/RBMK/ - Chernobyl General

Today's the day, lads - Finale Edition
Previous thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/text/Fuck this westcuck propaganda shit Get back to your niggers filming Wakanda-tier shit and don't touch the slavs Goddamn amerisharts/


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Not a single nigger


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>the rooftop scene

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I'm not going to stay awake for tonight's episode, lads
don't PM me spoilers

lmao, you're the one saying technobabble you autist.

It's been great, /RBMK/. I'm gonna miss you all. Heck, I'm even gonna miss the tripfags. do you believe that?

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>Last episode tonight
Comrades, it has been a privilege shitposting with you

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ill believe it if you come out as braindead

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>Anonymous 06/03/19(Mon)14:04:39 No.11606
why are you going to leave user?

>I'm even gonna miss the tripfags
im gonna miss the "hidden" posts

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jesus christ what is that quote?

These threads have teached me what online friendship is.

oh these threads will continue for a while. then in a few years some newfags will come and say "hey how come nobody ever talks about chernobyl?"

That's gotta hurt!

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Post handsome characters

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sloppy hands

>that ok?


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you know you can just click the post No.# and itll open the reply dialogue it already quoted.

>*interrupts you* I KNOW WHAT'S IN VIENNA

It does

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>he doesn't have Yea Forums x filters so that hidden posts literally nonexist

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/RBMK/ post the smiles

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Wtf I just saw the first episode and I could almost feel the radiation man that shits scary

report to happiness, comrade

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Other sites might be more your thing dude.

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Anymore pics from Chernobyl like this? Not interested in the Japanese cases.

Are you that bothered about it Carole?
You're like a 12 year old girl telling my I didn't tear the crust off of my pb&j sandwich.

shut your sloot whore mouth

explain? I use Yea Forums X but want to filter tripfags but leave replies. i was told this was not possible.

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Attention BajoRussian workers! I just fucked Ulana, I fucked her right here in the hospital. Do not ask how I got my hat back. That is all.

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It got really bad towards the end. I am glad it's going to die tonight.

Do you taste metal /rbmk/?

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Can someone shop in Dyatlov's face in this? I can't do any editing to save my life

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>I could almost feel the radiation
No one can.

well maybe
but this faggot seems to think I can't operate a keyboard.

I'll post when he apologizes.

I got plenty more


It is possible. I'm sleep deprived and will go to sleep now until before the episode and don't want to bother explaining it, there's an option to hide replies to hidden posts and a different one for sets of filters.
Okay 50yo ukrainian boomer

>Not interested in the Japanese cases.
Why? burns are burns

>good pussy really breaks a nigga


Akimfu #1

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>HBO is shit
>but makes the best TV-series

Why man. It's like 90% chance with this nigga that the series is shit but if it's the 10% then it's TV history.

>Okay 50yo ukrainian boomer


dud, your a dud

You are but a meatbag held together by really tiny legos which radiation can mess up good. Sweet dreams.

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take a look at the core comrade

>not $3,600.00

>no mask
>visible interference from the radiation
the absolute madlad

Well i should say I care only to see Chernobyl victims.

Was he alright?

I like you, please keep posting.

This guy

Been reading up on nuclear accidents recently and found some neat facts:

>Fukushima had a sister plant that unlike the other one was able to keep itself under control

>2 men were killed and another fucking impaled to the ceiling by a reactor shield plug in an experimental American reactor

>The Leningrad NPP (also an RBMK) nearly became a second Chernobyl no less than 10 times

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Who received the highest radiation dose in history? Was it Cecil Kelley? He got even more then Ouchi did.

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Very sad

>I care only to see Chernobyl victims.
you realize it's pretty much the same effect around the world, right?

>implying these generals will end

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How do I quote other people so they know I'm talking to them?

taste the metal , go up on the railway bridge with your baby

Has any other miniseries been this meme-rich?

