Critics' Poll best films of the 2010s:

Critics' Poll best films of the 2010s:

1. “Mad Max: Fury Road” (George Miller)
2. “The Tree of Life” (Terrence Malick)
3. “Moonlight” (Barry Jenkins)
4. “Boyhood” (Richard Linklater)
5. “The Social Network” (David Fincher)
6. “The Master” (Paul Thomas Anderson)
7. “Roma” (Alfonso Cuarón)
8. “Phantom Thread” (Paul Thomas Anderson)
9. “A Separation” (Asghar Farhadi)
10. “Inside Llewyn Davis” (Joel Coen)
10. “Get Out” (Jordan Peele)
12. “Under the Skin” (Jonathan Glazer)
12. “Carol” (Todd Haynes)
14. “Margaret” (Kenneth Lonergan)
14. “Toni Erdmann” (Maren Ade)
16. “Uncle Boonmee” (Apichatpong Weerasethakul)
17. “Twin Peaks: The Return” (David Lynch)
18. “Her” (Spike Jonze)
18. “Call Me By Your Name” (Luca Guadagnino)
20. “The Act of Killing” (Joshua Oppenheimer)
20. “Inception” (Christopher Nolan)
20. “Holy Motors” (Leos Carax)

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Full list:

that's a decent list desu

>2. “The Tree of Life” (Terrence Malick)
>3. “Moonlight” (Barry Jenkins)
>4. “Boyhood” (Richard Linklater)

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>Mad max fury road
Immediately discarded, fucking hell already
embarassing reddit tier shit literally insulting to the medium to call that piece of shit the best film of the decade.

what a fucking mess, it's even more embarassing that you reposted the list.

You think of the highest peaks of cinema through its history and jesus christ cinema has a low bar set for it compared to literature and music

No it's that critics and audiences have shit taste meme taste and always include 5/10s and 6/10s in their top lists among 0/10s and 1/10s

what? what's wrong, desu? mad that it's not john wick? or a dwayne johnson movie? what about your boy gosling? mad max was a fucking masterpiece of action movies and anymore who doesn't understand why should stick to capeshit and how i met your mother reruns

>1. “Mad Max: Fury Road” (George Miller)
>2. “The Tree of Life” (Terrence Malick)
>3. “Moonlight” (Barry Jenkins)
>4. “Boyhood” (Richard Linklater)
>5. “The Social Network” (David Fincher)
>6. “The Master” (Paul Thomas Anderson)
>7. “Roma” (Alfonso Cuarón)
>8. “Phantom Thread” (Paul Thomas Anderson)
>9. “A Separation” (Asghar Farhadi)
>10. “Inside Llewyn Davis” (Joel Coen)
>10. “Get Out” (Jordan Peele)
>12. “Under the Skin” (Jonathan Glazer)
>12. “Carol” (Todd Haynes)
>14. “Margaret” (Kenneth Lonergan)
>14. “Toni Erdmann” (Maren Ade)
>16. “Uncle Boonmee” (Apichatpong Weerasethakul)
>17. “Twin Peaks: The Return” (David Lynch)
>18. “Her” (Spike Jonze)
>18. “Call Me By Your Name” (Luca Guadagnino)
>20. “The Act of Killing” (Joshua Oppenheimer)
>20. “Inception” (Christopher Nolan)
>20. “Holy Motors” (Leos Carax)

Actually don't have a problem with this
the classifying of Twin Peaks season 3 as an 18 hour movie is fucking stupid though

>Get Out
Jesus fucking Christ, Don't Breathe was a better movie. I'm so sick of people giving black people sympathy awards for mediocre shit.

you faggots just hate it because muh women = bad

>not understanding Tree of Life
I bet you don't laugh at TV shows unless there's a laugh track either, desu.

it was a good genre flick but nothing more. certainly not oscar material by any stretch of the imagination.

>mad max fury road
It's flick fuck off reddit

>reddit has no problem with a reddit list


It's a horrendous list

No it's shit because there's no reason at all to care about the movie unless you're a Yea Forums drone or a marvel adhd faggot. Or you're so beta you need to see constant jew tier fast cuts in orange and blue to feel alpha or some shit and up your testosterone a fraction. Fuck off.

1 bad
2 bad
3 bad
4 bad
5 bad
6 meh
7 bad
8 meh
9 bad
10 bad and bad
12 bad and bad
14 bad and bad
16 bad
17 meh
18 meh and bad
20 bad bad and bad

shameful display, cinema is dying

I understand it alright, but I just think it's an insipid exercise and I hate digital photography.

