>Christian Bale was 25 when he stared in American psycho.
How is your life going?
Christian Bale was 25 when he stared in American psycho
Other urls found in this thread:
Unemployed, out of uni, out of shape and considering suicide.
And Mel Gibson was 23 years old in the first Mad Max.
>posting about me so I don't have to
Suicide is your last resort, but you always have it. Cherish it, and live to the best of your abilities or mood, you can always quit if it's too shitty.
its like you're me
I'm 27 and strangers still call me "boy"
still in school and living with my mom
got skinny and hoping things will get better
Oke job, living with my parents and no gf (never had one). So, I don't know....
Wash your penis.
I don't understand. I'm 22 and I look like a kid unlike them, not even a babyface just looking young.
Did men in the past have higher testosterone or something?
I'm dead (lol) set on it, i have no ego or will anymore.
All i think about is how my family will cope.
27- Wife, mortgage, trying for baby #1.
I should probably lose about 20 pounds.
>i have no ego or will anymore.
You wouldn't be posting or talking about it if it really was like that
This but also a virgin
It's due to food and in some cases, like Gibson, sun exposure. People spend more time indoors these days. Bale isn't the best example because he has that weird, runway model alien face. As you can see, DiCaprio is more like your average aging modern American, just with more money of course.
25, a total virgin despite being told often that i am beautiful (and i now i am above average), and now it feels like i've gotten too far and can't lose my virginity, the more years have passed the more i've sacralized it, which means that i am now afraid of doing anything and regreting it for the rest of my life, and i can't even bring myself to tell men interested in me that i am a virgin anyway because it'll look fucking weird at my age and with my looks. So i'm alone, i have no family, i'm poor and working a shitty job for minimum wage, and i still get told on the internet that i have it good because i have a vagina.
know* not now obviously
I genuinely cant watch a lot of things because I'm 27 and the odds of me ever being anything than what I am now are so slim
Have sex
Men don't care if you're a virgin, just go have sex it's all in your head. Trust me.
It’s alright, buddy.
Pretty good, and I stared at people too when I was 25. I guess Bale and I have something in common.
based mentally ill tranny virgin that can literally get laid this very day if it wanted to
I got trips the other day, and the post was pretty funny as well.
I am 35 years old.
20-something NEET of 6+ years. I'm literally insane though , so I guess things are going okay.
>think's she's above average
If that was true you wouldn't be poor.
30, engaged, decent trade career, depressed aboutnthe collapse of the West but good financially thanks to early crypto investment and daytrading.
You're probably just fat.
tits or gtfo
laura dern was 25 when filming jurassic park
I know from a man's perspective it sounds stupid, and i'm sure you guys are honest when you say i could easily solve my problems but we don't have the same psychology. Sex isn't an easy thing for women, i'm afraid of so many things, the biggest issue being that now that i've waited all this time i want to do it with "the right person", as cliche and naive as it sounds, and i'm terrified of being used. And to be honest it's still pretty weird to be 25 with no experience even as a woman, i don't know how to kiss and i'm 25 years old damn it.
They actually used makeup to make her look older so it wouldn't seem so much like Grant was banging his grad student.
i'm a skelly and have a very lean face
>trying to get a finance degree
>feel like a brainlet always at the tutor center
>notice my peers are smarter than me
>20k in student loans
>2 more years of this shit
>haven't had a friend since 16
>daily thoughts of self disappointment
>work at walmart for minimum wage
>don't have a car so rely on transit
>$133.38 in checking account
Not skelly enough. Apply yourself.
About to start an internship in an architecture consultation firm. Will fly to Italy for a design competition. Still no gf
Lets see...
>high school drop-out
>no qualifications or useful skills to speak of
>work terrible retail job that I've had for the last eight years with no hope for promotion or advancement
>live with parents because I can't afford to live anywhere else
>no gf, still a virgin
Take it from me. If you don't have your life sorted out by your mid twenties, you may as well end it. You'll never catch up once you hit my age. I could try and improve my sitatuin, but the time I do I'll be middle aged and It'll be too late to enjoy life.
I wasn't born into a multimillionaire acting family with personal trainers and connections
enjoy hell
Also i guess i understand your point, i know i could get easy money if this was my goal in life but it is not, and even if it was i value myself too much. There's plenty of gorgeous and poor women, it isn't antinomic, although they probably tend to not stay poor all their life i can admit to that.
Add mentally retarded and you've got me.
Yes. Testosterone levels in men have tanked in the last 2 generations. Likely some combination of diet, environmental factors, and lack of physical activity.
Men used to work for a living and eat home cooked food. Now we sit at desks and eat crap make in a factory
Wow. It's almost like A list actors are cherry picked examples of the most attractive people.
30 year old depressed neet loner. Mainly depressed about getting fat and losing the love of my life years ago. It's cool to have all this free time but the boredom is driving me nuts. At least I quit drinking and smoking weed.
He matured quickly. Like he didn't look "old" in the film, but more masculine and manly than most 25 year olds. Especially now with our onions generation. Good for Bale.
Find a man 10 years older with a good job. You would make the perfect housewife.
I always preferred women with little experience, that way I could mold them into the perfect lover for me.
