECAUSE THEY LOOK LIKE BUGS LOL WHAT A UNIQUE IDEA

Thats not even where it ends, because then they came up with this weird comic with the surviving geo-queen that wired herself to a miniauture-droidfactory and shitted out battle droids with wings as replacement children because she was infertile or some shit.

And then Filoni tried to save this shitty situation by introducing a surviving geo-drone with a unhatched queen- egg so the species could be reestablished, until that dumb spic Hidalgo said "OH NO, THE EGG HATCHED INTO THE UNFERTILE QUEEN AND THE BUG PEOPLE ARE DOOMED, FUCK YOU ALL LOSERS"

HAHAHA, and thats not even all! Because in a new comic, the just replaced the geonosians with a similar, much more shittier looking species (OC DO NOT STEAL) picrelated, the "Pastorians".

And yeah, this post may be a autistic outrage about fictional bug aliens, but it just shows how disney just takes a big shit on the legacy of star wars in general. The movies are shit, the comics are shit, the tv-shows are shit, the games are shit.

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I don't understand this cut. TLJ is a steaming pile of hot manure, just like TFA. No amount of editing can salvage it because the source material is unadulterated trash.

Because they're literally rebooting the whole thing, and with their own shitty aliens that look all the same (we can't have problematic toydarians anymore....).

Yeah I already hated Ford but this just shows how much of a cunt he his, acting like a diva for a ridiculous joke. He always hated SW and BR then came back 30 years later for a big paycheck pretending he loves it and shilling hard for the mouse because jews own it now. he never showed enthusiasm when George owned it

wait, Admiral Ackbar died in TLJ?

That's not the point idiot. Why bring him back 30 years later and then cut him off like this?


It's not even meta at this point, these movies are parodies except that they are sold as serious material.

The former because I'm not obsessed with Star Wars enough have any emotional attachment to a character who had 5 minutes of screen time in ROTJ, but TLJ was still terrible.

I'm legit upset they didn't do that now, that's fucking hilarious.

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this is evil. i can imagine the smug roasties and smirking retards enjoying a quick meme about this poor faggot whos crying in the costume

it worked just fine in the Opera scene in RotS

I wouldn't exactly call it "evil", it's actually kinda funny. Watching Lucasfilm go up in flames is more entertaining than anything they've released in over a decade

It keeps happening

You left out the
>I disappeared down the back and couldn't come out for 30 minutes after that.

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More than you've ever done

Fuck Rian, Fuck Kennedy, Fuck Jew Jew and fuck Disney.

>tfw Leia called Ackbar out of his retirement just to die pathetically
I hate Disney so fucking much.

Legitimately sad.

And Ackbar was dressed in white. Nu wars gave him this awful commie/israeli fatigues that look cheap and fake as fuck. Makes everyone look like a peasant. these movies are so bad on so many levels. Why do you need green camo in spaceships FFS?? These morons think it's WWII

George would have had the balls to do it.


Reminder that Disney will never defile the Mandalorian Wars.

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>Walk up to ten strangers on the street with a picture of Admiral Ackbar, they'll have never seen him before in their life. Or, at least, they won't have remembered.
Sorry I don't live in fluoride water town, people will recognizer Admiral Ackbar here

He's fucking a pink make, of course they had to kill him off

The Rebellion and Resistance are literal terrorists dude.

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Have sex.

>maybe they’re going to say thank you for being one of the heritage characters and giving 30 years
>‘Can you look at camera and say "It's a wrap?" Because that would be really funny.’
lmao holy fuck

Make babies

thats really fucked up. Imagine playing a well known character only for it to be killed off cause they want to kill the past and then get treated like a fucking joke.

Based excuse pasta poster.

Disney only bought the name of star wars. They don't give a shit about the lore, or the aliens or the characters. They got the name Star Wars to plaster everywhere and for fanboys to defend only to bring up old shit and say "remember this?" before shooting it in the back of the head.

>and giving 30 years and all that
He played it for like 10 minutes in one movie. I'm sure he made his living doing con appearances off that 10 minutes, but that says more about him than anyone else

Member berries

I love you. You're doing God's work. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

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Then why include a 20 minute scene about capitalism?

the only "joke" is that in all the deaths and twists and plot threads, and new characters in the Last Jedi, the only one people care about is a cameo appearance from a C-character from Return of the Jedi.


