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just finished HxH and loved it. Should I watch Code Geass next?


i love pizza hut ads

The drop in quality will make you want to kill yourself. People only watch Code Geass for the memes

>Should I watch Code Geass

That's too bad. It looked like a good show.


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Sure, it's held up well. A movie just came out that continues the story so watch that too.

Its an absolute trainwreck of a show with a 10/10 ending you should watch it

Yes watch it. Everyone needs to watch Code Geass at least once. The only negative is that the writers apparently went AWOL in the middle of season 2 but the writing in the beginning and end is solid. The movies fix a lot of the iffy writing in the middle of Season 2 but you need to see the tv series at least once.

It's good

its like death note, but for children with downs

Geass is a great show but Suzaku is a terrible deuteragonist.

t. cherry boy

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I'll try spinning, that's a good trick

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Goddamn I haven't seen spinzaku in years.

Light wishes he could be half as competent as Lelouch


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older meme but it checks out

Ay yo where the dark skinned girls at?

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Thank you for shaving me, user

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at least light tells you the reason and how he did X and Y, instead of just pulling them out of his ass because he's smart like that


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Yeah cant give 100 review because watched it like 6 years ago but i remember it fondly ,so if youve got the time give it a watch . I still find it funny that in this timeline Austrilia is a wasteland and isreal is an core arab state

I watched it when it aired. Geass sundays were the best times on Yea Forums. It was literally bigger than GoT on Yea Forums. During the season finales the entire board was filled with Geass threads. But that was pretty much the only appeal of the show. You watch it to laugh and meme about the ridiculous plot which was actually just a string of unforseeable plot twists.


anyone got any spinzakus?

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Season 3 when bros?

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Watch it you stupid asshole, bad or good, it doesn't fucking matter, it's entertaining as hell and there's nothing like it

Hehe orange boy

hopefully never

what was his tax policy?

The new movie. Best girl won the Lulubowl.

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i like how you get to see her and kallens tits for like just a second
i wish you got a sneak peak at ccs tits too

Orange? That is the name of my LOYALTY.

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What happened to that movie or season they were making? They announced that shit years ago and then nothing came of it.

rewatched the first season and it wasnt as good as i remember, a bunch of shit is just so convenient for the mc. apparently he thinks hes some genius but is actually a baboon unlike Light yagami for instance. 6/10 anime, i gave it 8/10 think back in the day

I'm at Soup!

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why not?

Weren't there talks of a new season?

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>his Death Note bait didn't work the first time so he's trying again
Not even worth a (You). If anyone actually replies to him I'll be disappointed.

Nigga, the movie already came out.

Anyone got a torrent for it though or some place i can watch it online? pls.

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They said that they're gonna be releasing new Code Geass content following the movie continuity over the next ten years.

oh shit
was it good

So Schneizel was gay, right?

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