Godzilla needs to beat Dark Phoenix next week...

Godzilla needs to beat Dark Phoenix next week. The film looks like utter shit and there is a male bashing Jennifer Laurence leak of her character going full Batwoman. Plus, Fox is part of the mouse borg now. Phoenix failing will hurt the remaining Fox employees yes, but it will also hurt Iger who is a satanic piece of shit that corrupted Disney.
Thread Theme.

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What the fuck is wrong with you and why would you post this image? And I love Godzilla and KOTM to the bottom of my heart, but just look how it's preforming. This is the world we live in, like it or not. If you think Marvel capeshit with unattractive women who can't act #394 isn't going to easily make a billion you're more optimistic than I

>Moth tits
Based Japan

>godzilla porn

Have this pick to ease the pain. The trash early reviews are to blame. I’ve seen movies that got trashed rebound after good word of mouth. Aquaman made a billion dollars after getting outright destroyed by Disney shills. We just need to get people to see it.

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I still don't understand the reviews. What were the critics looking for that they didn't find, but managed to find in a movie like fast and furious, or john wick?

I like all of those movies, but this is pure bullshit.

You know that means it's big in Japan

Franchise needs that giant Kong schlong to revive it at the box office.

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They were told to sink it so Spendgame could beat Avatar (non adjusted)

This. Marvel is the only universe franchise that’s allowed to exist.

I'm seeing it again next weekend with my kid and my sister. Anyway, Dark Phoenix is going to bomb hard. X-men movies haven't done good box office numbers in a while desregarding Logan

I wouldn't be shocked, even though that sounds like conspiracy bullshit.

And also I thought endgame was kinda shit outside the last 40 minutes and that has good reviews, so whatever.

>I still don't understand the reviews.
I do

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yikes at the insanely cringe furgin OP

Barafags OUT

Barachads IN

Fuck off furfag

7 trips are ultimate truth


>Barafags dicks OUT!

What makes Mothra the queen? She's a pushover

In her original continuity she is an actual goddess of the earth with magic powers. She is kind of a big deal in Godzilla lore.

not canon

“original continuity” And needless to since they are trying to be faithful while cutting the supernatural elements out that Monsterverse Mothra is still very powerful in her own way and that she still has the desire to protect Earth.

She assisted Godzilla

Mothra isn't a pushover. She has the best record of all of Godzilla's opponents when it comes to battling him. She's never beaten him 1v1, but her twin larvae have. Every team she's been on has defeated Godzilla, even if she sacrifices herself to stop him.
There are like 11 different multiverses in the Godzilla movie franchise alone. That doesn't include alternate media like comics and vidya.

Godzilla don't need shit. 65 years and 35 films in, he's tanked every commercial and critical disaster you could think of (actually every movie is 10/10) and just keeps coming back. He is unkillable.

Fuck plebs
Fuck Kong
All hail the king

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It's currently at 39% critic score vs 86% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes. The Jews fear the kaiju.

A lot of those shit stains gave it ones and zeros. I cant name a movie that deserves a fucking zero or one.

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That's absurd

>There are like 11 different multiverses in the Godzilla movie franchise alone.
Great, now I want to see all the different Godzillas staring down at Godzooky with various degrees of disgust and confusion.

I would hesitate to give any movie a 10/10, but a 1/10 or a 0/10 is just unfair. The idea that these fags are review-bombing Godzilla because of Marvel fanboy autism just sounds crazy, but I guess nothing surprises me anymore after they propped up Captain Marvel, which was honestly the worst movie of the entire MCU.

I saved this pic.

>The idea that these fags are review-bombing Godzilla because of Marvel fanboy autism just sounds crazy, but I guess nothing surprises me anymore.

I would have thought the same until I saw the efforts to buy Endgame tickets to have it beat Avatar. I don't get the connection between how much a movie makes and your own self worth.

0/10 would be 90 mins of an eyeball because the camera man accidentally was looking through the wrong end of the camera for the entire film
10/10 isn't impossible but really any new movie should be at most a 9/10 and then if in ten years it's still good then it can be a 10/10

>Kaijushit on it's second week beating capeshit on it's first week.
Not a chance. The counterprogramming for Godzilla's week was too strong.

>tfw no big tiddy moth gf

I would watch Godzilla with a cape. Imagine Godzilla dragging a huge cape across a city. Yea Forums made me steer clear of KOTH after all the shilling.

Fucking delete that image you freak

>Godzilla needs to beat Dark Phoenix next week
And the sad thing is you losers know it probably won't

Don't call us losers

The thing is, a 1/10 movie wouldn't even be a bad movie, certainly not in the way we think of a "bad movie". Even trainwrecks can be entertaining, as proven by the popularity of crap like The Room. No, it would have to be a trainwreck in a way that does so in the least entertaining way possible. Not only is riddled with plot holes, bad characterization and a stupid story, but it's so fucking boring you might not even notice everything that is wrong about it.

The Last Jedi was easily one of the worst movies I'd ever seen, and even then I'd still probably rate it at least a 2 or 3 out of 10.

Something like movie 23?

The MST3k guys said something similar. The movies they pick for episodes aren't even The worst movies . The worst ones are so boring that they couldn't even make jokes because they have long stretches where nothing happens.

It's like that shitty movie with will Smith and his kid set in the future. It was more boring than bad. Still bad, but just incredibly boring.

we could just shit in cinemas to solve that problem and make waggies suffer in their cagies.

After Earth?

Stop losing all the time and I'll think about it

MST3k used Godzilla vs Megalon, which is actually one of the most entertaining Godzilla movies because of how hilarious it is. I would rather watch it than Godzilla 2014 if you made me pick between the two.

Was Godzilla vs Megalon the one with Gigan and Jet Alone?


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I've seen all the Godzilla movies up to Final Wars and I think the only one that I outright hated was the one with the fucking kid and it's all in his head.

The only one that comes even close was the Mecha Ghidorah one and that was mostly due to just the time travel plot making no fucking sense.

Yeah, Godzilla's Revenge is pretty bad, but I actually like Godzilla vs King Ghidorah because of how memey and silly it is. My biggest complaint about it is that King Ghidorah does not seem threatening at all. He does choke out Godzilla at one point, but there's no buildup to his appearance like there is in Ghidorah the Three-Headed Monster. The time travel plot in Endgame made no sense either, but the normies seemed to eat it up.

Yeah that one. I kept thinking that was the title, but I thought I was mixing it up with Titan AE

>Godzilla's Revenge
Is that what it's called? I thought Godzilla's Revenge was the second film, the only other one that's in black & white.

The international title for the second movie is "Godzilla Raids Again," but the American title from when it was dubbed back in the 50's is "Gigantis the Fire Monster," because the company that dubbed it didn't think Americans would want to see another movie with Godzilla in it. lol

Honestly I can't keep track of all the fucking titles. I usually just stick with the Japanese ones, even if they tend to be ridicilously hyperbolic and I think there was a period in the late 60's when they all had really similar sounding names too.

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Space Thunder Kids.