Nothing will mater after you're gone. No up, no down; altogether, no graph.
At least I'm not fat.
we are many
Absolutely. Diet plays a big role on testosterone in men. Just look at Hollywood stars in 40's and 50's they don't looked like Body builders but they were manly as fuck. Their facial features were top notch
I only dropped out of uni and still feel like a fucking failure.
Things were going okay until I hit 23. I was in shape and good looking and had loads of hobbies and friends. But I stayed in university as long as possible because I was afraid of working, got my jaw broken while defending myself from a mugging, it got infected, I spent 3 months in constant blinding agony, lost 40lbs, had to repeat a year, face looks busted up now and I’m too ashamed of my skeletal figure and weird misaligned chin to continue hanging out with my friends or practicing my hobbies or even leaving the house most of the time.
I can understand on a cerebral level the reasons why I should self improve. I used to be very ambitious. But at some point through uni the constant disrespect from others got to me. I started living for my hobbies and friends and not myself. And now I don't even feel the urge to be productive anymore.
23, neet for 5 or 6 years haven't had sex in 10 years. After half decade of being depressed and doing nothing I realized I had to do change my lifestyle. I'm taking 1 year course this year hoping to improve my life and earn some money of my own
Yeah this sounds like the best thing to settle down, and i would love to be a housewife too. The thing is i don't know where to find men, especially older than me, and i don't know how to talk to them. Thanks anyway.
What is the measure of a man? And if the measure of a man is defined by others and not the man himself then why?
The problem that I have is that every person is their own economy, so to speak. You can choose what you want or need if you really try your damnedest.
22, one more semester of uni but I forgot to learn anything, never had a job or a gf, socially awkward. I ruined my chances with the first girl to have feelings for me who I thought could be the one, still friends though (my only rl friend) but things aren't what they used to be, now I have bad anxiety and depression from the regret. Trying to meet new people though. At least I have a handsome face apparently, but my body is weak and I injured my wrist so weightlifting is harder now. Could be worse, but I'm an emotionally fragile coward
Is the nigger behind bars at least?
You know what really depressed me? Barely anyone replies to each other. Just a wall of posts venting about their troubles without anyone even reading them let alone replying (except for some bait post LARPings a dumb whore).
What is the point of these threads if nobody is talking to each other?
>I'm 25 years old too, im balding and i'm not ripped like him im like 22 pounds more than I should weight
Have sex
Same bro, kinda makes me feel a bit better knowing we’re not alone.
based fipbip
Same mate
You know why anons are craving (you)'s? Same reason. Lonely people don't care about other people's stories, they just want attention from others.
This is a photo from The Road Warrior
Orson Welles was 26 when they screened his film Citizen Kane
>the constant disrespect from others got to me.
I think this is what I'm going through right now. Blood pressure goes through the roof whenever I have to interact with any of those retards now. It's not even explicit disrespect but after a certain period of time you start to grasp the way the hierarchy goes between your "friends" and it all crumbles after that because I literally can't handle interacting with those literal dog brained fags. I miss my childhood friends. Things were so chill and simple back then.
It's therapeutic to put your insecurities into words, not necessarily as comforting to actually go through others' insecurities as well.
Explain to me how you have a degree and still fail to get a good paying job.
Hard mode excludes:
>muh depression/ self destruction
>muh market saturation
>muh unrealistic job requirements (millennial cope)
>muh useless degree
Fucking die alreader boomer shit.
25 years old me: trying to finish my degree vut smoke too much pot and drink too much alc
28 years old me: nothing has changed. only got even more depressed.
whats a good age to kill yourself my bros? I dont think its getting better
It's hard to engage with everyone about their specific problems, even more so when you're in this thread because you have problems yourself in the first place. It's sad but it's like that. At least we can vent about it and know that we are not alone in our misery.
i was not LARPing though so i guess i really am a dumb whore
tits or gtfo
27 depressed and poor
>but after a certain period of time you start to grasp the way the hierarchy goes between your "friends" and it all crumbles after that because I literally can't handle interacting with those literal dog brained fags
Having this shit now. I thought we were cool but when we're in a group setting he starts just shitting on me. I actually cant comprehend this shit, it goes beyond men being competitive, a significant amount of people are just massive cunts and see themselves in a social ladder
Truthfully, suicide should be the last resort when your physical health declines significantly. Also, remember that you have an obligation to take some trash out on the way if you do decide to an hero. Don't kill yourself though.
Became 25 two weeks ago. Still out of shape and living at home. But hey at least I'm at Uni where it's going pretty well and people like me, and I know what I want to do with my life. Gonna try to move out next semester and improve myself this summer. Better late then never I suppose.
1 period. that whole ramble contains a single fucking period. gotta love how all it takes to get 30 (You)s is to insinuate you might be a cunt.
It's Okay, 30 is the new 20
What's your IQ?
mental health fucks me up far more than physical health. at least you can treat your backpain with painkillers
I don't think so, that management position is not going anywhere for another 20 years :)
The key is learning to be a dick yourself.
Exact same thing except I'm still chill about it because I can banter back. What I really can't stand is when they all act like complete betas, bending over for a couple of guys in our group even though those very some guys shit on them behind their back. I despise that kind of weakness and it pretty much made the whole clique disgusting to deal with.
