CIA says. But how did he know? A mere half inch difference yet his eye catches it, and he says so with utter confidence. Is this Nolan revealing to us with great subtlety that CIA has immense powers of observation? That this, perhaps, is the reason he could even attain a position requiring high competence? Which makes the twist where Bane takes charge that much more bittersweet. But this is ignoring the fact that CIA considers half an inch the difference between a small guy and a big guy! Is this a comment on his philosophy? Or even on an insecurity... Maybe he feels anyone taller than him at all is a "big guy".
Discuss, please, gentlemen
CIA says. But how did he know? A mere half inch difference yet his eye catches it, and he says so with utter confidence...
B (ane) ump
that's a big post
I think you're reading too much into it. CIA would have extensive training in sizing people up and describing suspects and so on. It's very realistic he'd be able to detect Bane being bigger for him.
CIA is speaking metaphysically of course. Such that the enigma bane is a manifestation of chaos. He’s no bloody joke that bane. I mean just look at him. He’s a big guy there’s no denying that. You’d be crazy, absolutely crazy to think he couldn’t kick you down the dominance hierarchy at Any second.
You forgot about weight dumbass. CIA is a beanpole compared to Bane’s barrel chest.
he saw Bane's bulge and had to make a comment
Reminder George Lucas and Rian Johnson are both 5'6''
Not true. CIA has an impressive frame and beanpoles don't have an ass like him.
So it is indeed true that Bane is a big guy for him.
Bravo Nolan
You've got it backwards. CIA was trying to mock Bane, the way you would tell a child "yOu'Re A bIg BoY." Bane correctly realized that CIA was 0.5" shorter than Bane, and turned it around
Aiden is ripped as fuck and has lots of bitches
So Bane was a manlet but CIA was a smaller manlet. Finally I get what "big guy for you" meant.
But how could he properly gauge Bane's height when he had boots on? This would surely obfuscate the height differentials when barefoot they are both within a half inch. I think there's more at play here
Who else could present psychological warfare in such subtle ways but Nolan? Truly a master of our times
I think you underestimate CIA. This is the first scene, setting Bane up as a credible villain. What use is that without a likewise credible adversary? Seeing CIA judge Bane's size so skillfully and even managing to take into account his boots (remember, CIA has probably seen a lot of boots) tells the viewer that CIA is ostensibly in control, and very smart. This makes Banes victory all the more scary. Can batman even beat this big guy?
I don't think CIA would stoop to such a level. Granted his childlike movement and apparent lack of control over his own flailing might fool the uninitiated, I believe he was testing the men to see which ones he should just shoot and throw out of an airplane. The real Bane would see through both the faked autism and the blindfolds, and give him a serious reply. Which he did.
Quads of truth, CIA was a competent professional
Unironically the funniest post I’ve read on this shitty board in months
Our guy, but he is hiding his power level subtly
He is referring to his muscles not his actual size
not gonna lie he looks handsome here
fucking based answer user
does anyone have the Avatar special edition DVD set? I want you to help me make some captures for a CIA edit. only the most kino edition DVD will do for a crossover this big
I'm so happy everyone is talking about what's important again. Fuck these tranny mods and their dialators 4U all day every day.
>>no deleted scene with preggo Anne Frank.
This whole scene, in fact, is a reference to Nietzschean philosophy. Hotheads would never understand.
First, when Agent Wilson calls Bane a "big guy" he's clearly referencing him as the Übermensch, while himself indulges in slave morality represented by the authoritarian institution that is Central Intelligence Agency. Note how Wilson never references himself as his real name. There is no individuality in him, only CIA. The essence of slave morality (represented as the "flight plan", opposed to master morality - the "master plan") is utility: the good is what is most useful for the whole community, not the strong. But he does not see beyond initial good and evil.
Also prior to the scene, Wilson shoots out of the plane without actually killing anyone. He does so out of misguided anger, furious that neither faith in god nor scientific knowledge has not given him the rest or respite he desires. At the same time, CIA shooting the sky symbolizes the death of God as a source of morality for people, leading to the unhooding of Bane, the Übermensch.
When Bane crashes the plane with no survivors, he's crashing the entire worldview based on slave morality. He's crashing old thoughts and institutions (such as Judeo-Chrsitian religion). He's crashing secular humanism. He's crashing herd mentality. He's crashing even himself, as he overcomes his former self to become the over-man. In this crash, a fire rises in the wreckage - the triumph of "life" over "logic"
Then, in the end Bane reminds Dr. Pavel that "Now is not the time for fear, that comes later!" The world is necessarily moved in a cycle, endlessly repeating all past events due to finite amount of matter and infinite amount of time. In this eternal recurrence, the plane crash will repeat - again and again.
But if life triumphs over logic, the only meaning is life then is the will to power, that means the big guy will always be in charge here.
Bravo Nolan.
where did you get Wilson from? his name is CIA
I've always been vehemently opposed to Wilson Theory. The supporting evidence that his real name isn't CIA is tentative at best and leans on apocrypha.
Anyway, how does your theory fit "them" expecting "one of us" in the wreckage? I think it might be a subtle reference to (((them))) - see how the terms neatly sound so similar?
He’s been working on Bane’s case for months at the very least, most likely years. You really think he wouldn’t have Bane’s actual height and nnd other physical description memorized?
Holy shit, I'm the same height at CIA.
Do they know those details about him though? Their working description seems to be he might be some kind of mosquito (he works for the mercenary....The mosquito man" is immediately understood to mean Bane). I think CIA was trying to say "You're a big GUY!", surprised to find him wholly human. One can only wonder what the enigmatic "for you" refers to in this context.
Reminder that Littlefinger is the same character as CIA and Tom Hardy in Dunkirk is Bane
planescenematic universe