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/rbmk/ chernobyl general
Xavier Butler
Other urls found in this thread:
Easton Myers
First for Akimfu
Julian Rivera
i made a video about the brave men on the roof
Ian Bailey
The old thread isn't even near the bump limit yet. Kys
Colton Perry
he's delusional
you're done
Christian Murphy
It's the sticky. Show some respect, user
Noah Morales
How many bings til the last ep lads?
Lincoln Hughes
Brayden Rivera
>Akibro chilling out in the hospital reception with every other pleb
>Ends up with his face melting off
William Allen
Cameron Jones
Jack Thomas
Why was he so confident?
William Wilson
Dyatlov did nothing wrong
Kevin Thomas
brainlet here, can someone explain to me why his face melted off after tasting metal?
Lucas Miller
It tasted funny.
Jason Anderson
Jace White
Miners in the USSR did not give a fuck about anything. They were above the law as if you were to kill them coal mining would be reduced fucking up everything. Not to mention that they lived in the shittiest conditions imaginable, in prison they would literally take the control over anything. No one fucked with them.
Jace Murphy
>i nEeD WaTeR In mY ReAcToR
Aiden King
We'll never understand...
Jace Martinez
dyatlov's feed and seed water
formerly khodemchuk's
Aiden Allen
>Received fatal dose (about 1500 roentgen), mostly to the head after being sent by Nikolai Fomin to survey the reactor hall and peek at the reactor from the roof of Unit C.
Jayden Kelly
I bet his head resembled a sloppy lasagne by the end.
Nolan Howard
What do you mean with "above the law"? You mean that no one cared if they got hurt? Shouldnt the worker party care a bit more about the people who do the shittiest of tasks..
Liam Roberts
well excuuuse me Mr. 3.6 roentgen
Gabriel Hill
The firefighters were tasting graphite powder in the air, they were all basically inhaling super radioactive metal.
Jeremiah James
Why is he so much more handsome in the third pic compared to the first one? Looks like different people
Adrian Hall
Put a helmet on any person and they'll all look completely different.
Jackson Long
Miners and party officials did not give a fuck about each other as its the USSR and not the US
Asher Brown
Kayden Sanders
Did it really get stuck on a piece of graphite?
Lincoln Allen
Still the saddest story ;__:
Eli Powell
This is the face of a man who was told that he's done. Two barely visible eyebrows from under a mask were enough to make me feel this man's despair.
Carson Garcia
>Comrade soldier. You're done.
Joseph Hall
Yes, but they fixed it. But it died anyway.
>...a larger tracked robot called the “Joker”. This yellow machine was developed in Germany. Placed on the roof of the Power Plant by helicopter it was quickly immobilised when a fragment of graphite reactor core became wedged in its tracks. A team of men were tasked with manually freeing the tracks and were exposed to high levels of radiation in the process. This heroic effort was in vain as the machine stopped functioning soon after it was freed. It was later revealed that in an effort to play down the scale of the disaster the Soviet authorities had reduced the stated levels of radiation by 90%. Consequently, the Joker hadn’t been designed to cope with anywhere near the levels of radiation it would actually encounter. Due to the radiation the rovers, along with nearly 60 other robots, eventually failed. Even those machines that could cope with the radiation often ceased to function after being decontaminated with jets of water.
Henry Barnes
The madman
Zachary Nguyen
>enjoying literal capitalism propaganda
Wyatt Foster
>people claim it glorifies gommunism
>people also call it capitalist propaganda
Dominic Taylor
The state calls comrade user.
David Jones
*hands you contaminated graphite*
>Bunch of slack-jawed faggots around here. This stuff will make you a god damned sexual Tyrannosaurus, just like me.
Sebastian Jones
prepare your anus /RBMK/
Camden Parker
Ready for trial kino?
Easton Nelson
While we wait for final episode recommend me some richard harris works bros
I’ve seen camelot, hp and gladiator.
Jonathan Reed
What's the weed man bringing you for tonight /rbmk/?
Alexander Lee
Bruhanov communist.
