What kind of movies do girls like this like?

What kind of movies do girls like this like?

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blacked filmography

Sleepless In Seattle

Women don't like anything. The only thing they like is attention. This girl is holding that flag for attention. Tomorrow she could be holding another flag for attention. The means to acquiring attention is irrelevant.

have sex

Typical top 5 for this kind of girl:
You've Got Mail
Triumph des Willens
Buffalo '66
Master and Commander
Dunston Checks In

Unorincally Disney films.

You know I'm right. She just found a niche of thirsty outcasts (siege autists) whom she can exploit for attention as a semi-pretty girl. In the real world she's not bad but a goddess among any number of autistic male dominated subcultures. It's like those roasties who pretend to like Dungeons and Dragons, or who run alt-right traditionalist youtube channels with their tits hanging out, or stream themselves playing Fortnite or something with their tits hanging out as incels gather in droves to lavish her in compliments.

Misanthropic division isn't siegetards though. Most of them are active in military conflicts


Harry Potter, Twilight, Star Wars, Marvel.
They just cheer for the bad guys.

>Most of them are active in military conflicts
I really doubt that. Especially with the internet spreading it across anime and video game based forums

south park

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>nazis are SO coooool!!!!!

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Birth of a Nation

Is she?

how would we know

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I love that they would humiliate me for being Jewish

Back to leftypol you retard


Your right, but I’d advise you to have sex

I like Full Metal Jacket, Terminator and Die Hard

no one cares what you like tranny

tranny twins

Ey man, you wanna build some muscle mang