And why was it Raven?
Who was best Titans girl?
Why are incels always attracted to the quiet introverted girls?
Raven gets fucked by a regular guy story
Chapter 3 Out Now
Make sure to leave a comment. Would like ideas of what you think should happen to Raven
I love Raven
fuck off fagget
Death Stroke is a great father figure.
Get with the current year, incels
you answered your own question
What do you think?
Raven. The girl that loves Coffee Gentlemen and Lime boys.
>Coffee Gentlemen
damn raven is fucking STACKED
>Smug and insufferable (Just like every other character on that abortion) cunt
>A challenger appears.
Yes Coffee Gentlemen.
Nigger shit is not canon.
Unbelievably based
>ruins your franchise
She looks pretty good kissing a black man, not gonna lie....
You're mentally ill, not gonna lie...
You're just mad black men get more action than white boys.
It's time to stop.
Get on my level pleb
yikes....So this is the power of the alt-right...
Good heavens.
>brings race into a conversation where it wasn't before
>b-but is da whypeepo are da raycises!
and this is how we spot the *real* racists
Its not racist if i support interracial relationships because they trigger white boys :)
i love Raven but when i was a kid i had a crush on Terra
I wonder if this guy will ever get laid for all the retarded shit he preaches
get out
You just know this was made by a coping white boy.
Cringe dot com
TFW you will never again feel the rushing of going on newgrounds and finding out ZONE had a new Teen Titans parody
holy fuck that fat furry degenerate dobson needs a nine millimeter lobotomy stat
Split her into her multiple parts again and have the guy deflower every version of her.
fuck off Yea Forumscksuckers, go back to your shithole
That's such a good idea I'm surprised I didn't think of it for this story
What do you think of it btw?
Haven't had a chance to read it yet but I'll leave you a comment when I do.
I really, really, appreciate that
Me on the bottom.
>being raped by big black cock
Its not rape if its BBC
is it filtered?
google Fred Perry art and thank me later raven fags.
It was this episode that led me into developing a clothes tearing/exploding clothes fetish.
neat, only read the first chapter
raven and the regular guy is wholesome
Asuka vs Rei:
>lol, only plebs go for Rei
Raven vs Starfire:
>of course, Raven is the obvious choice
>only plebs go for Rei
What kind of faggot would say this?
If this is the guy from before, I still expect a comment on the site!
user, you overestimate people.
Why must I suffer?
why so much lewd of raven?
I unironically love this show. It's like Seinfeld, being a show about nothing where the characters are pieces of shit who produce humor by fucking everything up all the time, except it's not limited by continuity or real-world physics. In each episode they can destroy the world, die, or cause some other form of irreparable damage to the universe.
Rule 34, user
Sounds retarded and like you have the attention span of a gnat
Seinfeld builds plots based on reactions to actions, and some of those actions and reactions have consequences, your shit show sounds like it has neither and it's just random shit happening - kys
Why? White boys are the winners on interracial relationships.
Yet they created an entire board just to moan about black people :O
It was kinda fun for me to watch at first, but it gets tiresome fast. I can only enjoy it in limited doses, the extremely over-the-top humor has its moments but it gets stale and annoying quickly.
My dude, is death not severe enough a reaction to an action for you? The shows are really quite similar. For example:
On their way to see a boxing match at Jerry's place, George and another guy pull halfway into a parking spot at the same time and pass so much time arguing about it that they miss the fight.
Cyborg gets sick. Robin makes everyone tiny to save Cyborg by punching germs to death inside his body. They waste a bunch of time trying to do this before realizing that they should have just called a doctor, but then when they try, they're too tiny to be heard over the phone and Cyborg dies.
In Seinfeld, if a character dies, they actually stay dead.
picking a cherry in a landscape full of cherries lol fuck niggers chrry is a funny word
That's not Shad
The autists constantly screeching about this show existing are worse than the show.
Completely generic cartoon goth, and not even the best one.
Every goth is precious.
The stories are mostly self-contained. You don't see several episodes of Jerry bellyaching over not having slept with the nice-titted woman.
>Completely generic cartoon goth, and not even the best one.
Go on then, enlighten us user
Starfire >>>>>>> Raven
Blackfire >>>>>>> Starfire
>Raven being a tease
>Gwen being shy
It's a nice little animation and all, but that's pretty damn out of character.
she's not pregnent.
Robin checked?
>the canon slut
>Raven blacked in the new comics
well i was gonna read that but I think i'll pass
Black Wally was always fucking retarded but this takes the cake
w-what ever do you mean, user
But isn't judgeing her based on that appearance without actually reading the comic to see how her character is portrayed beyond her appearance the exact thing he is arguing against?
She got fucked by Slade though
She got a reputation as "Slutfire" when she fakes amnesia in the 2011 Red Hood comics because she was sad about not being with Dick, and then proceeds to boast about having casual sex with Jason Todd and Roy Harper.
They did do a 180 on this due to the backlash by having her form an actual monagomous relationship with Roy, as well as confirm that she didn't just forget about Dick, but now she's boring and rarely being used outside of a "for little girls" character.
it wasn't a sincere question, lol
She's like several years her junior.
But /pol/ was literally not made for that lmao, I know nigger IQ's are low but this is just sad
Blacks are just an irritating force of nature. Jews are the true enemy.
god i wish that were me
Why hath God forsaken us?
Friendly reminder about your used goods waifu, terrafags.
What's the source?
this was unironically disgusting and it's no wonder since Hollywood is full of pedophile Jews
Terra was always fucking Slade though, even in the original story.
I think he was the first comic book supervillain to commit statuatory rape.
>Has a fursona
>Not a furry
are you fucking serious? Use your damn eyes
She has canonically been a broken slut in every iteration since forever. No happy ending ever either lmao
What, what the hell is that? What's the story? You have to tell me, because I'm getting seriously aroused right now and you won't like me when I'm seriously aroused!
The Asian man responding to Latino always gets me, it just seems so out of left field.
Terra is a Teen Titan, but the twist is that she was fucking Deathstroke, he groomed her and used her to get information out of the Titans.
The image is from the most recent Judas Contract animated movie adaptation from a few years ago.
Why answer your own question? Is it because you are two-faced incel yourself in denial perhaps?
Shit, I thought she was corrupted or something. Meh, it will do.
Yea Forums go and stay go plz
pale girls have pinker pusys
pretty sure hers is gray
Yes that is exactly correct, are you trying to make a point?
They always make redheads into niggers
Skudd's models are top-tier
left is a qt
What exactly is her super power exactly
being a saucy goth slut
Making my peepee hard
Vast magical powers
Astral projection
Force-field creation
Psionic abilities
Advanced telekinesis
Thought projection
Spiritual powers
Healing magic
Telekinetic spells
Incredible knowledge of mystical artifacts, charms, and spellbooks
gray pussy
More like grave pusy