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>The first accident at the plant occurred shortly after the first unit came online. On 7 January 1975 a concrete tank containing radioactive gases from Unit 1 exploded; there were no reported accident victims or radiation releases.
>Less than one month later, on 6 February 1975, the secondary cooling circuit of Unit 1 ruptured, releasing contaminated water into the environment. Three people were killed, and the accident was not reported in the media.
>On 28 November 1975 a fuel channel in Unit 1 suffered a loss of coolant, resulting in the degradation of a nuclear fuel assembly that led to a significant release of radiation lasting for one month. Immediately after the accident, the radiation level in Sosnovy Bor, 5 kilometres (3.1 mi) from the affected power unit, was 600 mR/h; in total, 1.5 MCi was released into the environment.[13] The exposed inhabitants of the Baltic region were not notified of the danger. The accident was not reported in the media. (Practically the same accident occurred in Unit 1 of the Chernobyl Power Station in 1982.)
> July 1976 and again in September 1979, due to a poor safety culture, fire broke out in a concrete vault containing radioactive waste. Water used in extinguishing the fires was contaminated, leaked into the environment, and entered the water table. This was not reported in the media.
>On 28 December 1990, during refurbishment of Unit 1, it was noticed that the space between the fuel channels and the graphite stack (contaminated during the 1975 accident) had widened. The contaminated graphite was spilled, and the radiation levels in the space under the reactor increased. Radiation was detected 6 km away from the unit, but this was not reported in the media.
>On 3 December 1991, due to faulty equipment and lax safety rule compliance, 10 new fuel rods were dropped and damaged. The staff tried to conceal the accident from the management.



awaits soviet bullet

Life is life

na naa naa na naa

More miner qt pls. Pls this is our last chance.

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>In March 1992, an accident at the Sosnovy Bor nuclear plant leaked radioactive gases and iodine into the air through a ruptured fuel channel. This was the first accident at the station that was announced in the news media.
>On 27 August 2009, the third unit was stopped when a hole was found in the discharge header of a pump.[16] According to the automated radiation control system, the radiation situation at the plant and in its 30-kilometre (19 mi) monitoring zone was normal.[16] The plant's management refuted rumors of an accident and stated that the third unit was stopped for a "short-term unscheduled maintenance", with a restart scheduled for 31 August 2009.
>On 19 December 2015, unit 2 was stopped (scrammed) due to a broken steam pipe. No radioactively contaminated material was released. The situation inside Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant and the industrial area around the station has not changed and the radiation level remains within the limits of natural background values.

Rome technically isn't a mini-series but i would still group it with this.
same goes for The Terror.

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Impressive Comrade, Order of Soviet Shitposting for you

this so much after seeing reckt vidyas

this is some ancap tier shit

>core at 56.1 precent, comrad

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if 36 then rbmk 1000s can explode

The terror

I get what you're saying. But I'm interested in seeing burns specifically from Chernobyl because we are watching a series specifically about that, and i am interested in those specific people. This isn't about radiation burn research, user


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better luck next time

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>nothing on the peak

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It's a scam, the sellers location is Lithuania so it's almost guaranteed to be from the Ignalina power plant.

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click on the string of numbers on the top right on their post, new guy. Better yet, leave and never come back, this isn't the best place to be.

Holy shit imagine Saint-pete turning irradiated ghost-town instead of some shithole in bumfuck Ukraine. All the architecture, infrasctructure, all going to shit becoming abandoned and slowly withering away. Boy that would be spectacular.
Though I'd rather it happened to moscow desu. Fuck the spoiled, privileged cunts growing up there thinking they know shit about russia.

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Rome was Based

Best face coming though plastic

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Not great but not terrible, carry on comrade.

>uh, sweetie :)

Well Lithuania was soviet, so he's probably not lying.

You answered me and helped, therefor I think you don't mean that I should go.

>not changing the name after the fall of gommunism
its like they don't care that naming nuclear shit after Lenin has been proven as cursed

anime is shit for kids. the grownups who watch it tend to be sexual predators.

tell him lurk moar

So I bought an medical surplus, as-is geiger counter off eBay cheap. Not only does it work, but it came with a spicy rock check source taped inside.

its the "have sex biorobot" face

single time or cumulative?

slavs look inbred

anyone have a link to the may 20 episode thread when it was playing?

worth juggling grathite

when's the next episode?

swallow it to get some rads.


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this my fav

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More horrible radiation burns/deaths!


3d 6h

dump your CORE-CHAN pics for the love of god

>Albert Stevens (1887–1966), also known as patient CAL-1, was a victim of a human radiation experiment, and survived the highest known accumulated radiation dose in any human.[1] On May 14, 1945, he was injected with 131 kBq (3.55 µCi) of plutonium without his knowledge or informed consent.[2]
holy fuck lmao

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K big boy, now don't you have the FOTM capeshit to watch? Your wife's son is getting bored waiting for you

I can't wait to see the completely by-the-book safety test performed admirably by our highly skilled comrades in reactor number 3!