Christian Hernandez
Yeah that, and going back to the moments leading up to the test failure.
Samuel Wilson
wonder if they'll mention Fomin smashing his glasses and using the shards to try to kill himself before the trial
Owen Wright
I'm looking forward to the bouncy bois.
Chase Cox
how long until the episode
Aiden Sanchez
Sticky for when the episode airs or we riot
Wyatt Bailey
3.6 hours
Jaxon Harris
10pm est
Leo Parker
That's how you know you made a good series.
Justin Moore
No homo, but he is fucking hot and I want to give him a bath.
Elijah Turner
Not great, but not terrible either
William Ramirez
For me, it's The Wild Geese.
Nolan Cruz
ah bollocks, i'll be out
Andrew Richardson
Fuck commies, stop humanizing them
Easton Foster
hard work with shit work condition. most will die before 50 due to all the dust they inhaled. if you dont starve to death after an accident. alone in the dark
Hunter Foster
Benjamin Johnson
Jose Morris
Wait, episode 5 isn't out yet? I thought they aired Sunday night in the US and Monday in the UK? I spent all day excited to come home and finish this kino off.
Aiden Morgan
So, how would Chernobyl bingo look like?
Tyler Sanchez
>I thought they aired Sunday night
You're delusional comrade
Eli Stewart
Lucas Peterson
How else do you tell people to do a job that will make them and their children have cancer down the road?
He had to lie to get the job done, but he couldn't live with the guilt that's why he killed himself
A bad person would not feel guilty about it
Nicholas Thomas
>No homo, but he is fucking hot
does not compute
Ryan Jones
Nuclear energy is beautiful
Liam Lopez
Samuel Lopez
Wait, is this the last episode?
Isaac Bennett
If only mazin just shuts the fuck up, then we can have this kino whichever way we think it is.
Robert Perez
Attention Bajorussian workers! You have exactly 90 seconds to pump water into the reactor, before I send you to the roof and shoot your pets! If you see any graphite on the station, you are delusional, and are to report to the infirmary at once.
Thomas Baker
Anyone got a transparent image of one of those chef hats the characters use? I need it for a meme
Brody Campbell
Kevin Perry
why isn't there any information about Dyatlov's submarine reactor incident
David Flores
This. How can you seriously believe that being shot by the KGB was scarier than dying of ARS?
Carson Morales
>most will die before 50 due to all the dust they inhaled
Why didn't they just wear masks?
Isaac Butler
I fucking thought the same. I was sure i read about it yesterday on this board, someone said something like "only a few hours left until kino"
I'm so pissed
Nolan Collins
They heard it was just a fire. No one from the firefighters knew about the dust
Ryan Morales
Guys pls
Cameron Bennett
When does it air, in a few hours?
Jaxon Morgan
Because they don't actually know how bad ARS is?
Robert Garcia
Reminder that reservists among liquidator were only the married guys who had at least one child
Alexander Wilson
Read the quoted post, it's about miners breathing dust in coal mines.
Jack Peterson
>during the height of the Cold War
>military incident
>Soviet mania for secrecy
take your pick
Josiah Watson
Sebastian Gomez
Oh, the miners
They did not give a fuck probably
Henry Morales
literally pause anywhere in Ep1 you lazy piece of shit
Elijah Anderson
I don't have it downloaded
Ethan Howard
thats pretty metal
Eli Edwards
>Specifically told not to look into the pit
>Looks into the pit
Why did he do it lads
Jose Miller
They didn't know extensively, no one knew at the time, but they were physicists, they knew more than anyone else how dangerous it was for the DNA and how it worked. They knew that if the core had really exploded it was an insane catastrophe, and they knew being exposed to such radiations would end in extreme pain. A bullet is nothing compared to that. I mean even Legasov told the helicopter guy.
Jayden Phillips
Colton Perez
wanted to see what was in there
Kayden Sullivan
because he's unironically /ourguy/
Logan Taylor
Sadly we won't get to see RBMK reactor turn into nuclear rocket engine because authors chose Medvedev's version.