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Cue Rian crying everyone hates the film because they're male and have dicks

What the fuck

Milky mommy yummy yummy

>rian is a millennial

>sum total of my life as ackbar
The only thing sad here is that he views himself as the character. You losers drone on about people taking comic book movies to seriously and get pissed when star wars isn't taken serious.

Gotta get em young.

I don't consider the new movies to be canon.

>Kill the past
>But bring back palpatine in the next one because the internet got too mad

why do the jews ruin everything? i swear they bought the rights just to shit on its white legacy.

lucas would never do something so mocking. what a joke.

lucas has nothing to do with star wars now

>t. r/StarWars

Killing him was the darkest day for Islam.

uh.. it matters quite alot, them regrouping that quickly implies that they either have a super advanced base that shits out men and equipment faster than the entire republic combined, or an enormous amount of republic worlds have turned traitor.

who the fuck wrote this?

same person who wrote this

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well, that explains that.

>This is canon, but the X-Wing series isn't.

Just let it fucking die.

Bacta War was some real shit

>Suicide bomber named Ackbar. Haven't we gone over this?

It should never have been a suicide attack. It should have been a self-sacrificial rearguard action to buy time for the fleet to get far enough away from enemy navigation jammers to allow a hyperspace jump.

Ackbar should have asked for volunteers and then the Mon Calamari man their guns and turn the ship around to go straight into the enemy fleet. Then there'd be a long battle scene like this until the ship is destroyed.

Why doesn't it surprise me that it's Mr. Herkily Jerkily that would put a big "fuck you" to the EU into the nu-EU without a hint of irony.

>It's a wrap.
Holy shit lol.

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>They just thought ‘Wouldn’t it be funny?’ And that was the sum total of my life as Ackbar.”

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I didn't even realize Ackbar was in the film till they said he was dead. He shows up, makes a stupid decision that gets him and the whole bridge crew killed despite the fact that he's supposed to be a tactical genius and then gets replaced by Admiral Purple Hair McFeminism. Its the same as killing Luke at the end of the film it destroys a character that had potential for no reason with no dramatic pay off.

I honestly can't fathom how they let Rian make that film, nor can I fathom how Kathleen Kennedy still has a job after failing to at least stop him from killing off the only character left in the series that anyone gave a fuck about.

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Tim Rose is the suit actor.
Tom Kane is the current voice actor who took over from former movie voice Erik Bauersfeld.

Which might have worked, but he does have a small line a while before his death, then they straight up tell us he died right after they rescue Leia. Hell, I think he's the only Resistance member who's named as a casualty after the bridge is destroyed, the rest of the guys got nothing.

Ridiculously based. Mind if I copy this pasta for use in my own machinations?

he meant Lucasfilm, not Lucas himself, just messed up the spacing.

This why the fuck would I give a shit about a show about a fake ass mandalorian. In the OT they haven't existed for an 1000 years or so. Either way they were just clones in the end.

he should be grateful to the fans, and I'll bet he is. Being annoyed at the idiots who made this stupid movie seems well warranted.

Could have taken out the Writers self insert character Holdo and had Allah Ackbar do all her shit and it would have been much better,

I heard it's going to be "seamless"

I really hope not man, if we get revan and malak and the exile on screen with the mandalorian wars under disney, the last part of my childhood will die on screen. The Old Republic is the only reason I give a shit about star wars anymore.


Sounds angry as hell


Half based

Cringe and edgelordpilled, please return to HS

>this is your brain unironically on soi

Was nu-wars a mistake?


They’re just too cheap to pay for good designs. If they were smart the movies would have been good.

>We were only given the script on the day when we were shooting that piece of script
That in itself seems like a mistake.
Aren't actors supposed to rehearse lines?

Objectively terrible writing. RJ sidelined Leia for his own goddamn fanfiction OC for fuck's sake.


Rain Johnson is based for ruining Nu Wars and fucking over Disney

Should have used Shellfish, golden opportunity right there

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Fucking rose tico in that shit is hilarious

Based (You) miner

he should have sex

Only Star Wars fags are this bad. I'm going to make up some similar headlines from characters just as relevant as fish man about their series

"The child who played the kid that Iron Man rescued in the end of Iron Man 2 says that his character being retconned into Spider Man is offensive to the original Iron Man trilogy"
"female scientist who screamed at the camera in Spider Man 2 claims reboot Spiderman is a disservice to Raimi's work"
"Mary Elizabeth Winstead 'deeply offended' that her character has never returned to the Tarantinoverse after Death Proof"

Irrelevant actor with an irrelevant character but the franchise has so much autism around it that this is somehow newsworthy

kudos on putting so much effort into this, but it sucks

Most of my posts do desu

I know this is bait but I really feel sorry for people that think TLJ is good lol


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Now this is late stage capitalism kino

Please tell me this isn't real.