>not putting Serbian Film at least in top 5

garbage tbqh senpai

have sex

>any of those films ahead of inception

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Based, cinema isn't dying people just have no taste I could make a better list with throwing in some personal favorites that people are bound to hate

A Separation is good. I bet you haven't even seen it.

they only like it because of the feminist propaganda, stop playing dumb

>that boring meme movie
inception is shit too mutto, stop posting

>Based, cinema isn't dying people just have no taste I could make a better list with throwing in some personal favorites that people are bound to hate
You talk the talk, but do you walk the walk?

inception is like a michael bay movie, if michael bay had one extra brain neuron.

No user, the supposed "10/10s" of cinema don't come anywhere near the ones from those other two mediums

>1. “Mad Max: Fury Road” (George Miller)
>2. “The Tree of Life” (Terrence Malick)
>3. “Moonlight” (Barry Jenkins)
>4. “Boyhood” (Richard Linklater)
>5. “The Social Network” (David Fincher)
>6. “The Master” (Paul Thomas Anderson)
>7. “Roma” (Alfonso Cuarón)
>8. “Phantom Thread” (Paul Thomas Anderson)
>9. “A Separation” (Asghar Farhadi)
>10. “Inside Llewyn Davis” (Joel Coen)
>10. “Get Out” (Jordan Peele)
>12. “Under the Skin” (Jonathan Glazer)
>13. “Carol” (Todd Haynes)
>14. “Margaret” (Kenneth Lonergan)
>14. “Toni Erdmann” (Maren Ade)
>16. “Uncle Boonmee” (Apichatpong Weerasethakul)
>17. “Twin Peaks: The Return” (David Lynch)
Not a Film
>18. “Her” (Spike Jonze)
>18. “Call Me By Your Name” (Luca Guadagnino)
>20. “The Act of Killing” (Joshua Oppenheimer)
>20. “Inception” (Christopher Nolan)
>20. “Holy Motors” (Leos Carax)

>babbys first action flick
Pick one

Your post needs more memes

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You just named all garbage shit I hate that I would lump 100% with mad max reddit road
mad max reddit road is john wick tier and shitt rock tier and transformers 5 tier
stop thinking your shit overrated masked man actor is great and stop overrating all his fucking movies including such a fucking lame attempt at a movie

I’m just glad none of the capeshit was included. That’s how low the bar is set.

>Or you're so beta you need to see constant jew tier fast cuts in orange and blue to feel alpha or some shit and up your testosterone a fraction.
What does that have to do with anything? You watch movies to make you feel like a man? lmao

>complaining about reddit while using redditspacing
have sex

inception is like a michael bay movie, if michael bay was a shittier director.

Films that should have been on the list:
Phantom Thread, Nocturnal Animals, Moneyball, Foxcatcher, Prisoners, Upstream Colour. :)

It's almost as if it's a list made to please every demographic, but ends up pleasing nobody. Putting Mad Max over movies like The Master or Inside Llewyn Davis just reeks of "I dont want to seem too pretentious". Also
>no BR 2049
just go away

You're retard, music has been pretty much garbage the last couple decades, film is much better
and literature now consists of blogs and youtube posts and Yea Forums and reddit posts kys you don't even into film
the list form indie wire is bland overrated shit/10

that pic always looks to me like big guy has his arms pulled back against his sides, ready to double punch the camera

It's an aggregate list user.

What a fucking terrible list
I've only seen 4 of these movies

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Then name a masterpiece, genius. Kill yourself if you're even thinking of saying anything by Refn or that Jessie James movie

yeah because its such an obscure hidden gem, kek

Nah, that's more or less what Bay would do. More explosions, perhaps, but that does not make a movie better. People forget Inception is a 150+ million dollar flick.

