/rbmk/ chernobyl general

guys check out my template

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Other urls found in this thread:


pat pat

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workers of the world unite, you have nothing to lose but your cellular structure

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I don't get it

I don't want it to go, lads.

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>Nobody did anything with OP's template

>not your DNA chain
come on

Epic attempt to revive a dead meme loser

Fuck off with your shitty template and shitty general.


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At least they got their fucking hats still on

when u look into the core

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guys, let's not waste the great community we have here
I created a irc channel - #/rbmk/ on Rizon.
I think we can be in general focused on general postapo and nuclear-core. These generals are more civilized than entire Yea Forums and created shitton of great content.
rizon.net/chat and enter #/rbmk/ in channel field.

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>no previous OP
faggot, link the thread in the old onne

i'm gonna miss you guys like you wouldn't believe

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I'm gonna miss you faggots

why lose us if we can become actual /RBMK/ community and watch comfy postapo core

I just want to hear the apple cutter joke one last time.

>chernobyl spin off
>no blacks again
make it happen

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Nah man, it's time to move on.
Generalfagging is cancer

One last dose, lads.

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Post based characters before they were fat

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I don't think we should stay on Yea Forums (I basically lurked these threads before). Just have irc where we chat sometimes.

>/got/ still up despite being shit
/RBMK/ is as eternal as Khodemchuk's skeleton in Reactor 4

Hopefully Jared will be back in the new season of The Expanse this fall/winter.

Literally nothing exciting happened with Fukushima. One of the many submarine disasters like the USS Scorpion would be better.

I can't find any so I'm guessing the body was already decaying when the rescue was attempted. IIRC they didn't even notice him when they made the rescue attempt at first

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They did manage to kill a load of old people by botching the evacuation

Homo detected

>nobody noticed him when they made the first rescue attempt
This game me a giggle

k-19 remake when?

Could it be kino?

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>nothing exciting happened
depends on what you are calling 'exciting'

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Kursk ?

Only if it's made in the form of a shitty bye bye man style horror film

probably because he was impaled on a ceiling and one guy was still (barely) alive so they rescued him first

good for him

an hero showing off

What did Karla Marie Sweet mean by this?

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k, fine brehs if you dont want it.

>the guy who disregarded all safety procedures and instead of wedges used only a screwdriver to keep the two halves separate
I thought scientists were supposed to be smart

I'm kinda bummed there won't be pumps in ep 5.

What was supposed to be accomplished by this?

I like how Armenians, chechens, etc are only white when it fits their narrative and minorities when it doesnt.

they dont in prypiat

That she should kill herself asap.

there will be, and they'll look brand new

IIRC the impaled guy wasn't the one operating the rod, he was his superior who was only supervising
there's a theory that an hero guy did it cause they went to class together and he got promoted over an hero lad

impressing the other boys in the lab

Do >we have stream for tonight? Twitch again?

Why is he so good lads

You'll see Jared again in the concentration camp with ghosts thing


when is the stream?

So strict

>Comrade user. You're done.

Attached: tfw youre done.jpg (599x529, 143K)

Literally everything he's ever in is pure kino, how does he do it?


Thought for the day: You're never truly lonely when you have the KGB watching over you.

maybe the reactor wouldn't overheat if we put Kool-Aid in it

We could create a /kino/ general about show that are good? Like Terror, Chern, so on

Nukes and shiet nigga

Done? Like "done" done?

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How do I get a KGB gf?

Like "lava" done?


>be humble american house painter
>get diagnosed with terminal cancer
>meanwhile some military scientists need to know how plutonium works
>humble american house painter gest selected for a 'special experiment' for the sole reason that he'll die anyway
>don't have a fucking clue what's actually gonna happen but he agrees anyway
>get injected with a large amount of plutonium with neither his knowledge nor consent
>shortly after the injection the medical team goes over some stool samples
>they realize he don't actually have cancer
>oh fuck
>let him off free anyway with the only requirement being weekly stool samples
>he dies 20 years later
>turns out he had accumulated 64 sieverts of radiation since the initial injection
>motherfucker survived a 1/3rd of a lethal radiation dose a year for 20 years

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PoC are only niggers and spics in the eyes of Americans

3d 6h


how are people still this retarded and clueless 5 episodes in

The guy at Windscale who got sectioned for trying to do Cherb , his line manager was banging his new waifu , Ouchi indeed .