Carrie Fisher? She was high most of the time.

What in the fuck is this? Just when you couldn't think directors couldn't be anymore detached from reality.

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Who is this omg

kek what a bitch

he acts like a toddler

The guy who played him in the movie isnt much for it, But ackbar was a very important and respected charachter in the books and games so theres that

holy shit we never thoughgt of this. I say we because no one has thought of this.

>And I thought, ‘Oh well, maybe they’re going to say thank you for being one of the heritage characters and giving 30 years and all that.’”


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Was Ackbar ever really that big of a deal? This guy seems way more dedicated to this bit part than he probably should be, and I don't even like Disney's lowest common denominator inoffensive bland shit.

Showbusiness was always a kike trap, but I'm fucking angry now. Ackbar deserved better.


>You're missing the mythos behind Ackbar
Fuck off, autist. He has 4 lines in the fucking movie.

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>And I thought, ‘Oh well, maybe they’re going to say thank you for being one of the heritage characters and giving 30 years and all that.’”
you could almost say his expectations were subverted

what is a joke is how disney acts like they are making the difference by trying to market a product to blacks and white girls and throwing the original audience under the bus

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there was a time where we could've gotten shaft with a lightsaber when samuel was a jedi... maybe it's not too late? i feel it's just not meant to be and nobody has the talent to really put it together.

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He was on the bridge with Leia when it blew. Leia was the only one who survived.

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all of these aliens are just brown deformed lard blobs

in a sense it’s a fitting representation of what disney’s idea of diversity looks like.

remove mouse

based and saved for further usage

I don’t even like Söy Wars but this is just depressing honestly. Fuck Disney and fuck Jewywood.

your character is dead and we think your a joke... could you just act like how we want you to act when you sign off forever?

imagine feeling like you're nothing more than a tool to make jerks money.

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Stop hitting the enter button you fucking reddit summerfag.

Rian Johnson is a walking manifestation of obnoxious secondhand embarrassment.

going day by day wondering what to expect for your character and career and only to find out they kill you off and you never work in star wars again. fucking assholes playing with people's lives and emotions for money. i hope they burn in hell.

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have you ever worked with someone who killed a golden goose?

imagine not being able to study a script months in advance. fucking awful trash.

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yeah they are. they should get time to study a script and work thing out before they are created on a set or stage. it's common and for it to not happen is super sketchy stuff.

>be all about diversity and shit
>completely ignore and shaft the alien characters


I watched the bonus footage and Andy Serkis just seemed bewildered when he was told Snoke was going to get wracked that day. Imagine being the new big bad guy only to get sliced in half.

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The problem is that they can't assess Theme, Plot or Character, so they also can't introduce incidents that would complicate a plot. Johnson's script is technically in line with Aristotle's definition of Tragedy (and his criticism of episodic structure) but it's inverted Luke by making him a Tragic figure of pity rather than fear.

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>In the Characters there are four points to aim at. First and foremost, that they shall be good. There will be an element of character in the play, if (as has been observed) what a personage says or does reveals a certain moral purpose; and a good element of character, if the purpose so revealed is good. Such goodness is possible i.e.ery type of personage, even in a woman or a slave, though the one is perhaps an inferior, and the other a wholly worthless being. The second point is to make them appropriate. The Character before us may be, say, manly; but it is not appropriate in a female Character to be manly, or clever. The third is to make them like the reality, which is not the same as their being good and appropriate, in our sense of the term.

Mr. Johnson must not agree with the Greeks in everything.

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we were promised shakespeare and got drivil and fisher killed herself and he had the people who run this trainwreck of a franchise bitching at the fans to love it. they didn't give a crap about race of feminism they just wanted to market this product to women and blacks while acting they they were trying to make a difference when it was just about money.

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To make the audience fear Han's fate and to pity Luke's own fate is the biggest subversion of the trilogy, and of course it had to be planned. Han doesn't exemplify the social value of the series, and has never been the lead character, so it dilutes whatever moral they thought they were enacting. I like the notion that Han has more social currency than Luke, but the film seems weighted toward him as well, which doesn't allow the director to play devil's advocate.

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I love Kel Dor

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