Bentley Williams
First one is somewhere from summer 1986. Probably survived shooting squads
Wyatt Williams
Weren't they told before that it was radioactive and that they would fucking die looking at it
Ryder Carter
the 7th looks like a rocket
Oliver Gray
Aiden Davis
Well, the amount of radiation he took would have killed him anyways, looking into the pit just made it a bit faster.
Dominic Hughes
based chernokots
Luke Martin
Well, the Soviets were good at rocket design.
Aaron Nguyen
>cat with radiation: "I AM GROWING STRONGER"
Isaiah Reyes
Why does he remind me of Tuco?
Caleb Campbell
The sprite makes the cat look like it's hung.
Hudson Miller
Luis Foster
Would he have survived if he didn't look into the pit?
Nathan Smith
>walking through NII Argoprom basement
>see this
Brody Wright
Graphite isn't a metal. The metallic taste came from the ionized gasses in the air created by the radiation.
Blake Perez
Connor Ramirez
Apparently Gorbachov is actually a big fan of this show .
Carson Campbell
i only heard that he is gonna watch it, he marathoned the shit already? any links?
Levi Thomas
>If you fly over the reactor we'll all be dead!
Jaxson Evans
citation needed
Aaron Ross
Josiah Sanders
Hudson Jenkins
When his skin was melting off at the end there, looking like some rotten fish person, that shit was more horrifying than anything I've seen in a horror movie. Just imagine the smell.
Blake Hughes
Nicholas Flores
What's with the Soviets and launching shit that isn't supposed to be launched?
Hudson Gray
I beg to differ, user
Nolan Perez
Why do americans do this?
James Perry
when's e5?
Eli Lewis
fuckin Partos level of camaraderie
Dylan Carter
I was so glad it was all white. Even the OC women didn't bother me; it was at least reasonable to exist.
Ryan Long
I feel bad for this dude. I know he's just a fictional character, but will he be okay?
Eli Parker
america is full of retarded mutts
Aiden Hughes
Can a friendly user please post some magnet links here?
Camden Cruz
I thought it comes from small amounts of blood seeping in from your radiation damaged skin inside the mouth. That's why it's a metallic taste.
Matthew Watson
the resonance cascade is america's chernobyl
Lincoln Roberts
3.6 hours.
Jeremiah Garcia
If that were the case, wouldn't you just taste blood instead of metal?
Jack Adams
Xavier Perry
Fuck that
Imagine that being you. It probably felt like a dream up until the unimaginable pain
Xavier Morris
"Person of Color" is the most cringy term I've ever seen and if I had brown skin I'd be offended at being referred to as that.
Kayden Carter
blood tastes like metal too, user...
Luke Harris
>can't find links for fucking tv series
never gonna make it, user
what quality you want?
Christian Collins
Blood does sort of taste like metal, specifically iron, since it contains iron.
Ryan Jones
Holy shit a reasonable R&M fan
>slav runes
Or maybe just loves pickles
Jace Foster
and he survived until 2008, what a champ
Levi Richardson
Caleb Ortiz
thanks user
Samuel Flores
He is most certainly dead by now. Imagine a life of chronic illness, hospital visits, disability from that point onward. Foot's probably gone.
Go back to school please.
Austin Nguyen
Worst thing is its even more horrible irl
James Diaz
>Дocтyп к твитaм этoгo пoльзoвaтeля oгpaничeн.
Eli Gonzalez
Alexander Morales
Considering the actual ratio of iron in the blood stream, I'm pretty sure you can still tell the difference. Then again, I haven't licked any metal lately that wasn't a kitchen knife.
Matthew Rivera
At wich point does a medic says 'fuck it just put a bullet in this human-lookalike'
Levi Young
>when husband finally agreed on a treesome
Jose Hernandez
Seriously though F.
Anthony Rivera
What are your hopes for the Finale lads?
Will we finally get a flashback of the control room and the steps that led to the explosion?