If you're talking shit about someone behind their back to me then I know for a fucking fact you do the same behind my back too, how retarded do you have to be not to see that?
You're going to have to holler its loud down here
Hey I'm turning 25 next month! Life is good. I'm married, own a house in a nice white suburban neighborhood, work from home, our combined income is around 200k a year. We're trying to have kids now, and I'm learning a 2nd language for fun on the side.
People lived way unhealthier back then. 12 year old's would smoke a pack a day, literally everone took copious amounts of hard liquor and if you were handed drugs you would ask "how much". I mean, if you look how old my parents look at 65 compared to their parents it's already a world of difference. We are gonna live way longer and healthier in comparison, we just look younger.
What's the thing you guys hate most about yourself?
Bad teeth, no muscles, porn addiction
What good does having (you)s do to you anyway?
That I'm not a machine.
I wish I was less insecure.
That's it. I'm pretty fucking gifted apart from that actually. Fuck all of you
Almost 33 and still waiting for my first real post-college job.
Other people don't seem to like me, i wish i was an extrovert who could easily make friends.
I know it's tough but try to stop smoking and drinking so much
you don't necessarily have to go cold turkey just try and use some self control and not indulge too much when life gets you down
don't wallow in your pain use it to motivate you to do shit
pic unrelated
almost 34 and same
we're gonna make it bro
The fact that most of my life is predetermined by things outside of my control. And that my brain won't let me opt out.
You have to get it inside your head that everyone is insecure. Whether they're body builders, super models, actors etc everyone is insecure, it's how they handle their insecurity that you perceive it as a lack of it rather than the coping mechanism that it is. Just fake it til you make it (you never do).
It's easy to meet new people, harder to make friends and hardest of all to keep them. Just force yourself into social situations and learn from them. Eventually you'll get the hang of it but it'll never stop being uncomfortable.
your 30s are going to be great if you play your cards right ;)
Poor teeth, puberty acne marks that won't subside, overall I am fine how I look. Mentally though I'm fragile coward and that need some working
small dick (3 inches)
Being a complete fucking retard. I'm so slow; it takes me many seconds to comprehend what people are saying to me at times and I tend to re-read sentences multiple times.
I'm 6 years older than he was and I still look 20.
>tfw I'm a rich NEET who never has to work ever again
keep falling off the chair so teacher said plan ahead
It's a weird feeling knowing you're going to be dead in 2 weeks
Being slow doesn't make you a retard. Common misconception; it might make aptitude tests a little harder, but you could still be able to understand advanced concepts that others can't be bothered or aren't able to comprehend.
Being intelligentt has nothing to do with speed, it's all about discipline
>Henry Ford II (Tracy Letts, "Homeland," "The Big Short") was determined, however, to win the upcoming race in 90 days, a feat which would make Ford the first ever non-European manufacturer to take the chequered flag.
Wow, sounds like you guys should go out more often.
Too much effort
Why bother?
What exactly is going out supposed to do? I have plenty of friends. It's the fucking career and romance that are difficult.
In fact I spent too much time going out and fucking around and now I'm paying for it
Think im doing fine, im 25 soon to be 26 next week
I got these dubs going for me
Whats outside that's so great?
Fuck off my board wetback
I'm so glad I was born white
>What is the point of these threads
They us the bottom of the pit, of how low one can sink, it's comforting really.
When I was 25, I was a neet groveling for jobs
I'm now 27 with a comfy mech enginerring position making close to 6 figures.
I'm paranoid and not capable of going outside for more than a few minutes at most.
I had it really good. An OK job, a degree, living on my own, traveling a lot...I had a supermodel level gf I got so obsessed with and everything was perfect on the surface...until she found someone else behind my back. Now I'm left realizing I invested all of myself into this person and relationship and I have no more friends, goals, desires and will to live. It's fucking pathetic really.
28. M.D.
Have decent car, no house of my own yet.
Looking forward to next year to do a residency in Nephrology.
Wife is pregnant though, oh well.
paranoid personality disorder.
My indecisiveness has genuinely ruined my life.
I’m going to be 25 in October and currently finishing my degree program. It’s like this place gravitates the same people...
well he was better looking than all of Yea Forums so that´s the verdict for his career
I can't full ass anything. I know what I need to do and how to do it but I end up just sleeping all day and pushing my responsibilities to the very last second or just end up not doing them at all. The worst part is that i've convinced myself I "work better under pressure" when I'm just a lazy sack of shit.
how did you do it?
There simply isn't enough demand to absorb all the offer. Any other reason is dependent on the individual, but that's the basics.
enjoy it.
I might try law school if I could ever self motivate again
When I was 16 I learned how to put women beneathe me, not on a pedestal, to keep them overly attached to me and incapable of leaving. The hard part was starting the relationship, not keeping it. Problem is I'm 24 and /pol/ made me dump my girlfriend of 3 years and I'm just so out of practise now I don't even know how to get a gf again.
I took a lower paying non-profit job over a couple BS sales jobs. I start in a couple of weeks.
