The houses were fake

the houses were fake

Attached: 4c731776-eb55-4eda-8ff2-cy.png (500x300, 40K)

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They were rented, minus a few celebs who fell for the meme like John Travolta

Proud to say I never watched a single cancerous Mtv show, and know nobody that ever did.

Pure kike trash.

obviously since they were american

No. Besides what the point being famous and rich?

Hello mtv welcome to my crab

>know nobody that ever did.
Top fucking kek. You must be oblivious as fuck. That or you just had no one in your life. Just because those around you pretend they didn't watch something doesn't mean they didn't.

>unless you have the deed to your house outright without any mortgage, every house is rented be it by a landlord or a bank.

Based desu

>this mad because somebody never watched some Mtv kike trash
Top fucking kek.

not all of them. Redman was legit. They even went back to his house a few years later to see how he had improved it.

Not Redman's crib.

>not watching Tom Green, Wild Boyz or based Wonder Showzen

>like, what the fuck even IS equity maaaaaaan?

>watch mtv cribs
>they all show what's in their fridge
>cases of fiji/evian/voss water all facing forward positioned with laser accuracy, plus some health food fad item that was hot at the time of filming

>I know nobody
yeah we figured

is somehow inaccurate

Attached: Gondola Observes.jpg (499x514, 164K)

>>I know nobody [with taste that shitty]

They were all just taking hints from ChiCityand his fridge game.

>its a rapper episode where every tv in the house is playing scarface

Attached: 007001005049 .jpg (1920x1080, 256K)

Keep lying to yourself. You've seen Jackass and we both know it.

You're probably underage.

Nope. Idiots doing stupid shit to themselves never even seemed remotely interesting to me, user. You just have shitty taste.

Yeah Pimp my Ride was jewish propaganda, lol I hate kikes too but come back to reality user.

the government still owns the land

as opposed to every other piece of media that isn't kike trash

What is interesting to you? Reading For Whom The Bell Tolls while listening to Wagner and sipping tea? Homo.

It's you who is blowing himself over not seeing a TV show. Thanks for sharing, I guess.

>implying you don't want to be force-fed addictive substances so your existence and worth is based solely on your dependencies that are satiated by pleasing old Jewish cock.

I just realized that the porn industry is basically Hollywood, just with more blatant abuse of its "talent" by their (((overlords)))

Most of the cars were probably all rented for the shoots too.
Yeah I know, but this doc is gold. Miami has a whole industry catering to losers living with their parents, who want to pretend to be living the Cribs lifestyle by renting lambos at the weekend. They absolutely blow the fuck out of a kid who pretends he's making bank renting supercars to people, but the car he shows up in is rented from a real supplier.

Attached: vice-inside-miamis-luxury-car-hu.jpg (1280x720, 111K)

This entire thread is cancer.

Redman was real as fuck showing his crib. He was the best thing ever.

Ted Nudget showed his real house

I'm poor and keep a case of fiji and a case of perrier in my fridge all the time