That doesn't exist, newfag.
Inside Llewyn davis is well shot but a shit film, ballad of buster scruggs is the coen brothers only good film in forever..
no country for old men and inside llewyn davis are for fake cinephiles mad max fury road is the same stuff that those who sniff farts while watching the master enjoy.

aggregated from what sources?

baseding real hard now so i'm going to rank them as based or unbased

>1. “Mad Max: Fury Road” (George Miller)

>2. “The Tree of Life” (Terrence Malick)

>3. “Moonlight” (Barry Jenkins)

>4. “Boyhood” (Richard Linklater)

>5. “The Social Network” (David Fincher)

>6. “The Master” (Paul Thomas Anderson)

>7. “Roma” (Alfonso Cuarón)

>8. “Phantom Thread” (Paul Thomas Anderson)

>9. “A Separation” (Asghar Farhadi)

>10. “Inside Llewyn Davis” (Joel Coen)

>10. “Get Out” (Jordan Peele)

>12. “Under the Skin” (Jonathan Glazer)

>12. “Carol” (Todd Haynes)

>14. “Margaret” (Kenneth Lonergan)

>14. “Toni Erdmann” (Maren Ade)

>16. “Uncle Boonmee” (Apichatpong Weerasethakul)

>17. “Twin Peaks: The Return” (David Lynch)

>18. “Her” (Spike Jonze)

>18. “Call Me By Your Name” (Luca Guadagnino)

>20. “The Act of Killing” (Joshua Oppenheimer)

>20. “Inception” (Christopher Nolan)

>20. “Holy Motors” (Leos Carax)

please reply based if you think i'm based
please reply based if you think i'm unbased

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Even prometheus is better than this list of shit

Never implied that. I implied you were talking out of your ass like most people here do.

>fucking Boyhood
>Le Epic Teen Gay Sex Movie
>2049 nowhere to be seen
wow look, Hollywood critics are a fucking joke

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It was shot on film you fucking idiot.

Check the first reply. That's where the list is from.


kek, sometimes tv is based

definitely based, agree with you on almost everything

kys right this instant

>Not considering No Country for Old Men kino
Shit taste. Commit suicide.


>3. “Moonlight” (Barry Jenkins)
>4. “Boyhood” (Richard Linklater)
>10. “Get Out” (Jordan Peele)

What a shit list.

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>1. “Mad Max: Fury Road”
>yeah, ok, I can respect that
>2. “The Tree of Life”

Black Swan, The Killing of a Sacred Deer, Enemy

What's so deep about the tree of life? Seems to me it says nothing original, just presents it in a super boring and pretentious way.

>you faggots just hate it because muh women = bad

Attached: SJW Face 2.png (471x373, 188K)

>last couple decades
Try to read my posts again, little baby.

>wants me to take his opinion seriously
>cannot even be bothered with basic punctuation

Yep it's a reddit tier RT memecuck list
>I can respect that
Yikes, both tree of life and mad max fury road are dogshit

>The Tree of Life

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you're no cinephiles, nolan would wipe his ass with your face with knowledge alone

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he cringe

I have seen only 2 movies from that list.

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. “Mad Max: Fury Road” (George Miller)
>2. “The Tree of Life” (Terrence Malick)
gay asf where are transformers lol

>bothering with basic punctuation
>on a game of thrones marvel board
No thanks

I dislike SJWs as much as you do but I don't dislike women just because they're on a movie. That's what homosexuals do.

Why do dumbfags always use "pretentious" when they can't understand art?

>the Tree of life
>The Social Network
>Phantom Thread
>get Out
>Under the Skin
>Call me by your name
Iv'e seen 50% of the movies on the list and i like most of em'

>calls others "reddit" and "cuck"
>uses "yikes"
You're such a joke

>2. “The Tree of Life” (Terrence Malick)
lmao i barely watch 10 minutes of that terd

Nolan is red and green color blind and can't direct a movie that has life in it to save his. He has basic framing and his editing is pretty shitty so he doesn't have good continuity. His montages are bad, his choreography is really bad. His death scenes are painfully funny to watch.

you aight

nobody actually dislikes fury road, it's all just misguided posturing

where's Endgame?

Worst Nolan film this decade... how is Dunkirk not the sole Nolan entry to this list??

Black Swan was good, but deserving of this list? You only liked that movie so much because Portman fingerblasts herself.

every movie list (at least the remotely interesting and honest ones) is highly subjective, but these hacks pretend to be objective, i bet they even believe it. yikes

only kinos ive seen are fury road and inception and both were kino

Yeah nigger you said you liked mad max fury road thats yikes tier, stop thinking youre funny
yikes was said before you were fucking born

Did you need Jason Stathom or Dwayne Johnson?

Even Noah is more deserving to be on this list like Black Swan. Yes Black Swan was actually good. Moonlight, Mad Max Fury Road and Get Out were not. Most of this list is overrated shit

Well I watched it whole and it's shit. It tries so hard to be Koyaanisqatsi meets 2001 but it ends up being a tryhard attempt.

