Has a movie ever made you want to kill yourself?
Has a movie ever made you want to kill yourself?
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Guess people have been hitting it big in Vegas
wtf but /pol/ told me the coastal states were shitholes
Really makes you think... maybe too much.
Slc punk
Does this show the rise in suicide rate or the suicide rate?
southern states are full of nogs and mexicans, they drag IQ down
colder northen states are not as 'diverse'
>the only state with legal prostitution
>the only state with a decrease in suicide
It makes sense though. Smarter people are more likely to commit suicide. Just looks at the nips.
Why are all the states that voted for Trump suicide prone?
Why do white people kill themselves?
While there's some very general truth there, the Nips are a special case because suicide has long been seen as a culturally acceptable alternative to dishonor.
Now someone do that really funny one....male vs female suicide :)
watching their countries be infested by smelly foreigners and go to shit
Why is Nebraska doing so well?
Rugged individualism. 99% of our species' existence was in small familial tribes. White people moreso than any other group move away from their family to succeed elsewhere alone.
It's suicide rate. In Nevada, for example, -1% of people commit suicide, which means +1% increase of population from suicide alone.
>wak up, go outside
>see nog
>turn around
>see mex
>turn around
>paki or other shitskin
>have to work for social support for these
too depressive desu
That movie sucked dick. It was kinda based for a bit, then suddenly he changes his life, goes to Harvard and becomes super happy? Fuck that bullshit ending.
That's exactly what made me suicidal.
Hmmmmm . . . .
Literally white privilege. They've grown up in a near perfect white society for 40 years and now that shit is getting too real and now whitey actually has to struggle
Mhmm. fellas...
>girl scout cookie language
A wise guy, huh?
>mostly commonly spoken language other than English or Spanish
what an asinine criteria for investigation. What does this even prove?
Discordshitters are seething that you've ruined their thread.
If you just look at the most commonly spoken language other than English the map is pretty boring
I can pretty much guarantee that less than 2% of the population speaks any language other than English or Spanish.
They’re soft and have never had to experience hardships. What they perceive as “reverse racism”, is actually just the human condition.
>”oh no my classmates were mean to me one day and said the popular mixed kid was more attractive than me” :( *shoots up school*
>”oh no I was passed up for a job opportunity and the woman who I decided in my head was unqualified despite her actually holding two degrees and several years of experience got it” :( *overdoses on opioids*
>”oh no I’ve been rejected three times by three different girls, it’s all women’s fault not mine for deciding not to persevere and see what I can do better” :( *becomes serial murderer*
Why do these discordcucks come here instead of /pol/? Are they scared of /pol/ or something?
Literally worst race
holy shit nevada, keep up the good work
They hide suicides
I would have killed myself too if lived in a fucking freezing hellhole like Minessotta or one of the Dakotas
Lol no
Why do pasty upper class white kids pretend to radical left wing revolutionaries?
Fucking kek
>Has a movie ever made you want to kill yourself?
lol no I'm not a emo faggot
The only acceptable second language in the US should be native language.
fuck spics
>whitest states are also the smartest states
it is their native language, lol
Strange how 90% of the demographics maps of the US look the same no matter the stat being measured.
This. Peak white fragility
>grown up in a near perfect white society
>now that shit is getting too real
So you admit that you're ruining society?
They also under report crime stats lol
Not really.
>/pol/fags and leftcels replying to themselves: the thread
Absolutely pathetic.
Not really, hispanics are happy people
*funkytown starts playing*
At 15, you think of your 20
at 20 you think of your 25
at 25, you think of your 30
at 30, well this one is big, you think of your 35 and 40
at 35, you think of your 40 and 45
at 40, you think of your 50
at 45 you think of you 55 and 60
until you reach 25 you think about your pleasures ahead
at 25, you wonder whether hedonism or suicide is all there is to life, but you fail to find an escape, especially to find a solution on your own. So why not do what everybody else does, after all, it cannot be so bad if so many people do it?
But of course, you know that you are too scared to pull off suicide and even worse, you hear that ''suicide is for pussies'', plus you tell yourself that it would make your mom cry. So you stick to hedonism and try to make your life full of ''good moments''.
you clearly despise to be alone
(this applies to men only, since women cannot be alone naturally at this age)
at 30 you still have not seen anything outside hedonism, so you stick to it and strive for it.