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this is great


How do I achieve this look?

Putting isotopes on your friends coffee is the most rad prank invented!

did they have pluto then

was nuclear power a mistake?

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Can't believe this plotline went nowhere after so much build up
Yet another show ruined by DnD

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I only have love for these pic relateds

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are... are you okay user?..

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Congratulations, comrades. You are the last of 3,828 threads. You have performed your duties perfectly. I wish you good tendies, and repeating digits. All of you are awarded a bonus of 800 (You)s.

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>he was injected with 131 kBq (3.55 µCi) of plutonium without his knowledge or informed consent.


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>reaktor at 200MW an rising, komrad dyatlov!!1

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>Call the justice league.

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Based katty couldnt do any worse than the 3 stooges

das rite slavboi

Start off like pic related, then get fatter.

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pic is literally me operation a RBMK 1000 on 4/26/1986

I serve the /RBMK/

I serve the soviet union

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I serve the Soviet Union.

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How much did Burgorski get?

one scorpion killed

I serve atheism.

watch it comrade

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I serve Harry Potter!

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Finchy was Based , did all the Masha hot roof conscripts dead


I serve the Yea Forums union

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>these frogs are delusional, take them to the vet.

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Never getting to wear that hat

I serve the soviet union.

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It gets better:
>Stevens was a house painter, originally from Ohio, who had settled in California in the 1920s with his wife. He had checked into the University of California Hospital in San Francisco with a gastric ulcer that was misdiagnosed as terminal cancer. According to Earl Miller, acting chief of radiology at the time, he was chosen for this study because "he was doomed" to die.[1]
>When specimens were taken during Stevens's cancer surgery, Earl Miller took them for radiological testing; Scott collected urine and stool samples.[1] When the hospital's pathologist analyzed the materials removed from Stevens during surgery, a startling conclusion was made: Stevens had no cancer. Evidence was that surgeons removed a "benign gastric ulcer with chronic inflammation."[6] The hospital staff reacted with disbelief. There had been no reason for surgery, although the size of the inflammation was extraordinary.

>not shopping a mini smug pepe on his pee pee
wasted opportunity

excited but sad :(

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Its only same as MK Ultra shit

i serve the shitposting union

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Union of Anonymous Shitposting Boards

so what was the point of pavlel killing dogs, some sort of come and see death of innocence shit?

NO THE SHOW CAN'T END, I HAVE STARTED FORMING FRIENDSHIPS HERE. there's Mentalcrash, core-chan poster, denial of graphite-guy and so many more. I'm not ready to say goodbye...

>start up episode 2
>Le epic know it all hard working woman wakes up

He tried to bring friends

truely shocking ,land of the free , would Never happen in Mother Russia Comrade

I serve and am Brukhanov communsit

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it was dr. pavel's origin story
he got so sad by having to kill doggos that he left his mechanic job and studied nuclear physics to avoid such a doggo killing disaster ever again

of course, then CIA got to him and we all know what happened after that

the generals will continue.

You're in shock.

it's hard to say, they estimate between 2000-3000 grays which would sum up to a crapton of sieverts

.i. to you all

Pripyat. Home.

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Pretty much the only downside to the series was that stupid feminist crap. She literally didn't exist so you know exactly why she was put in the show.


i serve the union

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it's just like the terror threads again...

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Don't give him false hope. The generals will fade fast and he'll be alone again.


>As it was believed that he had received far in excess of a fatal dose of radiation, Bugorski was taken to a clinic in Moscow where the doctors could observe his expected demise. However, Bugorski survived and even completed his Ph.D

holy mother of CHAD what a based russian

Is this Legasov's comfy sofa?

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Did the Doc treat Captain Bries Fungal hobbit feet ?

holy shit its real

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On the one hand, i really wish to see tbe final episode
On the other, i don't want this to end...
spin off where everybody lives when

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No, it's just a surplus graphite moderator that was never used.

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I serve the big guy

hey stalker


>befriending a tripfag tranny
consider suicide

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Thank God "unzips graphite"-guy left. That guy was pure cancer.

I went there by google street view the other day. Thete is guys sitting there all around.