>decade not even over yet
>already a "Best of the Decade" list

These are just tabloid publications that shouldn't even be taken seriously in the first place, making a trendy decade list as soon as possible to get more clicks while shilling flavor-of-the-month flicks like Moonlight and Roma as definitive of the decade.

Wait until Sight and Sound 2022 faggots

Both of you are 14, calm down

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Have you considered the fact that there’s value in making “cerebral” films for actual brainlets? Just because your superior intelligence precludes you from enjoying films made for 12-16 year olds who think they’re smart doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be celebrated!

Sight and Sound will be plebshit too with maybe a few good ones like usual. If you care about any lists or awards or online ratings you're a cuck.

Inception was a bit more playful and inventive. Dunkirk is dull.


Kek. Noah was sub par.

Why don't critics ever consider a film's replay value? A lot of these movies are seen once and never again.

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Yeah, when something pretends to be 2deep4u, but isn't, that's the definition of pretentious. You are pretentious.

Haha thanks for making me smile user

>If you don't like a movie then that must mean you like Dwayne Johnson and explosions!

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I've seen Tree of Life 20 times

What's wrong with these people?
Holy fuck.

Because 85% of people have no discernible taste and just like meme shit that is propped up most of the time

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Could you elaborate on that

>The Great Beauty isn't even mentioned
This list is garbage

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damn, did Jontron really say this??!

i dont like the word either but tree of life is truly empty. its a fake, and not the good slightly ironic type

No it fucking wasn't you're talking about comparing it to get out and mad max fury road and moonlight, Noah is way fucking better. You have shit meme taste just like these pretend indie fags and redditors. Any aronofsky is better than this list even mother! which was subpar

What a waste of time. This is why you faggots are virgins.

heres your (you) you gigantic faggot

>that entire list
thats a yikes from me dogg. what a shit decade

That list is fucking bad.

No... it’s consumer drones of Yea Forums autistically screeching but with poor meme abilities

agreed, its a good thing nolan probably understood his limitations while directing interstellar

That feels more like "american critics list best american movies with the occasional foreign film for diversity points".
Leos Carax "Holy Motors" on 20th after movies like "Inception", "Get Out" and "Mad Max" speaks volumes. Should have been top 5 at least, it probably has the best lead performance of the decade even.

>tfw I haven't seen a single movie on that list

Are any of them actually worth watching?

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>shit decade
Merely shit media and critics/audiences, decade was fine but there's been almost no good movies this past year and a half

>Social Network
>Get Out
>Holy Motors
>i hate digital photography
Check your eyes. The Tree of Life was shot on film, meanwhile half of the films you like are digital you fucking retard.

>You only liked that movie so much because Portman fingerblasts herself.
that was only icing on the cake tbhwyf

I never said that you mongoloid, I'm not who your tumblr speaking ass first replied to.
Seriously hang yourself

to say that I'm a big David Lynch fan would be a ginormous understatement

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Fuck, even Drive is better than those movies

Mad Max is the most overrated movie of the entire century but it's a decent flick.

Fury Road is the best film of the decade tho and probably the best action movie of all time.

Roma is the best and it's a 7/10
under the skin is watchable

>Fury Road is the best film of the decade tho and probably the best action movie of all time.

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>Nolan is red and green color blind and can't direct a movie that has life in it to save his.
This. He doesn't even digitally add a red hue to half of his scenes. Such a pleb.

Critics and audiences both consider good, not great. I only made it 30 min in before I turned it off. Stick to your Bible, Jesus freak

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the lot of posing pseuds this place hordes, you guys make this place putrid

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>Moonfag and Gayhood
>best anything
America was a mistake. Commit suicide fucking critics.

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Everybody wants some is the best linklater movie of the decade. The Grand Beauty is better than many who are just there for progressive brownie points. Holy Motors was just bad.
Its the best movie of all time

More like Tree of Life was shot on grass lol

i dont know who this guy is but thats based


>heh, this movie list is total shit
>my superior taste in movies is better in every way
>these are the movies that I personally like

>Justification and evidence? No, I don't do that.

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>Nolan is red and green color blind
So is Refn, and he's a great director

Short Term 12 is the best I've seen. Start firing insults my way.

no, sorry

why arent there any europeon critics?

Under the Skin
the Tree of Life
The Social network
Phantom Thread
Inception are all worth watching
this guy is a faggot

user why are you posting the IMDB. Are you a retard. It has 34 positive reviews 11 mixed and 1 negative on metacritic. All im saying is the movie is better than the trash on the list like mad max and get out.
If you only made it 30 min you're a pleb, so I dont know what i was expecting talking to you.