Don’t plan on staying at the non profit for more than a year. Wanted some experience that i would enjoy over one i’d rather an hero doing. Luckily rent is dirt cheap
>Unemployed, out of uni, out of shape and considering suicide
To be me you have to add: ugly as hell (the whole package face + baldness), not...gifted, skin problems, light asthma, hairy, weak in general, poor from a poor and disfunctional family, a lot of phobias (I have not those OCD shit, luckily)...Obviously crippling depression (first noticed when I was 6) , but how can you not be depressed if you are/look like this? I don't have the courage to kill myself, I am just waiting to die, sooner or later it will happen (I am 42). I can't even read a page in a book without finding myself thinking "why bother? It's pointless" at least 10 times.
I've just finished uni, I got multiple summer internships and multiple job offers.
If you are going to university in the west and can't get a job, you aren't trying, nothing to do with boomers. Maybe if the average student wasn't drinking away their brain cells every day and actually had work ethic, we wouldn't need to import muds and poos by the hundreds of thousands to do highly skilled job and pay welfare to millenials while they cry about how good the job market used to be for boomers.
eat a tide pod zoomer
not saying it cures all problems, but being alone in nature keeps me sane. future is fucked though since so many areas are getting developed and paved over.
Based and 25yo pilled
as a rule if you're making blanket statements about the prospects of all university graduates, you're probably being daft
I took the verginity from many girls past 20. There's hope for everyone.
I was about to describe how I turned my life around and all that bullshit, but it doesn't matter. The love of my life hates me, there was never a slightest possibility of us being together, and I have to live my life aware that whatever I'll become, my days will always end in a cold, empty bed, crying myself to sleep because she's not there.
Worked for 5 years, starting when I was 20, and saved a lot of money. Then I quit my job when I felt I had enough, and started collecting scandinavian unemployment insurance. I get around 1400 euros at the end of every month. Plenty for me, since I live in a small cozy apartment, with not a lot of expenses.
you will look back in 10 years and realize there were plenty of fish left
Social retardation, cowardice, unloveability in romantic context
How long can you get that insurance for?
Where exactly I'm supposed to go?
25 y/o been getting high/fat/depressed until I turned 25 now I'm down 30lbs in 2months, on my way to becoming an accountant, and starting a small business. It's never too late to just stop being a degenerate.
With these other fish I just feel like a fraud, like I'm deceiving them. After all, if the person who understood and connected with me the most hates me, she must've had a point.
Its going pretty well, 29yo and managed to run sub 3h 20min PB in marathon last weekend, next goal is 3h 10min. Im autistic as fuck, work in a min-wage dead-end job and havent had a social life for around 17 years now... but i gotta admit that being addicted to physical activities is infinitely more rewarding and satisfying than videogames ever were.
For as long as I "search" for new jobs. I've been doing this for 2 years now. But as far as I know, you can have this insurance until you are 65 years old.
Dude I'm 26 and still get the "You look like your 12" line from some people. I am so used to it at this point I don't even take offense anymore, I just stare at them straight in the eyes with the blankest most emotionless face I can conjure and don't say a single word until they walk away.
Jesus, definitely takes away the incentive to search doesn't it. I don't blame you I'd be a neet like you happily.
people always change bruh. You can change, she could chnage from the girl you knew
Thanks, maybe a change is possible. Anyway, since the easy option is out (a friend who saved my life after an overdose made me promise two things: no more meth, and no suicide, I take this seriously) I might work towards my life goals anyway. Maybe she changes her mind some day.
Hello my clone.
im a loser at 25
Fuck off fucking losers ITT. This is Yea Forums not Yea Forums not the robot 3000 or whatever that neck beard virgin board is called.
Baby steps, anons. We're all gonna make it.
>implying Yea Forums isn't BY FAR the most populated of virgin-neckbeard-neet-mamasboy of any board on Yea Forums
>Christian Bale was 13 when he played the starring role in Spielberg's "Empire of the Sun"
How is your life going?
Literally me, at least im not fat.
lack of ambition, anxiety that gives me stomachaches, receding hairline
why he looked so old?
Depends on how well I did on the test I just wrote.
My nihilism
>Christian Bale was 25 when he stared in American psycho.
Fuck me, I hate my life
Literally me.
if only you knew how bad things really are
>definitely takes away the incentive to search doesn't it
Not who you quoted, but not really. Staying unemployed can be a lot of work if social workers decide to be assholes about your benefits. I much rather just deal with working part time.
Is he hiding something?
Either he's batman or he's really trying to sell us an image
Kate Bush was 17 when she wrote Wuthering Heights.
wasted a metric fuck ton of years playing video games and dicking around at college taking 1 or 2 classes a semester
Live at home but its not awful. Barely even talk to my family, everyone just looks at their computer/tv/ipad.
I think we need some aerosolized zoloft or something in this house
I have a hot gf, car, look young and have a good amount of money so it could be worse i guess.
just gotta fucking find motivation to graduate, find a job, and move out
No fucking way that this place has the same kind of people.
>25, a total virgin
>i have a virgina
HOW is it supposed to be a bad thing ? You literally just have to go outside and HAVE SEX. It's not even as if a man 'ahahah you are still a virgin !?' . Most of us would actually be happy to have sex with someone who is not a roastie.
