Reminder trannies in Hollywood exist and they're well hidden. Expect more to come out in the following years

Reminder trannies in Hollywood exist and they're well hidden. Expect more to come out in the following years.

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Reminder that if they can do this, all your bullshit about 'never passing' is proved untrue.

Isnt the actor who played tony sorprano a supposed tranny?

Trannies pass effectively especially the FtM variety. If I transvestigated the OP person nobody would believe me but now they all go like "yeah i knew it" which is bullshit.
Nope he's a man.

I don't even see what's wrong with this. This guy did his work and kept it to himself. Trannies are fine when they're just doing their thing and don't prioritize advertising and forcing it down everyone's throats.

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>(((Michael D Cohen)))

Reminder this all originates with and is propagated by the jews.

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ALL actors and actresses in Hollywood are clones of real people who have been killed. They also are ALL trannies as to confuse viewers and turn them gay.

you sound like the stereotypical shill who tries to muddy the waters by claiming everyone is tranny. that or you watch Hans' videos too much

They are all soulless tranny clone husks controlled by demons.

Fuck off scum.

You have to go back--->

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There goes my theory that he’s a Danny Devito clone.

FtM can pass quite well. Testosterone is one helluva drug.

FtMs are usually high-test dykes to begin with, so it's not that hard.

MtF on the other hand...

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take your meds please

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Oh noes Avi

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Have sex.

Where are your handlers?

people like this deserve death. this is probably one of those losers who CAN'T FIGURE OUT WHY no "cute boy" wants to date them


Are you fucking retardes? James Gandolfini is THE alpha male. RIP :(

Why don't these low test men who want to take hormonew and chop off their dick take testosterone first? Maybe they feel like women because their T levels are so damn low.

cause it's a fetish

Why don't you take hormones just to check that you aren't secretly a woman? No? You are pretty sure which gender you are and want to be then?

why did she turn herself into a manlet

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It’s been will established that this is a much more effective treatment than encouraging transition but everyone ignores that for some reason

So go tell the faggots. >That's why they have their own fucking forum, faggot.

Calm down tranny

This young dude from Stranger Things is pretty suspect now that I look at him. Curves exactly like a girl.

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Because this has nothing to do with transitioning or their lifes, it's a conspiracy about them keeping it secret and this is the only place which i can spread my message

Fuck off Reinhard. My dick is still covered in pussy juice from earlier this evening. How's your 600lb life going?

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I just checked her up to see. She's a woman, you can tell by how high the navel is placed on the body and the walk. Trannies always walk kinda off compared to real women.

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How do we know you’re not in on it user

The ugly ginger from IT and the one from Sabrina have always looked like trannies to me. And not very passable at that

That's a right question to make. You simply can't given that I have the same knowledge as someone who's on it. I could may as well be Michelle Obama's agent trying to cover up her case by trying to steer attention away from her.

Most of the time these sick fucks are still straight and being trans is just a fetish.

I’d suck Michelle Obama’s dick.

I'd be more inclined to believe that your dick is covered in shit faggot.

Scum or not, he's right. The majority of the most prolific advocates for sexual deviancy in the 20th century were Jewish. Some, people, myself included, argue that socialism, rather than Judiasm was the driving force behind their need to destroy the traditional family unit, but throwing your hands up and shouting "/pol/!" indicates a fundamental inability to accept the truth when it goes against the progressive narrative you've been fed since kindergarten.

Very obvious mtf and not passable at all. Idk why TV jerks off to that ugly abomination

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Silence of the Lambs reboot lookin good

Yet another tranny

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>Very obvious mtf
you have to post a pic of her body if you want to make a case, i don't see how that's a male other than the uglyness

Wow so feminine

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Look up on google "q-angle" and compare the results with the pic I posted here. She's female according to her hips and pelvis.

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how do anons like these end up like this, fucking hell

>is now bald

Hitler was also a tranny

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Reminder most nazis were trannys

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Hitler always looked more like a ftm tranny to me idk