
>did his own stuns

why will he never be in the same league as arnold?

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Because chinese don't have souls

Don't forget tax evasion!

arnold is buff, that's like 80% of his appeal

Nah he hates this lesbian daughter so people think it's cool to hate him now

He's asian, simple as that.

>communist shill

Because Americans typically associate European accents with exotic attraction, while Asian accents just make you sound dumb.

Because his son got busted with Lbs of pot and he rejected and even said good riddance on his sentencing!?????

But was he Governor of a state?

Popular where? The US? How popular is he around the world? He may be more popular than Arnold and you don't know it

>why will he never be in the same league as arnold?
They're both huge action stars, kill yourself faggot OP.

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>literally thinks marijuana is a drug
>hasn’t had a relevant role for 15 years

Idk take your pick.

>did his own stuns

The Foreigner

Yes he is a foreigner, I said that in my post

Hes way bigger than Arnold in China

>hates fags
that's a good thing, trannies
go dilate

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What relevant role did Arnold take in 15 years

remember when they tried to force jacky chink down our throats year after year to try to make him a thing?
> teaming him up with likable whites
> teaming him up with comical blacks
> the moronic solo releases like "the Tuxedo"
you can't force a star no matter how much you shill.
Also in this category:
> Gerard Depardu
> Steve Coogan
> Simon Pegg

Jackie is in a league of his own. He is the greatest action star of all time and a modern day Charlie Chaplin.

> teaming him up with likable whites
> teaming him up with comical blacks
Those movies were successful though.

Unbelievably based

No, the Foreigner is a movie he was in that was relevant

Nothing as iconic. Other than himself in that animated show I grew up watching, I can't think of any character names he's ever played but I've probably seen most of his western films and some of his Chinese ones. Arnold is remember and known for his iconic characters. That's why.

>the Foreigner is a movie he was in
>that was relevant
lol no

There was some zoomer song on the radio I heard recently that had Jackie chan every two sentences, is that relevant?

>remembering character names
in half of his movies his character’s name is “jackie”
what could be easier than that

Because he doesn't know about the nothing that didn't happen on June 4th, 1989.

>the nothing that didnt happen
So something did happen! commies btfo


I love Chang but hes a manlet.

Arnold was likeable in real life. Jackie Chan was a prick to everyone around him in life.

I smoke weed all the time and even I think this is based. I can respect that dedication to your beliefs.

He is in deep with triads. Him and Jimmy Wang Yu. Probably more than 3000 dead chinamen between them.

I think Jackie Chan is several levels above Arnold

didnt he throw his son across the room or something funny? what a champion

Nighers do that all the time yet you still support them.

>tried to force him to make him a thing
Jackie Chan was already a thing by the time those movies came out you dumb zoomer

> I repeat lines I've heard in DVD commentary tracks

weed is a drug you fucking retard

Has his own race team so he can't be doing too bad

didn't he also cut his son out of his inheritance because his son smokes weed

the video of him telling the fish to roll over and then rubbings its belly is nice

Chan has said that he doesn't actually like doing western movies because they don't allow him to do more than few takes and then just fix any problems during editing. He only did it Rush Hour and Shanghai Noon for the money.

also he doesn't like how the west does action scenes with 100 billion camera cuts

His son tried to make it as a large scale dealer. Fuck his son. Any sensible parent would consider him to be a disgrace and unworthy of the family fortune.

100% based and redpilled if true

Anti-Chinese bias in the West.


Yeah that's what I mean by "just fix any problem during editing." Jackie Chan is the master of the fewest cuts possible.

One of the few actors I would consider a living legend.

Arnold is a Schwanzenlutscher
Jackie Chan is in an entirely different league than your roided cock sucking commiefornian intheass dick taking cock sucking grunting beanerfucker

or in other words: Chinese lack the Charisma to emulate a soul.

>networth is 370 million
>arnolds is 400 million

-10 million for not being white
-10 million for being short
-10 million for having small dick

there you go

Because he send her daughter to the shame pit for being a dyke feminist

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I watched a lot more Jackie Chan movies than Arnold movies. To me he's the bigger movie star.

chan is a nice guy.
ahhhnuuld has his moments but is basically a cunt.
people like cunts. look at the big bad orange man in the whitehouse

very. sort of like chuck norris, but less meme.

user isnt talking about problems solved with cuts. its literally the western approach to action. a billion takes from different angles, which ultimately looks very retarded.

Don't forget he knows Japanese and made his own amazing city pop albums that were big in Japan:

Did they really sample dogs barking at the beginning of that song?


>self made
Bruce Lee made him though. Without Bruce, Jackie would have always been an unknown.

Look, the only reason to do a shitload of cuts where you switch between cameras during a fight scene is to hide mistakes that are revealed during longer takes from a single angle. Hollywood does cutting like this because its cheaper than to hire talented people that can do longer takes and also to minimize the number of cuts and thus the length of filming a scene. It isn't that people working in LA think that fast cuts are cool.

Chan has talked about this in interviews as a major reason why he doesn't enjoy doing western film . Chan is perfectly happy to skimp on costumes, special effects, set designs, plot, etc, just so he can do a single cut take where he does some crazy dudeperfect times ten take that blows people's minds.

Sounds based as fuck. He also hates Taiwanese insects and is like a die hard nationalist, oh, and did I mention he didnt like any of the rush hour movies because he thinks nigger humor is dumb?

Stallone, Chan, Swazengger and Willis were the four top kino action guys before the internet. Chan's movies were fucking insane and amazing. People who talk shit about him haven't seen those insane Hong Kong and Australian movies he was doing in the 80s and 90s.

Honestly, anyone who talks shit about Jackie Chan can fuck right off. The kino he made will literally never be made again.

>hasn’t had a relevant role for 15 years
Look at this pleb who didn't warch Little Big Soldier.

The jew fears the yihetuan.

>literally thinks marijuana is a drug

so he's already leagues above him

He's above Arnie but he doesn't take his rightful place because he doesn't want any trouble


Live on Japanese television Chanwave: