Does anyone else actually feel excited for this? As contrarian as you like to be, one can never really know a show's worth until you give it a chance.
Will you give it a chance?
Does anyone else actually feel excited for this? As contrarian as you like to be, one can never really know a show's worth until you give it a chance.
Will you give it a chance?
I'm actually giving the game another playthrough at the moment and it pains me to think about how much they're going to fuck it up.
I'm going to give it a chance, but I'm not really optimistic.
This is not about being a contrarian, we had every red flag possible. Every new detail we learn about the show screams catastrophe. I will still probably watch the first episode, not to give it a chance, but to shit on it with even more viable reasons.
>one can never really know a show's worth until you give it a chance.
this is correct, there are a lot of things that worry me about it, and I'm going in with low expectations, but I'm still going to give it a chance.
Literally everything is wrong with it. The cast, the writers, the showrunner, the costumes. Everything.
There's too many actually good movies and tv shows for me to be watching for me to waste my time giving crap a chance.
Why wouldn't I be excited? Just look at the casting alone! It's clear that they're going to hit it out of the park with this show!
overall it's going to be terrible.
Haven't read the books. Will this qt have a prominent role in the first season?
She should appear at the end of the 2nd season, but they will force her into the show in the 1st ep.
No, the absurd casting choices killed my interest in it already.
I will download it to see how badly they fucked the story and shit on it vigorously with Yea Forums
Writers have been hell-bent on pissing people off from the get go. I like Cavill but he looks ridiculous. Hard pass.
>polish fantasy adaptation
>not a single polish actor/actress
niggers and poos instead
Who wants to see round-faced people everywhere?
round face= east slav untermensch
Should've cast pic related as Triss
I'm gonna watch it just so I can cringe and laugh
Everything revealed about it so far looks stupid but I am curious about the soundtrack
Women will watch it and that's all that matters, because they're the ones who subscribe to every stupid shit. It's also easier to make shows for women, since pandering to them is cheap, they don't need depth, authenticity and production value, they just want their basic shit on screen, like romance, girl power shit, PC stuff for virtue signaling and a chad protagonist with an ugly lover. They have voted with their wallets and you didn't.
It's going to be shit, they didn't hire the band that did soundtrack for w3 and showrunner said she feels european/polish spirit after spending 1 week there, I bet it will be done by americans as well
Women will not watch it, especially not poc women.
Witcher is barely a game, it's repetition is only surpassed by the brainless quest mechanics.
>Get mission and starting clue
>ride Roach, run, walk while using vision to see smells, footprints, blood to lead you to the next quest trigger.
>fight/use vision to find object
>next clue
>repeat 3-7 times to find boss
>decent fight
>do it again and again for the 1,000 missions.
It's linear with a strict formula. The gameplay is trash, good stories on side quests, main storyline is OK.
>one can never really know a show's worth until you give it a chance.
Nonsense. Not true to the characters? I don't care if it's good, it's shit. I am not interested in a new story, I am interested in THE story. Same with the characters.
>one can never really know a show's worth until you give it a chance.
>A Polish book rip off of an English book made into a game made into a Netflix adaptation with a diverse cast and shit wardrobe
How could anyone have any hopes for this shit heap?
I'm excited to shitpost about the show on Yea Forums, but that's about it
What are the issues with it ? Aside from "black people in muh show"? Genuine curiosity.
You can add very small budget and pic rel, It also known that they won't stick to the source material and that always turns bad
Yeah, I don't like how the Black Ones' armor was changed
every fucking time when I see it
The casting has thrown me off desu, it's all pandering...
She really shouldn't appear til the end of season 1 but she'll be forced in early and so will everything else because these people are incapable of blowing their load
>main storyline is OK.
Wrong, it's fucking garbage.
You've clearly never even met a polish person you amerimutt
>main storyline is OK.
The main story is the worst thing in the game.
Their target audience is female tumblr users>
jest ten z rodzinki pe el
The Velen, Skellige and Kaer morhen sections are pretty good though. Novigrad feels pretty great at first too. Everything else seems really rushed
I only few bad for Henry,this is already looking like a shit show
its going to fill the shitpost void that got left for a few days.
Slavic people are the perfect ideal of beauty and perfection.
I so want to move to Ukraine.
The fuck is that saggy looking shit?
>They have voted with their wallets and you didn't.
THIS is why piracy is bad. The only people generating revenue drive the industry in the wrong direction, meanwhile neckbeards pirate shit then complain that it doesn't cater to them.
I could be romanticising it because it's the only break in grinding through the game. And some if the better parts I was thinking of were battles from KC:D.
Caville's a great actor for the role, but I can't feel a thing for the show since the news of the cast, the leaked armor, and some of the writers twitter posts.
She looks like she has a lot of African genetics in her... no thanks.
>tfw you were born a souless nigger
No. Witcher in all it's forms is shit. Read the true patrician fantasy that Sapkowski ripped off.
>netflix has a poor track record
>all the costume designs look AWFUL so far
>casting is very off, not even referring to look of the characters, like Yens actress in the casting video just doesnt give off the right vibe of a dom alpha bitch, shes too "sweet"
So far those are my only red flags, everyone seems real enthusiastic so I hope that comes across in the quality
That doesnt make sense, I don't support piracy but voting with your wallet is
>I like it=pay for it
>I dont like it=dont pay for it
Not buying something isnt abstaining from voting, it's one of the two voting choices
But now most people pay for the service so if you don't like it, all you can do is thumbs down and shitpost because they already have your money
Jesus Christ, what in the fuck were they thinking? Like the actress playing Triss might be good aesthetically but the mut they chose for Yennefer is infuriating.
I'm not excited. Yea Forumstards can't differentiate between a good underlying story that gets butchered by the vidya medium and a mediocre/shit story. The author is a true hack, and as as true hack, he has no fucking idea what parts of his work are good. Netflix should have payed him off and immediately afterwards hire the game devs as the real advisors to the show. This would have achieved two things. First, allow the series to gain enough potential to not suck. Second, pissing off that one fucker who never believed in the worth of his art and sold it for scraps. triss > yen
I'll be shitposting in the threads but I wont watch it. never played the games and I honestly dont even know what the witcher is about
t. seething gamefag
>"what's actually wrong with the show other than poor casting, production design, an entire writing staff full of SJW ideologues and a complete disrespect for the source material? It sounds like a winning formula!"
>terrible lead actor in a terrible wig
>diversity casting for Yen
>horrific looking production design
>not particularly good source material in the first place
It's gonna be absolute fucking dreck.
This. It's a glorified visual novel that fanboys jerk off to because of the somewhat decent writing. I feel like the people that praise the Witcher games don't actually read many books.
Nope. I have no connection to the books or the games. Everything I've seen about it looks mediocre at best. Why waste hours of my life on crap?
main story line in the game is indeed garbage, but hearts of stone is based as fuck.
I'll give it a chance but I have a very bad feeling about this show
When does the game get good? I saw everyone praising it and I got it the whole game + DLCs for my birthday but I could barely get through the introduction with the whole griffin shit before I got bored and stopped playing it.
The starter area felt bland and boring as shit, the combat isn't exactly great and despite being a fan of dialogue trees, I found the conversations boring as shit. It doesn't help that I didn't play the previous game so I had to google the entire story to know who the fuck the characters are and what they are talking about.
>I so want to move to Ukraine.
no you don't it's toal shithole and lots of girls are std-infested sluts
it gets better after 50+ hours of your 3rd playthrough
nice argument there.
I love CDPR yennefer
Sure will do. I don't even care about them casting some blacks or poo in the loos. I'm mostly worried about the SJW shit writing. What can you get from someone who claims herself to be a "patriarchy smasher". Also the production values are literally shite tier.
We could all do with Moorcock
I’m starting to unironically believe these are shill threads now. There’s been way to fucking many “do you think it will be good” and “give it a chance” threads
And no I won’t even pirate this shit
blackwashing is just as bad as whitewashing but really it's triss that's by far the most disturbing, she looks like a child
This man is illegally handsome. No homo, but goddam.
The one on the left is cute.
>shill threads
Given the casting of the show, they're called bait threads.
The absolute STATE of this show.
>lots of girls are std-infested sluts
Supposedly even 10/10s will sleep with a fat 2/10 neckbeard just because he's an American. Just wear a condom.
You retards have no idea how marketing works. There would be absolutely zero benefit to shilling something that Yea Forums does nothing but make fun of. It would have the opposite of the intended effect.
Fuck you, Vladyslav, you are not tricking me into moving there.
Yeah, just look at how well that worked with Ghostbusters.
Is it really that hard to believe that this site is just filled with people who are autistic enough to endlessly complain about this stuff?
I like cavill but all the SJW shit not interest me
I think it will be okay, I will for sure give it a chance.
She is in the first chapter of the first book.
She doesn’t exist in the first book.
The first chapter of the first book is about King Foltest and his striga daughter, look it up before you make a fool of yourself
No she isn't you fucking retard.
She is in the first chapter in The Blood of Elves, which is the first Witcher book.
That’s the third book.
The Las Wish is the first book and Ciri appears in the Sword of Destiny. And before you try to claim that the anthologies don't count for whatever reason I'll point out that the series is also adapting the short stories.
Ok, I see. I was wrong then, and have some reading up to do. Only read the witcher books previously.
did they cast Triss yet?
How fucking slowpoke are you user
>*whistles for magic horse*
>*autoruns on road to quest marker*
>*toucan sam vision activates*
>"Mhmm....giant slash marks all over the victim....a Drowner™, gotta be"
>"Come on, Roach"
>*follows nose*
>*guys in Drowner™ costumes appear*
>"Shit you stink" ALALALALALALALALA *sets guys on fire and they stumble and recover immediately, does a cinematic slash and cuts guys in half*
>"Mhmm....Bandits™ pretending to be Drowners™......better tell the village head about this"
>"Come on, Roach"
>*autoruns on road back to village*
>"Just some bastards posing as Drowners™, here's proof" *shows flipper*
>10 crowns received
If you told me that there would be a Witcher series with Cavil as Geralt in 2015 I would have been ridiculously excited.
It being on netflix and written/casted by intersectional feminist has killed it.