And what's worse, no more Akimovposting

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It's because you have Asperger's syndrome. You want things to last forever because endings signal change and change is a stresser for you.

This is so dumb and unfunny that it's actually kind of funny

Based aaahhhhposter

Is a new STALKER renaissance upon us?

Not great not terrible

the usurper dyatlov
the usurper fomin
the usurper bryukhanov

I serve the /RBMK/

could be a futon

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he needs busting by the big soviet

I'm just salty I missed boilerposting, because I'd been amused by that whole thing for years.

i serve the soviet union

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What an ironically autistic analysis

not enough brukunov posting

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I cant wait for them to delay the game in 2021

next xmas

will they make an appearance in the finale?

Bannerlord will be released 4 years before Stalker 2

Lose the mustache and he'd kinda look like a young James Doohan





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Thank (You).
Thank (You).
Thank (You).
Thank (You).
Thank (You).
Thank (You).
Thank (You).
Thank (You).
Thank (You).
Thank (You).
Thank (You).
Thank (You).
Thank (You).
Thank (You).
Thank (You).
Thank (You).
Thank (You).

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Poor Sitnikova, she won't get to run her fingers through that hair for much longer. Who will comfort her, /rbmk/?

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comrade, you are a shitposter. so am i.
Now explain how can you form friendship with tripfags? not with the Board, with tripfags


i remember watching a documentary about nuclear dissasters with my father when i was little, and the case of the SL-1 and the dude that they found on the ceiling was in it, good ol' days

>The No. 7 shield plug from the top of the reactor vessel impaled the third man through his groin and exited his shoulder, pinning him to the ceiling

I spy based as fuck big guy Yuvchenko

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They were in the trailer.

>she won't get to run her fingers through that hair for much longer

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Ahem it'd be nahooi anonchik

We are all eternal shitposters stuck here like ghosts , Trips are the Demons

Can Paul Ritter actually get award nominations for Dyatlov or was his part too small?

t b h i prefer him fatter

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Oh fuck

this comrade comes to your NPP and slaps your core's ass, wyd?



I was so sad when ben shapiro died

Am I the only one who thinks the way she says that, especially the word FIRE, is hot as shit?

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I want to impregnate her.

trips are the shit you have to step over

It's actually neither, suka = whore, hui = dick, nahui = on a dick

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why are there SO MANY fucking units to measure radiation? every single article I read about people who have endured high amounts of radiation uses a different unit, some even use different units that measure the same perspective of radiation.

this isn't even a comprehensive list.

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But lil Mo Burnt his dinner so he smashed it her crying face user

>even the guard got rekt

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Whats everyones favourite depressing soundtrack so far?

Definitely the door for me



Theres so many bugs its like Starship troopers

So we go rum-bum-bum-bum
Yeah we rum-bum-bum-bum
Feeling hot hot hot -- Feeling hot hot hot - Oh Lord

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>I don't know them. Fuck them.
>A этих я нe знaю. Пoшли oни в жoпy.

cos it's rad


only the SI unit matter


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Probably for the same reason there's like four different measures of temperature.

I say four, but it's really more like three and virtually nobody except some Austrian cheese makers or whatever use Reamur.

Liked her songs


Standardization didn't get widespread until recently and as you can see from the chart, those measurements tell different things Exposure=/=Absorbed dose

>implying roentgen isn't the most aesthetic and based unit of measurement imaginable

too small

Good thing she's Irish then.

depends which courntry you from

stream pls.

suka = bitch

it's not great, but not terrible


Fuck this westcuck propaganda shit

Get back to your niggers filming Wakanda-tier shit and don't touch the slavs

Goddamn amerisharts



>opening shot completely yellow
>slow zoom out shows big yellow pump boy
>Khodemchuk appears behind it

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>all good, comrad

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Ghoul detected , Tod says our Ghouls are 7 TIMES BIGGER

but they are britbongs

are there perchance photos of the dude on the ceiling?


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What was his endgame?

I'm kinda sad that we won't see the pumps. I'm a bit of a completionist, heh...

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it took them a month or so to devise a plan and means to unpin him so he can get buried, do you really think they had time to take photos?
not even joking, they constructed a 6 meter long stretcher, practiced for weeks, then used hooks and shit to unpin him till his body fell on the stretcher.