Now see how they treat virgin men even in the MEDIAS nowaday...
don't have sex
okay I'm out, what now
How can a man be a virgin past the age of 20?
I understand a lack of confidence in youth but you just have to go up to a girl and say hello. Ask her how she's doing, if she'd like to go for a coffee or drink after work. And if that seems too scary just get drunk and go to a nightclub or house party.
I am 25 years old and I never even kissed a girl. Been to plenty of parties, festivals, concerts, and I'm drunk every other week.
I look normal.
Which nightclub? Which house party
I'm sure there's been lots of girls waiting for you to make a move user
Which nightclub? Which house party? Alone? Get drunk by myself and then go? Then say hello to a bunch of girls in the nightclub all by myself, drunk?
Maybe they want to have sex with someone that actually likes/love them. And when you're ugly (plus other problems) that is impossible. Finding someone desperate like you doesn't seem like a good plan, that person would probably want to be somewhere else with someone else... It's depressing and sad.
to do what ? past 25 people dont socialize and make 'new friends' you have to stick with the friends you already have and the few i have are also massive nerds so there is no hopes.
Exam tomorrow that I didn't study for at all and am 90% sure I'll fail. Not that that's a big deal, I just get to try again next semester.
>tfw too intelligent to fuck women
If you don't put yourself out there you'll never find that person though. Women have so many hangups about how they look. I can guarantee it. That girl you think is perfect? She has her own massive insecurities. I'm not telling you to find someone desperate, I'm just saying that you're probably not all that ugly and even if you're not the greatest looker, there is more to it than looks. Be confident in yourself.
Im a big fuck up who cant do/ finish anything. Always been shy and a bit a insecure but it got worse, was abused at some point but no one knows, body is weak (im in shape but i get sick easily, back problems, asthma etc), depressive for 3/4 years now, afraid of changes and respossabilities. But the worst in that ? i have a big familly and they always remind me that i have a lot of ''''potential''''' and that im wasting it :^).
Height (5’7) and uneven hairline
I'm 29 and married. My job sucks but my wife makes good money. I really hate my job though. I don't know what to transition into though. I thought about writing a book or something. Just the monotony of work- I never thought it would be this bad. The only thing good in my life is my wife at this point and being with her, which is fine and all, I just want my work to matter or be worth more.
Danny Carey, the drummer for Tool, was 39 when "Lateralus" was released. He was 31 when the bands first "big" album, Undertow, released.
In 1932, at the age of forty four, after losing his job as an oil company executive, Raymond Chandler decided to start a new career as a novelist and became one of the most famous detective fiction writers of all time.
JK Rowling was 32 when Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone was released. Rowling was working as a researcher and bilingual secretary for Amnesty International when she conceived the idea for the Harry Potter series while on a delayed train from Manchester to London in 1990, when she was 25. The seven-year period that followed saw the death of her mother, birth of her first child, divorce from her first husband and relative poverty until the first novel in the series.
Thom Yorke was 24-25 when Pablo Honey was released. The depression he suffered listening and watching the Live at the MTV beach house music video to "Anyone can play guitar" later influenced both the bends, and OK computer. Albums released before he was even 30.
James Hetfield was 21 when he and Lars Ulrich wrote the majority of "Master of Puppets". He was 28 when the last noteworthy Metallica album was released. Some say he's still writing albums, but rumour is that nobody likes them and they keep asking when Dyers Eve will played live instead. Lars was also 29 the last time he gave a shit about anything other than cocaine.
Paul Thomas Anderson was 27 when Boogie Nights, a film he both wrote and directed, was released.
Clint Eastwood was 24 when he auditioned and won his first real television roles. He was 33-34 when he starred in A Fist Full of Dollars. He was 41 when he made his directorial debut with "Play Misty for Me". He was 63 when he won the academy award for best picture and best director for "Unforgiven". He was 75 when he repeated the same feat with "Mystic River".
25, well paying government job, bought a house.
Still no gf tho
God I want Christian Bale to kill me.
I'm too nice.
My family takes me for granted because of it, wherein I've unintentionally turned myself into the family butler of sorts, if you could believe it. Because of it, I barely have enough time for myself compared to when I used to go to school. When I shared my hobbies with my siblings, they took it for themselves and emotionally manipulated me over it.
Come on, let me have sex, just once.
They've all got nothing compared to the guy who wrote Maldoror when he was 22.
Here's hoping for everyone in this thread. As corny as it sounds these are kind of comforting to read cause I know it's not just me with these issues.
Currently 25 right now and really just see friends from years ago on Instagram posting about how great life is, and I'm here trying to get a 2nd degree in accounting because the first degree in media got me fucking nothing but a moderately successful Youtube channel.
Part of me thinks I should just say fuck it and go tanning. I really do think looking young has been a detriment in job interviews.
>Currently 25 right now and really just see friends from years ago on Instagram posting about how great life is
Those people are probably in massive amounts of debt and compensating for something else but I wish you luck user.
>Paul Thomas Anderson was 27 when Boogie Nights, a film he both wrote and directed, was released.
This seems perfect. Mature enough to be able to grasp the concept of life, young enough to still learn and improve.