Why are you saying stick to your bible that movie pissed off religiousfags and atheists, im not a biblefag

I don't think Max deserves best of the decade, but I think it deserves top 10, and definitely best action movie ever made


Where the hell is Manchester by the Sea on all of these lists?

He's a mediocre director, Drive was dogshit so was Fear X

>Its the best movie of all time
Imagine unironically believing this. It's not even the best movie of its kind, 2001 is far superior. And not even the best Mali(c)k movie, Red Line is better.

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That movie was so shitty and overrated as well, literally oscars crap that doesn't leave any effect on anything

lmao imagine how sex deprived you have to believe this

maybe holy motors and her, twin peaks obviously if you are a fan of the original

>Drive was dogshit
Underage fag detected.

Tree of life isn't even top 1000 all time.
The internet was a mistake.

What's söy about Fury Road? Genuinely curious

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Once again, good - not great. Does not deserve to be anywhere near this list, mongo

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Drive, Only God Forgives and The Neon Demon will be remembered as decade defining films.

>I don't enjoy a compelling drama movie

Discord spic please got back to marvel land
Lmao what? Kys you fucking bitch I'm older than you. Drive is shit.

This but unironically

>I don't like it, therefore, soi.

No. The Master, Inherent Vice and Phantom Thread will be.


If it's good it deserves to be on the list more than Get Out. Which isn't a good movie let alone one of the best all time like RT memes it

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>Only God Forgives

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Based. Also his exposition filled scripts are terrible. He doesn't understand visual storytelling.
No, he is not.

>>I don't like it, therefore, soi.
Spoken like a true soiboi

You might as well just put avengers endgame and black panther on the list because they were so "great".

Stop posting Nicolas.

You're against Get Out but posting a pic defending it?

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OGF is fine/good, Neon Demon okay and Drive dogshit. You're a neckbeard.

PTA is a derivative hack

I still haven't seen any propositions from you, faggots. You can talk shit but you can't propose a list. That's how you are. That's how you operate. All whining and no substance.

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What kind of retard are you? Do you actually have comprehension skills, RT considers it the best off all time along with black panther and both are shit. What's so hard for you to get faggot. They are worse movies with better "ratings"

Who isn't at this point?

Give some examples, except for Boogie Nights and Magnolia.

. “Get Out” (Jordan Peele)
>8. “Phantom Thread” (Paul Thomas Anderson)
>17. “Twin Peaks: The Return” (David Lynch)
>1. “Mad Max: Fury Road” (George Miller)
fucking kill yourself you asswipe

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That was the only decent one he named

>Spoken like a true soiboi

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Should be on here. Twin Peaks also isn't a movie.

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>be me
>Yea Forums user for 10 years
>reddit user for 8 users
>love Tree of Life
>both Yea Forums & reddit hate it
What's it called when both parties hate you?

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Thank you, glad someone else understands.

The Master is PTA's attempt at outing poseurs by making something utterly disjointed that vaguely resembles a narrative feature just enough that it confuses them into praising it out of fear for being labelled a pleb.

An intentionally terrible movie carefully emulating a masterpiece. A true work of genius. Why do you think the plot of the film involves a cult leader who feigns insight and brilliance but is secretly full of shit? It's a metaphor for the film itself.

tl;dr if you think The Master is actually good you're a pleb.

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based, keep up the fight user, we cant win but we cant give up either

eightchan loves it

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Those are user ratings, desu... Judging off of user ratings is brainlet tier.


>I have shit taste in movies
>maybe if I imply they are from discord people wont catch onto my shit taste in movies
Just stop posting your retarded incel opinions, incel

I fuckin' hate 'The tree of life'....sleep pill

this """"""best movies of all time""""""""" list is the most disgusting thing i've seen all week

Unironically Wes Anderson

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this is bad?
this is bad?
women were pretty helpless and forsaken, only good for breeding and livestock and failed without help from chad max
it's from george miller, the OG mad max director

I like it a lot because of Joaquin's performance.

>I have shit taste in movies
>hates mad max reddit road runner vrooom vrooom booom boom
Back to marvel land, Infinity War is starting

>dude he's just like me he's a robot vroom vroom

He also took the sand lady from Age of Consent. I like these generation of filmmakers but they steal a lot. Tarantino, Refn, PTA, etc. Their work comes from other movies, not from life and imagination, and it shows.