>how are people still this retarded
Where do you want me to start?

i hope reactor wins in the end

the soviet diversity is not sufficient by today's western commie standarts cos it doesnt have black people

at least he probably got paid to mail the us govt bags of his own shit weekly for 20 years. worth it.

Reactor won in ep 1, user.

Black and Slav twitter have been making fun of her since that tweet

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>measured in cm

>it doesnt have black people
it does idf you count the pizzas.

human research back then was much more fun without all the pesky moralfags and ethics committees

Once in this Hell on Earth called life we get something thats Pretty Pretty Pretty Great ,
Thanks Based Chernobyl


I've no idea how Dukatposting works and I only made this because another user requested it and I put effort into introducing subtle effects to make it blend in with the rest of the screencap like subtle chroma noise, softness filter and a bit of a red push and I'm really proud of how it turned out and I just want that user to respond and tell me I did a good job

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Come lay down and have a sip, user.

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>slav twitter

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Dukatposting is a staple of /trek/, a thread made by pedophiles to gloat over how two of the characters are virgins.

Russian here. Fuck you WASP pussies.

majority of africans who came to ussr, were students, only small percent of them stayed after, it's the minority of a minority

you did a great job user, Cardassian Union thanks you, extra 800 strips of latinum for this month

it's better to let it die, look back at it and remember how fun it was than just keep going until it's not fun anymore, looking forward to the ocational /rbmk/ to pop up from time to time to remember the good times

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slavs are more like zerg or the horde or the dothrakoi from game of thrones

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But without PTSD, psychotherapy and a draft dodging dotard as president.

based giving up-user


I agree, there is no use in trying to hold on to the past.
someone tell me how to improve this

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So are we going to get to see Akimov in plainclothes getting his hair stroked or getting off the bus?

He had two sons irl, I hope we get to see him as a family man.

But panicked confused intimidated Akimfu is fine too, I guess.

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Thanks, your validation makes me feel a little bit less worthless



What does an RBMK and your mother have in common?
They both go superprompt critical when you put the tips in!

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it's a tsunami height map

>slav twitter
t. Slav

Number of intelligent, outspoken, ambitious women on the show: 1

Number of seething, petty, bitter, manchildraging incels on /RBMK/: 15000

All I'm saying is Dyatlov should've been played by a nigger

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oh fuck its almost time

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already depicted in "Fat Man and Little Boy"

Dude Russia is an imperial state, especially during Soviet times. You got POC on pretty much every of its peripheries.

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Do people even complain about ulana anymore? I haven't seen any seething in these last few threads. Anyway here's your (You)

>tfw it airs 04:30, Hitler time.

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not poc enough for hollywood standards

>Been using friend's HBO GO account
>It expired today

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Did he survived on crystal pure denial too?


This was just a random black chick tweeting tho, right? She wasn't even from the US.
>paying for streams
>not being on BtN
Zoomers out.

please write or draw bacho/pavel lewds

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are slavs watching this show? how do they feel about their poopy pants big time being made into a tv-show?

That movie took a lot of liberties with history, a lot more than Chernobyl. So much that even critics complained about it.

i don't think it matters, literally everything lavs do is a poopy pants big time

Reading from the comments that she got, she's apparently from UK. Looks like some Middle Eastern import.

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be an important enough businessman (Trump), travel to Moscow


Fuck Kohodemchuk I need memes in my /rbmk/ thread

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I bet Ritter gets laid hourly.