Jayden Robinson
graphite is a metal
Juan Young
A picture from the reactor bottom. Upper right corner is occupied by a plate that fell inside
Josiah Jackson
Of course, we will get the last 6 hours before 1 AM
Adrian Foster
>What are your hopes for the Finale lads
less khomiuk more everyone else
Landon Myers
Ah, yes, I too remember all the PoC scientists and liquidators on the news figuring out how to fight a nuclear disaster.
Liam Ross
oh no it's retarded
Cameron Cox
Yeah i don't know much about pirating
anything 1080
Camden Lewis
KGB dabbing on ulana
Parker Brown
I'm glad we get to see him again tonight.
Dylan Cox
This is a based assertion though, user.
Lincoln Jones
OOoh is Khodemchuk down there somewhere?
Mason Howard
She's right, there are negros Ukrainians, why not use them in the show it would be fun.
One way or another, they introduced a woman scientist there.
Zachary Baker
Bacho is put on trial for stealing the show.
Connor Williams
It is. Eastern Europe lived through incompetent populist bureaucracies so no one else should and 25 years later the same shit starts stirring in the west.
Have you learned nothing ?
Camden Hernandez
>mediocre intelligence in charge of great power that he does not understand
Samuel Anderson
That's a lot of burnt concrete.
Parker Torres
>At wich point does a medic says 'fuck it just put a bullet in this human-lookalike'
Didn't they keep Ouchi alive against his will to study him medically? Never get radiation poisoning in Japan. End worse than anywhere else on the world
Noah Cooper
I'm surprised by the amount of people that don't realize that most of the characters depicted were real people. That's probably part of her problem.
Evan Gonzalez
>there are negros Ukrainians,
A whole two of them.
Wyatt Harris
>being this bluepilled
It's still an incompetent oligarchy everywhere
Owen Kelly
I imagine he wouldn't
Remember the roof he was on was the most deadly roof months after the fire was out and the liquidators were sent up and they could only be out there for 90 seconds.
Most liquidators died very young and Sitnikov was most likely out on that roof for longer
Kevin Richardson
He was working on yellow pumpy boys, not reactor
David Bell
Um hello. Pic related
In all honesty, if there was going to be a non-white in Chernobyl, it would be a Chinese person.
Brody Walker
CIA did it
Brody Smith
yeah, his heart stopped 3 or 4 times, but they kept bringing him back
Ian Gutierrez
Same here
I watched episode 4 last monday
This is weird as fuck
Owen Flores
Isn't that also the reason that some of the firemen got ARS while others didn't or at least not as bad due to lower doses? Because some of them went on the roof while others didn't.
Brayden Morris
>there are no colored people in the show
>everyone has red skin in the first episode
Did she even watch the show ?
Hudson Myers
That part where he busted through the door with a tank scared the shit out of me. My dumbass thought for a second it was extreme radiation warping the structure...or something.
Sebastian Clark
The memes have aged and the threads are slowing down. The fun times are fading and soon only sad-posting remains.
My time to shine.
Gavin Walker
the female scientist should not have know about the water level in the water tanks
Nathaniel Anderson
I hope they show that the Soviet flag got blasted to shit with radiation and turned white
Owen Harris
>Chinese person
>after mao shit show
kazakh is your best bet
Christopher Johnson
Matthew White
>trips confirm
I don't want it to end, lads.
Liam Kelly
here are four more
Elijah Torres
this on still gets me every time
Angel Rodriguez
Have you a tank?
Dominic Gray
хвaтит тpoлить фoчaн
Ayden Powell
Leo Long
You get my point, few larpers are tears in the rain.
Levi Hall
are blacks bullied in ukraine like the jews and romani?
Brody Taylor
Just watched the four episodes. Is there one or two left?
I like the story and aesthetics (and my bit of searching around seems that they are trying to be mostly accurate) but I think the acting is pretty poor.
Ryan Collins
Colton Sanchez
This photo is NOT from 1986. Next
Henry Thompson
Probably, especially by drunks. Which is most people.
Gavin Collins
Nathaniel Lewis
>and my bit of searching around seems that they are trying to be mostly accurate
its not accurate at all.
Oliver Cooper
What a weird alphabet!