Abandon all hope to ever comprehend the dark, forbidden knowledge that is russian swearing. It is not meant to be understood by a non-slav.

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>life a few hundred kilometers away from Leningrad NPP

Bongs Based Kino makers ever

>be Sitnikov
>peacefully resting before another day of work at the plant
>big explotion
>phone rings, theres and emergency and everyone must go to the plant
>wait outside not knowing what is going on
>workmate comes for you asking where the keys for the dosimeters are
>useless kid doesn't understand where they are so you go with him
>start doing readings and realize shit is really bad
>everyone is in shock so you go tell the superiors
>they don't believe and send you to check the reactor
>look at the reactor
>it's exposed
>realize that you are doomed just because your useless workmate couldn't find some stupid keys
>end up suffering a slow and painful death over the next few days

Personal fav

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archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/text/Fuck this westcuck propaganda shit Get back to your niggers filming Wakanda-tier shit and don't touch the slavs Goddamn amerisharts/

I serve the Soviet Union

Based grandad worked at core for her

нeт тoвapич

>it took months to get a Plan
>they didnt had time to take a pic
you can have only one

seems to be a racist and I don't believe that belongs in Yea Forums


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I serve the soviet union

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>end up suffering a slow and painful death over the next few days

For Soviet Union Comrade

>the KGB guy in the back

It's not fair, Sitnikov is best boy.

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I serve the Soviet Union

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I serve the Soviet Union .

God help your poor soul then

I serve the soviet union.

I serve the /RBMK/

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Just don't ask her for a handjob.

brehs, let's not waste the great community we have here
I created a irc channel - #/rbmk/ on Rizon.
I think we can be in general focused on general postapo and nuclear-core. These generals are more civilized than entire Yea Forums and created shitton of great content.
rizon.net/chat and enter #/rbmk/ in channel field.

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Oh geez, I wonder how it ends.
I hope they save the world.

radiation was at chernobyl levels inside the building, the cleanup crew had minutes to come in, unhook the guy and gtfo
the guys basically fucked up on a regular check-up as one guy was supposed to inspect the control rod but he took it out too far, some 60 cm instead of scheduled 10, there's even speculation it was a suicide cuz how do you fuck up that bad

я финн, кaкaя дyшa?

There's always one.

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>let's get this graphite out on the roof


Thank (You).
Thank (You).
Thank (You).
Thank (You).
Thank (You).

In the UK at Windscale there was a process worker who tried sabotaging a rod to be an hero .





At this point I can't even care, twitter is guaranteed to have a retarded opinion on literally anything. Nobody should ever listen to anything posted on twitter since the collective IQ is like sub 80

I serve the Laughing God.

Attached: mot.png (500x489, 339K)

kek, I read up on the windscale fire but didn't know they also had a shitposter

It has sort of this rancid, metallic taste.

I serve the Soviet Union

тo пoгoвopкa пpo лaтышa

>sub 80
moar like 55

more like 36

Just butchred 5 guys while they were praying in that Pripyat concert hall

Attached: quaid vs quran.webm (640x480, 2.38M)

Will they make a sequel to this series?



that would be fuckin great tbhwichufam

Given that it was months, im more then positive they got at least ONE pic of him

After Windscale the Nuclear Energy group , focused on Health and Safety than productivity.

Its more about everyone on Twitter being massive attention whores, so they're willing to shit their pants and act stupid if that gives their otherwise worthless tweets some attention.

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Fukushima was boring and uneventful, no one even died.

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needs this soundtrack


Fukushima spiders went retarded. Thats kinda interesting.

Attached: Fukushimawebs.png (651x435, 270K)

god i wish that were me

I think that also happened with Chernobyl spiders.


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>Heck, I'm even gonna miss the tripfags

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Yuvchenko's story is amazing. Guy was near ground zero of the fucking Chernobyl reactor and he's still alive today. The radiation dose he received has a 50% chance of being lethal. Based big guys represent.

Yeah he received gamma burns from holding open the door to the core. It's really amazing that he survived that. He said his size (he was big) helped him survive. He received multiple blood transfusions and skin grafts

Attached: 01_95_chernobyl_s01.jpg (1200x802, 176K)

The only woman to die directly from the disaster was also a guard. Poor fucks.

>22 fanfictions
>none of them have Bacho/Pavel lewd scenes

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the bigger problem are the millions that get baited