You know that junk food and beer take their toll and you hit the gym but you notice that 25 yo men have been already the gym for a few years already while claiming that ''they do not do it for girls, they swear''. You notice that women at work or in social circles outside of work notice your work at the gym. You soon understand that no matter how much you lift, your face remain average.
at 35 you fully know that trying to keep being a normie is draining and requires means that you do not have, even worse, means that other people have, more or less for free or without much effort, but not you [typically for housing, where the babyboomers have the power on the estate market and girls]. You notice that other women appreciate you more, if you are already in a relationship.
at 40 you clearly think that being a normie is worth it, especially if you think that 30-yo gf is not cucking you or bear ''your'' child and you do above average at your job.
at 45, you wonder, jsut like your gf approaching 40 (but you do not know it), whether breaking up is not an option and you want to ''offer the best to your kids'', you go fantasizing about being a libertarian, as in dreaming about taxing 100% of the inheritance to have more equal society, mostly out of bitterness from the older generation (who "has it all"), but clearly, and you are even pride of this, you stick to playing by the rules of the game of the baby boomers so that perhaps, one day, you would have all their riches. (because if you would stop this game right now, you imagine easily being swindled wrt to the people who play the game, LIke the misanthrope who like the idea of the humanity dying, but ofc only if he is the last man to die.)
at 50, you just want to retire and see your daughter avoid marrying (whatever you put behind) ''the pleb'' but you are happy that some guy chooses to provide for her (just like you did at his age) or rather you build a sweet certitude that your daughter will do well without too much work on your side, nor on her side... You want your children to find a job instead of costing you money, especially the boy since boys end up too many times back to their room (for a few years) since girls find a way to shack up with whatever man is ready to pay the rent.
at 65, After some of your acquaintances have died or been ill, You fear cancer more and more and you think that, all those years, your wife was right to be a ball breaker about pesticides on apples and salads and that she better sticks to organic products.
your 60 yo wife drags you to some ''meditation learning course'' where you are taught that ''the capitalist society is wrong in making people consume more and more and happiness is just being nice to people and letting go'' and you must learn to ''follow your breath'' while crossing your legs 15 minutes a day. It hurts your knees too much to do it, so you do not do it.
So this... Is the power... Of an atheistic lifestyle... Woah...
Every in Chicago is secretly Mike Ditka
Shut up retard. You could’ve typed “sneed” x 2000 and it would’ve been more worth reading than this pretentious word soup.
Damn, redskins do not get a chance.
>non-hispanic white?
What does this mean?
At least playoffs this year, just watch faggot.
American "white"
>map lines up perfectly with map of medium to high-IQ whites
Can I get off this fucking ride already?
Who created this perfect white society?
Probably slaves right?
you mean grew the fuck up and realized being a dirty gutter punk was just a waste on society, then yeah it was a bullshit ending
Nice cope
They must count drinking yourself to death and diabetes
So, the memes are true. Wtf /pol/
>CA is dumber than Alabama
I'm telling you every board is /pol now
We homogenized some time around 2018
Here's a guess
Based New England
I guarantee you Cali's is Mandarin not Tagalig
Hmmm gee I just can't put my finger on why... It can't be because we've taken in 60 million hispanics who have IQs around the 85 range... Naww....
Why do white people kill themselves so much?
When you just want to go to the grocery store and have to squeeze between obese 10 years olds who scream Spanish, and realize 70% of legal and illegal hispanic households are on welfare... Well, it's not great for your soul.
In Russia and Ukrainthose "suicides" are mostly in small depressive cities and because of alcohol consumtion. There is nothing to do outside of drinking and drugs.
there are 10 million pinoys in cali bro
buh buh buh muh civic nationalism, muh magic dirt!!!
So much for white parardise huh...
>flyoverfags killing themselves
whats the issue here?
Well, Moscow/St.Petersburg and Kiev are mostly white and people don't kill themselfs. But outside of big cities life is not great (mostly).
Rh*de Islanders should be all moved into Shitnecticut and then have their state devoured by MA.
Moscow is expensive. Kiev is a paradise for white male with decent income.
Only think keeping me from doing it is what it would do to my family, both the pain and the fact that out scumbag neighbours would taunt them over it.
How about kill your family and neighbors before doing it, to alleviate them from the pain.
Post 2016 election map.
Life here is shit enough even without niggers and other "minorities". Can't imagine what it would've been with them around.
No but the shit taste by both the plebs and absolute foaming pseudo pleb autists who are pretentious make me have no faith in humanities intelligence at all
not really white, more slavic/asian mix
what is rare is black suicide, you never hear about it
I would bet it is because black people have less developed frontal lobes and long-term reasoning. They can be starving in Africa, being slaughtered by warlords or contracting ebola, but suicide wont ever cross their mind, while non-black individuals have suicidal thoughts almost daily
Average Yea Forums poster wouldn't surive in Russia or Ukrain, kek.
the future is beauti-
There's plenty of eastern Europe people on here.
I think about that a lot actually.
they will forget and die eventually, just do it
wh*Tes were a mistake. They know this and act accordingly.
This, so much this. A wh*te kid at my school killed himself over not getting an internship.
>non-hispanic white
There is nothing to live for, the "life" of the average Joe is to work all week so someone else gets rich. There are no more ideals to pursue, art is a scam now, science became propaganda, philosophy is dead, there won't be work due to automation, etc.
Human beings are not meant to live beyond 50 years, with rare exceptions. At 30 you realize your desires and ideals are illusions. At 40 you start decaying physicaly and mentaly, persisting beyond this point is pointless. That is why a lot of bright mathematicians commit sudoku early in their lifes