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We could always say it wasn't us, it was Soviet Union. Basically anything good that was made in 1917-1991 was made by heroic Russian/Ukrainian/etc people and bad - by the bloody state.

Like the Germans stopped being Nazis when they lost the war?

Attached: pavel.jpg (1024x889, 83K)

I'm the original person who asked for it and keeps posting VNMANIE VNIMANIE
I have never once entered a Trek thread, I've only ever watched (well, watched and enjoyed) TOS and the first 6 star trek movies, and I've never watched anything past The Next Generation
The only reason I became aware of the meme was through coolsvilleposting
Thank you for making my meme a reality

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Why does the Yea Forums auto-correct insist on a capitol N in Nazi?

Unironically that's what they looked like after they visited corechan

Their faces were black, not red.

it's a star trek reference

how much pussy does he slay?

pedo reference*

What the fuck accent was this guy going for?
It sounded like it changed every time he spoke
No wonder they only gave him 5 lines

Why does she mean by "accent"?
I sure those guys speak russian fluently

basic ARS symptome, skin turns red then black, if tan was powerful enuff it will be black sooner

Could anyone make a screencap of the original post and all the "I serve x" replies from the last thread before it disappears? I feel like it would make a great memory, but I'm too busy to do it myself unfortunately

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I wonder are Germans proud of Verner von Braun?

>comrade Dyatlov... i don't feel so good

So why did they make the men wear dosimeters while clearing the roof of graphite? Just to stress them out? it's not like there was any doubt that's radioactive as fuck

We'll probably get more replies with it later tonight, if somebody makes Tarakanov's speech the OP after the show's finished airing

>if tan was powerful enuff


For YOUR Based Support to the Shitposting here

Is the expanse any good?

He got us to the moon, so ....yes?

we le reddit now boyz

I actually liked it a lot that he just barely spoke anything
Other shows have introverted guys portrayed as ultimately deep and emotional, sad and stuff
He is just a very quiet guy

A damning accusation against socialism.


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Aw what a touching moment. I ship miners and ministry guy.

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>last episode has aired
>we are really done

sad, I enjoyed these threads a lot

Imagine the amounts of asspain if 't Ms Sherlock didn't exist

people of color is a disguised term for niggers, every time i see that word used for chinks - or anything other than negros - would also imply that they're yellow or some shit but chinks have some of the whitest people on earth with the "wypipo". i'd never even call it white but more like orange or pink at times when you refer to white people but no, those are not colors.

these terms are beyond stupid and anyone using them seriously is an idiot

literally grower and shower

>hbo latam airs the episode like a week late
my torrent is ready

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>It's a little early
Delivered in a clearly British accent
>I'm not in the military
Delivered in a clearly American accent


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If anybody wants to continue discussing Chernobyl after the series is over, I suggest making a /nuke/ general for various nuclear disaster related kinos, including, but not limited to:
>Edge of Darkness
>Fat Man and Little Boy
>The Hunt for Red October
>Broken Arrow
>Above and Beyond

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Why did I see concrete in the core? Concrete is only found on the roof, where it's used as fuel for roof fires, correct?

>more sieverts your grace?
Your reactor was a dumb whore with a fat arse, did ya know that?

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That also works, but it can't be /rbmk/ anymore after the show is over because Chernobylposting on its own will have officially run out of fuel.

Someone should stream all the VCE documentaries. I know there's like five of them but I only own three of them on DVD and I've never seen the other two.

Comrade you must be mistaken. I'm sorry but concrete? It couldn't be. Perhaps you saw burning graphite

The SJW movement are shit scared saying Coloureds now , although its still a recognized term, But its ok to say POC , that is How fucked up the whole race thing is in Muttland , in britbong you black , not west indies carribean black , or african black ffs
Most Niggers here Know they Black , they commit 85% of violent crime /murders an open that if you have not carried a knife and used it on another black by 10 you are not Black ! Most UK cities are lost too this shit mentality , then the Pakis raping young white preteen girls is chronic .

why was the plutonium inside the robots to kill them?