Juan Gonzalez
that would be nice, yes
Gabriel Ward
>acting is pretty poor
I bet you don't even like Aidan, faggot
Dylan Williams
what a hell. no wonder they kill themselves by shoveling plutonium for $ 6 /h.
Michael Roberts
Here's a picture from 1986
Hudson Carter
>look up tweet
>it's been removed, but the angry replies by people with russian-looking usernames remain
Asher Evans
This picture is a fake. It’s not Ouchi.
Ryder Watson
Nah, not this one. I play like once a month and low tier only.
Jackson Murphy
Quick rundown on what happened to this guy?
Colton Morgan
he lived a long and happy life with his wife and five beautiful children
Jeremiah Torres
Yes, four of them. All ugly.
Jeremiah Peterson
Just feedwater, I've seen worse
Ian Jones
based pete living the dream
Isaiah Hughes
There are no nigers on the roof !!!
Juan Powell
he is not in show
Blake Barnes
>not mentioning based Miroslav Johnovich Kuvaldin and Gaitana
cmon man
Xavier Diaz
Eli Davis
Colton Nelson
Radiation leak in a Japanese nuclear power plant during the 1990s. 2 causalities, this is one of them
Isaac Nelson
>хвaтит тpoлить фoчaн
хвaтит тpoллить
Cooper Reyes
He grabbed some hot concrete with his hand.
Camden Cook
People will say that is Ouchi, but it isn't. I read an entire book on Ouchi, and he still had skin on his back. Based on the equipment used to hold his hands up, this is likely in the USSR.
Cooper Long
> romani
what's that?
Nathan Morgan
Not him.
There is more of him and other worker here.
Nathan Davis
what should I read for an accurate story + how everyone ended up?
Matthew Parker
Ethan Rodriguez
Lucas Johnson
Хyй бyдeшь?
Parker Miller
Ayden Walker
Shouldn't it be "cheeteeri-chan"
Kayden Reed
Doubtful. Just going onto that roof was a death sentence by itself.
Colton Cox
well done, Pablo. you shall live.
Jordan Garcia
Jordan Torres
Don't worry, after standing on the roof you will turn into one.
Kayden Diaz
well call them that then. Don't use a made up term
Dylan Flores
John Williams
This is puppet for a film.
Anthony Ward
The guy in the photo also has most of his lower right leg missing below the knee, which was not the case was Ouchi.
Christopher Murphy
what the fuck
Jeremiah Evans
Holy shit I thought he was long dead
Chase James
But IRL it wasn't.
William Parker
plenty of documentarys about it on youtube
this ones a gem
Kayden Howard
your memes are shit. close thread
Oliver Gonzalez
a whole bunch of them
Jaxson Myers
>the equipment used to hold his hands up
What is it for?
Charles Hernandez
there's a difference -
Romani are just people in the Balkan region that originate from India. To be a gypsy you need to live a certain style of nomad life. Almost all gypsies are romani, but often you'll see an example of someone white being a gypsy, or a romani person perfectly integrated into society (not collecting trash and living in a cardboard house)
Jeremiah Walker
>made up term
Don't call them Americans! Call them citizens of the United States!
Daniel Campbell
Caleb Richardson
thank you comrade
Jose Robinson
>hands up, /chern/!
Nicholas Rogers
Post whose dick you want in your ass no homo
William Williams
show is pro commie anti Trump shit fuck you all
BTW reported cause there are now 2 rbkm threads
Levi Gutierrez
>I play like once a month and low tier only.
to avoid excess sodium intake?
Brandon Baker
make sure the yanks didn't shoot him
Luis Miller
It was, and they changed it multiple times.
Justin Rogers
I'm 100% sure they wrote that exchange between know-it-all science lady and the party chief of Belarus to be an entirely unironic dig at Trump. Unfortunately for them she just looks like a nosey cunt.
Ryder Turner
>pro commie
You haven't watched this show have you
Henry Parker
bones are so damaged his fingers would break if they weren't held taught by wires
Justin Brooks
kys tranny
Adam King
>pro commie show
>that makes commies look 10x more evil than they were
in america, mentioning communism in any context means you're a dirty commie.