>really just see friends from years ago on Instagram posting about how great life is
I wouldn't take that as any realistic measurement of the quality of their lives though. Instagram and social media in general thrives off a facade of positivity, a veil of perfection achieved through stillness in photos and status updates to make you think that peoples lives seem better than your own.
You're right. Thanks.
>see friends from years ago on Instagram posting about how great life is
Protip: the vast majority of them don't have a great life at all. Instagram profiles are literally curated orchestrated "great life" moments, even if you open the Instagram profile of a literal McDonalds wagecuck he will make it seem like the only thing he does is "le enjoy life" 24/7
Not him, but a large part of it isn't the reality of your friends' situations, it's the realisation that your situation isn't that.
I made a very conscious decision not to be basically having fun. But fuck it if I don't get jealous as fuck everytime I see young people drinking and having fun in the summer at the beach. It's the constant grapple between your long-term desires and your short terms impulses.
Second year of law school so I'm doing pretty well. I've finally started to become sexually active after 22 years and got my first fuckbuddy.
I'm about to start filming what will hopefully become my first feature film after ~5 years of making short films.
I'll satisfy my need to make a film before I turn 30 but probably end up becoming more depressed if the film is anything less than a masterpiece. So check obituaries in a year's time
im unashamedly lazy, and indecisive, so when i find something i actually think i want to do, i then procrastinate and over contemplate whether or not its the right thing to do/how much time ill have to commit/if i really want to do it, instead of just fucking doing it
I failed college
they smoked and drank a lot more, didn't wear sunscreen and the cars were cancer on wheels.
>dude my first feature film will be a masterpiece lmao
I welcome the perfectionism, but it can halt you in the long run. Don't be editing it for 7 years forever thinking it's just 3 cuts away from becoming a masterpiece, shit it out and make another one as soon as you can.
Rinse repeat till you're 75 and boom maybe you'll have a thread about your work on Yea Forums made by other autist here that liked your film.
>hurr explain why but without actual reasons
>ugly but tall and average build
>live with parents
>pretty decent job close to home with OK salary and prospects
>my last acquaintance finally got a gf now I'm the only single one left
>got some savings and thinking of going to Korea for a solo trip but scared to do it as i'm socially awkward
I feel like this is my last chance to change or i'll be like this forever - dunno what to do
that's exactly what I want, to vent with just an user calling me a retard, at least he acknowledges my existence
I'm not talking about selling your gash, but an attractive woman can get a lucrative job in any hospitality field and drown in gratuity.
Stephen Anthony Lawrence was six years old when he made his first TV appearance as an extra on Married with Children. He was 14 when he started balding (I'm seriously not kidding here).
Jennifer Lawrence was 22 when she won the best actress award for her role in Silver Linings Playbook, a gesture that was said to have bought Harvey Weinstein to tears of joy.
Christopher Nolan, world renowned genius, philosopher, religious leader and part time film director was 30 years old when his seminal film, Memento was released to mass acclaim. People even today struggle to comprehend the overall plot of the film, but most agree that it has "irrevocably changed" their lives in some way.
Damien Chazelle was 30-31 when he directed La La Land. The film received several accolades, including the Golden Globe Award and the Academy Award for Best Director, making Chazelle youngest person to win both awards.
Howard Hughes was 22 when his first film released.
>was a fat fuck up until 26
>now skinnyfat, back at uni
>had sex only once (not counting hookers)
>last month i started "dating" a 17 year old that now wants to be my gf (bad mistake)
>now I'm trying to distance from her because she's starting to get too clingy while i'm looking for other girls that are at least 20+ years old
I guess I made some progress. I feel like a scumbag because I told her I wanted something serious, so now i'm stuck with her until she gets bored of me
Well, what are the options? Or I post a wojack me too I know the feel or what can I tell you? Nobody's asking for advices...And this wouldn't even be the right place, so one just takes the chance to write about something personal that would never normally tell in other places/to other people (like people you know or you meet online every day/week...)
but in my spare time I'm writing a dark comedy script
Shit job, doing the gym but keep hovering around 80kg cause I'm an alkie, uni was a waste of time.
eat more meat
lift more weight
do more work
get more sun
endure more snow
Being bald 20.
Bravo. This post is severely underrated
If I spend longer than a year editing it, I'll have gone seriously wrong somewhere and will be suicidally depressed anyway so no worries there
it's truly over for us
Howard Hugues was born into billion
J Law is a notorious whore and her sugar daddy is down
don't know for other
I'm 24 and i'm just STARTING med school. No job , live with pa fuck my life. rents , have no fucking money at all. Feel like a parasite man.
Live with parents* fuck this gay keyboard
it does make me wonder if the increase in the suicide rate has any correlation to the increase in mass shootings or murder-suicides
I'm 36 and still terrified of intimacy
James Hetfield stopped giving a shit once his voice was finally shot following the black album
Unable to be appealing to women, I have lots of friends but women never respond well to me, I see other people talk to girls who smile a lot back at them and give positive body language, but when I do it it's only neutral reactions or them looking like they cant wait for me to stop, I'm average looking too, but I know it's just because they can tell I'm not a normie
>Already 26 and I look like a fucking 12 year old compared to this
End my
I'm dumb and lazy
If you're a woman (and that's a big if) then there are plenty of men who'd like to marry you. You should stop wasting time and hang out in places were good men do though. Connecting with girls into things like crafts should help you build some connections.