>turns out he had accumulated 64 sieverts of radiation since the initial injection

Then how much did the KGB give this guy?

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is best


Fuck those fujos with their legolas lewds, why nobody writ anything with him instead?

Now see, that's where you made a mistake. I may not know much about concrete, but I know a lot about nuclear reactors, and that was no nuclear reactor explosion on the roof.

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I think he died within 3.6 days

>wanting to form a community over a single piece of media you've become obsessed with

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Jesus that guy has almost as many moles as I do and now I wonder if I could have a chance with acting after all

I come here to feel smart. So far, it's working.

He was like the miner boss , a lily livered no working gutless wonder , got xray an died cunt

Friendly reminder that she’s real and waiting for the day when you go visit her.

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When does the last episode air?thx

there's 2 threads again, you kitten stompers

moles are cute desu
show pics


22:30 Berlin time.

for real?



If you have HBO GrossDeutschland

30 minutes ago.

>terms mean what I want them to meeeeean
>The term "person of color" (plural: people of color, persons of color; sometimes abbreviated POC)[1] today is used primarily in the United States to describe any person who is not European American or white. The term encompasses all non-white people, emphasizing common experiences of systemic racism.[2][3]

I wish there was more art of Core-Chan. I’d draw some if I were talented.

bullshit, it'll be 4:00 something pm CET. If it's 4:30 then someone actually tell me because it would make things a lot easier and comfy.

Attached: 1558976352463.jpg (1088x855, 272K)

>if I were talented.

>/Rad pol

> tetris invented in 1984


whoever drew corechan's pucci, please drawn twink pavel sucking her feminine penis

In France we watch her at 11 u'cluck tonite

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she clearly isn't american and these are british actors, so the term is used wrongly. where british niggers slaves that where forced to britain? or the poles or the turks and pakis? are those poc?

You called?

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coucou friend

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what actor is this?

no the other one

it literally killed itself rather than live in slavistan

Attached: an.hero.android.jpg (700x505, 110K)

>she clearly isn't american and these are british actors
> so the term is used wrongly
Are you retarded? How are those things even logically connected?
>where british niggers slaves that where forced to britain? or the poles or the turks and pakis?
The answer is quite literally in the definition I gave you.

Attached: race realism.jpg (600x315, 32K)

average german pussy

Only 3.6 hours left, and we'll know for sure, Akimovfag


t h r e a d__c u l t u r e

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>emphasizing common experiences of systemic racism.
bullshit and lies my man i didn't even finish your shitty post.

so if workers on roof had only 3 minutes, how long did the guy ringing the bell have? I mean the debris is right there, can't be much longer

could you not? We were having fun here.

why was the guy on the roof so clumsy?

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Wave height

He was pissed on Vodka. As would I.

who did this ???

From what I remember, it was a week or two and not a few months. Also there's a chance his body wasn't decaying since radiation makes everything squeaky clean and good for you

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whats the music that plays in the end of EP ? ambient /vocal one

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He died in 1 days after Masha , rest all died in a year

That's fucking crazy


I wanna fuck that boipucci guys


alitafags didn't deserve their fate
tranny jannys need to be tied to a post and shot

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How about some documentaries like The Atomic Cafe and Trinity and Beyond

What do you gain by lying?

this was infinitely worse negligence than anything that happened at chernobyl. stolin was completely batshit and was lucky not to kill everyone in the room

Of course, it just has to be a separate general, not show specific

Trinity and Beyond is fucking 10/10 /radkino/
that new one "the bomb" is good too, but it's more of a hypnotic music video with nukes everywhere

why didn't they show the building of the sarcophagus?

He's been doing it for weeks. Posting blatantly false statements about the incident/show. I'm still working on his endgame. Think it's something big.

She's unrecognizable today, start a petition to remove the sarcophagus.

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Have you seen any of the other VCE documentaries? William Shatner narrated at least one other one, while one of them was narrated by Adam West.


did what, comrade?

more Atomic kino.