Brandon Long
This is the sticky, you dong
Josiah Howard
Not sure. I think it's to keep the fingers from touching, maybe to keep sores from getting worse.. not sure why they'd lift the arms - maybe to get more blood to the heart?
Yeah that too. Do you think it could be Chernobyl? The soap dispenser in the back seemed more recent than mid-80s to me, but those finger holders are seen in Chernobyl victim pictures too.
Jackson Robinson
noseguy mcdogkill
Aiden Young
Is tonight's episode going to be rushed, I feel there is too much content for only 1 hr.
Connor Ortiz
>BTW reported cause there are now 2 rbkm threads
shilling like Solzhenitsyn for KGB huh
Sebastian Green
Elijah Gonzalez
>pro commie
It's rather the opposite.
Matthew Carter
Have faith in Jared, user.
Joshua Powell
why didn't they use trained monkeys to sweep the roofs?
Carson Perry
It was already rushed with the fourth episode which essentially just skims through the Liquidator story
Luke Hernandez
Why doesn't the fanbase reflect the high-intellect subject matter?
Carter Long
kys shills
Austin Reed
He's done
Adam Rodriguez
cause they'd be dead faster than you
Grayson Taylor
I keep thinking several threads back where one user claimed it was the victim of an unrelated Chinese industrial accident, some sort of chemical fire I think, which would explain the extensive damage to the entire body and possibly also the missing limb. I could totally believe a modern Chinese hospital looking like that, too. I've just no idea what the hand-rigs are actually for.
Jackson Clark
Why do you animal abusers keep splitting threads and having asperger's?
Christopher Nguyen
This should have been ten episodes, fuck HBO.
Dylan Price
Did she miss that Fares Fares is in it? Here in Sweden he is most definitely labeled as a "POC". He's half lebanese/half syrian.
Matthew Stewart
To avoid turning my ass into pizza
Jonathan Johnson
It's a disgrace.
Jaxon Reyes
More scenes from the atomgrad. Roose saying more than announcing names. But mostly some flashbacks and not too much of Ulana's impeccable virtuousness.
Mason James
are you retarded?
Benjamin Bailey
Don't try to explain it. I truly cannot be bothered.
Nathan Bell
Mason Sullivan
China would explain the similar hand rigs as Chernobyl too, since China and Russia share a lot of tech. My best, uneducated, guess is that they wanted blood to flow to the heart.
Adam Myers
I'm so hyped bros
I haven't been this excited for an episode of TV since the finale of the Americans
Asher Gonzalez
I made that /RBMK/ thread because retard made a bunch of RMBK threads.
Jacob Roberts
who is this qt?
Oliver Nelson
Gabriel Gutierrez
I just searched "@karlamsweet" on twitter
Jaxson Gomez
I tire of your excuses and finger-pointing.
Jose Barnes
Adrian Murphy
>there are so many great actors of colour in this country
>in this country
It's not even an american show. More like british/swedish. There are barely any american actors in it.
Noah Wright
What the fuck was that description of how nuclear fission works in episode 2? It was so bad which really surprises me since most of the science wasn't that bad in the rest of the show. But a moderator is not there to reduce neutron flux, quite the opposite in fact it's just supposed to reduce the kinetic energy of neutrons. Fission is also not uranium atoms slamming into other uranium atoms, dunno what that was about.
Don't know how they fucked it up so badly, literally could have just googled it.
John Watson
>those photos
Owen Bell
can you go there and shoot cats now?
Adrian Allen
Evan Torres
Kate's daughter
William Martin
Is this really a sticky or just an optical illusion?
Liam Anderson
Who's received the highest radiation dose in history? Cecil Kelley?
Parker Morales
that sounds REALLY interesting user, tell us more
Oliver Howard
good lord is it legal to get a boner yet?
Tyler Jenkins
Spetsnaz won't let you
Aiden Lewis
Jayden Wright
t. brainlet
they literally used technobabble that was more complicated than the actual process itself
Bentley Clark
At first I was like...
Connor Green
Robert Hernandez
Corneliu, get the meat hook!