You should never be ashamed of not having whored out, ignore butthurt roasties, they are the old crab in a bucket kind of thing. And you are correct in waiting for the right man, if you want a justification other than morals remember pair bonding mechanisms. The more men you've been with the harder it is to have a proper relationship.
From /fit/ to /fat/
No high school deploma
No driver's license
Live at Grandparents house
No job
Was sexually molested by a faggot as a kid so technically not a virgin but have had no sex otherwise
No friends
Don't even enjoy movies, video games, or my hobbies anymore
Can't sleep
Don't even TRY to say you have it bad faggots
Look at these ABSOLUTE units, meanwhile most of modern men look like those guys that have video game collections and take pictures of themselves with it and their mouths open wide
Thanks for getting my post in first for me user
ive started many memes that have become everyday vernacular for millions of people for years now.
Wagecuck with a masters degree. Fell for the management consulting meme. Decent exits are still a couple of years of rat race away. I come home to an empty apartment and have nobody to hang out with except you retards.
To be honest, shit could probably be worse. I just wish I felt anything.
>tfw 24 year old friendless kissless socially retarded university drop-out
This but I'm 30. I'd be In shape if it wasn't for the need to drink I workout more then enough. Prospects looking positive generally though. We live in unfair times and the concept of just knuckling down is literally a boomer one. Try to do some things for your physical and mental health on your way to exiting NEET mode. If nothing else that is something I can recommend.
i work with a 36 year-old who’s in a similar spot. he saved up enough to start uni this fall.
never give up user, by the time you’re middle age you’ll realize you should have improved your life at 31.
dude if you are 20 something and still look young you're fucking lucky
enjoy your life damn it
>op asks me what im doing in my life
>tell the truth and say im a loser
>FuCk oFf fUcKiNg lOsErS
whats your story bruh
I'm nearly thirty and get mistaken for eighteen all the time.
Looking young is nice, looking like a child is not.
All I had in life was the 80 grand I'd managed to hold onto and then it was stolen
Why didnt you give it to the jews (bank)?
>but you dont need to go to the university to be successful at life bruh !
Ahah s-sure
Did you leave it on the bus?
>tfw starting my phd after this summer
a-after that ill get a good j-job right
21 still in the closet to most of my family was bullied so hard as a kid it stemmed into crippling anxiety severe depression and extreme trust issued can't work cause of said problems so i go to therapy every 2 weeks live with my mom and cooking for her and my family just to make myself feel somewhat useful
>>FuCk oFf fUcKiNg lOsErS
Reddit text, leave and kill yourself.
this but also shitting blood and failing treatments
my gf was 23 and a virgin, and I was 3 years younger, and she was fine, you can do it
Yes I will soon as a matter of fact!
No motivation. I honestly don't care what career I get as long as it makes enough money to live off of. I have no dreams, goals, or hopes to strive towards. I feel that deep down it's all meaningless, and there are times I just want to lay down and do nothing. I'm just here. Sitting. Waiting.
out of shape
no future prospects
hair thinning
at least i got dubs on Yea Forums Yea Forums
>complaining about having a futur
Ahah yeah, it's so hard to get a decent j-job !
25 year old college dropout neet get on my level
to be fair his (((welsh))) parents were connected and had him doing acting-related shit since he was a babby.
If your parents were well-connected, rich Jews; we'd all be ok.
That's the second Mad Max. This is him from the first movie.
I’ve set a deadline for my 30th (now 24). If I don’t find happiness by then I’ll suicide.
Firstly I’ll call an ambulance, then I’ll use carbon monoxide to die dozing off and not to injure my organs too much ‘cause I want them to be useful for someone who still can be happy.
also add a virgin trope to that and you described me
>How is your life going?
not well. only things i love in this world are dying and i am still drunk from last night..
This but im 26 :^)
i'm nearly 22 and i am little baby boy mummy and daddys baby little boy. hehee googoo gaga little baby boy living at home with mummy and daddy hehehehehe unemployed little faggot with no skills and prospects look at the cute little 22 year old basket case heheherhe mummys little failure hahahahaha
this except 25
My porn addiction and lack of sef confidence
mfw nobodys helping her and shes in an asylum =\
Stop getting mad. Get a job and use that money to help your parents and yourself.
delete this right now
im trying to get a job but it's really, really fucking hard
I was born in Brazil and most likely will die here because a thug decided he wants my phone. I just wish I was born in Scandinavia.
>My porn addiction and lack of sef confidence
No such thing as porn addiction, son. Humans are born addicted to porn, its why there are 7 billion people on the planet. Stop pretending to be a victim.
>a gesture that was said to have bought Harvey Weinstein to tears of joy.
im so fucking jealous of this old faggot.