You might appreciate the fact that one of the tracks on the Trinity and Beyond score is titled "Deus Vult".


Pretty cheesy, chomo.

>"Deus Vult".
>tries to impress with latin
no one cares. bye

i wanna see that boipucci get stretched by bacho

Was reading this article about the Fukushima disaster and just lol @ the japs, I thought they were supposed to be honorable and smart but they made the soviets look competent.

>The government gave out no information about radiation levels and people had no idea if they were going to die. Even doctors were in the dark. “We had no information for 10 days,” says Koichi Hasegawa, a doctor at the FMU.

>Fearing for their lives, nurses deserted their patients. Doctors from outside would not offer help. Even the Red Cross withdrew its staff, abandoning hospitals and evacuation centres where thousands of victims of the tsunami and evacuees from the nuclear accident were gathering. Rescue supplies sent from Tokyo weren’t delivered because nobody would drive them into the radioactive “danger zone”.

Do these nips not know what a dosimeter is?


>didn't list Threads
Nigga what the fuck is wrong with you


When is the final episode?

>Do these nips not know what a dosimeter is
perfect chernobyl s2

Sad that it all ends tonight, boys. But happy we'll see Sitnikov again.

Attached: Sitnikov.jpg (960x960, 203K)

Now why you gotta be like that

20:30 PM Pacific time.

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Will we see the BYP tho?





That's happening this winter?

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based Sitnikov posters

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Take Care all Soviet Warriors shitposters here . Cheers Based anons

which new post-/RBMK/ general name would you prefer after the show's over?
or something else?

I will nonexist after someone posts the "thank you" dialogue and I get to serve the soviet union

Jared Harris will be starring in a Edison biopic, that's all I know.

wont work because Japan lacks the depressing aesthetic of Soviet kino

come back soon. i want friends

atom is simple to catch but rad sounds better

Sitnikov has had the best scenes so far. The roof scene being the very best in the show, but also prior to the roof one and being yelled at after. I love his tiny little character arc, so effective.

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>what game are you playing

Keep it RBMK

are these ghosts?

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His performance wasn't great....

Post best radiation music.


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Well he is one of the antagonists of The Expanse, I'm only asking if the new season is this year.

The disaster was caused by an earthquake followed by a tsunami.
Thousands died from it an the entire city was totally decimated. Some of the survivors were apparently left to fend for themselves for over a week after the japs got spooked by radiation.
No one on the island has seemingly ever heard that radiation can actually be measured and act like superstitious retards.

communist atheism forbids ghosts, user.

its radiation i aint gotta explain shit

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because he gives a shit about his work

New thread


Thanks Take Care Soviets , we were Blessed through this whole shit storm ok .


bitch nobody migrated to the USSR it was a slavic cesspool how can a person be this dense holy shit

This guy did a great job as Jory Cassell in GoT S1 as well.

IRL Sitnikov actually went up to the roof of his own volition (Fomin still thought he was lying about the explosion anyway). Not sure if that would have worked as well in the show.

MODS !!!

What a horrible voice.

he's a very likeable character despite only having a few minutes of screentime but I can't really place why.
cringe and fominpilled

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>act like superstitious retards.
sounds like nips

none of those people were given any jobs in eastern europe. if at all they were employed as miners or whatever in siberia/central asia

>wave hit
>chinks die
>reactor break
>radiation scary
>no food or shelter or help
>more chinks die

nuclear fuel pools look like mountain dew? fuck this video.

what's he so upset about here?

After Chernobyl Shcerbina was sent to deal with armenian earthquake. That would be some spin-off

then how we would see his skin turning brown from radiation?


don't care, fuck the soviets, it was their failt

If you can be bothered, cut him out and put core-chan as his background. Then put the text below or above the image instead of overlaying it. Also maybe get a soviet-looking font

we only got light yellow and light brown here

Listen I get bad places love the bants here