Christopher Brooks
sounds like he described it in laymen's terms to the layman
Landon Moore
But then I was like...
Asher Richardson
Justin Martin
Yes, she's 20, also if you're fucking her, you're probably going to fuck Kate as well. Their family is like that.
Luke Bennett
Brayden Sanders
Except it was literally completely wrong. If he wanted to use laymans terms he could have just said that the moderator slows the neutrons down so they can fission the atoms. Instead he waffled on about it slowly neutron flux, what is literally nonsense technobabble.
Caleb Rivera
You're not very good at explaining it yourself.
Chase Gutierrez
Its kids from socialist states in pioneer movement international camp Artek (Crimea), Basically on this photo you can see kids from Syria, Vietnam and possibly Angola.
So its not "black ukrainian".
Gabriel Rivera
Why they not give him glasses in this.
The casting was pretty stellar as far as matching the looks, but They didn't seem to bother with Toptunov. Not that it matters, the actor is good. just interesting.
Michael Peterson
If the kino is about black africa, let's say cameroon
Is it normal to demand that the actors be white?
Liam Miller
don't even bother arguing with their logic, there is none
Hudson Bailey
>For the first hour and forty minutes following the accident, Kelley had been incoherent, and had gone through waves of intense vomiting and retching. He then stabilized, was able to once again converse normally, and was able to have his pulse taken and his blood drawn. The blood sample indicated that Kelley had been exposed to approximately 9 Gy from fast neutrons and 27 Gy from gamma rays, for a total of 36 Gy. For an adult human, exposure to 2 Gy from an unfocused radiation source such as an excursion will cause radiation sickness but is not considered definitely lethal; 2.4–3.4 Gy is the median lethal dose; a dose of 5 Gy almost always kills.[6] Kelley had received more than seven times the adult human lethal dose. Although the medical staff in the emergency room took steps to ease his pain with Demerol and morphine, previous research on radiation exposure in animals indicated Kelley's death was inevitable. Within six hours his lymphocytes were all but gone. A bone biopsy performed 24 hours after the incident produced bone marrow that was watery and contained no red blood cells. Numerous blood transfusions had no lasting helpful effect: 35 hours after his initial exposure and after a final bout of intense restlessness, agitation, sweating, becoming ashen-skinned, and having an irregular pulse, Cecil Kelley died of heart failure.[7][8]
Xavier Sullivan
This is the worst thing i've ever seen god damn it. I can't even fathom how a human life can end up looking like that. We're so fucking fragile damn it. When i see tragedies like that i always think about the moment those people were born, being the joy of their parents, being a brand new little life with a big future, and then that's how you fucking die?????? Enduring pain almost nobody can understand? That was this man's fucking destiny? He studied to work as a physicist to end up looking like a sack of meat in endless pain? Jesus this life is a fucking hell, it makes me so irrationally angry to look at that picture. How is this allowed by the universe? Why does that exist? I wish this hell would stop fuck this universe.
Matthew Foster
>Nearly 60 robots
I wonder how much money was wasted.
Wyatt Reyes
Not sure if that one is real. Definitely not the jap (ouchi lel), might be a either firefighter from Chernobyl or a movie prop
Angel Murphy
I don't think is Toptunov, but casting was meh.
Jacob Edwards
Hey guys check out my epic template I made
Jayden Torres
meant for him
Easton Watson
Just rewatched the scene, and you're either wrong or just being overly pedantic about every point there.
He doesn't say that the atom's collide, he says it's unlikely they "hit" one another, which is in keeping with his bullet/gun analogy. Also, flux is proportional to the velocity field, which kinetic energy is also related to. "Slowing the flux" is a perfectly valid way to describe what's going on.
Source: I have a fucking physics degree
Nicholas Harris
Matthew James
>reporting a sticky
Cameron Williams
Yeah a i know that actual photo isn't him, but it was referenced...anyway.
Some of the casting is almost identical
Bentley Evans
Bentley Young
>Actually it's not
/pol/'s retardation knows no limits
Robert Howard
Based and epicpilled