I know he's a BAD Godzilla, but Zilla is a cool looking monster

I know he's a BAD Godzilla, but Zilla is a cool looking monster.
He doesn't look as bland as Cloverfield or the MUTOS even tho he's just gray.
The fact that the Animated series is good and kinda redeemed it just show that he's wasted potential.

Attached: godzilla_1998_zilla__transparent__by_jacksondeans_dcy1f4b-pre.png (1096x729, 694K)

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They tried to give it pearlescent blue hues on the back but the shaders weren't quite up to it. In some night shots you can see a little of it. They had it so it the creatures color matched the general surroundings. In the day shots it was gray like the overcast sky, bluish and green at night, and brownish in the underground scenes. They originally wanted a chameleon color palette like the dino in Jurassic World but compromised in the end.

This. The movie would have been much better if it were called “The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms.”

It really is a ripoff

When Godzilla 1954 came out it was also thought of as a knockoff of The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms.

>They tried to give it pearlescent blue hues on the back but the shaders weren't quite up to it
Like Zilla Jr?

Attached: Godzilla_The_Series_-_Monsters_-_Zilla_Junior.png (1007x765, 994K)

Attached: 1559576076130.jpg (2480x3508, 1.36M)

uh-huh yeah

As a kid who loved dinosaurs (and godzilla) this movie was the shit. A really great experience.

There were magazines, stands everywhere, tons of commercial tie in (the taco bell dog), toys all up and down isles, a cartoon.

He's a great godzilla in his own right.


Attached: Zilla.jpg (500x512, 154K)


It's fine as a monster movie, just not a Godzilla movie.

>He doesn't look as bland as Cloverfield or the MUTOS even tho he's just gray.
He's literally a disproportioned TRex. Cloverfield and the Mutos are both infinitely better

Because the American version cuts all the stuff that tells it apart from regular pulp shit like Beast

did they purposefully design him to look like a guy in a lizard suit only to have it be cg in the film?

I always liked the design and the movie is better than it's given credit for.

Attached: godzilla finger puppet 1998.jpg (300x300, 9K)

It was supposed to be a guy in a lizard suit.

There are scenes where someone is wearing partial prosthetics/costumes. In particular when he's digging underwater and the helicopter chase scene.

ah ok, just wondered because it looked like cheap cgi all over the place, except maybe for the last bridge bombing scene which looked like cheap practical effects.

godzilla vs a pack of zillas

big lizards are sexy

>He's a great godzilla in his own right.
I never thought I'd see contrarians so desperate to feel special that they'd endorse Godzilla 98. And to claim the cynical (((merchandising))) makes it a better movie is really odd. Suspicious almost.

Watch this and try not to cringe, faggot:

If you called him super t rex I guess it works.

gorosaurus more like it

He's easily the sexiest zilla

1998 is better than some japanese godzilla movie.
Most of them were mediocre

It should've just been it's own monster movie.

Attached: dino in manhattan.png (796x342, 219K)

how can I cringe when I am crying so much?

Attached: sad.jpg (400x400, 20K)

yeah, that's exactly how I feel about the entire giant monster franchise.
(40 years later...)

I would unironically watch that.

Mutos look like shit.

Its a nineties movie. What are you expecting out of it? There are over 30 godzilla movies. I wouldn't expect a pleb to understand though.

This is genuinely really cool. Why are you such a fucking pansy?

It really makes me wonder if some of you fuckers watched different Godzilla movies than me, because they are all poorly-acted, have shit effects, shit stories, and are just generally shit. At least 98 Godzilla looked good.

>I know he's a BAD Godzilla, but Zilla is a cool looking monster.

Smartest thing Toho did was establish that Zilla is a unique character and not an incarnation of Godzilla. So since he isn't a "poser" anymore and just one more monster in the Toho roster, he can be accepted as his own thing.

I agree. But Zilla looks considerably worse

How is it cooler than Clover? Looks way more bland than Clover. It's just a fucking big dinosaur. Movie sucked shit, whether or not this was Godzilla.

looks like some good fun to me, you joyless faggot

Zilla's a fantastic design, recognizable but original. The cartoon series uses it even better. Mutos look way, way too robotic. They don't look organic, they look like stealth bombers. Every kaiju has some real world creature inspiration, what are Mutos?

That's because it's a trex

The soundtrack and main song is one of the best songs ever written. Puff Daddy destroyed that!


I am convinced Roland Emmerich has some sort of foot/macro fetish

>what are Mutos?
Radioactive Staple Removers

Attached: 90305300.jpg (480x480, 22K)

>That's because it's a trex
You're either blind or just parroting retarded opinions.

I want her bros

Attached: Godzilla-1998.jpg (618x412, 47K)

Bro look at it. I don't even hate the movie, but it's probably the most boring monster design in decades

One thicc bitch

>Zilla could have been in King of the Monsters as one of the side kaiju
>she would have bowed to Godzilla at the end
>both pro- and anti-Zilla people would be happy

Attached: Zilla (RotE).jpg (1280x720, 130K)

I like the design
Most kaiju just look big goofy animal, which admittedly has its own charm.
Cloverfield is too edgy and tryhard. It's like something 8 year old would design after browsing AvP wiki.
Mutos and Zilla are in the sweet spot

His rights likely belong to sony instead of Toho so I can't imagine that would be an easy inclusion

Even if Toho does own the rights, they are notoriously stingy with giving monster rights out, so it WB wanted to get another monster for a C-list cameo, they would likely go with someone more fans would appreciate like Angirus

I agree
>That rainy atmosphere
>BASED Jean Reno one-liners
>Genuinely scary moments
This is a good movie.
Godzilla purists can fuck off

Only good Godzilla movies are the first one, the 1984, the one with Biollante, the one with Destroyah, 2014 and Shin. All the others range from barelly correct to dogshit.

I did not watch King of Monsters.

The movie obviously tried to bank on Jurassic Park, but most monsters are just "(animal), but bigger"