>graduated uni with a degree I hate and don't want to use (journalism)
>no social circle at all for 4 years now
>hip replacement
>unemployed for about 2 years again now
>only see my parents and some of their boomer friends
Forgot to add also 29 and virgin.
not a victim, i realize its my own self doing and i need to fix it myself
>mfw 24 and realize my father at my age was married, had his first son, was a young brilliant ingeneer and Corporal
>never had gf, mediocre university, still living with my parents
How can a father not to be ashamed of such a shitty son?
it’s heartbreaking :(
my grandfather was born in Switzerland yet i am in america now. Life sucks.
it is. hollywood should be nuked.
22 is a kid
Everyone ages differently. Some people look old at 16 some look like kids at 30. Plenty of 30 something actors play high schoolers.
Age doesn’t really mean anything (within reason). There isn’t a set look you’re supposed to have. It’s a combo of genetics and how healthy you are, how you treat your skin.
Honestly looking young is a blessing.
More like Scuckinavia. After years of welcoming refugees they are now realizing muslims are a problem
>never had gf, mediocre university, still living with my parents
Here's an education about the real world, son. Nobody in the work world gives a shit about your university education. Mediocre or not, all that matters is that piece of paper when you graduate. I've interviewed hundreds of people and all I care about is competence, not education. Degrees are just box-tickers for HR.
Best thing for you is get out of the influence of your mother. Mom-son adult relationships can quickly become toxic. Mommy hates to let go of her boy(s), so she would prefer to turn you gay so you never leave.
The GF thing fixes itself once you leave mommy's control and live like a man.
Going off this post, can men tell if a woman’s a virgin if she doesn’t tell him?
21 yo kissless virgin I need to lose it before 22. I just feel bad that I missed out on having a bf in high school. Teen love sounds fun
You can do it user. I finished undergrad at 30 after working off and on for a decade.
I still get carded at rated R movies even though im 27
>Going off this post, can men tell if a woman’s a virgin if she doesn’t tell him?
Most guys are HOPING you're a virgin but their common sense usually kicks in and they realize that virgin women are pretty rare.
I've fucked only 2 virgins, one was 18 and another was 26. The 18 year old was ridiculously shy, and the 26 year old was mentally ill. Even so, the younger one still managed to get fingered by a mexican gardener who took advantage of her when she was a kid, and the mentally ill chick sucked some random dudes dick because she was desperate and addicted to porn rentals.
>tfw I was gonna be the first one in my working class family to go to university
>flunked out because I'm completely incapable of time management/self-control and doing things in the last minute doesn't work after high school
chronic anxiety.
I can barely work a 6 hour shift without feeling exhausted
You described 75 percent of this board and maybe website as a whole
This, I'm 29 and people always want to card me.
Thank you both very much, it means a lot to hear that from the other sex (i assume you're men), seeing as i don't get to hear it in real life. I guess i need to be more proactive.
heroin helps
University degrees are not all that important. Its just democratic obama shit pushing everybody to go to school to help fund the ponzi scheme known as government student loans program.
Damn user, it ain't much but I hope you find better days.
>>graduated uni with a degree I hate and don't want to use (journalism)
Become a YouTube star. Monetize that shit.
We have student allowances and loans with very low interest where I live, so it's not like I've fucked my life with student debt.
I work 8 hours a day as a janitor. It's pretty neat because I don't have some asshole watching over me every second of the day. My main priority is to relax as much as possible so I'm not horribly fatigued by the end of the weak and can do what I want. Also I listen to audiobooks 6 hours a day, so I've been filling in the gaps that my horrible public education failed to provide. Cleaning toilets for a living is the perfect job for a channy
Thank you fren. That's a cute story and I hope i find someone reassuring like you when the time comes.
I don't think they can tell at all, but it is very dependant on your attitude i suppose. I know i try to seem as normie as possible with people and most guys when they talk to me probably even assume that i had my fair share of experience. I don't know if it is a great strategy though, because i end up hiding my true self behind this persona and it might sabotage me with men, i'm not sure. But who knows, i never get close to them so i may be completely wrong.
Still, University degrees are not important. The world is full of people who dropped out of school yet ended up with good jobs.
The world also is full of secretaries who got their degrees, then ended up as slightly higher paid secretaries.
The world of work rewards people who WORK, not paper intellectuals.
Your real problem could be "I'm refusing to get off my ass and work"
Same here. 28 yo, if i dont this around by the time im 30 l will kys myself.
to be fair, it takes being raped a few dozen times to understand
Makes sense. At that point there's way else but up.
*no way
how old are you though? like can you see yourself doing that until retirement? im not trolling im 100% genuine in this question.
24. I work for a college so the benefits are good and there's a retirement plan if I stay there for 20 years or something. I'm working on other ways to make money. Frankly if I can't become self employed by my 30s I'm going to end it. Not because the job is stressful or anything, I just hate existence itself.
>More like Scuckinavia. After years of welcoming refugees they are now realizing muslims are a problem
Naw, cucks enjoy watching their women get raped by dark skinned bulls. Scandies just sit in the corner sucking a popsicle, crying and masturbating.
i ask cuz im staring at my 40s and i currently clean toilets for free since i am a caretaker for family. thanks for the reply and good luck.
Stop projecting your degenerate fetish on entire nationalities
I'm a caretaker too. Its ruined my life and pretty often I am jealous of people whose parents died young, but its my responsibility towards my parents and I do it without griping or screaming at the sky.
>i currently clean toilets for free