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Get out and moonlight both made both lists so not just user ratings

kek'd and based. not sure why everyone always throws reddit onto any movie they dislike. r/movies and Yea Forums have the exact same likes and dislikes. always have. the only difference are the porn posts and racist comments here

Yes if you're not a manchild

>florida project not even in top 20

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I'm the mad max stan not the drive stan I actually agree with you on that one. To be fair you have to be pretty high IQ to appreciate fury road, and also not a virgin.
>stay mad

>Get Out

Not scary. Not even good political commentary if you're a leftist/nigger, just "old white people bad".

thanks for your honesty desu

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What an absolutely infantile post

Those first two are correct, the rest is unnecessary. Pretty great.

>if you dont like this list with incredibly mainstream and simple films you are an edgy capeshitter

No matter how I feel about the list, I can say "thank god The Last Jedi isn't on there."

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I think you're projecting and childishly refuse quality just to not be associated with manchildren, which is even more infantile.

Posting a pasta is not really an example. The film is not disjointed, it's a character study of 2 men and study of their relationship.

back to /pol/ with you, zoomer faggot

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Not loving fury road is for fucking retards who are also low test.

kys homosexual

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It unironically deserves a spot moreso than most on there

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>serbian film is capeshit
>still no proposed lists

>white people be sayin' they aint racist but they are!!!

Girls wont have sex with you with mad max reddit shit on, pro tip you have to not choose B nerd movies


>childrens movie about guns and cars

100% this. Fury Road is a movie in the desert where V8s are worshipped and there are no laws. Violence is equally matched. Not enjoying this movie is low test and tranny worthy

How us twin peaks a film?


>no neon demon
Sure is pleb.

>1. “Mad Max: Fury Road” (George Miller)
Great action film
>2. “The Tree of Life” (Terrence Malick)
>3. “Moonlight” (Barry Jenkins)
Great drama
>4. “Boyhood” (Richard Linklater)
>5. “The Social Network” (David Fincher)
Well made but uninteresting
>6. “The Master” (Paul Thomas Anderson)
Haven't seen
>7. “Roma” (Alfonso Cuarón)
Pretty good
>8. “Phantom Thread” (Paul Thomas Anderson)
Haven't seen
>9. “A Separation” (Asghar Farhadi)
>10. “Inside Llewyn Davis” (Joel Coen)
>10. “Get Out” (Jordan Peele)
>12. “Under the Skin” (Jonathan Glazer)
>12. “Carol” (Todd Haynes)
Haven't seen
>14. “Margaret” (Kenneth Lonergan)
>14. “Toni Erdmann” (Maren Ade)
Haven't seen
>16. “Uncle Boonmee” (Apichatpong Weerasethakul)
Interesting choice. Didn't care for it the first time but a rewatch gave me some appreciation for it.
>17. “Twin Peaks: The Return” (David Lynch)
God no
>18. “Her” (Spike Jonze)
>18. “Call Me By Your Name” (Luca Guadagnino)
Absolute fucking garbage pedo propaganda
>20. “The Act of Killing” (Joshua Oppenheimer)
Haven't seen
>20. “Inception” (Christopher Nolan)
>20. “Holy Motors” (Leos Carax)

Not a bad list besides pedowood's fav being on it

Lynch said that it's 18 hours film. So critics suck his dick and count it as a film.

The level of competition is so shitty that they had to include it

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that movie was b rated, nigga

That's because it's a film you watch with other men. I save my wes anderson films for wahmen

Listen, I love Lynch and I love Twin Peaks but that was a tv show.


It was one of the best movies made this decade.

This is bait

Mad Max is a soiboi's image of what "manly" films are like. Same with spaghetti westerns.


>Tree of Life
>only alright
>Inside Llewyn Davis
>Under the Skin
>Haven't seen
>Twin Peaks
>God no
You have the worst taste on the plane. Let me guess: you've seen endgame in theaters.

Absolutely not. All four mad Max films are the most authentic masculine films ever made.


>1. “Mad Max: Fury Road” (George Miller)
>2. “The Tree of Life” (Terrence Malick)
>3. “Moonlight” (Barry Jenkins)
>4. “Boyhood” (Richard Linklater)
>5. “The Social Network” (David Fincher)
>6. “The Master” (Paul Thomas Anderson)
>7. “Roma” (Alfonso Cuarón)
>8. “Phantom Thread” (Paul Thomas Anderson)
>9. “A Separation” (Asghar Farhadi)
>10. “Inside Llewyn Davis” (Joel Coen)
>10. “Get Out” (Jordan Peele)
>12. “Under the Skin” (Jonathan Glazer)
>12. “Carol” (Todd Haynes)
>14. “Margaret” (Kenneth Lonergan)
>14. “Toni Erdmann” (Maren Ade)
>16. “Uncle Boonmee” (Apichatpong Weerasethakul)
>17. “Twin Peaks: The Return” (David Lynch)
>18. “Her” (Spike Jonze)
>18. “Call Me By Your Name” (Luca Guadagnino)
>20. “The Act of Killing” (Joshua Oppenheimer)
>20. “Inception” (Christopher Nolan)
>20. “Holy Motors” (Leos Carax)

>opinions different from mine = bad

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That movie taps into the cultural zeitgeist like nothing else. It literally namedrops Chad.

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>implying people like Mad Max for the masculinity
how insecure are you

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Please fucking press it. This list might not be perfect, but every movie listed is top tier. These edgelord basement dwellers and zoomers don't know a good movie. Please kill all

you have shit taste lad

that's a woman, not a chad.

Please tell me that cover isn't real

because I didn't like your precious Moonfag and Tree of Life?

Tree of Life was just too much of a retread for me. It didn't say anything I hadn't heard before and while it might be unique for a moderately high bidget film it isn't in media in general. It was decent but failed to catch me.
Llewyn Davis was self-indulgent wank for the Coen's and one of their laziest films. No amount of good performances can make up for a fundamentally hollow and boring script.
Under the Skin was a bad adaptation let down by Scarlet not being able to act.
Carol I'll look into.
Twin Peaks isn't a film so it shouldn't be on the list and critics are wanks for taking Lynch calling it one seriously.
Her was a pretty good flick that overcame its own shortcomings.

And I've not seen a marvel film since Iron Man 2.

Llewyn Davis is a masterpiece in writing and performances. I'm just so mad about that I can't react appropriately to the rest of your post.

great movie but probs not top twenty. def better than some of the movies on the list they made

>Llewyn Davis is a masterpiece in writing and performances
That's not what a masterpiece is, retard. A masterpiece is an artist's best work. And Llewyn is certainly not the Coens' best film.

End your life you sad failure.

More interesting than Moonfag and Gayhood, that's for sure.

It is though. It's tied with A Serious Man.

And no, the term for an artists best work is Magnum Opus. A masterpiece is just a work that's the absolute best use of it's medium.

yeah and you think get out is good lmao

Honk, honk!

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No, no, you're right, what was I thinking batman vs superman was clearly the superior movie.

an artist can have multiple masterpieces. you may be thinking of a magnum opus

I've seen Fury Road so I guess theres no reason to watch any of the other ones.

I was interested in Get Out for a while but the movies pretty much spoiled for me at this point.

it's good. not all-time good but genre tier good. and certainly does not belong in this list.

>tfw haven't seen any of these 20 movies

>all male directors


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Why the fuck is there so much diversityshit here alongside great films like Holy Motors and The Tree of Life? Putting Endgame on the list would’ve been less of an insult.

my bad, I'm an ESLfag. I still think that term is thrown around very easily these days.

Cold War
Embrace Of The Serpent
three that i believe deserve a spot among the best. surprised they didn’t include Ida

Best films of the decade aren't on that list.
>The Turin Horse
>Hard to be a God
>Goltzius and the Pelican Company
The list itself is decent but you can see it was made by american critics.

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all good, and you are definitely right about that

there's like two movies about blacks by blacks. who gives a shit, /pol/tard.

>Get Out is better than Whiplash
>all of this dung better than Whiplash
>no Ex Machina
>no Locke

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Turin Horse is excruciating to sit through, but a great movie.


Maybe you should explain why white peepo be mad, instead of just making a movie about old whites who WANT to steal the bodies of blacks and become them. It sends mixed messages, and doesn't represent any real life social dynamic.

It got awards because the director is a nigger with a kike wife.

Cold War wasn't that good desu

>mostly garbage
>the few decent films on this don't deserve to have top positions either

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Whiplash is trash like Get Out you fucking bland basedboy


I would love to Colonize this goblina

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I agree, that's what's so great about it. It's fascinating to watch, my second favourite Tarr film after Werckmeister Harmonies.

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If it was soi then it would probably be here along with your favourite movies sweaty

Llewyn Davis is fucking garbage lad.

It's possibly the most by the numbers and safe film they have ever made. Every part of it feels artificial crafted based off a checklist of minor tragedies and personal failings lifted from other films - by the point it's revealed Carey Mulligan's character has been fucking the ugly bastard I could only roll my eyes because of COURSE she was.

It's not any kind of interesting or entertaining look at the life of the lead, it's a cynical, self-indulgent slog riffing off well worn clichés to try string together a coherent story that can be labelled a tragedy (I refuse to use the term tragicomedy like so many critics insist on, spurts of humour does not a comedy make) seemingly solely because the creators felt like making that kind of film and using skme themes/conceits they enjoy but weren't arsed putting any effort into it.

It's a waste, both for the fucking time I used to watch it and for the talent of the cast as well.

Shut the fuck up, retard.

I Have seen only one movie of that list and that movie was just a good action movie. If that is supposed to be the best of the 2010s then this decade must have been really shitty....

>Llewyn Davis is fucking garbage lad.
Based the coens are massively overrated dogshit directors buster scruggs was good though


to each his own

also, Burning and First Man from last year

I'm doing an alternative unranked list with the movies you've mentioned (that are not part of OP's pic):
Black Swan
Blade Runner 2049
Cold War
Don't Breathe
Embrace of the Serpent
Goltzius and the Pelican Company
Hard to be a God
Manchester by the Sea
Nocturnal Animals
The Killing of a Sacred Deer
The Neon Demon
Turin Horse
Upstream Colour
Just remember the original list is an aggregate and critics don't like or agree with the choices. It's not your list, it's a community list. Having said that, is our list better?

also, Burning and First Man from last year

>he coens are massively overrated dogshit directors
They aren't. They deserve their spot.

some others that deserve attention
Certain Women
The Grandbudapest Hotel
Leviathan (2014)
Once Upon A Time In Anatolia
Oslo, August 31st
Spring Breakers
The Witch

>when the data aggregation script malfunctions

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meant for

Have you ever considered maybe people don't like it because they think it's bad?

i still barely like some from this list but its much better than the critics'

>These newfaggots praising reddit road
Daily reminder Yea Forums preferred Pitch Perfect 2 on release

>cinema has a low bar set for it compared to literature and music
Not really.
Yea Forums is known for its shit aggregate taste as well

Add noah and subtract drive or foxcatcher or dont breathe

Trump is a jew puppet, though. Don't be a delusional trumptard.

Attached: Trump_East-Jerusalem_Palestina_Israel_May-2017-NSNBC-e1512791261329.jpg (800x559, 38K)

No they are pretty dogshit and complete hacks for the most part for the amount of shit movies they make

>Mad Max
Lmao what? it's an ok movie but not the best thing this decade
Not even top 50

this is the patrician list

>Yea Forums is known for its shit aggregate taste as well

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Yea Forumss top movies of 2017 included wonder woman, get out, mad max fury road etc

>no The Revenant


Mad Max came out in 2015

the first part of your post was on point but I vehemently disagree with your last statement, faggot


added to the list. will make a

'We have to turn back!'

fuck imagine if Thelma & Louise ended with them turning around at the edge of the canyon and driving back to the city

Inarritu is a fucking hack. The Revenant would have been good if he cut all of those pointless dream sequences. He also shamelessly ripped off some images from films by Tarkovsky. The film needed to be survival thriller, that deepening of character or whatever he was going for was pointless and badly done.

my mistake substitute Logan in for mad max you got Yea Forumss taste

Certified Copy
Cold War
Embrace Of The Serpent
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Inside Llewyn Davis
Leviathan (2014)
The Master
The Tree Of Life
The Turin Horse
Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives
The Witch

Honorable Mentions Tier
The Act Of Killing
Certain Women
The Florida Project
A Ghost Story
Good Time
The Grand Beauty
Hard To Be A God
Holy Motors
The Lobster
Moonrise Kingdom
On Body And Soul
Once Upon A Time In Anatolia
Phantom Thread
A Separation
Under The Skin

Get Out

Need recs

>people on 4channel disagree with this list of movies omg kill us all haha xdd
Here's your (((You)))

>1. “Mad Max: Fury Road"
4/10. Digital technology and modern Hollywood editing techniques ruined the appeal of the original Mad Max films. And considering the Mad Max series was never great to begin with, a woke digital update certainly doesn't qualify. This was a very annoying movie; headache-inducing. Belongs in the capeshit and Transformers category.

I uronically think Inside Llewyn Davis is the best on that list.